In Golang, we return errors explicitly using the return statement. This contrasts with the exceptions used in languages like java, python. The approach in Golang to makes it easy to see which function returns an error?

在Golang中,我们使用return语句显式返回错误。 这与Java,Python等语言中使用的例外形成对比。 Golang中的方法可以轻松查看哪个函数返回错误

In Golang, errors are the last return value and have type error, a built-in interface.


errors.New() is used to construct basic error value with the given error messages.


We can also define custom error messages using the Error() method in Golang.


How to create an error message in Golang?




    err_1 := errors.New("Error message_1: ")
err_2 := errors.New("Error message_2: ")

Basic program to test an error in Golang


package main
import (
func test(value int) (int, error) {
if (value == 0) {
return 0, nil;
} else {
return -1, errors.New("Invalid value: ")
func main() {
value, error := test(10)
fmt.Printf("Value: %d, Error: %v", value, error)
value, error = test(0)
fmt.Printf("\n\nValue: %d, Error: %v", value, error)



Value: -1, Error: Invalid value:
Value: 0, Error: <nil>



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