Python pyautogui窗口句柄(Python pyautogui window handle)

使用pyautogui是否有办法获取窗口的句柄,以便我可以确保只在该窗口上执行单击? 换句话说,如果我的窗口没有聚焦,则不会发生单击。 此外,如果我的窗口没有聚焦,那么我将其置于焦点,然后执行操作。


Using pyautogui is there a way to get a handle to a window so that I can ensure that a click is performed on that window only? In other words, if my window isn't in focus, then the click does not occur. Additionally, if my window isn't in focus then I bring it into focus and then perform the actions.

The way to identify a window could be an ID, window title etc similar to this

Is there any other Python module that supports this kind of functionality?


2019-12-06 07:36


也许你没有正确使用click功能。 查看函数定义: 单击(x =无,y =无,clicks = 1,interval = 0.0,button ='left',duration = 0.0,tween =,pause = None,_pause = True) 使用, 200, 10)你说x = 650,y = 200,点击= 10。 我想你想说, 200, interval=10) 。 The problem may h...

是否有任何其他支持此类功能的Python模块? Is there any other Python module that supports this kind of functionality? https://pywinauto....

这可能是因为你正在从Python 2.x shell中尝试它。 请在python3 shell上试试这个命令并尝试导入相同的命令。 It might be because you're trying it from a python 2.x shell. Instead try this command on a python3 shell and try importing the same.

看起来你需要导入ImageGrab from PIL import ImageGrab

Looks like you need to import ImageGrab from PIL import ImageGrab

我不确定SO上的格式设置是否正确(您的评论显示为关键字),但看起来您的while True语句之外有if语句。 如果是这种情况,它将永远不会被执行(或检查)。 #! python3

import pyautogui

import time


check = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('first.png')


while True:


要安装PyAutoGUI,请从PyPI和依赖项安装pyautogui软件包。 在Windows上,这是: C:Python34pip.exe install pyautogui

To install PyAutoGUI, install the pyautogui package from PyPI and dependencies. On Windows, this is: C:Python34pip.exe install pyautogui

Pyautogui的源代码 def _sendMouseEvent(ev, x, y, dwData=0):

assert x != None and y != None, 'x and y cannot be set to None'

width, height = _size()

convertedX = 65536 * x // width + 1

convertedY = 65536 * y // height + 1


你可以修补pyautogui内部。 测试'xvfb'后端。 import os

from pyvirtualdisplay import Display

import pyautogui

import Xlib.display

v_display = Display(visible=1, size=(1600,900))

v_display.start() # this changes the DISPLAY environment variable

# sadly, pyautogui do...

我得到这个错误,发现它仍然执行这个点击: try:


print "Error-carrying on anyway"

或者,如果您不希望它打印任何东西: try:



I got this error and found that it still performs the click- try this: try:


如果您需要可移植且可靠的解决方案,则必须找到支持辅助功能技术的库,以便按文本访问GUI元素。 基本技术是: Win32 API,MS UI自动化(Windows) AT-SPI(Linux) Apple Accessibility API(MacOS) 有几个开源GUI自动化库支持其中一些技术(通常为1或2)。 Python解决方案: Windows上的pywinauto (Win32 API和MS UIA,请参阅入门指南 ) Linux上的pyatspi2 MacOS上的pyatom Stack...


当前屏幕分辨率为1280*1024,IE7下使用'', '', 'left


1、下载redis的window版本 下载地址:


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