
计算机图形学| 直接使用线方程 (Computer Graphics | Direct Use of Line Equation)

The standard line equation, as we all know is used for drawing a line. It is given by: y = mx + c.

众所周知,标准线方程式用于绘制线。 由下式给出: y = mx + c

We are discussing here in 2D so we all know that there are 2 axes: x and y. Both of the axes are required to give the equation of any 2D shape. The line is a straight path joining 2 points in the x-y plane. If both the points are given then we can find the equation of a line.

我们在这里以2D进行讨论,所以我们都知道有2个轴: xy 。 需要两个轴都可以给出任何2D形状的方程。 该线是连接xy平面中2个点的直线路径。 如果两个点都给出,那么我们可以找到一条线的方程。

直线的斜率 (The slope of a line)

The slope of a line defines the direction of a line. Its value is equal to the ratio of the difference of y coordinates and the difference. Assume that the two points are X( x1,y1 ) and Y( x2,y2 ). Its slope, 'm' will be: m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1).

线的斜率定义了线的方向。 它的值等于y坐标差与差之比。 假设这两个点是X(x1,y1)Y(x2,y2) 。 它的斜率'm'将是: m =(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

线描算法的性质 (Properties of Line Drawing Algorithm)

The following are the properties that a line must hold in any line drawing algorithm,


  1. Line must be straight


  2. Line must terminate accurately


  3. Line must have constant density


  4. Density must be independent of its length


  5. Line must be drawn very fast


线描算法 (Line Drawing Algorithms)

There are some set of rules and steps which help draw a line. These algorithms are given below,

有一些规则和步骤可以帮助您划清界限。 这些算法如下:

  1. Direct Use of line equation


  2. DDA (Digital Differential Analyzer)


  3. Bresenham's Algorithm


直接使用线方程 (Direct use of Line Equation)

This is the simplest form of drawing a line. We all know that the equation of the line is y = mx + c. Here m is slope and c is the length from origin to the point where the line cuts y-axis. In this method, we will be having the start and endpoint of the line and by the help of that points, we'll calculate the other points which lie on the line. We have to find the slope of the line by using the given points.

这是画线的最简单形式。 我们都知道直线的方程是y = mx + c 。 这里的m是斜率, c是从原点到直线切割y轴的点的长度。 在这种方法中,我们将获得直线的起点和终点,并借助这些点,计算出直线上的其他点。 我们必须使用给定的点找到线的斜率。

We'll understand this better with the help of an example,




We have given two points X and Y. The coordinates of X are (0, 0) and the coordinates of Y are (5, 15). The slope of the line will be,

我们给出了XY两点。 X的坐标为(0,0)Y的坐标为(5,15) 。 线的斜率是

    m = (15 - 0) / (5-0)
m = 3

We have the slope of the line. Now let us put the slope in the line equation.

我们有直线的斜率。 现在让我们将斜率放在线方程中。

    y = 3x + c

Origin point is (0,0). So,

原点是(0,0)。 所以,

    c = 0

Putting c=0 in the above equation.

将c = 0放在上式中。

    y = 3x

Now we will calculate the intermediate points.


    Let x = 1 ⟹ y = 3 x 1 ⟹ y = 3
Let x = 2 ⟹ y = 3 x 2 ⟹ y = 6
Let x = 3 ⟹ y = 3 x 3 ⟹ y = 9
Let x = 4 ⟹ y = 3 x 4 ⟹ y = 12
Let x = 5 ⟹ y = 3 x 5 ⟹ y = 15

We got the intermediate points which are, (1, 3), (2, 6), (3, 9), (4, 12) and finally (5, 15)


Now we'll plot these points on the graph.


Hence, we have plotted the points that lie between the given points through the standard line equation. By doing so with a very small gap between these pints will give us the entire line.

因此,我们通过标准线方程式绘制了位于给定点之间的点。 这样,这些品脱之间的间隙很小,就可以给我们整条生产线。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/computer-graphics/direct-use-of-line-equation.aspx



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