
Have you ever wondered how much you’ve spent at Amazon during your lifetime? Whether you’re feeling curious or just plain brave, there’s an easy way to find out.

您是否想过一生在亚马逊上花了多少钱? 无论您是好奇还是勇敢,都有一种简单的查找方法。

UPDATE: Unfortunately, some people are reporting they can only access information dating back to 2006. If you have an Amazon account older than that, you may only be able to retrieve information from then on.


First, open Amazon and if necessary, log into your account.


Next, at the top of the homepage, under your name, click “Account & Lists”. From the dropdown options, click “Your Account”.

接下来,在首页顶部的名称下,单击“帐户和列表”。 从下拉选项中,单击“您的帐户”。

On the next page, under Order History, click “Download Order Reports”.


Next, you will see a Request Order History Report form:


  • Leave Report Type set to Items.将报告类型设置为项目。
  • For the start date, choose January 1 and as far back as the year selector goes (the year you began ordering from your account, in our case, 2006).对于开始日期,请选择1月1日,然后选择年份选择器(您从帐户开始订购的年份,在我们的例子中为2006年)。
  • For the end date, click “Use Today”.对于结束日期,请单击“今天使用”。
  • If you want, you can give your report a name to help distinguish it from others.如果需要,可以给您的报告起一个名字,以区别于其他报告。
  • When you’re ready, click “Request Report”.准备就绪后,单击“请求报告”。

In addition to your lifetime total, you can see your spending over the previous month, past 30 days, last year, year to date, or any custom date spread.

Your order history report will then be processed. Depending how long and extensive it is, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes.

您的订单历史记录报告将被处理。 根据它的长短和广泛,这可能需要几秒钟或几分钟。

When it is done, your report should be downloaded automatically. If nothing happens, click “Refresh List” and then click “Download” under Actions.

完成后,您的报告应自动下载。 如果没有任何React,请单击“刷新列表”,然后单击“操作”下的“下载”。

Your report will arrive as a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. You need a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to properly view and tally your purchases.

您的报告将以CSV(逗号分隔值)文件的形式出现。 您需要一个电子表格应用程序(例如Microsoft Excel或Google表格)才能正确查看和统计您的购买。

使用Microsoft Excel汇总结果 (Totaling the Results with Microsoft Excel)

Open the CSV file in Excel and you’ll see that it doesn’t have a total amount—just values for each purchase you’ve ever made (so if you shop a lot on Amazon, you’ll likely have hundreds of rows). Select everything in column AD—the “Item Total” column—which totals all units purchased (plus any tax) for each transaction.

在Excel中打开CSV文件,您会发现它没有总额-仅是您所进行的每次购买的价值(因此,如果您在Amazon上购物很多,则可能会有数百行) 。 在广告列“项目总计”列中选择所有内容,该列将汇总每笔交易的所有已购买单位(加上任何税金)。

Once you’ve selected all the transaction totals in AD, click “AutoSum” on the Home ribbon. Your grand total will be shown at the bottom of the column.

在AD中选择所有交易总计后,请单击“主页”功能区上的“自动求和”。 您的总计将显示在该列的底部。

In our case, everything adds up to just over $4500.

在我们的案例中,所有费用总计超过$ 4500。

使用Google表格汇总结果 (Totalling the Results with Google Sheets)

If you don’t have Excel, you can use Google Sheets. On the Sheets main page, click “Blank” at the top to create a new spreadsheet.

如果您没有Excel,则可以使用Google表格。 在表格主页上,单击顶部的“空白”以创建一个新的电子表格。

Next, click File > Import.


On the Import File screen, click “Upload” and then either browse to and select your CSV file, or drag it onto the Import File screen.


On the next screen, you can leave everything as is and click “Import”.


Select everything in column AD—the “Item Total” column—which totals all units purchased (plus any tax) for each transaction.


With all the transactions in AD selected, click the Functions button in the toolbar and then “SUM” from the resulting dropdown list.


Everything in AD will be instantly added together and printed at the bottom of the column.


Just like that, you now know how much you’ve spent at Amazon over the course of your lifetime. Hopefully it’s not too much of a shock. Don’t worry, you can comfort yourself by knowing that all those purchases were absolutely necessary at the time…right?

这样,您现在知道您一生中在亚马逊上花费了多少。 希望这不会太令人震惊。 不用担心,您可以通过知道当时所有这些购买都是绝对必要的来安慰自己,对吗?

Image credit: Bigstock

图片来源: Bigstock




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