wget[root@localhost ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg  initial-setup-ks.cfg  smartdns.1.2022.05.03-1046.x86_64-linux-all.tar.gz
[root@localhost ~]# tar zxf  smartdns.1.2022.05.03-1046.x86_64-linux-all.tar.gz
[root@localhost ~]# tar zxf  smartdns.1.2022.05.03-1046.x86_64-linux-all.tar.gz
[root@localhost ~]# cd smartdns
[root@localhost smartdns]# chmod +x ./install
[root@localhost smartdns]# ./install -i
install: 正在创建目录"/etc/smartdns"
"usr/sbin/smartdns" -> "/usr/sbin/smartdns"
"etc/smartdns/smartdns.conf" -> "/etc/smartdns/smartdns.conf"
"etc/default/smartdns" -> "/etc/default/smartdns"
"etc/init.d/smartdns" -> "/etc/init.d/smartdns"
"systemd/smartdns.service" -> "/usr/lib/systemd/system/smartdns.service"
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/smartdns.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/smartdns.service.
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/smartdns.service.
[root@localhost smartdns]# vi /etc/smartdns/smartdns.confsystemctl enable smartdns
systemctl start smartdns




vi /etc/smartdns/smartdns.conf# dns server name, default is host name
# server-name,
# example:
server-name smartdns1
## Include another configuration options
# conf-file [file]
# conf-file blacklist-ip.conf# dns server bind ip and port, default dns server port is 53, support binding multi ip and port
# bind udp server
#   bind [IP]:[port] [-group [group]] [-no-rule-addr] [-no-rule-nameserver] [-no-rule-ipset] [-no-speed-check] [-no-cache] [-no-rule-soa] [-no-dualstack-selection]
# bind tcp server
# option:
#   -group: set domain request to use the appropriate server group.
#   -no-rule-addr: skip address rule.
#   -no-rule-nameserver: skip nameserver rule.
#   -no-rule-ipset: skip ipset rule.
#   -no-speed-check: do not check speed.
#   -no-cache: skip cache.
#   -no-rule-soa: Skip address SOA(#) rules.
#   -no-dualstack-selection: Disable dualstack ip selection.
#   -force-aaaa-soa: force AAAA query return SOA.
# example:
#  IPV4:
#    bind :53
#    bind :6053 -group office -no-speed-check
#  IPV6:
#    bind [::]:53
#    bind-tcp [::]:53
bind [::]:53# tcp connection idle timeout
# tcp-idle-time [second]# dns cache size
# cache-size [number]
#   0: for no cache
cache-size 4096# enable persist cache when restart
# cache-persist yes# cache persist file
# cache-file /tmp/smartdns.cache# prefetch domain
# prefetch-domain [yes|no]
prefetch-domain yes# cache serve expired
# serve-expired [yes|no]
serve-expired yes# cache serve expired TTL
# serve-expired-ttl [num]
serve-expired-ttl 0# reply TTL value to use when replying with expired data
# serve-expired-reply-ttl [num]
# serve-expired-reply-ttl 30# List of hosts that supply bogus NX domain results
# bogus-nxdomain [ip/subnet]# List of IPs that will be filtered when nameserver is configured -blacklist-ip parameter
# blacklist-ip [ip/subnet]# List of IPs that will be accepted when nameserver is configured -whitelist-ip parameter
# whitelist-ip [ip/subnet]# List of IPs that will be ignored
# ignore-ip [ip/subnet]# speed check mode
# speed-check-mode [ping|tcp:port|none|,]
# example:
#   speed-check-mode ping,tcp:80speed-check-mode tcp:443,ping
#   speed-check-mode none# force AAAA query return SOA
# force-AAAA-SOA [yes|no]
force-AAAA-SOA yes# force specific qtype return soa
# force-qtype-SOA [qtypeid |...]
# force-qtype-SOA 65 28# Enable IPV4, IPV6 dual stack IP optimization selection strategy
# dualstack-ip-selection-threshold [num] (0~1000)
# dualstack-ip-selection [yes|no]
dualstack-ip-selection no# edns client subnet
# edns-client-subnet [ip/subnet]
# edns-client-subnet
# edns-client-subnet [8::8]/56# ttl for all resource record
# rr-ttl: ttl for all record
# rr-ttl-min: minimum ttl for resource record
# rr-ttl-max: maximum ttl for resource record
# tr-ttl-reply-max: maximum reply ttl for resource record
# example:
#rr-ttl 300
rr-ttl-min 60
rr-ttl-max 86400
# rr-ttl-reply-max 60# set log level
# log-level: [level], level=fatal, error, warn, notice, info, debug
# log-file: file path of log file.
# log-size: size of each log file, support k,m,g
log-num: number of logs
log-level info
log-file /var/log/smartdns.log
log-size 128k
# dns audit
# audit-enable [yes|no]: enable or disable audit.
# audit-enable yes
# audit-SOA [yes|no]: enable or disable log soa result.
# audit-size size of each audit file, support k,m,g
# audit-file /var/log/smartdns-audit.log
# audit-size 128k
# audit-num 2# certificate file
# ca-file [file]
# ca-file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt# certificate path
# ca-path [path]
# ca-path /etc/ss/certs# remote udp dns server list
# server [IP]:[PORT] [-blacklist-ip] [-whitelist-ip] [-check-edns] [-group [group] ...] [-exclude-default-group]
# default port is 53
#   -blacklist-ip: filter result with blacklist ip
#   -whitelist-ip: filter result whth whitelist ip,  result in whitelist-ip will be accepted.
#   -check-edns: result must exist edns RR, or discard result.
#   -group [group]: set server to group, use with nameserver /domain/group.
#   -exclude-default-group: exclude this server from default group.
# server -blacklist-ip -check-edns -group g1 -group g2#飞书
server -group feishu -exclude-default-group
nameserver /
nameserver /
nameserver /
nameserver /
nameserver /
nameserver /
nameserver /
# 百度
server -group baidu -exclude-default-group
nameserver /
server -group jd -exclude-default-group
nameserver /
server -group taobao -exclude-default-group
nameserver /
nameserver /
server -group ali -exclude-default-group
nameserver /
server -group csdn -exclude-default-group
nameserver /
server -group huawei -exclude-default-group
nameserver /
server -group todesk  -exclude-default-group
nameserver /
server -group qq -exclude-default-group
nameserver / remote tcp dns server list
# server-tcp [IP]:[PORT] [-blacklist-ip] [-whitelist-ip] [-group [group] ...] [-exclude-default-group]
# default port is 53
# server-tcp
##server remote tls dns server list
# server-tls [IP]:[PORT] [-blacklist-ip] [-whitelist-ip] [-spki-pin [sha256-pin]] [-group [group] ...] [-exclude-default-group]
#   -spki-pin: TLS spki pin to verify.
#   -tls-host-verify: cert hostname to verify.
#   -host-name: TLS sni hostname.
#   -no-check-certificate: no check certificate.
# Get SPKI with this command:
# default port is 853
server-tls remote https dns server list
# server-https https://[host]:[port]/path [-blacklist-ip] [-whitelist-ip] [-spki-pin [sha256-pin]] [-group [group] ...] [-exclude-default-group]
#   -spki-pin: TLS spki pin to verify.
#   -tls-host-verify: cert hostname to verify.
#   -host-name: TLS sni hostname.
#   -http-host: http host.
#   -no-check-certificate: no check certificate.
# default port is 443
server-https specific nameserver to domain
# nameserver /domain/[group|-]
# nameserver /, Set the domain name to use the appropriate server group.
# nameserver /, ignore this domain# specific address to domain
# address /domain/[ip|-|-4|-6|#|#4|#6]
# address /, return ip to client
# address /, ignore address, query from upstream, suffix 4, for ipv4, 6 for ipv6, none for all
# address /, return SOA to client, suffix 4, for ipv4, 6 for ipv6, none for all# enable ipset timeout by ttl feature
# ipset-timeout [yes]# specific ipset to domain
# ipset /domain/[ipset|-]
# ipset /, set ipset with ipset name of block
# ipset /, ignore this domain# set domain rules
# domain-rules /domain/ [-speed-check-mode [...]]
# rules:
#   [-c] -speed-check-mode [mode]: speed check mode
#                             speed-check-mode [ping|tcp:port|none|,]
#   [-a] -address [address|-]: same as address option
#   [-n] -nameserver [group|-]: same as nameserver option
#   [-p] -ipset [ipset|-]: same as ipset option
#   [-d] -dualstack-ip-selection [yes|no]: same as dualstack-ip-selection option


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