
/*** Protected API - called by nextCommand to check possibly handle an incoming Command before it is returned to the caller of nextCommand. If this method* returns true, the command is considered handled and is not passed back to nextCommand's caller; if it returns false, nextCommand returns the command as* usual. This is used in subclasses to implement handling of Basic.Return and Basic.Deliver messages, as well as Channel.Close and Connection.Close.* @param command the command to handle asynchronously* @return true if we handled the command; otherwise the caller should consider it "unhandled"*/
public abstract boolean processAsync(Command command) throws IOException;



protected final Object _channelMutex = new Object();
/** The connection this channel is associated with. */
private final AMQConnection _connection;
/** This channel's channel number. */
private final int _channelNumber;
/** Command being assembled */
private AMQCommand _command = new AMQCommand();
/** The current outstanding RPC request, if any. (Could become a queue in future.) */
private RpcContinuation _activeRpc = null;
/** Whether transmission of content-bearing methods should be blocked */
public volatile boolean _blockContent = false;
  • _channelMutex这个是内部用来当对象锁的,没有实际的意义,可忽略
  • _connection是指AMQConnection这个对象。
  • _channelNumber是指channel number, 这个应该不用多解释了吧。通道编号为0的代表全局连接中的所有帧,1-65535代表特定通道的帧.
  • _command是内部处理使用的对象,调用AMQCommand的方法来处理一些东西。
  • _activeRpc是指当前未处理完的rpc请求(the current outstanding rpc request)。
  • _blockContent 是在Channel.Flow里用到的,其余情况都是false
    在AMQChannel的构造函数中,只有两个参数:AMQConnection connection以及int channelNumber.


/*** Private API - When the Connection receives a Frame for this* channel, it passes it to this method.* @param frame the incoming frame* @throws IOException if an error is encountered*/
public void handleFrame(Frame frame) throws IOException {AMQCommand command = _command;if (command.handleFrame(frame)) { // a complete command has rolled off the assembly line_command = new AMQCommand(); // prepare for the next onehandleCompleteInboundCommand(command);}
}/*** Private API - handle a command which has been assembled* @throws IOException if there's any problem** @param command the incoming command* @throws IOException*/
public void handleCompleteInboundCommand(AMQCommand command) throws IOException {// First, offer the command to the asynchronous-command// handling mechanism, which gets to act as a filter on the// incoming command stream.  If processAsync() returns true,// the command has been dealt with by the filter and so should// not be processed further.  It will return true for// asynchronous commands (deliveries/returns/other events),// and false for commands that should be passed on to some// waiting RPC continuation.if (!processAsync(command)) {// The filter decided not to handle/consume the command,// so it must be some reply to an earlier RPC.nextOutstandingRpc().handleCommand(command);markRpcFinished();}



public void enqueueRpc(RpcContinuation k)
{synchronized (_channelMutex) {boolean waitClearedInterruptStatus = false;while (_activeRpc != null) {try {_channelMutex.wait();} catch (InterruptedException e) {waitClearedInterruptStatus = true;}}if (waitClearedInterruptStatus) {Thread.currentThread().interrupt();}_activeRpc = k;}


public boolean isOutstandingRpc()
{synchronized (_channelMutex) {return (_activeRpc != null);}


public RpcContinuation nextOutstandingRpc()
{synchronized (_channelMutex) {RpcContinuation result = _activeRpc;_activeRpc = null;_channelMutex.notifyAll();return result;}



/*** Protected API - sends a {@link Method} to the broker and waits for the* next in-bound Command from the broker: only for use from* non-connection-MainLoop threads!*/
public AMQCommand rpc(Method m)throws IOException, ShutdownSignalException
{return privateRpc(m);
}public AMQCommand rpc(Method m, int timeout)throws IOException, ShutdownSignalException, TimeoutException {return privateRpc(m, timeout);
}private AMQCommand privateRpc(Method m)throws IOException, ShutdownSignalException
{SimpleBlockingRpcContinuation k = new SimpleBlockingRpcContinuation();rpc(m, k);// At this point, the request method has been sent, and we// should wait for the reply to arrive.//// Calling getReply() on the continuation puts us to sleep// until the connection's reader-thread throws the reply over// the fence.return k.getReply();
}private AMQCommand privateRpc(Method m, int timeout)throws IOException, ShutdownSignalException, TimeoutException {SimpleBlockingRpcContinuation k = new SimpleBlockingRpcContinuation();rpc(m, k);return k.getReply(timeout);
}public void rpc(Method m, RpcContinuation k)throws IOException
{synchronized (_channelMutex) {ensureIsOpen();quiescingRpc(m, k);}
}public void quiescingRpc(Method m, RpcContinuation k)throws IOException
{synchronized (_channelMutex) {enqueueRpc(k);quiescingTransmit(m);}


public void quiescingTransmit(Method m) throws IOException {synchronized (_channelMutex) {quiescingTransmit(new AMQCommand(m));}
public void quiescingTransmit(AMQCommand c) throws IOException {synchronized (_channelMutex) {if (c.getMethod().hasContent()) {while (_blockContent) {try {_channelMutex.wait();} catch (InterruptedException e) {}// This is to catch a situation when the thread wakes up during// shutdown. Currently, no command that has content is allowed// to send anything in a closing state.ensureIsOpen();}}c.transmit(this);}

上面代码只需要看: c.transmit(this);这一句,其余的都是摆设。看到这里,就调用了AMQCommand的transmit方法,这个transmit方法就是讲AMQChannel中封装的内容发给broker,然后等待broker返回,进而通过之前附值的_activeRpc来处理回传的帧。


Method method = (challenge == null)? new AMQP.Connection.StartOk.Builder().clientProperties(_clientProperties).mechanism(sm.getName()).response(response).build(): new AMQP.Connection.SecureOk.Builder().response(response).build();try {Method serverResponse = _channel0.rpc(method, HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT/2).getMethod();if (serverResponse instanceof AMQP.Connection.Tune) {connTune = (AMQP.Connection.Tune) serverResponse;} else {challenge = ((AMQP.Connection.Secure) serverResponse).getChallenge();response = sm.handleChallenge(challenge, this.username, this.password);}

此时调用了AMQChannel的rpc(Method m, int timeout)方法,其间接调用了AMQChannel的privateRpc(Method, int timeout)方法。代码详情上面已经罗列出来。

注意privateRpc(Method, int timeout)方法的最有一句返回:return k.getReply(timeout);这句代码的意思是SimpleBlockingRpcContinuation对象在等待broker的返回,确切的来说是MainLoop线程处理之后返回,即AMQChannel类中handleCompleteInboundCommand方法的nextOutstandingRpc().handleCommand(command)这行代码。


public interface RpcContinuation {void handleCommand(AMQCommand command);void handleShutdownSignal(ShutdownSignalException signal);
}public static abstract class BlockingRpcContinuation implements RpcContinuation {public final BlockingValueOrException _blocker =new BlockingValueOrException();public void handleCommand(AMQCommand command) {_blocker.setValue(transformReply(command));}public void handleShutdownSignal(ShutdownSignalException signal) {_blocker.setException(signal);}public T getReply() throws ShutdownSignalException{return _blocker.uninterruptibleGetValue();}public T getReply(int timeout)throws ShutdownSignalException, TimeoutException{return _blocker.uninterruptibleGetValue(timeout);}public abstract T transformReply(AMQCommand command);
}public static class SimpleBlockingRpcContinuationextends BlockingRpcContinuation
{public AMQCommand transformReply(AMQCommand command) {return command;}



BlockingRpcContinuation类主要操纵了BlockingValueOrException _blocker这个成员变量。再接下深究BlockingValueOrException其实是继承了BlockingCell,对其做了一下简单的封装。最后来看下BlockingCell是个什么鬼, 截取部分代码如下:

public class BlockingCell {private boolean _filled = false;private T _value;public synchronized T get() throws InterruptedException {while (!_filled) {wait();}return _value;}



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