


英 ['ɜ:lɪə] 美 [ˈɝlɪr]


earlier 基本解释



1. Earlier, the police said business rivalry is being suspected behind the explosion.

2. Professor Michael Luger joined Manchester Business School earlier this month as director.

3. His father had 5 years earlier burned him very badly in an act of revenge against his former wife.

4. Earlier this month it forecast a net loss of 17 billion yen for the current business year to March.

5. State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan said earlier that Chinese leaders would have a busy diplomatic itinerary untill the end of this year.

6. Jennifer Aniston has enjoyed a date with Gerard Butler - at the same venue she was seen dining with John Mayer days earlier.

7. Butler had been freed in a military operation earlier yesterday in the city, the spokesman said.

8. Ping An said earlier this month that it planned to buy stake worth up to a combined 22 billion yuan in SDB.

9. An earlier explanation by the ministry said the figure would not include public areas, meaning a buyer will have to pay for a much larger area.


1. Our company is in Woxian with a history of the earlier one of the machinery industry.


2. And so I think that one of the important findings of those earlier elections has been addressed.


3. But Bissell's self-destructive behavior had started years earlier.


4. Do you think it will confirm some of the earlier trial results or what is your view?


5. Of course it would be the scholars of an earlier generation.


6. I think these are the results of earlier kindergarten.




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