
rfc mail content-type:



#[path] 邮件路径
function getMailBody($path){if(!is_file($path)) return false;$contents_c = file_get_contents($path);if(empty($contents_c)) return false;$mmd_c = new Mail_mimeDecode($contents_c);  //创建Mail_mimeDecode类的实例$sr = $mmd_c->decode(array ('include_bodies' => true,  //是否包含邮件正文'decode_bodies' => false,  'decode_headers' => true));unset($mail_part);$mail_part = getMailPart($sr);$mail_code = $mail_part->headers;$mail_code = empty($mail_code['content-transfer-encoding'])?'':$mail_code['content-transfer-encoding']; //编码格式$mail_type = $mail_part->ctype_parameters;$mail_type = empty($mail_type['charset'])?'GBK':$mail_type['charset'];$mail_body = $mail_part->body; //正文内容if ($mail_code == "base64") { //判断编码格式,受'decode_bodies'影响$text = base64_decode("$mail_body");$text = iconv("$mail_type", "UTF-8", $text);} else {$text = quoted_printable_decode("$mail_body");$text = iconv("$mail_type", "UTF-8", $text);}$body = $text;return $body;
}#Edit 20140331| Edit 20140414 | Edit 20140507
function get_mail_part($sr){if(empty($sr)) return false;$mail_part = null;$accept_primary = array("multipart", "text", "message");if (property_exists($sr, 'parts')) {$mail_part = $sr->parts;foreach($mail_part as $k => $m_part){if(property_exists($m_part, 'disposition')) continue;if(property_exists($m_part, 'ctype_primary') && in_array($m_part->ctype_primary, $accept_primary)){$mail_part = &get_mail_part($m_part);}//end if (else attach)}//end for} else {if(property_exists($sr, 'ctype_primary') && in_array($sr->ctype_primary, $accept_primary)){if (property_exists($sr, 'parts')) {$mail_part = &get_mail_part($sr);}else{if(property_exists($sr, 'ctype_secondary') && !strcmp($sr->ctype_secondary,'html')){$mail_part = $sr;}elseif(property_exists($sr, 'ctype_primary') && !strcmp($sr->ctype_primary,'text')){$mail_part = $sr;}//end if}//end if}//end if}//end ifreturn $mail_part;}//end get_mail_part


[摘自] http://www.oschina.net/code/explore/magento-

/**** The Mail_mimeDecode class is used to decode mail/mime messages** This class will parse a raw mime email and return* the structure. Returned structure is similar to* that returned by imap_fetchstructure().**  +----------------------------- IMPORTANT ------------------------------+*  | Usage of this class compared to native php extensions such as        |*  | mailparse or imap, is slow and may be feature deficient. If available|*  | you are STRONGLY recommended to use the php extensions.              |*  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+** Compatible with PHP versions 4 and 5** LICENSE: This LICENSE is in the BSD license style.* Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Richard Heyes <richard@phpguru.org>* Copyright (c) 2003-2006, PEAR <pear-group@php.net>* All rights reserved.** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or* without modification, are permitted provided that the following* conditions are met:** - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright*   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright*   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the*   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.* - Neither the name of the authors, nor the names of its contributors *   may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this *   software without specific prior written permission.** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"* AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE* IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE* ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE* LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR* CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF* SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS* INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN* CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)* ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF* THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.** @category   Mail* @package    Mail_Mime* @author     Richard Heyes  <richard@phpguru.org>* @author     George Schlossnagle <george@omniti.com>* @author     Cipriano Groenendal <cipri@php.net>* @author     Sean Coates <sean@php.net>* @copyright  2003-2006 PEAR <pear-group@php.net>* @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD License* @version    CVS: $Id: mimeDecode.php,v 1.48 2006/12/03 13:43:33 cipri Exp $* @link       http://pear.php.net/package/Mail_mime*//**** require PEAR** This package depends on PEAR to raise errors.*/
require_once 'PEAR.php';/**** The Mail_mimeDecode class is used to decode mail/mime messages** This class will parse a raw mime email and return the structure.* Returned structure is similar to that returned by imap_fetchstructure().**  +----------------------------- IMPORTANT ------------------------------+*  | Usage of this class compared to native php extensions such as        |*  | mailparse or imap, is slow and may be feature deficient. If available|*  | you are STRONGLY recommended to use the php extensions.              |*  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+** @category   Mail* @package    Mail_Mime* @author     Richard Heyes  <richard@phpguru.org>* @author     George Schlossnagle <george@omniti.com>* @author     Cipriano Groenendal <cipri@php.net>* @author     Sean Coates <sean@php.net>* @copyright  2003-2006 PEAR <pear-group@php.net>* @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD License* @version    Release: @package_version@* @link       http://pear.php.net/package/Mail_mime*/
class Mail_mimeDecode extends PEAR
{/**** The raw email to decode** @var    string* @access private*/var $_input;/**** The header part of the input** @var    string* @access private*/var $_header;/**** The body part of the input** @var    string* @access private*/var $_body;/**** If an error occurs, this is used to store the message** @var    string* @access private*/var $_error;/**** Flag to determine whether to include bodies in the* returned object.** @var    boolean* @access private*/var $_include_bodies;/**** Flag to determine whether to decode bodies** @var    boolean* @access private*/var $_decode_bodies;/**** Flag to determine whether to decode headers** @var    boolean* @access private*/var $_decode_headers;/**** Constructor.** Sets up the object, initialise the variables, and splits and* stores the header and body of the input.** @param string The input to decode* @access public*/function Mail_mimeDecode($input){list($header, $body)   = $this->_splitBodyHeader($input);$this->_input          = $input;$this->_header         = $header;$this->_body           = $body;$this->_decode_bodies  = false;$this->_include_bodies = true;}/**** Begins the decoding process. If called statically* it will create an object and call the decode() method* of it.** @param array An array of various parameters that determine*              various things:*              include_bodies - Whether to include the body in the returned*                               object.*              decode_bodies  - Whether to decode the bodies*                               of the parts. (Transfer encoding)*              decode_headers - Whether to decode headers*              input          - If called statically, this will be treated*                               as the input* @return object Decoded results* @access public*/function decode($params = null){// determine if this method has been called statically$isStatic = !(isset($this) && get_class($this) == __CLASS__);// Have we been called statically?// If so, create an object and pass details to that.if ($isStatic AND isset($params['input'])) {$obj = new Mail_mimeDecode($params['input']);$structure = $obj->decode($params);// Called statically but no input} elseif ($isStatic) {return PEAR::raiseError('Called statically and no input given');// Called via an object} else {$this->_include_bodies = isset($params['include_bodies']) ?$params['include_bodies'] : false;$this->_decode_bodies  = isset($params['decode_bodies']) ?$params['decode_bodies']  : false;$this->_decode_headers = isset($params['decode_headers']) ?$params['decode_headers'] : false;$structure = $this->_decode($this->_header, $this->_body);if ($structure === false) {$structure = $this->raiseError($this->_error);}}return $structure;}/**** Performs the decoding. Decodes the body string passed to it* If it finds certain content-types it will call itself in a* recursive fashion** @param string Header section* @param string Body section* @return object Results of decoding process* @access private*/function _decode($headers, $body, $default_ctype = 'text/plain'){$return = new stdClass;$return->headers = array();$headers = $this->_parseHeaders($headers);foreach ($headers as $value) {if (isset($return->headers[strtolower($value['name'])]) AND !is_array($return->headers[strtolower($value['name'])])) {$return->headers[strtolower($value['name'])]   = array($return->headers[strtolower($value['name'])]);$return->headers[strtolower($value['name'])][] = $value['value'];} elseif (isset($return->headers[strtolower($value['name'])])) {$return->headers[strtolower($value['name'])][] = $value['value'];} else {$return->headers[strtolower($value['name'])] = $value['value'];}}reset($headers);while (list($key, $value) = each($headers)) {$headers[$key]['name'] = strtolower($headers[$key]['name']);switch ($headers[$key]['name']) {case 'content-type':$content_type = $this->_parseHeaderValue($headers[$key]['value']);if (preg_match('/([0-9a-z+.-]+)\/([0-9a-z+.-]+)/i', $content_type['value'], $regs)) {$return->ctype_primary   = $regs[1];$return->ctype_secondary = $regs[2];}if (isset($content_type['other'])) {while (list($p_name, $p_value) = each($content_type['other'])) {$return->ctype_parameters[$p_name] = $p_value;}}break;case 'content-disposition':$content_disposition = $this->_parseHeaderValue($headers[$key]['value']);$return->disposition   = $content_disposition['value'];if (isset($content_disposition['other'])) {while (list($p_name, $p_value) = each($content_disposition['other'])) {$return->d_parameters[$p_name] = $p_value;}}break;case 'content-transfer-encoding':$content_transfer_encoding = $this->_parseHeaderValue($headers[$key]['value']);break;}}if (isset($content_type)) {switch (strtolower($content_type['value'])) {case 'text/plain':$encoding = isset($content_transfer_encoding) ? $content_transfer_encoding['value'] : '7bit';$this->_include_bodies ? $return->body = ($this->_decode_bodies ? $this->_decodeBody($body, $encoding) : $body) : null;break;case 'text/html':$encoding = isset($content_transfer_encoding) ? $content_transfer_encoding['value'] : '7bit';$this->_include_bodies ? $return->body = ($this->_decode_bodies ? $this->_decodeBody($body, $encoding) : $body) : null;break;case 'multipart/parallel':case 'multipart/appledouble': // Appledouble mailcase 'multipart/report': // RFC1892case 'multipart/signed': // PGPcase 'multipart/digest':case 'multipart/alternative':case 'multipart/related':case 'multipart/mixed':if(!isset($content_type['other']['boundary'])){$this->_error = 'No boundary found for ' . $content_type['value'] . ' part';return false;}$default_ctype = (strtolower($content_type['value']) === 'multipart/digest') ? 'message/rfc822' : 'text/plain';$parts = $this->_boundarySplit($body, $content_type['other']['boundary']);for ($i = 0; $i < count($parts); $i++) {list($part_header, $part_body) = $this->_splitBodyHeader($parts[$i]);$part = $this->_decode($part_header, $part_body, $default_ctype);if($part === false)$part = $this->raiseError($this->_error);$return->parts[] = $part;}break;case 'message/rfc822':$obj = new Mail_mimeDecode($body);$return->parts[] = $obj->decode(array('include_bodies' => $this->_include_bodies,'decode_bodies'  => $this->_decode_bodies,'decode_headers' => $this->_decode_headers));unset($obj);break;default:if(!isset($content_transfer_encoding['value']))$content_transfer_encoding['value'] = '7bit';$this->_include_bodies ? $return->body = ($this->_decode_bodies ? $this->_decodeBody($body, $content_transfer_encoding['value']) : $body) : null;break;}} else {$ctype = explode('/', $default_ctype);$return->ctype_primary   = $ctype[0];$return->ctype_secondary = $ctype[1];$this->_include_bodies ? $return->body = ($this->_decode_bodies ? $this->_decodeBody($body) : $body) : null;}return $return;}/**** Given the output of the above function, this will return an* array of references to the parts, indexed by mime number.** @param  object $structure   The structure to go through* @param  string $mime_number Internal use only.* @return array               Mime numbers*/function &getMimeNumbers(&$structure, $no_refs = false, $mime_number = '', $prepend = ''){$return = array();if (!empty($structure->parts)) {if ($mime_number != '') {$structure->mime_id = $prepend . $mime_number;$return[$prepend . $mime_number] = &$structure;}for ($i = 0; $i < count($structure->parts); $i++) {if (!empty($structure->headers['content-type']) AND substr(strtolower($structure->headers['content-type']), 0, 8) == 'message/') {$prepend      = $prepend . $mime_number . '.';$_mime_number = '';} else {$_mime_number = ($mime_number == '' ? $i + 1 : sprintf('%s.%s', $mime_number, $i + 1));}$arr = &Mail_mimeDecode::getMimeNumbers($structure->parts[$i], $no_refs, $_mime_number, $prepend);foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {$no_refs ? $return[$key] = '' : $return[$key] = &$arr[$key];}}} else {if ($mime_number == '') {$mime_number = '1';}$structure->mime_id = $prepend . $mime_number;$no_refs ? $return[$prepend . $mime_number] = '' : $return[$prepend . $mime_number] = &$structure;}return $return;}/**** Given a string containing a header and body* section, this function will split them (at the first* blank line) and return them.** @param string Input to split apart* @return array Contains header and body section* @access private*/function _splitBodyHeader($input){if (preg_match("/^(.*?)\r?\n\r?\n(.*)/s", $input, $match)) {return array($match[1], $match[2]);}$this->_error = 'Could not split header and body';return false;}/**** Parse headers given in $input and return* as assoc array.** @param string Headers to parse* @return array Contains parsed headers* @access private*/function _parseHeaders($input){if ($input !== '') {// Unfold the input$input   = preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\r\n", $input);$input   = preg_replace("/\r\n(\t| )+/", ' ', $input);$headers = explode("\r\n", trim($input));foreach ($headers as $value) {$hdr_name = substr($value, 0, $pos = strpos($value, ':'));$hdr_value = substr($value, $pos+1);if($hdr_value[0] == ' ')$hdr_value = substr($hdr_value, 1);$return[] = array('name'  => $hdr_name,'value' => $this->_decode_headers ? $this->_decodeHeader($hdr_value) : $hdr_value);}} else {$return = array();}return $return;}/**** Function to parse a header value,* extract first part, and any secondary* parts (after ;) This function is not as* robust as it could be. Eg. header comments* in the wrong place will probably break it.** @param string Header value to parse* @return array Contains parsed result* @access private*/function _parseHeaderValue($input){if (($pos = strpos($input, ';')) !== false) {$return['value'] = trim(substr($input, 0, $pos));$input = trim(substr($input, $pos+1));if (strlen($input) > 0) {// This splits on a semi-colon, if there's no preceeding backslash// Now works with quoted values; had to glue the \; breaks in PHP// the regex is already bordering on incomprehensible$splitRegex = '/([^;\'"]*[\'"]([^\'"]*([^\'"]*)*)[\'"][^;\'"]*|([^;]+))(;|$)/';preg_match_all($splitRegex, $input, $matches);$parameters = array();for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[0]); $i++) {$param = $matches[0][$i];while (substr($param, -2) == '\;') {$param .= $matches[0][++$i];}$parameters[] = $param;}for ($i = 0; $i < count($parameters); $i++) {$param_name  = trim(substr($parameters[$i], 0, $pos = strpos($parameters[$i], '=')), "'\";\t\\ ");$param_value = trim(str_replace('\;', ';', substr($parameters[$i], $pos + 1)), "'\";\t\\ ");if ($param_value[0] == '"') {$param_value = substr($param_value, 1, -1);}$return['other'][$param_name] = $param_value;$return['other'][strtolower($param_name)] = $param_value;}}} else {$return['value'] = trim($input);}return $return;}/**** This function splits the input based* on the given boundary** @param string Input to parse* @return array Contains array of resulting mime parts* @access private*/function _boundarySplit($input, $boundary){$parts = array();$bs_possible = substr($boundary, 2, -2);$bs_check = '\"' . $bs_possible . '\"';if ($boundary == $bs_check) {$boundary = $bs_possible;}$tmp = explode('--' . $boundary, $input);for ($i = 1; $i < count($tmp) - 1; $i++) {$parts[] = $tmp[$i];}return $parts;}/**** Given a header, this function will decode it* according to RFC2047. Probably not *exactly** conformant, but it does pass all the given* examples (in RFC2047).** @param string Input header value to decode* @return string Decoded header value* @access private*/function _decodeHeader($input){// Remove white space between encoded-words$input = preg_replace('/(=\?[^?]+\?(q|b)\?[^?]*\?=)(\s)+=\?/i', '\1=?', $input);// For each encoded-word...while (preg_match('/(=\?([^?]+)\?(q|b)\?([^?]*)\?=)/i', $input, $matches)) {$encoded  = $matches[1];$charset  = $matches[2];$encoding = $matches[3];$text     = $matches[4];switch (strtolower($encoding)) {case 'b':$text = base64_decode($text);break;case 'q':$text = str_replace('_', ' ', $text);preg_match_all('/=([a-f0-9]{2})/i', $text, $matches);foreach($matches[1] as $value)$text = str_replace('='.$value, chr(hexdec($value)), $text);break;}$input = str_replace($encoded, $text, $input);}return $input;}/**** Given a body string and an encoding type,* this function will decode and return it.** @param  string Input body to decode* @param  string Encoding type to use.* @return string Decoded body* @access private*/function _decodeBody($input, $encoding = '7bit'){switch (strtolower($encoding)) {case '7bit':return $input;break;case 'quoted-printable':return $this->_quotedPrintableDecode($input);break;case 'base64':return base64_decode($input);break;default:return $input;}}/**** Given a quoted-printable string, this* function will decode and return it.** @param  string Input body to decode* @return string Decoded body* @access private*/function _quotedPrintableDecode($input){// Remove soft line breaks$input = preg_replace("/=\r?\n/", '', $input);// Replace encoded characters$input = preg_replace('/=([a-f0-9]{2})/ie', "chr(hexdec('\\1'))", $input);return $input;}/**** Checks the input for uuencoded files and returns* an array of them. Can be called statically, eg:** $files =& Mail_mimeDecode::uudecode($some_text);** It will check for the begin 666 ... end syntax* however and won't just blindly decode whatever you* pass it.** @param  string Input body to look for attahcments in* @return array  Decoded bodies, filenames and permissions* @access public* @author Unknown*/function &uudecode($input){// Find all uuencoded sectionspreg_match_all("/begin ([0-7]{3}) (.+)\r?\n(.+)\r?\nend/Us", $input, $matches);for ($j = 0; $j < count($matches[3]); $j++) {$str      = $matches[3][$j];$filename = $matches[2][$j];$fileperm = $matches[1][$j];$file = '';$str = preg_split("/\r?\n/", trim($str));$strlen = count($str);for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen; $i++) {$pos = 1;$d = 0;$len=(int)(((ord(substr($str[$i],0,1)) -32) - ' ') & 077);while (($d + 3 <= $len) AND ($pos + 4 <= strlen($str[$i]))) {$c0 = (ord(substr($str[$i],$pos,1)) ^ 0x20);$c1 = (ord(substr($str[$i],$pos+1,1)) ^ 0x20);$c2 = (ord(substr($str[$i],$pos+2,1)) ^ 0x20);$c3 = (ord(substr($str[$i],$pos+3,1)) ^ 0x20);$file .= chr(((($c0 - ' ') & 077) << 2) | ((($c1 - ' ') & 077) >> 4));$file .= chr(((($c1 - ' ') & 077) << 4) | ((($c2 - ' ') & 077) >> 2));$file .= chr(((($c2 - ' ') & 077) << 6) |  (($c3 - ' ') & 077));$pos += 4;$d += 3;}if (($d + 2 <= $len) && ($pos + 3 <= strlen($str[$i]))) {$c0 = (ord(substr($str[$i],$pos,1)) ^ 0x20);$c1 = (ord(substr($str[$i],$pos+1,1)) ^ 0x20);$c2 = (ord(substr($str[$i],$pos+2,1)) ^ 0x20);$file .= chr(((($c0 - ' ') & 077) << 2) | ((($c1 - ' ') & 077) >> 4));$file .= chr(((($c1 - ' ') & 077) << 4) | ((($c2 - ' ') & 077) >> 2));$pos += 3;$d += 2;}if (($d + 1 <= $len) && ($pos + 2 <= strlen($str[$i]))) {$c0 = (ord(substr($str[$i],$pos,1)) ^ 0x20);$c1 = (ord(substr($str[$i],$pos+1,1)) ^ 0x20);$file .= chr(((($c0 - ' ') & 077) << 2) | ((($c1 - ' ') & 077) >> 4));}}$files[] = array('filename' => $filename, 'fileperm' => $fileperm, 'filedata' => $file);}return $files;}/**** getSendArray() returns the arguments required for Mail::send()* used to build the arguments for a mail::send() call ** Usage:* $mailtext = Full email (for example generated by a template)* $decoder = new Mail_mimeDecode($mailtext);* $parts =  $decoder->getSendArray();* if (!PEAR::isError($parts) {*     list($recipents,$headers,$body) = $parts;*     $mail = Mail::factory('smtp');*     $mail->send($recipents,$headers,$body);* } else {*     echo $parts->message;* }* @return mixed   array of recipeint, headers,body or Pear_Error* @access public* @author Alan Knowles <alan@akbkhome.com>*/function getSendArray(){// prevent warning if this is not set$this->_decode_headers = FALSE;$headerlist =$this->_parseHeaders($this->_header);$to = "";if (!$headerlist) {return $this->raiseError("Message did not contain headers");}foreach($headerlist as $item) {$header[$item['name']] = $item['value'];switch (strtolower($item['name'])) {case "to":case "cc":case "bcc":$to = ",".$item['value'];default:break;}}if ($to == "") {return $this->raiseError("Message did not contain any recipents");}$to = substr($to,1);return array($to,$header,$this->_body);} /**** Returns a xml copy of the output of* Mail_mimeDecode::decode. Pass the output in as the* argument. This function can be called statically. Eg:** $output = $obj->decode();* $xml    = Mail_mimeDecode::getXML($output);** The DTD used for this should have been in the package. Or* alternatively you can get it from cvs, or here:* http://www.phpguru.org/xmail/xmail.dtd.** @param  object Input to convert to xml. This should be the*                output of the Mail_mimeDecode::decode function* @return string XML version of input* @access public*/function getXML($input){$crlf    =  "\r\n";$output  = '<?xml version=\'1.0\'?>' . $crlf .'<!DOCTYPE email SYSTEM "http://www.phpguru.org/xmail/xmail.dtd">' . $crlf .'<email>' . $crlf .Mail_mimeDecode::_getXML($input) .'</email>';return $output;}/**** Function that does the actual conversion to xml. Does a single* mimepart at a time.** @param  object  Input to convert to xml. This is a mimepart object.*                 It may or may not contain subparts.* @param  integer Number of tabs to indent* @return string  XML version of input* @access private*/function _getXML($input, $indent = 1){$htab    =  "\t";$crlf    =  "\r\n";$output  =  '';$headers = @(array)$input->headers;foreach ($headers as $hdr_name => $hdr_value) {// Multiple headers with this nameif (is_array($headers[$hdr_name])) {for ($i = 0; $i < count($hdr_value); $i++) {$output .= Mail_mimeDecode::_getXML_helper($hdr_name, $hdr_value[$i], $indent);}// Only one header of this sort} else {$output .= Mail_mimeDecode::_getXML_helper($hdr_name, $hdr_value, $indent);}}if (!empty($input->parts)) {for ($i = 0; $i < count($input->parts); $i++) {$output .= $crlf . str_repeat($htab, $indent) . '<mimepart>' . $crlf .Mail_mimeDecode::_getXML($input->parts[$i], $indent+1) .str_repeat($htab, $indent) . '</mimepart>' . $crlf;}} elseif (isset($input->body)) {$output .= $crlf . str_repeat($htab, $indent) . '<body><![CDATA[' .$input->body . ']]></body>' . $crlf;}return $output;}/**** Helper function to _getXML(). Returns xml of a header.** @param  string  Name of header* @param  string  Value of header* @param  integer Number of tabs to indent* @return string  XML version of input* @access private*/function _getXML_helper($hdr_name, $hdr_value, $indent){$htab   = "\t";$crlf   = "\r\n";$return = '';$new_hdr_value = ($hdr_name != 'received') ? Mail_mimeDecode::_parseHeaderValue($hdr_value) : array('value' => $hdr_value);$new_hdr_name  = str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', $hdr_name)));// Sort out any parametersif (!empty($new_hdr_value['other'])) {foreach ($new_hdr_value['other'] as $paramname => $paramvalue) {$params[] = str_repeat($htab, $indent) . $htab . '<parameter>' . $crlf .str_repeat($htab, $indent) . $htab . $htab . '<paramname>' . htmlspecialchars($paramname) . '</paramname>' . $crlf .str_repeat($htab, $indent) . $htab . $htab . '<paramvalue>' . htmlspecialchars($paramvalue) . '</paramvalue>' . $crlf .str_repeat($htab, $indent) . $htab . '</parameter>' . $crlf;}$params = implode('', $params);} else {$params = '';}$return = str_repeat($htab, $indent) . '<header>' . $crlf .str_repeat($htab, $indent) . $htab . '<headername>' . htmlspecialchars($new_hdr_name) . '</headername>' . $crlf .str_repeat($htab, $indent) . $htab . '<headervalue>' . htmlspecialchars($new_hdr_value['value']) . '</headervalue>' . $crlf .$params .str_repeat($htab, $indent) . '</header>' . $crlf;return $return;}} // End of class



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目 录

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    重点为one_mail函数.利用Mail_mimeDecode类从邮件中提取邮件头和邮件正文. header("content-type:text/html; charset=UTF-8&q ...

  3. php smtp邮件类,php利用smtp类发送邮件

    本篇文章主要介绍php利用smtp类发送邮件,感兴趣的朋友参考下,希望对大家有所帮助. 以下就是核心代码:<?php require_once "email.class.php&quo ...

  4. 利用MSER算法提取图像区域(车牌区域)的OpenCV代码~

    图像处理开发需求.图像处理接私活挣零花钱,请加微信/QQ 2487872782 图像处理开发资料.图像处理技术交流请加QQ群,群号 271891601 我的博客中前面已经写了两种方法来实现车牌区域的提 ...

  5. [Qt教程] 第23篇 数据库(三)利用QSqlQuery类执行SQL语句

    [Qt教程] 第23篇 数据库(三)利用QSqlQuery类执行SQL语句 楼主  发表于 2013-5-15 22:39:29 | 查看: 813| 回复: 0 利用QSqlQuery类执行SQL语 ...

  6. ci 邮件 html模板,CI Email类发邮件

    发邮件代码详情 private function _send_mail($data) { //附件一,名称参数编码转换 if(!empty($data['resume_name'])){ $file_ ...

  7. python发邮件图片太长显示不出来_小白入门,用python 发送定时邮件,将Dataframe转为邮件正文,链接显示为图片...

    在实际工作中,我们常常会遇到定时发送邮件的任务,基于我的实践,分享给大家,也许一篇文章写不完,就先列个目录. 本文想要解决的问题: 用python构造一封邮件,并设置定时发送出去.往往,这只是最低级的 ...

  8. 利用SMTP协议实现邮件的发送(以163和qq邮箱为例)

    1.实验的准备即环境 1.windows系统 2.telnet 客户端 win10除了需要开启客户端之外还不够,还需要自己下载 telnet server并安装,下载官网:GoodTech Syste ...

  9. 【Qt入门第23篇】 数据库(三)利用QSqlQuery类执行SQL语句

    导语 SQL即结构化查询语言,是关系数据库的标准语言.前面两节中已经在Qt里利用QSqlQuery类执行了SQL语句,这一节我们将详细讲解该类的使用.需要说明,因为我们重在讲解Qt中的数据库使用,而非 ...


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