git branch -a 查看远程该分支是否存在

git fetch -p 拉取最新远程分支

git pull 获取该分支远程代码


git pull报错:Your configuration specifies to...from the remote, but no such ref was fetched相关推荐

  1. git pull 报错Your configuration specifies to merge with the XXX from the remote, but no such ref was..

    翻译过来的大致意思是: 你的配置指定与ref 'XXX'合并 从远程,但没有这样的引用. 打开.git文件夹 打开config文件 [branch "master"]remote ...

  2. git第一次提交代码到码云,git pull 报错:fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

    第一次提交的步骤: 1.进入项目目录,执行 git init 2.连接远程仓库 git remote add origin 远程仓库地址(从码云乎哟这github上复制地址即可) 3.报错:git p ...

  3. 2021-08-03 git pull 报错 cannot lock ref

    git pull 报错:error: cannot lock ref 'refs/remotes/origin/release/xxx': 'refs/remotes/origin/release' ...

  4. git pull报错Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files

    git pull 报错 error: Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files. 解决办法 1. git add -u 2. gi ...

  5. git pull报错unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet

    git pull报错unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet 解决方法 修改http请求最大容量:git config ...

  6. git pull 报错 error: cannot pull with rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes.

    git pull 报错 error: cannot pull with rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes. error: please c ...

  7. git pull 报错:权限不够 Permission denied (publickey)

    一.背景 在git 提交的时候,突然就行不通,一直报错: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote reposi ...

  8. Mac 升级后git pull 报错fatal: Authentication failed for 解决办法

    转载:Mac 升级后git pl 报错fatal: Authentication failed for 解决办法 - 简书 git pull,,,报错如下: cat .git/config git r ...

  9. 电脑重装系统之后git pull报错 Permission denied (publickey)

    今天我重装了系统,之后使用git pull报如下的错误消息: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not ...


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