




"K-Dimensional Foil" is a dimensional weapon. Its function is quite easy: It can ascend a region in 3D space to K (K≥3) dimension. One can use it to give the enemy unexpected attack. It was called "The Ultimate Weapon".

--"Remembrance of Mars's Past"

You are the chief technology officer in the space fleet, and your fleet was just suffered from the attack of the K-Dimensional Foil. The good news was that you have found the key parameter K, the dimension of the space. But staying in high dimensional space is very dangerous, you must destroy the K-Dimensional Foil as fast as possible.

You have n spaceships, spaceship i locates at si = (si,1, …, si,K), and the K-Dimensional  Foil is a 1-norm ball with center c = (c1, …, cK) and radius r, a 1-norm ball with center c and radius r is a point set defined as
{x |  d(x, c)  ≤ r}, d(x, c) =∑| xi - ci |

In the formula above, the coordinate of point x is (x1, x2 … xK)

Your spaceships will fire laser cannon to destroy the K-Dimensional Foil. The energy decay is very quick with the increase of the distance in the high dimensional space, so for every spaceship, you want to find the closest point (in Euclidean distance) on the K-Dimensional Foil. It's guaranteed that no spaceship is in the K-Dimensional Foil initially.


The first line of the input is an integer T (T ≤ 100), the number of the test cases.

For each test case, the first line contains two integer n, K (1 ≤ n ≤ 50, 1 ≤ K ≤ 100), the number of spaceship in your fleet and the dimension of the space.

Then one line contains an integer r (1 ≤ r ≤ 104 ), the radius of the K-Dimensional Foil.

Then one line contains K integers c1, … cK, meaning the coordinate of the center of the K-Dimensional Foil.

Then n lines follow. Each line contains K integers si,1, …, si,K, meaning the coordinate of a spaceship.

All the absolute values of the coordinate are smaller than 104.


For each test case, output n lines. The ith line contains K numbers representing the coordinate of the closest point on the K-Dimensional Foil to the ith spaceship. The absolute error between your output and the answer should be less than 10-4


The K-Dimensional Foil in the sample was a square with vertex: (1,0), (0,1), (-1,0), (0,-1)

This problem is special judged.


2 2
0 0
1 1
1 3
0.50 0.50
0.00 1.00


给定球心c(c1,...,ck)c(c_1,...,c_k)c(c1​,...,ck​),和半径rrr。则所有与圆心ccc的曼哈顿距离≤r\leq r≤r的点组成的集合就是kkk维空间下的球。(点xxx和点ccc的曼哈顿距离dis(x,c)=∑i=1k(∣xi−ci∣)dis(x,c) = \sum_{i=1}^{k}{(|x_i-c_i|)}dis(x,c)=∑i=1k​(∣xi​−ci​∣),则”球“包含的点的集合可以描述为{x∣dis(x,c)≤r}\{x|dis(x,c)\leq r\}{x∣dis(x,c)≤r})


在二维的时候,作图如下:(球心为(0,0)(0,0)(0,0),半径r=1r = 1r=1)

三维的时候作图如下:(球心为(0,0,0)(0,0,0)(0,0,0),半径r=1r = 1r=1)


首先,我们只考虑第一象限(推广到kkk维就是所有的坐标均≥0\geq 0≥0)(因为其他的点都可以通过对称对称到第一象限)的点,并且假设球心在远点可以平移过来,最后在平移回去)。在第一象限内,“球”只包含唯一的一个平面,那么,如果平面足够大的话,则显然所求答案就是点在平面上的投影。如果点在平面上的投影超过了平面的范围,我们可以先进行投影,然后找到第一个≤0\leq 0≤0的分量(显然,该分量在第一象限的平面外面,因为第一象限的所有分量都是非负数),贪心的让他等于000 (很显然这个分量等于0,最终的距离最小),然后在对剩下的维度重新进行投影(就相当于少了一个维度,进行了降维。)
(2)(x1−p1)=(x2−p2)=...=(xk−pk)=t(x_1-p_1)=(x_2-p_2)=...=(x_k-p_k)=t \tag{2}(x1​−p1​)=(x2​−p2​)=...=(xk​−pk​)=t(2)

(3){v1=t+p1v2=t+p2...vk=t+pk\begin{cases} v_1 &=& t + p_1 \tag{3} \\ v_2 &=& t + p_2 \\ &...&\\ v_k &=& t + p_k \\ \end{cases} ⎩⎪⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎪⎧​v1​v2​vk​​==...=​t+p1​t+p2​t+pk​​(3)
(4)t=−(p1+p2+...+pk−r)kt = \cfrac{-(p_1+p_2+...+p_k-r)}{k}\tag{4} t=k−(p1​+p2​+...+pk​−r)​(4)
(2.5)(v1,v2,...,vk)={v1=t+p1v2=t+p2...vk=t+pk={v1=−(p1+p2+...+pk−r)k+p1v2=−(p1+p2+...+pk−r)k+p2...vk=−(p1+p2+...+pk−r)k+pk\begin{aligned} (v_1,v_2,...,v_k)&= \tag{2.5} \begin{cases} v_1 &=& t + p_1 \\ v_2 &=& t + p_2 \\ &...&\\ v_k &=& t + p_k \\ \end{cases}\\ &= \begin{cases} v_1 &=& \cfrac{-(p_1+p_2+...+p_k-r)}{k} + p_1 \\ v_2 &=& \cfrac{-(p_1+p_2+...+p_k-r)}{k} + p_2 \\ &...&\\ v_k &=& \cfrac{-(p_1+p_2+...+p_k-r)}{k} + p_k \\ \end{cases}\\ \end{aligned} (v1​,v2​,...,vk​)​=⎩⎪⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎪⎧​v1​v2​vk​​==...=​t+p1​t+p2​t+pk​​=⎩⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎧​v1​v2​vk​​==...=​k−(p1​+p2​+...+pk​−r)​+p1​k−(p1​+p2​+...+pk​−r)​+p2​k−(p1​+p2​+...+pk​−r)​+pk​​​(2.5)


{dis(P,V)=∑i=1k(pi−vi)2∑i=1k(∣vi−ci∣)=r\begin{cases} dis(P,V)=\sum_{i=1}^{k}(p_i-v_i)^2 \\ \sum_{i=1}^{k}{(|v_i-c_i|)}=r\\ \end{cases} {dis(P,V)=∑i=1k​(pi​−vi​)2∑i=1k​(∣vi​−ci​∣)=r​
∑i=1k(∣pi−ci∣)=T(T≥r)\sum_{i=1}^{k}{(|p_i-c_i|)} = T (T\geq r) i=1∑k​(∣pi​−ci​∣)=T(T≥r)
d=T−rd = T - r d=T−r
我们有一个点P′(p1′,p2′,...,pk′)P'(p'_1,p'_2,...,p'_k)P′(p1′​,p2′​,...,pk′​),初始P′=PP'=PP′=P,然后之后的每一次操作都可以选择某一个维度的分量pi′p'_ipi′​,使得pi′=pi′±1p'_i = p'_i\pm1pi′​=pi′​±1,要求在ddd次操作之后,∑i=1k(∣pi′−ci∣)=r\sum_{i=1}^{k}{(|p'_i-c_i|)}=r∑i=1k​(∣pi′​−ci​∣)=r,同时∑i=1k(pi′−pi)2\sum_{i=1}^{k}(p'_i-p_i)^2∑i=1k​(pi′​−pi​)2最小。



#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>using namespace std;
const int MAXN = 200;
double c[MAXN], temp[MAXN], ans[MAXN];
int flag[MAXN];
bool low[MAXN];int main() {int T;scanf("%d", &T);while (T--) {int n, k, r;scanf("%d %d %d", &n, &k, &r);for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) scanf("%lf", &c[i]);for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {double sum = 0, tk = k;for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) {scanf("%lf", &temp[j]);temp[j] -= c[j];flag[j] = (temp[j] >= 0 ? 1 : -1);temp[j] = fabs(temp[j]);sum += temp[j];low[j] = false;}while (true) {bool tFlag = true;for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) {if (low[j]) continue;ans[j] = (r - sum) / tk + temp[j];if (ans[j] < 0) {ans[j] = 0, low[j] = true, tk--, tFlag = false, sum -= temp[j];break;}}if (tFlag) break;}for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)printf("%.5f ", flag[j] * ans[j] + c[j]);putchar('\n');}}return 0;



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