
Program 1:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int num = 15673;
int R1 = 0, R2 = 0;
do {
R1 = num % 10;
R2 = R2 * 10 + R1;
num = num / 10;
} while (num > 0);
cout << R2 << " ";
return 0;






Here, we declared three local variables num, R1, and R2, and we are calculating the reverse of variable num, and R1 is used to extract the last digit in each iteration and R2 to store the result.

在这里,我们声明了三个局部变量numR1R2 ,并且正在计算变量num的倒数,并且R1用于提取每次迭代的最后一位, R2用于存储结果。

Iteration 1:
num=15673, R1=0, R2=0.
After executing loop statements R1=3, R2=3, and num=1567.
Iteration 2:
num=1567, R1=3, R2=3.
After executing loop statements R1=7, R2=37, and num=156.
Iteration 3:
num=156, R1=6, R2=37.
After executing loop statements R1=6, R2=376, and num=15.
Iteration 4:
num=15, R1=5, R2=376.
After executing loop statements R1=5, R2=3765, and num=1.
Iteration 5:
num=1, R1=1, R2=3765.
After executing loop statements R1=1, R2=37651 and num=0.
Then the condition will false and print "37651"

Program 2:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int I = 1;
int D = 0;
int R = 0;
do {
R = I++ * D++;
cout << R << " ";
} while (I <= 5);
return 0;



0 2 6 12 20



In the above program, we declared three local variables I, D, and R.


Iteration 1:
I=1, D=0, R=0
R = 1*0
R = 0
Then I=2 and D=1 and loop condition is true.
Iteration 2:
I=2, D=1, R=0
R = 2*1
R = 2
Then I=3 and D=2 and loop condition is true.
Iteration 3:
I=3, D=2, R=2
R = 3*2
R = 6
Then I=4 and D=3 and loop condition is true.
Iteration 4:
I=4, D=3, R=6
R = 4*3
R = 12
Then I=5 and D=4 and loop condition is true.
Iteration 5:
I=5, D=4, R=12
R = 5*4
R = 20
Then I=6 and D=5 and loop condition is false.
And program terminates.

Program 3:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int I = 1;
int D = 1;
int R = 0;
do {
R = I++ * D++;
if (I == 3)
cout << R << " ";
} while (I <= 5);
return 0;



1 9 16 25



In the above program, we declared three local variables I, D, and R.


Iteration 1:
I=1, D=1, R=0
R = 1 * 1
R = 1
Print the value of R that is 1.
Then I=2 and D=2 and loop condition is true.
Iteration 2:
I=2, D=2, R=1
R = 2 * 2
R = 4
But it will skip "cout" statement because
of the continue statement.
Then I=3 and D=3 and loop condition is true.
Iteration 3:
I=3, D=3, R=4
R = 3 * 3
R = 9
Print the value of R that is 9.
Then I=4 and D=4 and loop condition is true.
Iteration 4:
I=4, D=4, R=9
R = 4 * 4
R = 16
Print the value of R that is 16.
Then I=5 and D=5 and loop condition is true.
Iteration 5:
I=5, D=5, R=16
R = 5 * 5
R = 25
Print the value of R that is 25.
Then I=6 and D=6 and loop condition is false.
Then the loop will terminate.

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