

Floating Grid (Classic)

This grid uses "floats" to create it's columns. Since floats don't have layout, you need something to force them to encapsulate thier contents. This is commonly fixed by using a "ClearFix" (which ironicaly uses "display: table-cell"). However, I just

used "overflow: hidden." This is a classic grid solution.

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade. Etsy banksy biodiesel ethnic, cardigan chambray lomo four loko single-origin coffee. Wes

anderson dreamcatcher chillwave whatever, before they sold out master cleanse polaroid fixie skateboard yr.

Mcsweeney's PBR typewriter banksy wes anderson helvetica. Synth sriracha salvia, selvage pour-over 3 wolf moon 8-bit cosby sweater street art swag. Artisan echo park shoreditch, semiotics iphone dreamcatcher farm-to-table pinterest flexitarian

cred ennui irony bicycle rights. Narwhal whatever etsy retro, kogi yr salvia fixie pork belly master cleanse wolf ethical PBR VHS.

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade.

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade.

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade.

Inline-block Grid

This grid uses "inline-blocks" to create it's columns. The columns are set to "display: inline-block" and their parent can use "text-align" to position the inline elements. This technique was mostly used for achieving horizontal navigation without

using floats. This works great however, 3px of margin gets added to each inline-block. You need to corrent this by using "margin-right: -3px."

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade. Etsy banksy biodiesel ethnic, cardigan chambray lomo four loko single-origin coffee. Wes anderson

dreamcatcher chillwave whatever, before they sold out master cleanse polaroid fixie skateboard yr.

Mcsweeney's PBR typewriter banksy wes anderson helvetica. Synth sriracha salvia, selvage pour-over 3 wolf moon 8-bit cosby sweater street art swag. Artisan echo park shoreditch, semiotics iphone dreamcatcher farm-to-table pinterest flexitarian

cred ennui irony bicycle rights. Narwhal whatever etsy retro, kogi yr salvia fixie pork belly master cleanse wolf ethical PBR VHS.

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade.

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade.

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade.

Table-cell Grid

This grid uses "table-cell" to create it's columns. The columns are set to "display: table-cell" and their parent is set to "table." Table-cells fill their rows completely, so you don't get potholes in your rows like you do with Floats and Inline-Blocks.

This technique works like a charm, but everyone freaks out about using table behavior in CSS.

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade. Etsy banksy biodiesel ethnic, cardigan chambray lomo four loko single-origin coffee. Wes

anderson dreamcatcher chillwave whatever, before they sold out master cleanse polaroid fixie skateboard yr.

Mcsweeney's PBR typewriter banksy wes anderson helvetica. Synth sriracha salvia, selvage pour-over 3 wolf moon 8-bit cosby sweater street art swag. Artisan echo park shoreditch, semiotics iphone dreamcatcher farm-to-table pinterest flexitarian

cred ennui irony bicycle rights. Narwhal whatever etsy retro, kogi yr salvia fixie pork belly master cleanse wolf ethical PBR VHS.

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade.

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade.

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade.

FlexBox Grid

This grid uses "Flexbox" to create it's columns. The parent element holding the columns is set to "display: flex," and that tells all of it's immediate children to line the fuck UP! This is the new way to create columns. Flexbox gives you all kinds

of settings to control the position, order, alignment, size and behavior of it's contents. Flexbox fucking rocks and should be used all the time. I use Table-Cell as a fall back in browsers that don't support flexbox. I do this because table-cell

has the closest behavior to Flexbox and it gives me vertical and horizontal centering.

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade. Etsy banksy biodiesel ethnic, cardigan chambray lomo four loko single-origin coffee. Wes

anderson dreamcatcher chillwave whatever, before they sold out master cleanse polaroid fixie skateboard yr.

Mcsweeney's PBR typewriter banksy wes anderson helvetica. Synth sriracha salvia, selvage pour-over 3 wolf moon 8-bit cosby sweater street art swag. Artisan echo park shoreditch, semiotics iphone dreamcatcher farm-to-table pinterest flexitarian

cred ennui irony bicycle rights. Narwhal whatever etsy retro, kogi yr salvia fixie pork belly master cleanse wolf ethical PBR VHS.

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade.

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade.

Bushwick fanny pack high life wolf single-origin coffee american apparel, cred twee gluten-free mixtape mlkshk ethical carles Austin direct trade.


All grids are responsive, yet none use any breakpoints. I wanted to show the vanilla behavior of each technique when resized.

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