
When coding and designing there are a lot of steps and techniques that may seem trivial and appear to have little importance in the grand scheme of things. Does it really matter if we are using meaningful names for our variables in our code, or for our CSS id’s and classes? Who really cares if we use deprecated elements in our X/HTML so long as browser recognize them? So what if I am not consistently formatting my code the same way?

在进行编码和设计时,有许多步骤和技术看似微不足道,并且在整体方案中似乎没有什么重要性。 如果我们在代码中为变量或CSS ID和类使用有意义的名称真的有关系吗? 谁真正在乎我们是否在X / HTML中使用过时的元素,只要浏览器能够识别它们? 那么,如果我不能始终如一地格式化代码怎么办?

I am a huge fan of basketball, and find the history of the game particularly enjoyable. One of the basketball figures from the past that I have always admired the most was John Wooden, who coached the UCLA basketball team to 10 NCAA national titles, including 7 in a row at one point. He had four 30-0 seasons, and at one point his team won 88 consecutive games. Point being…the man was quite good at his job.

我是篮球运动的忠实粉丝,并且觉得比赛的历史特别有趣。 我一直以来最敬佩的篮球人物之一是约翰·伍登(John Wooden),他曾带领UCLA篮球队获得10个NCAA国家冠军,其中包括连续7个冠军。 他有四个30-0赛季,在某一时刻他的球队连续赢得了88场比赛。 要点是……这个人很擅长他的工作。

Each year, Wooden started out his season by having all of his players come into the locker room for his first lesson. He’d sit them all down, then pull out a pair of socks and slowly demonstrate the proper way to put them on. He’d roll the socks over the toes, then the ball of the foot, arch and heel, and then pull the sock up tight. He would then have the players slowly run their fingers over the socks to make sure there were no wrinkles. Seems kind of trivial right?

每年,伍登都通过让所有球员进入更衣室开始他的第一堂课来开始他的赛季。 他会把它们都坐下来,然后拔出一双袜子,慢慢地示范穿上它们的正确方法。 他先将袜子滚动在脚趾上,然后将脚,足弓和脚跟的球滚动,然后将袜子拉紧。 然后,他将让球员在袜子上缓慢滑动手指,以确保没有皱纹。 似乎有点琐碎的权利?

However think about it for a second…if he put that much attention into ensuring that such a small task was carried out so precisely, wouldn’t it follow that each task his team performed would be given the same kind of thought and attention to detail?


It’s that way with programming and design as well. If we think details like semantic names, using progressive enhancement, and consistently formatting our code are important, won’t we also be concerned with much bigger details like making sure our code is efficient, our program is easy to use, and our design is effectively portraying the message we are trying to send?

编程和设计也是如此。 如果我们认为诸如语义名称之类的细节,使用渐进增强功能以​​及一致地格式化我们的代码很重要,那么我们是否也不必担心更大的细节,例如确保我们的代码高效,程序易于使用且设计合理。有效地刻画我们试图发送的消息?

And what if we do decide that some of these “trivial” details are not important enough to worry about? Where do we then draw the line between what matters and what we can just kind of ignore? If it’s ok to not use meaningful names for our variables, is it also ok if our code takes a few more seconds to load, or if one of our scripts is not unobtrusive? When does something become important enough to matter?

如果我们确实确定其中一些“琐碎”的细节并不重要,该怎么办呢? 那么,我们在哪里可以划清重要和可以忽略的部分之间的界限? 如果可以对变量不使用有意义的名称,如果代码需要花费几秒钟的时间来加载,或者如果我们的脚本之一不是很吸引人,那也可以吗? 什么时候什么东西变得足够重要就可以了?

It may seem somewhat trivial to make sure that all our identifiers in CSS are meaningful names, and that in our programs we always format our functions the same way. However, if we put that kind of attention into all the little things that go into programming and design, just imagine the high quality finished product we will have. It is that attention to detail that separates the good programs from the great, a good looking design from a “wow” design.

确保我们在CSS中的所有标识符都是有意义的名称似乎有些琐碎,并且在我们的程序中我们始终以相同的方式格式化函数。 但是,如果我们将这种注意力放在编程和设计中的所有小事情上,那就想象一下我们将拥有的高质量成品。 对细节的关注将优秀的程序与出色的外观设计与“哇”的设计区分开来。

That’s why we can never sit still. We need to always push ourselves to find better solutions…more efficient code, more effective design. Just because something works doesn’t mean it works well. Only by taking time to pay close attention to the “minor” details that go into our development process can we be sure that our final, finished product will be one of high quality and durability.

这就是为什么我们永远都不能停滞不前。 我们需要始终努力寻找更好的解决方案……更有效的代码,更有效的设计。 仅仅因为某事有效并不意味着它就运作良好。 只有花时间密切注意开发过程中的“次要”细节,我们才能确保最终成品是高质量和耐用性之一。

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2008/02/its-all-in-the-details/



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