
0x0 前言

​ 渗透过程中如果能获取到网站的源代码,那么无疑开启了上帝视角。虽然之前出现过不少通过搜索引擎查找同类网站,然后批量扫备份的思路,但是却没人分享其具体过程,这里笔者便整理了自己开发分布式扫描器的目录扫描模块的一些尝试的思路,同时分享一些寻找源码的其他手段,希望能给读者带来一些新的体验。

0x1 搜索技巧

0x1.1 代码托管平台





(1) quick cheat sheet


This search Finds repositories with…
cat stars:>100 查找star数目超过100的与cat相关的仓库
user:defunkt 找到defunkt用户的所有仓库
tom location:”San Francisco, CA” 查找位于”San Francisco, CA”的tom用户
join extension:coffee 在coffer后缀文件的代码中查找join的所有实例
NOT cat 排除所有包含cat的结果


This search Finds repositories with…
node.js forks:<200 查找所有forks少于200的node.js仓库
jquery size:1024..4089 查找大小在1024-4089之间的jquery仓库


This search Finds repositories with…
install repo:charles/privaterepo 在charles/privaterepo仓库中搜索带有install的代码实例
shogun user:heroku 在heroku用户公开仓库查找shogun的引用
system size:>1000 在大于1000kbs的代码文件中查找system实例
examples path:/docs/ 在/docs/路径中查找examples
replace fork:true 在forks的源代码中查找replace


This search Finds repositories with…
fullname:”Linus Torvalds” 查找 “Linus Torvalds” 用户. (用户名非账户名)
chris followers:100..200 查找follower数目在100-200的chris用户
ryan repos:>10 查找仓库数目大于10的ryan用户s


  1. filename:config.php dbpasswd
  2. filename:.bashrc password
  3. shodan_api_key language:python
  4. path:sites datab ases password
  5. "baidu.com" ssh language:yaml
  6. filename:file.php admin in:path
  7. org:companyname "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID:"




  1. git clone https://github.com/obheda12/GitDorker.git
  2. cd GitDorker
  3. docker build -t gitdorker .
  4. docker run -it gitdorker
  5. docker run -it -v $(pwd)/tf:/tf gitdorker -tf tf/TOKENSFILE -q tesla.com -d dorks/DORKFILE -o tesla
  6. docker run -it -v $(pwd)/tf:/tf xshuden/gitdorker -tf tf/TOKENSFILE -q tesla.com -d dorks/DORKFILE -o tesla


  1. python3 GitDorker.py -tf ./TF/TOKENSFILE -q ximalaya.com -d ./Dorks/alldorksv3 -o x mly




0x1.2 搜索引擎


  1. XX源码
  2. XX完整包
  3. xx安装程序
  4. xx备份
  5. xx代码
  6. xx开源
  7. xx源程序
  8. xx框架
  9. xx ext:rar | ext:tar.gz |ext:zip

0x1.3 网盘搜索



https://www.chaonengsou.com/ 这个网站做了个集合,比较全。

0x2 曲线思路

​ 如果如0x1所述,依然没办法找到源码,说明目标系统是那种小众或者商业类型的,导致没有在互联网流传广泛,故没办法搜索到。

​ 这个时候,我们便可以采用曲线思路,通过寻找本网站根目录下的备份文件,源代码包进行下载,如果仍然没有找到,则去寻找同套系统的其他网站,扫描这些网站目录下的备份文件和源代码包,从而获取到系统源码。

​ 我们不能做思想上的巨人,行动上的矮子,那么如何高效地完成这一过程呢? 可以划分为下面几个步骤来完成。

0x2.1 提取特征


(1) logo 特征


(2) 关键词特征

网站title、网站版权信息、j avas cript关键字信息、html源码结构信息、http返回头特征。

0x2.2 资产收集



0x2.3 简单fuzz


cat targets.xt|deduplicate|httpx -path '/wwwroot.zip' -status-code


0x2.4 编写nuclei插件


编写插件第一步: 插件信息


参考:https://nuclei.projectdiscovery.io/templating-guide/#template-detail 可知


info区域是动态的,除了name, author, des cription, severity and tags,也可以添加其他key:value,tags是支持用于nuclei检索调用的,可参照同类插件来写。

  1. id: back-up-files
  2. info:
  3. name: Find Resource Code Of Target Template
  4. author: xq17
  5. severity: medium
  6. tags: exposure,backup


参考:https://nuclei.projectdiscovery.io/templating-guide/protocols/http/ 可知

1.HTTP Requests start with a request block which specifies the start of the requests for the template.

2.Request method can be GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc depending on the needs.

3.Redirection conditions can be specified per each template. By default, redirects are not followed. However, if desired, they can be enabled with redirects: true in request d etails.

4.The next part of the requests is the path of the request path. Dynamic variables can be placed in the path to modify its behavior on runtime.

Variables start with {{ and end with }} and are case-sensitive.

{{b aseURL}} - This will replace on runtime in the request by the original URL as specified in the target file.

{{Hostname}} - Hostname variable is replaced by the hostname of the target on runtime.

5.Headers can also be specified to be sent along with the requests. Headers are placed in form of key/value pairs. An example header configuration looks like this:

  1. # headers contains the headers for the request
  2. headers:
  3. # Custom user-agent header
  4. User-Agent: Some-Random-User-Agent
  5. # Custom request origin
  6. Origin: https://google.com

6.Body specifies a body to be sent along with the request. (发送POST包需要用到)

7.To maintain cookie b ased browser like session between multiple requests, you can simply use cookie-reuse: true in your template, Useful in cases where you want to maintain session between series of request to complete the exploit chain and to perform authenticated scans.(Session重用,作用是串联攻击链,实现登录验证再攻击)

  1. # cookie-reuse accepts boolean input and false as default
  2. cookie-reuse: true

8.Request condition allows to check for condition between multiple requests for writing complex checks and exploits involving multiple HTTP request to complete the exploit chain.

with DSL matcher, it can be utilized by adding req-condition: true and numbers as suffix with respective attributes, status_code_1, status_code_3, andbody_2 for example.(编写复杂攻击链)

  1. req-condition: true
  2. matchers:
  3. - type: dsl
  4. dsl:
  5. - "status_code_1 == 404 && status_code_2 == 200 && contains((body_2), 'secret_string')"

…还有许多高级用法比如支持raw http,race之类的,但是这里用不上,文档这个东西,够用就行。

  1. requests:
  2. - method: GET
  3. path:
  4. - "{{b aseURL}}/wwwroot.zip"
  5. - "{{b aseURL}}/www.zip"

编写插件的第三步: 判断返回内容

参考:https://nuclei.projectdiscovery.io/templating-guide/operators/matchers/ 知

Multiple matchers can be specified in a request. There are basically 6 types of matchers:

status(状态码) size(返回包大小) word(字符串) regex(正则匹配) binary(二进制文件)


可用的辅助函数: https://nuclei.projectdiscovery.io/templating-guide/helper-functions/,

对于words and regexes,可以对返回内容的多个匹配条件用ANDOR进行组合。

Multiple words and regexes can be specified in a single matcher and can be configured with different conditions like AND and OR


Multiple parts of the response can also be matched for the request, default matched part is body if not defined.


All types of matchers also support negative conditions, mostly useful when you look for a match with an exclusions. This can be used by adding negative: true in the matchers block.


Multiple matchers can be used in a single template to fingerprint multiple conditions with a single request.


While using multiple matchers the default condition is to follow OR operation in between all the matchers, AND operation can be used to make sure return the result if all matchers returns true.


  1. matchers-condition: and
  2. matchers:
  3. - type: binary
  4. binary:
  5. - "504B0304" # zip
  6. part: body
  7. - type: dsl
  8. dsl:
  9. - "len(body)>0"
  10. - type: status
  11. status:
  12. - 200

编写插件的第四步: 链接起各个部分


  1. id: back-up-files
  2. info:
  3. name: Find Resource Code Of Target Template
  4. author: xq17
  5. severity: medium
  6. tags: exposure,backup
  7. requests:
  8. - method: GET
  9. path:
  10. - "{{b aseURL}}/wwwroot.zip"
  11. - "{{b aseURL}}/www.zip"
  12. matchers-condition: and
  13. matchers:
  14. - type: binary
  15. binary:
  16. - "504B0304" # zip
  17. part: body
  18. - type: dsl
  19. dsl:
  20. - "len(body)>0"
  21. - type: status
  22. status:
  23. - 200

0x2.5 测试插件


  1. python3 -m http.server 9091


  1. echo '' | nuclei -t back-up-files.yaml -debug -timeout 2 -stats -proxy-url



0x3 总结

​ 第一篇主要是介绍了一些思路和nuclei插件编写简单思路,用于帮助新手快速入门,第二篇则是关于如何增强该插件,增加扫描目录列表,更精确的判断返回值等内容(这里建议读者,可以先自行阅读下nuclei-template的文档,这样学习效果更佳!),第三篇则是运用前两篇的知识点和增强型插件,来完成一次真实的寻找网站源码之旅。


  1. Thinkphp开发的云盘宝网盘赚钱系统源码/仿蓝奏百度网盘限速下载系统/分享赚钱网盘系统

    演示地址:http://www.xhymsq.com/thread-27590-1-1.html 源码说明:Thinkphp开发的云盘宝网盘赚钱系统源码/仿蓝奏百度网盘限速下载系统/分享赚钱网盘系统, ...

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    说明: 1.本例程参考正点原子的IAP的代码. 2.本例程基于STM32F103C8T6单片机编写. 3.本例程使用USART1进行程序下载,波特率115200. 4.串口输出"Bootlo ...

  3. C++ Primer 5th 中文版 源码_无需金币(百度网盘)

    链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ji1XsyOaDwhlaVShOX2LuQ  提取码:zzzz 请直接下载,快速高效. 天下苦秦久矣.

  4. 网盘搜索工具整理2015

    天天网盘搜索神器(百度网盘搜索) http://www.daysou.com 盘多多 百度云盘资源搜索 网盘屋 百度网盘经典资源合集 百度网盘分享之家 网盘搜索_搜搜唯一文件 呆木瓜 呆木瓜网盘搜索, ...

  5. 【网盘搜索小程序完整源码】微信QQ双端通用

    本文转自:安好屋 本文链接:https://www.anhaowu.com/xcx/wangpanss.html ###一个微信QQ双端通用网盘搜索小程序 直接通过爬去第三方网站的搜索结果来实现搜索, ...

  6. 网盘搜索神器php源码,127网盘搜索源码|网盘资源搜索神器|thinkphp3.1.3框架开发的...

    网盘资源搜索神器 – 专业网盘搜索 – 搜您所想搜您所要 -盘搜利器,百度盘搜,115福利,360网盘福利,360盘搜,千脑盘搜,迅载网盘,vdisk威盘,华为盘搜,115盘搜,金山盘搜,千军万马,百 ...

  7. 网盘搜索插件php源码,PHP网盘资源搜索源码 127盘搜网盘搜索神器 THINKPHP内核

    127泛搜索网盘搜索器械,最快最稳定的网盘搜索器械,可以支持所有的网盘搜索,百度,360,微云,成都网盘,徐州网盘,百度网盘,千岛网盘,v盘微盘,新浪微盘,119G网盘.磁盘,几千匹马,一个木河网盘, ...

  8. php 第三方认证中心 框架,仿百度钱包源码红色优享钱包网贷借款源码/接入第三方认证,去后门修复缺陷ThinkPHP开发...

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  9. 麻辣GIS源码的github下载与调试

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  7. UltraEdit怎样修改保存默认的后缀文件名
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