
final class怎么调用

亲,涉及到的知识点如下:1.final修饰类 不能被继承,也没有子类。【使用环境】:1.不是专门为继承而设计的类,类的本身方法之间有复杂的调用关系。假如随意创建这些类的子类,子类可能会错误的修改父类的实现细节2.出于安全原因,类的实现细节不允许有任何改动3.在创建对象模型的时候,确信这个类不会再被扩展【举例】api中的java.lang.string类 public final class Stringextends Objectimplements Serializable, Comparable<String>, CharSequence


1. Virtual (overridden) methods generally are implemented via some sort of table (vtable) that is ultimately a function pointer. Each method call has the overhead of having to go through that pointer. When classes are marked final then all of the methods cannot be overridden and the use of a table is not needed anymore - this it is faster.

Some VMs (like HotSpot) may do things more intelligently and know when methods are/are not overridden and generate faster code as appropriate.


2.The best use of final that I've seen is in library code: Making a class and/or methods final, in a library class, prevents your customers from extending it, making their code overly dependent on your implementation. Doing this enables you to make changes to your library class with confidence that they won't break client code.�0�2I'm often angry when vendors do this to me, the customer, because it prevents mocking and other good things. But I see why they do it.



3.1. Final keyword improves performance. Not just JVM can cache final variable but also application can cache frequently use final variables.�0�2

3.2. Final variables are safe to share in multi-threading environment without additional synchronization overhead.�0�2
3.3. Final keyword allows JVM to optimized method, variable or class.

4.As you see there are a lot of JIT compilers in the world and mainly you don't know which one will be used to execute (and optimize) your Java program on the fly, so you should keep in mind that methods of final classes can be used by JIT more optimally because it can address them directly since their methods can't be overridden by successors and JIT can make some economy to avoid virtual tables usage. I repeat that it depends on used JIT.
you can define final class when you need to create a class to connect to a data base or to a XML

final class怎么调用


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