
本期英文由@Dr. Axel Rauschmayer分享。


Most programming languages have only one value for “no value” or “empty reference”. For example, that value is null in Java. JavaScript has two of those special values: undefined and null. They are basically the same (something that will change with ECMAScript 6, as will be explained in the last post of this series), but they are used slightly differently.

undefined is assigned via the language itself. Variables that have not been initialized yet have this value:

> var foo;

> foo


Similarly, JavaScript assigns undefined to missing parameters:

> function id(x) { return x }

> id()


null is used by programmers to explicitly indicate that a value is missing. E.g. for JSON.stringify():

> console.log(JSON.stringify({ first: 'Jane' }, null, 4))


"first": "Jane"


Check: does a variable have a value?

If you want to know whether a variable v has a value, you normally have to check for both undefined and null. Fortunately, both values are truthy. Thus, checking for truthiness via if performs both checks at the same time:

if (v) {

// v has a value

} else {

// v does not have a value


You’ll see more examples of the above check in the post for quirk 5 about parameter handling. There is one caveat: this check also interprets false, -0, +0, NaN and '' as “no value”. If that isn’t what you want then you can’t use it. You have two choices.

Some people advocate lenient non-equality (!=) to check that v is neither undefined nor null:

if (v != null) {

// v has a value

} else {

// v does not have a value


However, that requires you to know that != considers null to be only equal to itself and to undefined. I prefer the more descriptive use of !==:

if (v !== undefined && v !== null) {

// v has a value

} else {

// v does not have a value


Performance-wise, all three checks shown in this section are more or less the same. Hence, which one you will end up using depends on your needs and your taste. Some minification tools even rewrite the last check to a check via !=.

关于本文 作者:@Dr. Axel Rauschmayer 原文:https://2ality.com/2013/04/quirk-undefined.html




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