
它是如何开始的故事 (The story of how it began)

It was midnight on a Friday, my friends were out having a good time, and yet I was nailed to my computer screen typing away.


Oddly, I didn’t feel left out.


I was working on something that I thought was genuinely interesting and awesome.


I was right out of college, and I needed a job. When I left for Seattle, I had a backpack full of college textbooks and some clothes. I could fit everything I owned in the trunk of my 2002 Honda Civic.

我当时刚大学毕业,需要一份工作。 当我去西雅图时,我有一个装满大学课本和一些衣服的背包。 我可以装满2002年本田思域后备箱中的所有物品。

I didn’t like to socialize much back then, so I decided to tackle this job-finding problem the best way I knew how. I tried to build an app to do it for me, and this article is about how I did it. ?

那时我不喜欢社交,所以我决定以我所知道的最好方式解决这个找工作的问题。 我试图构建一个应用程序来为我做这件事,而本文则是关于我是如何做到的。 ?

Craigslist入门 (Getting started with Craigslist)

I was in my room, furiously building some software that would help me collect, and respond to, people who were looking for software engineers on Craigslist. Craigslist is essentially the marketplace of the Internet, where you can go and find things for sale, services, community posts, and so on.

我当时在我的房间里,疯狂地开发一些软件,这些软件可以帮助我收集和响应在Craigslist上寻找软件工程师的人们。 Craigslist本质上是Internet的市场,您可以在其中找到要出售的东西,服务,社区帖子等。

At that point in time, I had never built a fully fledged application. Most of the things I worked on in college were academic projects that involved building and parsing binary trees, computer graphics, and simple language processing models.

那时,我从未构建过完整的应用程序。 我在大学期间从事的大多数工作都是学术项目,涉及构建和解析二叉树,计算机图形学以及简单的语言处理模型。

I was quite the “newb.”


That said, I had always heard about this new “hot” programming language called Python. I didn’t know much Python, but I wanted to get my hands dirty and learn more about it.

就是说,我一直都听说过这种称为Python的新“热门”编程语言。 我对Python不太了解,但是我想弄清楚自己的手,并进一步了解它。

So I put two and two together, and decided to build a small application using this new programming language.


建立(工作中的)原型的旅程 (The journey to build a (working) prototype)

I had a used BenQ laptop my brother had given me when I left for college that I used for development.


It wasn’t the best development environment by any measure. I was using Python 2.4 and an older version of Sublime text, yet the process of writing an application from scratch was truly an exhilarating experience.

无论如何,它都不是最佳的开发环境。 我使用的是Python 2.4和较旧版本的Sublime文本 ,但是从头开始编写应用程序的过程确实令人振奋。

I didn’t know what I needed to do yet. I was trying various things out to see what stuck, and my first approach was to find out how I could access Craigslist data easily.

我还不知道该怎么办。 我尝试了各种尝试以了解问题所在,而我的第一种方法是找出如何轻松访问Craigslist数据的方法。

I looked up Craigslist to find out if they had a publicly available REST API. To my dismay, they didn’t.

我查找了Craigslist,以了解他们是否具有公开可用的REST API。 令我沮丧的是,他们没有。

However, I found the next best thing.


Craigslist had an RSS feed that was publicly available for personal use. An RSS feed is essentially a computer-readable summary of updates that a website sends out. In this case, the RSS feed would allow me to pick up new job listings whenever they were posted. This was perfect for my needs.

Craigslist的RSS供稿已公开供个人使用。 RSS feed本质上是网站发送的更新的计算机可读摘要 。 在这种情况下,RSS提要将允许我在发布新职位列表时选择它们。 这非常适合我的需求。

Next, I needed a way to read these RSS feeds. I didn’t want to go through the RSS feeds manually myself, because that would be a time-sink and that would be no different than browsing Craigslist.

接下来,我需要一种阅读这些RSS feed的方法。 我不想自己亲自浏览RSS提要,因为那会浪费时间,而且与浏览Craigslist没什么不同。

Around this time, I started to realize the power of Google. There’s a running joke that software engineers spend most of their time Googling for answers. I think there’s definitely some truth to that.

大约在这段时间里,我开始意识到Google的强大功能。 开个玩笑,软件工程师将大部分时间都用在Google搜索上。 我认为这肯定是有些道理。

After a little bit of Googling, I found this useful post on StackOverflow that described how to search through a Craiglist RSS feed. It was sort of a filtering functionality that Craigslist provided for free. All I had to do was pass in a specific query parameter with the keyword I was interested in.

经过一番谷歌搜索之后,我在StackOverflow上找到了这篇有用的文章,描述了如何搜索Craiglist RSS feed。 这是Craigslist免费提供的一种筛选功能。 我要做的就是用我感兴趣的关键字传递特定的查询参数。

I was focused on searching for software-related jobs in Seattle. With that, I typed up this specific URL to look for listings in Seattle that contained the keyword “software”.

我专注于在西雅图寻找与软件相关的工作。 这样,我输入了该特定URL,以查找包含关键字“软件”的西雅图清单。



And voilà! It worked beautifully.

和瞧! 它工作得很漂亮

我吃过最美丽的汤 (The most beautiful soup I’ve ever tasted)

I wasn’t convinced, however, that my approach would work.


First, the number of listings was limited. My data didn’t contain all the available job postings in Seattle. The returned results were merely a subset of the whole. I was looking to cast as wide a net as possible, so I needed to know all the available job listings.

首先, 列表数量是有限的 。 我的数据没有包含西雅图所有可用的职位发布。 返回的结果只是整体的一部分。 我一直在寻找尽可能广泛的网络,所以我需要知道所有可用的工作清单。

Second, I realized that the RSS feed didn’t include any contact information. That was a bummer. I could find the listings, but I couldn’t contact the posters unless I manually filtered through these listings.

其次,我意识到RSS提要不包含任何联系信息 。 真是可惜。 我可以找到列表,但是除非手动过滤这些列表,否则我无法联系海报。

I’m a person of many skills and interests, but doing repetitive manual work isn’t one of them. I could’ve hired someone to do it for me, but I was barely scraping by with 1-dollar ramen cup noodles. I couldn’t splurge on this side project.

我是一个有很多技能和兴趣的人,但是做重复的体力劳动不是其中之一。 我本来可以雇一个人为我做的,但我勉强抓着一美元的拉面杯面条。 我不能为此项目挥霍。

That was a dead-end. But it wasn’t the end.

那是死路一条。 但它是不是结束

连续迭代 (Continuous iteration)

From my first failed attempt, I learned that Craigslist had an RSS feed that I could filter on, and each posting had a link to the actual posting itself.


Well, if I could access the actual posting, then maybe I could scrape the email address off of it?


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