
[1] Zhang Jindong, Feng Yujie, Shi Feifei, Wang Gang, Ma Bin, Li Ruisheng. Vehicle routing in urban areas based on the OCW-Dijkstra algorithm, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2016

[2] Zhang Jindong, Li Jinfeng. Integration of scanning and image processing algorithms for lane detection based on fuzzy method,Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems,2015

[3] Zhang Jindong*, Meng Weibin, Liu QiangQiang, Jiang Haofeng, Feng Yujie,Wang Gang. Efficient Vehicles Path Planning Algorithm Based on Taxi GPS Big Data,International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,2016

[4] Zhang Jindong*, Zhou Zhizong A Pre-compensation Control Algorithm for Vehicle Platoon Stability Problem,International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,2015

[5] Zhang Jindong*, Li Zhijian, MengWeibin, Jiang Haofeng, Liu Qiangqiang, Wan Yanchen, The PID Algorithm for Multi-vehicles Cruise Control in Platoon. Journal of Information & Computational Science, 2015.

[6] Zhang Jindong, GaoZhenhai, ZhangXiaolong, LiuLiu, XueYang, WuXingchen, LiYahui, The vehicle cooperative adaptive cruise control algorithm for applying to the ramp,Journal of Computational Information Systems,2014.

[7] Zhang Jindong,Zhao Guanyu,ZhangXiaolong,GPS data reception and parse in real-time: Vehicle-to-vehicle communication system based on OSEK,Journal of Computational Information Systems,2014.

[8] XueYang,ZhaoGuanyu,ZhangJindong*,Liu Liu,WuXingchen, LiYahui,An acceleration compensation smoothing approach for communicating in DSRC-based CACC system,Journal of Computational InformationSystems,2014.

[9] Zhang Jindong,QinGuihe,LiuYe,Speech separation in the vehicle environment based on fastICAalgorithm,Journal of Multimedia,2012.

[10] Zhang Jindong, GaoZhenhai, Lin Qin. Research and Construction on Simulation Traffic Environment with Inter-car Communication. Advanced Materials Research,2011.

[11] Zhang Jindong, GaoZhenhai. Research and Design the Primary Two Vehicles Communication System. Advanced Materials Research,Vols. 143-144 (2011):328-332.

[12] Zhang Jindong, Li Hongjian. Research on Vehicle Lane Keeping Driving Secure Technology Based on Canny-Hough Algorithm. Computer Science Applications and Education,2011.

[13] Peng-cheng Ding, Jin-dong Zhang*, Yang-hao Zhou, Hong-liang LIU, Xiao Wang, Anti-Collision Warning Algorithm Based on Visual Perception in Front of Vehicle, 2017

[14] Chao Sun, Jindong Zhang*, Jiajia Lin, Rui Song, Xuan Zang, Xiaohan Liu, Design and implementation of Judge System for Old Man Fall Down, 2017

[15] Jin-qing Li, Jin-dong Zhang*, Wei-kai Wang, Cheng-liang Liu, Hong-yan Guo, Kuo Zhang. Vehicle Automatic Vertical & Horizontal Parking Trajectory Prediction and Fuzzy Control, 2017

[16] Liu Dongyang, Zhang Jindong*, Zhang Xiaofeng, Ma Xiaoyu, Kou Yuxin, Detection of Glue Spray on Bottom of Vehicle Based on Machine Vision, 2018

[17] Peibin Wu, Jindong Zhang*, Yang Liu, Dongqi Han, Yiding Sun, The vehicle audio encryption system based on scrambling thought, 2018

[18] Yang Wang, Jindong Zhang *, Zengming Zhang, Zifan Liu, Yuejia Song, Qipeng Miao, Lane decision algorithm for active avoidance of intelligent vehicle based on improved back propagation neural network, 2018

[19] Dongqi Han, Jindong Zhang*, Yang Liu, Peibin Wu, Yiding Sun, Live Video Streaming Authentication for Vehicle Multimedia based on Merkle Tree, 2018·

[20] Xuelong Yin, Jindong Zhang*, Xinggang Wu, Ju Huang, Yanping Xu, Linyao Zhu, An improved lane departure warning algorithm based on fusion of F-Kalman filter and F-TLC, 2019.[21] Yuze Wang, Jindong Zhang*, Jiale Qiao, Sai Gao, Chenhui Yu, A Rear-lamp Recognition System Based on D-S Evidence  Theory, 2019

[22] Jindong Zhang*, Xuelong Yin, Jing Luan, Tong Liu, An improved vehicle panoramic image generation algorithm, 2019

[23] Jiale Qiao, Jindong Zhang*, Yuze Wang, Chenhui Yu, Sai Gao, A Multi-sensor Fusion System for Embedded Devices  Considering by Sensor Reliability, 2019

[24] Yuze Wang, Jindong Zhang*, Jiale Qiao, An Information Entropy-based Method of Evidential Source Separation and Refusion,2020

[25] Hangtian He, Haiyan Wang, Hao Zhang, Qing Liu, Jindong Zhang*, Research on Location Method of Vehicle Trajectory Based on Intelligent Terminal,2020

[26] Jindong Zhang, Jiaxin Si, Xuelong Yin, Zhenhai Gao, Young Shik Moon, Jinfeng Gong, Fengmin Tang, Lane departure warning algorithm based on probability statistics of driving habits,2020

[27] Dongqi Han,Jindong Zhang*,Yang Liu,Peibin Wu,Yiding Sun,Real-time Feedback Watermarking Authentication Scheme for Streaming Media, 2020

[28] Yang Liu,Jindong Zhang*,Dongqi Han,Peibin Wu,Yiding Sun,Young Shik Moon,A multidimensional chaotic image encryption algorithm based on the region of interest,2020

[29]Jiale Qiao, Jindong Zhang*, Yuze Wang, An improved multi-sensor D–S rule for conflict reassignment of failure rate of set,2020

[30]Jindong Zhang*, Jiabin Xu, Linyao Zhu, Kunpeng Zhang, Tong Liu, Donghui Wang, Xue Wang,An improved Mobile Net-SSD algorithm for automatic defect detection on vehicle body paint,2020

[31]Jiabin Xu, Jindong Zhang*, Kunpeng Zhang, Tong Liu, Donghui Wang, Xue Wang,An APF-ACO Algorithm for Automatic Defect Detection on Vehicle Paint,2020

[32]Tong Liu, Jindong Zhang*, Kunpeng Zhang, Jiabin Xu, Donghui Wang, Xue wang,Vehicle-mounted surround vision algorithm based on heterogeneous architecture, 2020

[33]Yang Liu, Jindong Zhang*, A Multidimensional Chaotic Image Encryption Algorithm based on DNA Coding,2020

[34]Junshu Zhang,Jindong Zhang*,Botao Chen,Jian Gao,Shanwei Ji,Xiaolong Zhang,Zhaodan Wang,A perspective transformation method based on computer vision,2020

[35]Jindong Zhang*,Tong Liu,Xuelong Yin,Xue Wang,Kunpeng Zhang,Jiabin Xu,Donghui Wang, An improved parking space recognition algorithm based on panoramic vision,2021


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