mc2180 刷机方法


In this new post of the Deep Reinforcement Learning Explained series, we will improve the Monte Carlo Control Methods to estimate the optimal policy presented in the previous post. In the previous algorithm for Monte Carlo control, we collect a large number of episodes to build the Q-table. Then, after the values in the Q-table have converged, we use the table to come up with an improved policy.

深度强化学习解释 系列的这一新文章中,我们将改进蒙特卡洛控制方法,以估计前一文章中提出的最佳策略。 在以前的蒙特卡洛控制算法中,我们收集了大量事件以构建Q表。 然后,在Q表中的值收敛之后,我们使用该表提出一种改进的策略。

However, Monte Carlo prediction methods can be implemented incrementally, on an episode-by-episode basis and this is what we will do in this post. Even though the policy is updated before the values in the Q-table accurately approximate the action-value function, this lower-quality estimate nevertheless still has enough information to help propose successively better policies.

但是, 可以在逐集的基础上逐步实现 Monte Carlo预测方法,这是我们在本文中将要做的。 即使在Q表中的值准确地逼近行动值函数之前就更新了策略,但此较低质量的估算仍然有足够的信息来帮助提出相继更好的策略。

Furthermore, the Q-table can be updated at every time step instead of waiting until the end of the episode using Temporal-Difference Methods. We will review them also in this post.

此外,可以使用时间差异方法在每个时间步 更新 Q表,而不必等到情节结束 。 我们还将在这篇文章中对其进行审查。

蒙特卡洛控制的改进 (Improvements to Monte Carlo Control)

In the previous post we have introduced how the Monte Carlo control algorithm collects a large number of episodes to build the Q-table ( policy evaluation step). Then, once the Q-table closely approximates the action-value function ​, the algorithm uses the table to come up with an improved policy π′ that is ϵ-greedy with respect to the Q-table (indicated as ϵ-greedy(Q) ), which will yield a policy that is better than the original policy π (policy improvement step).

在上一篇文章中,我们介绍了蒙特卡洛控制算法如何收集大量情节以构建Q表( 策略评估步骤)。 然后,一旦Q表紧密接近动作值函数 ,该算法就会使用该表提出一个改进的策略π' ,相对于Q表为ϵ -greedy(表示为ϵ-greedy( Q) ),这将产生比原始策略π ( 策略改进步骤)更好的策略。

Maybe would it be more efficient to update the Q-table after every episode? Yes, we could amend the policy evaluation step to update the Q-table after every episode of interaction. Then, the updated Q-table could be used to improve the policy. That new policy could then be used to generate the next episode, and so on:

也许在每个情节之后更新Q表会更有效吗? 是的,我们可以修改策略评估步骤,以在每次互动之后更新Q表。 然后,可以使用更新后的Q表来改进策略。 然后可以使用该新策略来生成下一集,依此类推:

Constant-alpha MC Control Algorithm
恒定alpha MC控制算法

The most popular variation of the MC control algorithm that updates the policy after every episode (instead of waiting to update the policy until after the values of the Q-table have fully converged from many episodes) is the Constant-alpha MC Control.

在每个情节之后更新策略(而不是等到Q表的值已从许多情节完全收敛之后才更新策略)的MC控制算法中,最流行的变体是Constant-alpha MC Control。

恒定alpha MC控制 (Constant-alpha MC Control)

In this variation of MC control, during the policy evaluation step, the Agent collects an episode


using the most recent policy π. After the episode finishes in time-step T, for each time-step t, the corresponding state-action pair (St, At) is modified using the following update equation:

使用最新策略π 。 在时间步长T中完成情节结束之后,对于每个时间步长t ,使用以下更新方程式修改相应的状态-动作对(St,At)

where Gt is the return at time-step t, and Q(St,At) is the entry in the Q-table corresponding to state St​ and action At​.

其中Gt是在时间步t处的返回 ,而Q(St,At)是Q表中与状态St和动作At相对应的条目。

Generally speaking, the basic idea behind this update equation is that the Q(St​,At​) element of Q-table contains the Agent’s estimate for the expected return if the Environment is in state St​ and the Agent selects action At​. Then, If the return Gt​ is not equal to the expected return contained in Q(St​,At​), we “push” the value of Q(St​,At​) to make it agree slightly more with the return Gt. The magnitude of the change that we make to Q(St​,At​) is controlled by the hyperparameter α that acts as a step-size for the update step.

一般而言,此更新方程背后的基本思想是,如果环境处于状态St且Agent选择动作At ,则Q表的Q ( StAt )元素包含Agent对预期回报的估计。 然后,如果返回亿吨不等于预期收益包含在Q(街,在),我们的“推” Q(ST,在)的值,使之与回报亿吨略微同意。 我们对Q(St,At)所做的更改的大小由用作更新步长的超参数α控制。

We always should set the value for α to a number greater than zero and less than (or equal to) one. In the outermost cases:

我们始终应将α的值设置为大于零且小于(或等于)一的数字。 在最外层情况下:

  • If α=0, then the action-value function estimate is never updated by the Agent.

    如果α = 0,则行动价值函数估算值永远不会由代理更新。

  • If α=1, then the final value estimate for each state-action pair is always equal to the last return that was experienced by the Agent.

    如果α = 1,则每个状态-动作对的最终值估计始终等于代理所经历的最后一次收益。

厄普西隆贪婪政策 (Epsilon-greedy policy)

In the previous post we advanced that random behavior is better at the beginning of the training when our Q-table approximation is bad, as it gives us more uniformly distributed information about the Environment states. However, as our training progresses, random behavior becomes inefficient, and we want to use our Q-table approximation to decide how to act. We introduced Epsilon-Greedy policies in the previous post for this purpose, a method that performs such a mix of two extreme behaviors which just is switching between random and Q policy using the probability hyperparameter ϵ. By varying ϵ , we can select the ratio of random actions.

在上一篇文章中,我们提出,当我们的Q表近似值不好时,在训练开始时随机行为会更好,因为它为我们提供了有关环境状态的更均匀分布的信息。 但是,随着训练的进行,随机行为变得效率低下,我们希望使用Q表近似值来决定如何采取行动。 为此,我们在上一篇文章中介绍了Epsilon-Greedy策略,该方法执行两种极端行为的混合,仅使用概率超参数ϵ在随机策略和Q策略之间切换。 通过改变ε,我们可以选择随机行动的比率。

We will define that a policy is ϵ-greedy with respect to an action-value function estimate Q if for every state,

我们将定义一个策略 ,对于每个状态而言,对于行动值函数估计值Q 都是ϵ-贪婪

  • with probability 1−ϵ, the Agent selects the greedy action, and


  • with probability ϵ, the Agent selects an action uniformly at random from the set of available (non-greedy and greedy) actions.


So the larger ϵ is, the more likely you are to pick one of the non-greedy actions.


To construct a policy π that is ϵ-greedy with respect to the current action-value function estimate Q, mathematically we will set the policy as


if action a maximizes Q(s,a). Else

如果动作a使Q ( sa )最大化。 其他

for each s∈S and a∈A(s).

对于每个s∈S ∈A( 多个 )。

In this equation, it is included an extra term ϵ/∣A(s)∣ for the optimal action (∣A(s)∣ is the number of possible actions) because the sum of all the probabilities needs to be 1. Note that if we sum over the probabilities of performing all non-optimal actions, we will get (∣A(s)∣−1)×ϵ/∣A(s)∣, and adding this to 1−ϵ+ϵ/∣A(s)∣ , the probability of the optimal action, the sum gives one.

在此等式中,由于最佳概率的总和必须为1,因此为最佳动作包含了额外项ϵ / ∣A( s )∣(∣A( s )∣是可能动作的数量)。如果我们总结执行所有非最佳动作的概率,我们将得到(getA(s)∣-1)×ϵ / ∣A(s)∣,并将其加到1− ϵ + ϵ / ∣A( s )∣,最佳行动的概率,总和为1。

设置Epsilon的值 (Setting the Value of Epsilon)

Remember that in order to guarantee that MC control converges to the optimal policy π∗​, we need to ensure the conditions Greedy in the Limit with Infinite Exploration (presented in the previous post) that ensure the Agent continues to explore for all time steps, and the Agent gradually exploits more and explores less. We presented that one way to satisfy these conditions is to modify the value of ϵ , making it gradually decay, when specifying an ϵ-greedy policy.

请记住,为了确保MC控制收敛到最佳策略π ∗,我们需要确保无限探索中的贪婪条件(如上一篇文章所述),以确保Agent继续探索所有时间步长,而Agent会逐渐开发更多资源,而更少探索。 我们提出,要满足这些条件的一种方法是修改ε值,使得它逐渐衰减,指定ε-greedy策略时。

The usual practice is to start with ϵ = 1.0 (100% random actions) and slowly decrease it to some small value ϵ > 0 (in our example we will use ϵ = 0.05) . In general, this can be obtained by introducing a factor ϵ-decay with a value near 1 that multiply the ϵ in each iteration.

通常的做法是,以开始与ε= 1.0(100%随机动作)然后缓慢下降到一些小值ε> 0(在我们的例子中,我们将使用ε= 0.05)。 通常,这可以通过引入因子ϵ衰减来实现,该因子的衰变值接近1,并在每次迭代中将multiply相乘。

伪码 (Pseudocode)

We can summarize all the previous explanations with this pseudocode for the constant-α MC Control algorithm that will guide our implementation of the algorithm:


一个简单的MC控制实现 (A simple MC Control implementation)

In this section, we will write an implementation of constant-

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