

[Wed Mar 24 11:05 u20@u20-0-52 ~ ]$ type snap
snap is /usr/bin/snap
[Wed Mar 24 11:06 u20@u20-0-52 ~ ]$ type apt
apt is /usr/bin/apt
[Wed Mar 24 11:06 u20@u20-0-52 ~ ]$ whatis snap
snap (8)             - Tool to interact with snaps
[Wed Mar 24 11:06 u20@u20-0-52 ~ ]$ whatis apt
apt (8)              - command-line interface


[Wed Mar 24 11:06 u20@u20-0-52 ~ ]$ snap help --all
The snap command lets you install, configure, refresh and remove snaps.
Snaps are packages that work across many different Linux distributions,
enabling secure delivery and operation of the latest apps and utilities.Usage: snap <command> [<options>...]Commands can be classified as follows:Basics (basic snap management):find             Find packages to installinfo             Show detailed information about snapsinstall          Install snaps on the systemremove           Remove snaps from the systemlist             List installed snaps...more (slightly more advanced snap management):refresh          Refresh snaps in the systemrevert           Reverts the given snap to the previous stateswitch           Switches snap to a different channeldisable          Disable a snap in the systemenable           Enable a snap in the systemcreate-cohort    Create cohort keys for a set of snapsHistory (manage system change transactions):changes          List system changestasks            List a change's tasksabort            Abort a pending changewatch            Watch a change in progressDaemons (manage services):services         Query the status of servicesstart            Start servicesstop             Stop servicesrestart          Restart serviceslogs             Retrieve logs for servicesPermissions (manage permissions):connections      List interface connectionsinterface        Show details of snap interfacesconnect          Connect a plug to a slotdisconnect       Disconnect a plug from a slotConfiguration (system administration and configuration):get              Print configuration optionsset              Change configuration optionsunset            Remove configuration optionswait             Wait for configurationApp Aliases (manage aliases):alias            Set up a manual aliasaliases          List aliases in the systemunalias          Remove a manual alias, or the aliases for an entire snapprefer           Enable aliases from a snap, disabling any conflicting aliasesAccount (authentication to snapd and the snap store):login            Authenticate to snapd and the storelogout           Log out of snapd and the storewhoami           Show the email the user is logged in withSnapshots (archives of snap data):saved            List currently stored snapshotssave             Save a snapshot of the current datacheck-snapshot   Check a snapshotrestore          Restore a snapshotforget           Delete a snapshotexport-snapshot  Export a snapshotimport-snapshot  Import a snapshotDevice (manage device):model            Get the active model for this devicereboot           Reboot into selected system and moderecovery         List available recovery systemsWarnings (manage warnings):warnings         List warningsokay             Acknowledge warningsAssertions (manage assertions):known            Show known assertions of the provided typeack              Add an assertion to the systemIntrospection (introspection and debugging of snapd):version          Show version detailsdebug            Run debug commandsDevelopment (developer-oriented features):download         Download the given snappack             Pack the given directory as a snaprun              Run the given snap commandtry              Test an unpacked snap in the systemprepare-image    Prepare a device imageFor more information about a command, run 'snap help <command>'.


[Wed Mar 24 11:09 u20@u20-0-52 ~ ]$ apt --help
apt 2.0.2ubuntu0.2 (amd64)
Usage: apt [options] commandapt is a commandline package manager and provides commands for
searching and managing as well as querying information about packages.
It provides the same functionality as the specialized APT tools,
like apt-get and apt-cache, but enables options more suitable for
interactive use by default.Most used commands:list - list packages based on package namessearch - search in package descriptionsshow - show package detailsinstall - install packagesreinstall - reinstall packagesremove - remove packagesautoremove - Remove automatically all unused packagesupdate - update list of available packagesupgrade - upgrade the system by installing/upgrading packagesfull-upgrade - upgrade the system by removing/installing/upgrading packagesedit-sources - edit the source information filesatisfy - satisfy dependency stringsSee apt(8) for more information about the available commands.
Configuration options and syntax is detailed in apt.conf(5).
Information about how to configure sources can be found in sources.list(5).
Package and version choices can be expressed via apt_preferences(5).
Security details are available in apt-secure(8).This APT has Super Cow Powers.


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