谷歌表格图表 横坐标 滚动

Charts are an ideal way to present data from a spreadsheet in a visual way. If you want to insert a chart from an existing spreadsheet into a Docs or Slides file, you can sync it from Google Sheets.

图表是以可视方式显示电子表格中数据的理想方式。 如果您要将现有电子表格中的图表插入Docs或幻灯片文件中,则可以从Google表格中进行同步。

First, make sure you have a Google Sheets spreadsheet that contains at least one chart. You can follow our guides to insert a chart manually or with Google’s Explore feature.

首先,请确保您有一个至少包含一个图表的Google表格电子表格。 您可以按照我们的指南手动插入图表或使用Google的“探索”功能 。

For this guide, we’ll use Google Docs to sync charts from Sheets, although the process is identical for Slides.

对于本指南,我们将使用Google Docs从Sheets同步图表,尽管该过程与Slides相同。

Fire up your browser, head to Google Docs, and then open a document you want to sync a chart into from Sheets.

启动浏览器,转到Google Docs ,然后打开要与表格同步的图表。

Click Insert > Chart > From Sheet to open up the chart picker window.


A list of all the spreadsheets saved to your Google Drive opens. Locate the spreadsheet with the chart you want and double-click it.

将打开所有保存到您的Google云端硬盘的电子表格的列表。 找到具有所需图表的电子表格,然后双击它。

All the charts in the spreadsheet will appear in a window. Click the one you want, and then click “Import” to add it to your document. If the sheet doesn’t have any charts, just click the back button and select a different file.

电子表格中的所有图表将显示在一个窗口中。 单击所需的一个,然后单击“导入”以将其添加到您的文档中。 如果工作表中没有任何图表,只需单击“后退”按钮并选择其他文件。

Once the chart is inserted in the document, click it, and then drag any of the blue squares to resize and fit it into your document.


Although the chart doesn’t update in real-time, you see a notification whenever data changes in Sheets. Just click “Update” in the right corner of the chart in your document and wait for it to refresh.

尽管该图表不会实时更新,但是只要表格中的数据发生更改,您都会看到一条通知。 只需单击文档中图表右上角的“更新”,然后等待刷新即可。

That’s all there is to it! If you want to add more charts from other spreadsheets, just repeat the steps above and insert as many as you need.

这里的所有都是它的! 如果要从其他电子表格添加更多图表,只需重复上述步骤并根据需要插入任意数量。


谷歌表格图表 横坐标 滚动

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