



How's your newhome? --I'm happy. 我很高兴!我很幸福!

I'm ecstatic. 狂喜

I'm thrilled. 我太激动了

I'm so happy. /I feel sohappy.

I'm in heaven. 我好像到了天堂。

Yahoo! *表示高兴和喜悦的心情时。

We're going camping next week.

Oh, boy! *哇!/太棒了!

I lost my keys! --Oh, boy! 哦!这下糟了

Look at the view! --Wow! It's great.

School is canceled today. --Yeah! 棒极了!

We're going to Disneyland!

Whoopee! 太好了! *孩子用来表示幸福的词,若大人使用,听上去含有讽刺的意味

He got the promotion. --Whoopee.

I'm glad to hear it.听到这消息我很高兴

I'm happy you told me.

That's great to hear.

I'm relieved to hear that. 放心了

I'm glad that the exams are over.谢天谢地

I feel like a million dollars.感觉好极了

I've never been this happy.我从没这么高兴过.

I've never been as happy as I am now.

This is the happiest moment in my life.

This is the best moment of my life.

I couldn't be happier.

I heard John got married.

That's good news. /That's welcome news! 这是个好消息.

Let's go dancing. --

What fun! /How fun! 太棒了!/太好了!

It's a nice day!

I feel great! 舒服极了!

/I feel wonderful! /I feel good! /I feel fantastic! /Ifeel terrific! 舒服极了

I'm in a good mood today.我今天的心情很好.

The boss is in a good mood.

I'm in a bad mood today.

I'm looking forward to this summer.


Do you have any plans?

I can hardly wait until this summer. 我都等不及到夏天了。*口语化的说法

I'm looking forward to seeing you.

You look happy today.今天你看上去很高兴啊!

Yes. I got a raise. 是呀,我涨工资了

You seem really happy today.

I'm walking on air. *高兴得飘飘欲仙

I jumped for joy. 我高兴地跳了起来.

We're having a baby.

This is too good to be true.简直难以相信.

It's unbelievable.

Too good to be true.

Nothing could be more wonderful.


Nothing would please me more.

Nothing could be nicer.

Did you receive my birthday card?

Yes, you made me happy. 你是我感到幸福.Thank you.

Did you pass the exam?

I made it! / I did it! 成功了、通过了。

I've got a new job!

You did it! 干得不错!

Alright! /Yeah!

I won the lottery! --Lucky! 真走运

Didn't that policeman give you a ticket?

No, he didn't. I lucked out today. 没有,我今天运气真好

I was lucky today. /Today's my lucky day.

I feel lucky today. /I'm in luck today.

I found $10.00 on the street.

It's your lucky day. /That's fortunate. /You got lucky. 你真走运.

We didn't crash. 我们差点撞上

Thank heavens! 谢天谢地

Thank God! /Thank goodness!

I hit the jackpot! 我中头彩了!  

What luck! 太走运了!

I struck it rich! 我发了笔横财。

I was just lucky. /It was pure luck.


It's a dream come true! 美梦成真.

Mike got a raise!

Talk about luck! 真走运啊!

This must be my lucky day!

Things are really going my way!

What a lucky day!

What is a good gift for Tracy?

This is it! 就是这个.

This is just what I was looking for.

Why don't we go to New York?

It's settled! 就这么定了.

That settles it!

Let's go dancing tonight!

Sounds great! 听起来不错!/It sounds great!

That sounds great!

Look at that salad bar.

Looks great! /It looks great! /That looks great! 真不错!


I passed! What a relief. 可以松口气了.

Good for you. 太好了

That's a relief! /I'm relieved.

Everything worked out well.

I'm relieved. 我总算可以松口气了

I feel relieved. /I feel a lot better now.

Happy birthday!

I'm surprised! 吓我一跳!

What a surprise!

Whew! 好了!这下放心了!

We made it!

Thank goodness! /Thank God!

Aah! 啊

Did u hear that the meeting went well?

Yes, I felt relieved to hear that.


I was relieved to hear that.

I felt much better after hearing that.

Here we are at last. 终于到了

Home sweet home.

We've finally arrived.

He finally left. 他终于回去了

Good riddance. 可算摆脱了  

I'm glad they're gone.



Oh, heck! I failed the test. 噢,见鬼!

Oh, darn! /Oh, no!

Where is your homework?

Shucks! I forgot it at home. 哎呀!...

Shoot! I Missed the train. 真见鬼!....

Sheesh! 他妈的!....

Uh-oh.啊,糟了 I forgot.

Not everything is logical. 有的事是行不通的.

Everything isn't always logical.

Not everything follows the rules of logic.

How was the investment?

It went down the drain. 全白白浪费了(丢下水道里了)

The train just left.

I almost made it. /I was almost on time.就差那么一点.

I was just a little late.

Our house is a mess?

So, do something! 想点办法吧.

Do something about it!

Please do something about it.

Please take care of it for me.请为我处理一下吧

I'm so busy. /I'm so busy today.


How about tomorrow?

I'm too busy.

I'm as busy as a bee.

This task is too much for me.


Please don't give up yet.

I can't complete this task alone.

This is too much for me to handle.

I can't make ends meet on my small salary. 这么点儿薪水我怎么够活呀.

I can't live on my low pay.

I can't get along on my scanty pay.

I find it impossible to make ends meet on my smallsalary.

Your husband hit you again?

Yes. This is the last straw. 是的。我再也忍不下去了

That's it. /I've had it up to here.

I can't take it any more.

Your response is unacceptable.你的答复我接受不了.

I'm not satisfied with what you say.

Your answer is unsatisfactory.

I'm not satisfied with his answer. 我不满意他的回答.

I'm dissatisfied with his answer.

His answer didn't satisfy me.

He's got a chip on his shoulder today. 他今天一副挑衅的样子.

Play fair! /Play fairly!公平点儿.

Don't cheat! 不许搞鬼。

What a waste of time and money!


Don't say that.

You're wasting your time and money!

I'd like you to have this. 我想送你这个

You're too generous. 你太慷慨了.

You're too kind.

He told me all about it.他把一切都告诉了我.

He told me everything.

What's taking so long?怎么花这么长时间?

Why is it taking so long?

I can't make it in ten minutes.


I need more time.

It'll take me longer than ten minutes.

Ten minutes isn't enough time.

He looks down on me. /He despises me.他看不起我.

He respects me.

You're good for nothing. 你什么忙也帮不了.

I hate that noise.

It drives me crazy. /It makes me crazy.简直快让我疯了.

It drives me up the wall.

I'd like this one, and that one, please.

Is that all? /Is that it?就这些吗?

Anything else?

I'll give you 10% off.

That's not enough. 这不够/这太少了How about 20% off?

I'd like more. /I need more.

He's unfair to me.他对我不公平.

He treats me unfairly.

He doesn't treat me fairly.


No more excuses! 别再辩解了!

Don't make any excuses!

Don't give me excuses.

But I can't.

No ifs, ands or buts! You will finish it today.

But I can't help it.

I've heard enough of your excuses.


I don't want to hear any excuses.


That's not a good excuse.


That's no excuse.

What's the big idea? 你到底在想什么呢?

Don't give me any lip service! 别给我开空头支票.

Don't give me any lip.

You don't need to buy that.

Hey, don't tell me what to do! It's my money. 喂!你少命令我,;

I'm mad! 气疯我了

I'm mad at you! 你气死我了!

I'm sorry, please forgive me.

I'm angry. /I'm upset. /I'm ticked off.

That's disgusting. 那真讨厌.Are you going to eat that? 看上去真恶心,你准备吃吗?

Yes, it's delicious. Try it.

That's gross. 那真恶心。

You're getting on my nerves.你让我心烦

That's not a nice thing to say. 你这样说也太失礼了

You're bothering me.

You're really irritating me.

You're starting to get on my nerves.

Ha, ha, you fell down.

Don't make fun of me! 别取笑我!

Don't tease me.

Don't talk down to me.别说看不起人的话

Don't belittle me. 别看不起人。

Don't be upset. 请别上火

Calm down.

I can't.

I've run out of patience.


I lost my temper. 我发脾气了。

What nerve! 你放肆!

How impudent u are to say such a thing! 您竟有脸说这种事.

How impolite! 怎么那么厚颜无耻!

That's a rude thing to say!

What he says offends me.他说的话多气人呀.

I know what you mean.

What he says bothers me.

We've got to get even. *回击,报复


We have to get him back.

It's a great deal. 那可是件好事呀

I wasn't born yesterday. 我又不是不懂.

I didn't just fall off the turnip truck!

I'm not stupid!

I'm not naive!

Don't think you can make a fool out of me! 轻视,看不起、当是傻瓜


Don't try to make me look foolish!

You can't make me look stupid!

You're making fun of me. *取笑、耍弄


You're teasing me. 你耍我呢.

Are u trying to make a fool out of me?

I'll do it for ¥50,000.

That's asking too much. 真是狮子大开口.

You're being too greedy.

You're pushing your luck. 你还真来劲!

He has a quick temper.他是急脾气.

He has a short temper.

He has a bad temper.

Who do you think you're talking to?


You can't talk to me like that.

Do you know who you're talking to?

Do you have anything to say?


Do u have anything to complain about?

Do you have any objection to it? 你有什么不同意见?

I won't let you have your own way.


You can't have everything ur own way.

I'm not giving in. 我绝不让步。

If you don't help me, I'll turn you in. 你要不帮我,我就把你交给警方

That's blackmail! *勒索、恐吓;这是恐吓.

Don't insult me. 你别侮辱人.

Don't insult my intelligence.

You're a filthy liar. 你是一个卑鄙的骗子.

I lent him money.

You'll be sorry. 你会后悔的.

You'll regret it.

You'll wish you hadn't done it.

Isn't he cool?

Are you crazy? 你疯了? /Are you nuts?

Are you out of your mind?

Are you insane? /Are you delirious?

Are you all there?

Are you confused? *更尖锐的说法。

Don't look at me like that!别用那种眼神看着我.

Like what? 什么眼神?

Don't stare at me! 一直盯着看,凝视

I want to get even with him. 我要报复.

I'll pay him back. 这个仇我一定得报。

That sneaky, low life creep! 那个狡猾、卑鄙的家伙.

Is not! ? Is too! (根本)不是!?是的!*孩子们吵架时常用。 /Is not! Is so!

Have it your way! 随便吧!

We should turn right.

I think we should go left.

Okay, okay, have it your way!

Do it your way!

Do whatever you want!

Do as you please.

It's your choice.

Suit yourself! 随你便(好意没被领情时)


It's boring.真无聊.

Do you want to watch that movie?

No, I hear it's boring.

Dull. / It's dull. 没劲/真没意思.

My life is dull.

It's for the birds. 毫无价值!/不值一提

I hate this class.

I agree. It's for the birds.

It's no good. /It sucks.

I'm not interested.我不感兴趣.

So, when do u want to go out with me?

I'm not interested in you.

How's your new job?

It's nothing great. 没什么了不起的。

It's nothing much.

I'm not satisfied. /I'm dissatisfied.


I'm not happy about it.

I'm not content. /I'm discontent.

How was the meeting?

It was just another meeting. 很平常

*just another 常有的,不稀奇的


It was just a meeting.

That meeting was nothing special.

I can't get into my work. *专心做;


I can't concentrate on my work.

I can't get excited about my job.

I've lost interest in my work.

It's outdated. /It's out of date.


I don't know her, I promise.

Give me a break! 拜托!别玩花样了

Tell me the truth.

Get real. 认真点儿

Stop joking.

Get serious. 说正经的

Stop kidding! 别耍我

Stop pulling my leg! 别跟我逗!

Tom is very rude.

Yeah, I can't stand it. *stand 容忍,忍耐


I can't take it anymore.

I can't bare it anymore.

I can't take the strain.

I can't stand it any longer.

I can't put up with it any longer! *忍受;

Mom! She won't leave me alone and she keeps playing withmy toys and...

That's enough. 够了Stop complaining.

I've had it. 我受不了了.

I've had enough.

I've heard enough!

That's it.

Enough is enough.

Finish your homework first, then wash my car.

Have a heart, dad! 饶了我吧,爸爸!

The more I hear about it, the more disgusted I get. 越听越烦.

The more I hear about it, the more disgusted I become.

The more I know, the sicker I feel.

There she goes again. 她又来了*用于常说同样话的人又开始重复同一话题时。

Are you listening? I said...

Oh, no! There she goes again.对第3人说

She's starting it again.

She's saying it again.

No, you can't go.

Oh, man! You never let me do anything. 哦,真烦!…

I don't want to hear it.我不想听.

I don't want to hear about it.

There's one more problem.

Now what? 这次又是什么?

What else?

What's next?

What else is wrong?

What is it this time?


Shut up! 闭嘴! I don't want to hear it!

You shut up! /Shut your mouth.

Keep your mouth shut.

Be quiet! 安静!

Don't be a back seat driver. 别指手划脚!

Stop shouting! 别大声嚷嚷!

Stop yelling! 别吵!

Keep your voice down! 小点声!

You always come home late.

Stop complaining! 别抱怨了.

Calm down, 安静点will you? --Okay. I'll try.

Did you fix my car? I told you to do it before dinner.

Stop nagging me! 唠叨什么呀!…I'll do it.

But you promised!

Get off my back. 别再啰嗦了!

Stop pestering me!

Quit bothering me!

Don't tell me what to do!

Quit telling me what to do!

I won't do it!

Don't talk back to me! *顶嘴


That's the end of it. 就这样!

That's final.

That's it.

Let's meet at 5∶00. 我们5点见吧。

It's settled. 好,就这么定了。

He doesn't have a girlfriend.

Shut up, big mouth! 闭嘴. 多嘴!

You've got a big mouth.

You talk too much.

Hey, baby, what's your name?

Leave me alone! 离我远点儿!

None of ur business.没你的事、用不着你管

It's none of your business.

Mind your own business.先管好你自己吧

It is not your concern.

It doesn't concern you.

Stay out of it. 你别瞎搀和。

I don't need your input. 用不着你帮忙。

It's personal. 这是我的私事

I don't think you should do that.

Thanks, but I don't need your two cents. *用不着你管、这和你没关系

I think you're wrong.

Who asked you? 谁问你了?

Who cares what you think?

I didn't ask you.

If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked you.

I can't talk to you now.现在不能跟你说

I don't need your help.我不需要你的帮助.

Your kindness is unwanted.

Your kindness is unwelcome.

I don't want your kindness.

Get out of here! 给我出去!

They're just kittens.小猫

Go away! 一边去!

Get lost! 你给我消失!

Take a hike!


Get out of my face! 别让我看见你! 走开!

What did I do wrong?

Back off! 躲开!

Step back! 后退!

Let's play this game.

Don't bother me! 别打扰我!I have to finish my homework.

Are you trying to get rid of me? *轰走,去掉,摆脱;(你想把我哄走吗?)

No, I've just been busy.

Are you trying to avoid me? 躲


Liar! 骗子!

Don't call me a liar!

He drinks too much.

That's a lie! 那是瞎说!

That's a filthy lie. 那纯属骗人

He's a filthy liar. 他是个丑恶的骗子

Don't lie to me. /Don't tell me lies.


Ha, ha, ha... She's so stupid!

Stop joking! 别开玩笑!

Quit your kidding.

Cut it out. 别弄! *放弃,停止

Knock it off 住手!/住嘴!

I've had enough of your nonsense. 废话(你开玩笑应该适可而止.)

Stop putting us on.  *骗人,捉弄人

(别捉弄人)--I'm not!

Stop joking with us.

Stop fooling us.

Stop pulling our legs.

Don't act stupid! 别干那种傻事!

It's just a joke. 只是个玩笑。

Don't act silly. /Don't act dumb.

Don't be silly! /Don't be ridiculous!

Don't talk silly. 别说傻话./Don't say stupid things.

Don't be foolish!

That's stupid. 那也太蠢了.--But it's true.

Bullshit! /Bull! *真蠢!

I won a thousand dollars!

Don't pull my leg! 别逗了!

Don't talk nonsense!

Don't talk stupid!

Liar! --I'm not a liar!

Take it back!收回话

I don't want to hear any more of your lies.我不想听你说的谎话.

I don't want to hear your bull.

I don't want to hear you lying to me any more.

Did you make up a story? 你在编故事吗?

I'm telling the truth.

Are you telling lies?

Is that the truth?

Phony! *搞什么鬼!


I don't know.

Don't play dumb! 别装傻!

Don't act stupid!

Don't pretend you don't know!

You tricked me. 你在骗我吧

Gimme a break. 哪有的事儿。

What are you talking about?

You scammed me. 你骗了我。

You pulled one over on me. *pull one over 骗,让;上当

None of your tricks will work on me.

*trick欺骗,搞鬼。work on起作用、有效


You can't trick me.

I'm not easily fooled.


You coward! 胆小鬼!

You chicken! *chicken-胆小鬼,turkey火鸡-傻瓜

Scared cat! /You sissy! /You wimp!

Nobody's perfect! 人无完人!


Fuck you! /Screw you! /Go to hell!


You asshole! 饭桶! /You jerk! /You shit! /You idiot! /Stupid!/You fool!

Christ! *混帐!/天哪! /Oh, my god!

You beast! *你这畜牲!

You animal! /You pig!

You tomboy! 野丫头!

You sly dog! *滑头的家伙!

You're sneaky! /You're shrewd!

You're clever!

Fag! /Faggot! 同性恋!

Hey, ugly! 丑八怪!

Fatso! 肥猪! /Fatty! /Whale!

Cow! 你这母牛!/你这娘们!

Pig! 猪猡!

Shorty! 矬子!

Shrimp! 矮矬子!

What an ungrateful man! 忘恩负义

You lowlife! 下流胚

You scum!

Stop trying to be cool!别硬装酷了!

Give it up!


Excuse me. I'm lost.

Calm down. 镇静些Where are you going?

Oh my God! Oh, no! What am I going to do!? --Just calmdown. /Cool down.

Take it easy. Don't work so hard. 别紧张

I can't take it easy. This is due in the morning.

Don't over do it. 别干得太多!

Don't overextend yourself.

What? You mean I'm too short?

Don't get so uptight. 别当真。

Don't get so worked up.

Don't be so stiff. 放松点儿.

Kick back! /Loosen up. 随便点、放松点

Kick back, make yourself at home.

Just relax! /Take it easy!

I'm sorry, I'm going to be a little late.

That's okay. Take your time.不用着急

Wait! I need to go to the bathroom.

There's no need to rush. 别急。

You don't need to hurry.

No rush. /No hurry.

Don't rush on my account. 不用为我着急


Let's make up. 我们和好吧! --Yeah, let's.

Let's kiss and make up.

We had a fight today.

Did you make up? 和好了吗?

Stop fighting! 别打了.

It's over. Get out!

Can't we talk it over? 我们就不能谈谈吗?

Can't we work it out?

Let's talk it over.

Try to get along.要好好相处.

Be nice to each other.

Let's forgive and forget!过去的事就让它过去吧.

Let bygones be bygones.

Who did it?

You've got me. 糟了,让你逮着了.

I give up. /I'm beaten. /You win.

I won. /I've beaten you.你输了 /You've lost.

You're a loser. /I'm a winner.

I didn't mean to hurt you.我无意伤害你

I meant no harm.

I missed you. 我很想念你.

I get lonely easily.我是个容易感到寂寞的人.

Can't you patch things up? *用patchup表示;平息争吵、和好;。

Isn't there any way u can patch things up?

Can't you make up?你们就不能和好吗?



I didn't get a raise.

What a disappointment!真让人失望.

That's too bad.

What a let down!

I'm disappointed with it.

This is disappointing.

I couldn't go. 我没去成

What a pity. 太遗憾了。

What a shame! 多倒霉!

Isn't it though? 就是呀!

What a bummer! /Bummer! 真失望

I failed the exam.

Too bad. /That's too bad!

It was a waste of effort. 白费力了.

It was a waste of my effort.

My effort was wasted.

All my effort went down the drain.

Did you find him.

No, he led me on a wild-goose chase. 没有,白费了半天劲

All that for nothing. *前功尽弃

It was all a waste.

It was all for nothing.

I'm sorry I didn't come to your wedding.

Yeah, you let me down. 是啊,你真让我很失望

You disappointed me.

I blew it. I lost the customer. 我真失策;

Make sure it doesn't happen again.

I screwed up. / I messed up. 我给搞砸了

It's all my fault. 全都是我的错。

It can't be helped. 毫无办法

There's nothing you can do about it.

How was it?

It was a waste of time talking to him.


Almost! 差不多了!

Nice try. 干得不错

What's wrong?

I feel sad. /I'm sad. /'m unhappy. 我感到悲伤.

I feel really sad. /I'm really sad.

I'm really unhappy. 我感到非常痛苦.

My dog died. --Oh, dear! /Oh, my!天哪!

Boohoo. *呜呜!

My heart broke.我的心都碎了. /I felt heart broken.

My heart has been filled with grief. 充满..(我的内心充满了悲伤.)

The sad story depressed me.


The sad story really brought me down.

She stole my customer. 抢走..

How ruthless! 真残忍!、真无情!

How uncaring! /How cruel!

Please talk to me.

No one can understand how I really feel.没人能知道我的感受.

No one can relate to me.

Nobody understands my feelings.


I feel lonely.我感到很寂寞

I feel lonely without my husband.

He'll be back next week.

I'm lonely. /I feel all alone.

I hate being alone. 我感到孤独.

I don't mind being alone. 我不在乎孤独.

I miss you. *含有I want to see you和Iwant to be with you这两种心情。

I miss you, too. I'll be home soon.

I feel lonely without you.

I feel helpless without you.

My son died, now I feel empty. 我很空虚.

I'm sorry to hear that.

I feel incomplete. 我很空虚

My life is empty.我的生活很空虚.

My life is meaningless.

I'm all alone in this world.

I don't feel satisfied with my life.

Alone at last.最终只生下了我一个人.

I'm finally alone.


I'm depressed.我很沮丧 I lost my job.

Cheer up! You'll get a new job.

I feel blue./I feel low./I feel really down.

I've got the blues today.我今天感到很忧郁.

I feel down in the dumps today.

No one understands me.

It's depressing.真沮丧

Don't talk like that! I understand you.

It's sad. 真可悲

It makes me feel depressed.

Rainy days get me down.雨天让我感到消沉.

Rainy days make me sad.

I feel blue on rainy days.

I don't feel like doing anything today.


Come on! Let's get moving. 好了,快点儿

I don't have any enthusiasm for life.

He looks melancholy. 他满脸忧愁.

He has a melancholy look.

He looks gloomy today. 今天他看上去很郁闷.


Let's play another game.

You're too good for me.

I give up.放弃了/投降了

I raise you $20.再加20美元

I fold. 我不玩了 /I give in.

You should stop smoking.

I can't help it. 没法子、没辙.

There's nothing I can do about it.

Would you lend me ¥5,000?

Not a chance! *没戏、没可能

No chance at all. /Fat chance.

No way. 根本不可能

The game is canceled because of the rain.

That's the way it goes. 没办法 .

Do you know who stole it?

I have no clue. 毫无线索

I don't have any idea.

I don't have a clue. /I haven't a clue.

I'll never win. I'm throwing in the towel. 我赢不了你,我认输了

Don't give up so early.

I'm giving up.

It's hopeless.绝望了 --Don't give up yet.

It's impossible.

Better than nothing. 总比没有强.

I only have five dollars.

Well, it's better than nothing.

How did you meet?

It was fate. 这就是命呀!

It was meant to be. /It's my destiny.

I thought you loved him.

We broke up.

It's history. 都已经过去了.

It's all over. /It's in the past./It's done with.

What's the answer?

It beats me. 可难倒我了/不知道

I have no idea. /I don't know.

Why are you doing it?

I have no other choice but to do so.


I have no other choice.

It's my only choice. /I have to.

I no longer feel devoted to this company. 我已经不再留恋这个公司了.

I no longer feel attached to this company.

I don't feel loyal to this company any longer

We have to work overtime again.

That figures. 果不其然。

That makes sense.

No wonder. 不足为奇。

That explains it.

That's why. 怪不得。

What do you think?

It is just as I imagined. 正如我想象的那样.

It's just like I dreamed.

It's exactly the way I thought it would be.

I shouldn't have done that.

See, didn't I tell you so?瞧!我早跟你说过吧?

See, I told you!

I told you, didn't I?

See, I'm right.

You should have listened to me.

Good for you. 这是当然的

I got a speeding ticket. 我超速挨罚了

Serves you right. 活该!/报应!

Well, you got what you deserved.

Well, that'll teach you a lesson.

That serves you right.

You deserve it.

You asked for it.

You were asking for it.

You got what was coming to you.

I'll never win the lottery.

You never know. 很难说/世事难料

Anything could happen.

You can't be too sure. 什么事都可能发生

That makes sense.

It makes sense.理所当然

Ah, I get it. 啊,知道。

No wonder. 不足为奇

That's why... 难怪;

She's very busy.

That's why she's so tired.


Oh, no! I shouldn't have done it.


*shouldn’t have done不该,要是没..就好了

What did you do?

That was a mistake.

I blew it. 我失败了。

I wish I hadn't done that.

I really screwed up this time. 弄糟了

I really messed up.

I should have known better.我早该弄清楚一些 * should have done早该

I shouldn't have said that.


It's too late now.

I wish I wouldn't have said that.

He's married.

I should have known. 我早该知道了

I acted like a fool.

It was careless of me to do so.


It was thoughtless of me to do such a thing.

It was hasty of me to do so.

I was careless.

I regret doing that.我后悔做那事.

I know what you mean.

I regret my actions.

I repent my actions.

I am sorry for what I have done.

Why did you drive my car?

I had no choice. 我别无选择.

I couldn't help it.

I had no other choice.

I had no choice in the matter.

There was nothing else I couldn't have done.

It was my only choice.

You shouldn't have done that.

I know,

I went too far. 我做得太过分了.

I overdid it.

Did you ask her out?

No, I was too nervous.

I was too uptight. 我太紧张了.

I wish I had studied harder. 我要是再用功点就好了*…wish…haddone要是…就好了

I regret not studying harder.

I should have studied harder.

I should have asked him.我要再问他一下就好了.

Why didn't you?

I wish I had asked him.

It would have been better to have asked him.

Did you remember to tell her?


it slipped my mind.不小心给忘了

I just forgot.

I forgot all about it.


How's your new job?--I like it. 我喜欢.

I love pizza.我喜欢吃比萨饼.

I live for pizza. 没比萨我几乎活不下去

Pizza is the greatest.

I like this dress. 我喜欢这套衣服--So do I.

I think this dress is nice.

I think this dress is pretty.

Are you pleased with your new car?


Are you satisfied with your new car?

Are you happy with your new car?

I'm fond of this tea. 我喜欢这茶.

I prefer tea to coffee. *比起;来更喜欢;

I'd rather have tea than coffee.与其…不如…

I like tea better than coffee.


I like tea more than coffee.

I'm hooked on... *对…上瘾、对入迷


You shouldn't smoke so much.

I know, but I'm hooked on nicotine.

I'm addicted to...

Tomato soup is my cup of tea. *诙谐语气。cup of tea是;喜欢的东西、对劲的东西;。(我喜欢喝西红柿汤.)

I've developed a great liking for Japanese food. 我非常喜欢吃日本食品.

I'm choosy. *挑剔的,过于讲究的


I'm picky.

I came to like sushi. 我开始喜欢吃寿司了.

I've started to like sushi.

I've come to like sushi.

Jane has grown on me. 简越来越让我喜欢.

Do you like baseball?

Baseball grew on me as I grew older.


Baseball has grown on me.

It's our turn on the roller coaster.过山车

This will be fun. 看上去挺好玩的./It looks like fun.

This is exciting.真令人兴奋. We'll be parents soon.

I can't wait. /This is thrilling!

My hobby is chess. Are you interested in learning?

Yes, I'm interested.我很感兴趣.

Do you want more?

No, I'm satisfied. 不,我够了/我很满足

I'm content. /I'm pleased.

That movie was great.

I enjoyed it, too. 我很欣赏它

I had a good time.

It was really fun.

I was deeply moved. 我被深深地感动了.

How about this one?

No, thank you, I don't like it.我不喜欢这个.

I like it.

Do you like natto?

No, I hate it! 我最讨厌这个了.

I love it!

This is disgusting. 这个真恶心!

It's the worst food I've ever had.

Look at the cockroach! 蟑螂

Yuck! *呸!/去!

Peeyew! 臭死了!

It's your attitude I don't like.


You have an attitude problem.

I don't like your attitude.

He's so rude.

I agree. I hate his guts.对,我对他恨之入骨.

I despise him.

Do you like the coffee?

No, I don't care for it.我不喜欢.

I don't like it.

Here comes my boss, Mr. Smith.

I can't stand him. 看到他我就烦.

Never again! 别再有第二次!

I've had it. 我受够了!



What's the matter? 你怎么了?You look sad.

Nothing. I'm just tired.

What's wrong?

Is anything wrong?

What's the problem?

Is something bothering you?

Are you okay? 你没事吧?

Are you all right?

What's going on? 到底怎么回事?

We were just talking.

What happened?

What's happening?

Is something on your mind?你有什么心事吗?

Do you have something on your mind?

What are you worried about?

What's on your mind?

Is anything bothering you?

I was worried about you.


I was concerned about you.

I'll drop you off. 我送你回家。

Please don't go out of your way.


You look serious.你看起来很严肃.

This is important. 这事很重要。

You look grave.

You look sad today. 你今天看上去很悲伤.

You don't look very happy today.


Why are you so glum?闷闷不乐的、愁闷


My girlfriend just dumped me. 抛弃

Why so glum? /Why the long face?

You look exhausted. 你看起来很疲惫.

You look very tired.

You look worn-out.

It's six o'clock already.

Yeah, you need a break.你该休息一会You need a rest.

You need to take a break.

You should take it easy.

Something is wrong with you today.


You're not yourself today.

You seem different today.

Who are you irritated with? *谁烦你了?

Who has irritated you?

You're nervous.你太紧张.

I think you're nervous.

No, I'm not nervous!

You seem nervous.


My dog died.

I'm sorry to hear that. 听到这是我很难过.

I'm sorry about that.

That's too bad.

That's a pity. /What a pity.

How awful. 太可怕了!

How sad. 太让人伤心了!

Tough luck.


What a shame.

That's unfortunate.真不走运.It rained every day while I was in Hawaii.

That's unfortunate. /It's unfortunate.

I'm sorry about your misfortune.

It happens! 常有的事.

It's a common mistake. 这是常见的错误.

She won't talk to me anymore.

It must be tough for you.那你肯定很难受吧

It must be hard on you.

Bob got fired.

Oh, poor thing! 哦!真可怜!

Oh, poor baby!

Ah, poor Bob!

My wife left me.

Mine, too.

I know how you feel.你理解你的心情

I understand the way you feel.

I really sympathize with you.


I'm really sorry!

Never mind. 没什么、别在意

Don't worry about it.

It's okay.

Forget about it. 没什么

What bad luck. *太遗憾了、太可惜了

Better luck next time!

That's too bad!

What a shame!

Bummer! *俚语。

I'm sorry, I'm late.

That's all right. 没事. /That's okay.

It's no problem.

It's all my fault!

Don't blame yourself. 别责备自己了It's not your fault. 这不是你的错.

I feel really bad about it.

Don't worry, it happens. ..常有的事

It happens to the best of us. /It happens to everyone. 这种事谁都会遇到.

There's no need to worry about it.


Don't concern yourself. 别担心

Don't give it another thought.别想得太多

It can't be helped. 没办法呀!

You're welcome to stay.

I don't want to put you out. *添麻烦;


I don't want to bother you.

I don't want to cause you trouble.

Wow! Shibuya is crowded.

This is nothing, you should see Shinjuku.

You have a lot of homework.

This is nothing. 这算不了什么

It's no big deal. /It's no problem.

How terrible! /How awful! 多糟糕呀!

No big deal. *别小题大作、没什么

Sorry, I can't play tennis with u tomorrow.

No big deal. I'll ask John to play.

That was a bad movie.

I've seen worse. 这还算好的呢

It could have been worse.有比这更糟的呢!

It might have been worse.

Don't be so hard on yourself. 别自暴自弃

Don't feel so bad about yourself. 别那么自暴自弃.

Don't be so down on yourself.

Don't think so lowly of yourself.

I don't know what to do!

What a pity! 真遗憾!

I'm sure it'll work out.总会有办法的 *解决

Everything will be fine.

Things will work out.

What's her problem?

She's just upset. 她只是有点心烦

She's just mad.

She's only angry.


Don't cry. 别哭了.

Wipe your tears.猜猜眼泪.

Cheer up! 振作起来! --I'll try. 我会的

Come on! /Take it easy!

Pull yourself together! 重新振作起来

Get a hold of yourself!

Get your shit together! *语气尖锐

Do your best! 尽你最大努力!

Do a good job! 好好干!

Should I ask her out?

Yeah, 是呀,go for it! 勇敢点!

It's my turn to bat. 该轮到我打了。

Go for it! 加油!

Take a chance!

I'm playing basketball tomorrow.

We'll cheer for your team. *助威,喝彩


My test score was low.

Try harder next time. 下次再努力吧。

I can't do it anymore.

Hang in there! 别松劲!、坚持下去!

Don't give it up!别放弃!/别认输!

Keep at it!

Keep your chin up! 要有信心!

Try harder! 再加把劲!

Don't give up!

Keep it up!

Never give up! 绝对不能放弃!

This machine is too difficult to operate.

You can do it! 你可以的.

My salary is really low.

Look on the bright side.你得看到好的一面;. Your job is very rewarding.

Don't take it too seriously!别看的那么严重.

Don't get worked up over nothing! 激动

I feel so sad.

Keep your chin up! 别灰心!

You can do anything if u really want to.

That's the spirit! 那才是好样的!

You can do anything if you put your mind to it.只要你想做你就一定能做得到!

You can do anything if you are so minded.

You can accomplish anything if you believe in it.

I'll never pass that test.

There's a chance. 这是一个机会.

There's a possibility.

It's not impossible.

It could happen.

Worrying about it won't solve anything.担心解决不了任何为题.

Worrying about it won't make it better.

I can't do it, I can't!

Get it together, Jack! 振作起来,杰克!

I don't think I can. --Just try it.

I don't want to. --Just try it.试试看.

Come on, try it.

Just give it a try.

Try and do it. 试试做做. /Try it. /Give it a try.

Try again. 再试一遍./Have another try. /Do it again.

Give it another try.

Don't be a chicken. 别那么窝囊/别害怕Ask her out. 去约她吧

But what if she says not?

Don't be a coward.

Do you think I'm smart?

Let's face it, you're no Einstein.让我们面对现实.

Let's face facts.

Let's be realistic.

He looks blue.

Let's cheer him up. 我们的让他振作起来!

Let's try to make him forget his troubles

I wish you success! 我祝你成功!/Success to you!

May you succeed!

I'll have my fingers crossed. *have one's fingers crossed希望计划能够顺利进行

I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I'll cross my fingers.

I'll keep my hopes up. 我期待着

Tell him to his face 应该面对他说that he's a liar!

Well, I can't.

No way! 不可能!

Are you joking?

No, I'm serious.我是认真的. /Seriously.

I'm really serious.

I'm not joking.

I'm being honest with you.我坦白跟你讲

I mean it!

I don't mean it.

Take my word for it. 这是真的呀、相信我

Take it from me.

Believe me.

Did he really say that?

You'd better believe it!请相信!

I really mean it!

Trust me!

Is the party at 9∶00?

I'm sure of it. 我敢肯定.

I'm absolutely sure.

I know for sure that...

I'm positive. 我肯定

It may sound strange, but it's true.


You may not believe it,

but I'm telling the truth.

It may be unbelievable, but it's the truth.

It's your fault.

Me? 我?

I'm innocent!   我是清白的

Don't lie! I saw you do it.

I didn't do it.   


He's 38.

Really? /Are you sure?

I want to break up with you.分手

Are you serious? 你是认真的吗?

I quit my job.我把工作辞了

Are you joking? 你开玩笑了吧!

Do you mean it? 是真的吗?

Are you kidding?

Do you think you'll get a raise?

I doubt it. 我怀疑./It's doubtful!

I don't think so.

I wouldn't bet on it.

It's chancy. *俚语。

It's iffy. *非常随便的说法

What do you think?

It sounds fishy to me. 听起来很可疑。

It sounds suspicious to me.

It sounds funny to me.

Something's fishy.

I smell a rat. *很可疑

He said she is his sister.

I won't buy that story. 我不信他的话.

But, it's true.

I don't buy it.

I won't believe that story.

She told me she likes you.

Do you think she's serious?


I don't take him too seriously. / I don't take him veryseriously.我不把他的话太当真.

I don't pay much attention to what he says.

What makes you say that?

I don't believe him.我不相信他 /I don't trust him.

I don't think he is telling the truth.

I think he is lying.

I won two tickets to Hawaii!

It's too good to be true.太好了吧、难以置信(有这么好的事?)

It's so unbelievably good that there has to be somethingwrong.

Nothing this good ever happens, it must be a mistake.

It can't be! It's too good to believe!


I don't know what to do.

Don't worry, I'll help.

I'm at a loss as to what to do.

I'm unable to decide for myself.

What shall I do? /What should I do?

What am I supposed to do? 我该怎么办? *be supposed to计划做;

I don't know. Just relax, I'll help you.

What am I going to do?

We can't finish our proposal in time.

We are in trouble.我们这下麻烦了

We're in big trouble.

Do you like the new computer system?

No, it's a hassle. 不喜欢,那很麻烦.

It's a pain in the neck.

It's a pain in the ass. *低俗的说法。

It's a lot of trouble.

What should we do?

I don't know.

It's really a difficult problem.


It's big problem.

I don't know what to say.我不知道说什么才好.

I'm at a loss as to what to say.*困惑

I have a full house.我是同花顺(打牌时)

You got me. 这下可难住我了

I don't know.

I guess you're right.

You win. /That beats me.

He's a nuisance. *他特招人讨厌.

You asked for it. 自作自受

You're stepping on my foot.

Oops! I'm sorry. 哎哟! 对不起.

I made a mistake. /My mistake.

Oh, no! I missed the flight.哦,不!

You did? 真的?

Ah, man! *man表示兴奋的和吃惊

Oh, my goodness! /Oh, my gosh!

Good heavens!

We have to decide what to do.

That's the hard part. 这正是难点.

That's the difficult part.

I feel guilty. 我感到很内疚I was mean. 我太刻薄了,

Don't worry about it.

It's all my fault.

I feel bad about it.

I feel horrible.

I feel terrible.

You look puzzled. 你看来很困惑

I can't understand this machine.

You look confused.

The idea haunts me.那个念头总是萦绕着我

I can't get rid of the idea.

I can't get it out of my mind.


What do you want for dinner?

I don't care. 什么都行.

Anything's fine.

I don't think it's a good idea.

Who cares? 管它呢!

So what? 那又怎么样?

So? 后来呢?


Does it matter?

Big deal.

What difference does it make?

Whatever you want. 随便你!

As you wish.

Do u think the economy will improve?

Nobody knows. 谁知道呢

Who knows? /No one knows.

Why don't you help him?

It has nothing to do with me. 跟我没关系.

It's not my concern.

It's not my business.

It's not my problem.

I couldn't care less. 我才不在乎呢.

I'm going to report you to our boss.

Go ahead. I couldn't care less.

I don't give a damn.

But I'm not a good dancer.

Nobody cares. 没人注意你。

Nobody gives a damn.

Tom and Mary are fighting a lot these days. We should dosomething about it.

Let it be. 让它去、别管

Everyone says you're a liar.

I don't care what they say. 我才不在乎他们说什么呢.

I don't care what they might say.

What they say doesn't matter to me.

I don't care what anyone says.

Other people's opinions don't matter to me.

I'm not concerned about what they may say.

Which one? Anyone will do. 哪个都行。

It doesn't matter.

Anyone's okay. /Anything will do.

We can do without him.没他我们也可以.

We don't need him.

His help isn't necessary.

I've got nothing special to talk about.


That's okay.

I have nothing particular to talk about.

I don't have anything special to discuss.

Do you want red or white?

It doesn't matter. 无所谓

I don't care.

It doesn't make any difference.

It's all the same to me.

I don't feel strongly about it one way or the other.

Either will do.

Either one will be fine.

She only married him for his money.

It's the same old story. 这种事又不新鲜.


Come on. Let's meet new people.

But I'm shy.我不好意思.

Your mom showed me ur baby pictures.

I'm so embarrassed. 真不好意思

I'm ashamed of myself. 我为自己感到惭愧.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

I'm embarrassed of myself.

I'm ashamed that I did that.

How shameful! 真恬不知耻!

It's very shameful.

It's quite a shameful story.

That's very unfortunate.

I lied to him.

Shame on you! *真丢脸、不成体统


You should be ashamed!


She was late for work again.

Unbelievable! 难以置信!

Incredible! /That's unbelievable!

I can't believe it!

Now way! 怎么会呢!

I'm surprised! 我吃了一惊!

I'm shocked! 我很震惊!

I'm in shock!

What a shock!

I won the lottery. 我的彩票中了

That's amazing! 太让人吃惊了!

How about that!


Really? /Oh, really?真的?

Is that right? /Is that so? /Oh, yeah?

You're kidding! 你在开玩笑吧!

--No, I'm not.

You're pulling my leg! 戏弄

No kidding!

You've got to be kidding!

It's midnight already.

It can't be! /That can't be!怎么可能!

That can't be! /It can't be true! /Impossible!

Let's go to Europe this summer!

Are u serious? / Seriously?当真?/你肯定?

That's really something! 那真的很重要.*something在口语中表示;重要的东西;

I was in a car accident.

Oh, my! 哎呀! /My God.

He failed another test.

Good grief! 天啊

Well, well. 哎呀呀!

My goodness!

Oh, dear! /Dear! Dear!

Good gracious!

Oh, brother! / Oh, boy!啊!!

You surprised me! 你吓死我了!--Boo! 啊-!

You scared me. /What a surprise!

I really do love you.

You don't say! 怎么可能呢?

I'm going to marry you.

That'll be the day!怎么可能!岂有此理!

It'll never happen! /Impossible!

I'll believe that when I see it. 眼见为实

I'll believe that when it happens.

A great shock. /A big shock. /That's a shocker. 震惊

There's a meeting today at 5∶00.

That's news to me. 第一次听说.

That's the first I've heard of it.

I never knew he was so rich.

I know, it's mind-boggling, isn't it? ..简直让人不敢相信,是吧?

It blew me away.

Gosh! I've overslept again!糟了!又睡过了!

No, not again! 没有,没到点呢!

We were surprised by the news.


Boo! 哇! 啊,吓唬人。

That wasn't funny.

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