小Z今天在备份还原Mysql数据库,出现了 导入mysql文件提示“ASCII '\0' appeared in the statement” ,并不意味着我的sql文件中包含ASCII字符。



备份命令在cmd中使用,在mysql command line client中使用会发生异常,该做法是不正确的。

备份命令:mysqldump -h [ip地址] -P [端口号] -u [用户名] -p [数据库] > [sql脚本文件]


还原命令:mysql -h [ip地址] -P [端口号] -u [用户名] -p [数据库] < [sql脚本文件]

【mysql】 mysql备份还原时发生异常:导入mysql文件提示“ASCII '\0' appeared in the statement”相关推荐

  1. mysql报ascii 0_导入mysql文件提示“ASCII \'\\0\' appeared in the statement”

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  2. 导入mysql文件提示“ASCII '\0' appeared in the statement”

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  3. mysql报ascii 0_导入mysql文件提示“ASCII '\0' appeared in the statement”

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  4. mysql binary mode_导入mysql文件提示“ASCII \'\\0\' appeared in the statement”-wwmshe-ChinaUnix博客...

    在windows服务器上导入mysql文件时,出现以下报错: ASCII '\0' appeared in the statement, but this is not allowed unless ...

  5. Mysql | MariDB | 导入导出数据库 | 常见问题 | ASCII ‘\0‘ appeared in the statement

    文章目录 参考 window 1.导出整个数据库 2.导出一个表 3.导出一个数据库结构 4.导入数据库 5. 导入数据到数据库 6.导入数据到数据库中得某个表 linux 一.导出数据库 二.导入数 ...

  6. sql 导入linux问题:ASCII '\0' appeared in the statement, but this is not allowed unless option --binary-m

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  7. mysql导入sql文件、数据库时报错ERROR: ASCII '\0' appeared in the statement

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  8. mysql 必知必会导入官方数据库,出现错误,ASCII ‘\0‘ appeared in the statement解决方法

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  9. mysql导入sql文件、数据库时报错ERROR: ASCII ‘\0‘ appeared in the statement

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