




function H = hatchfill2(A,varargin)
% HATCHFILL2 Hatching and speckling of patch objects
%   HATCHFILL2(A) fills the patch(es) with handle(s) A. A can be a vector
%   of handles or a single handle. If A is a vector, then all objects of A
%   should be part of the same group for predictable results. The hatch
%   consists of black lines angled at 45 degrees at 40 hatching lines over
%   the axis span with no color filling between the lines.
%   A can be handles of patch or hggroup containing patch objects for
%   Pre-R2014b release. For HG2 releases, 'bar' and 'contour' objects are
%   also supported.
%   Hatching line object is actively formatted. If A, axes, or figure size
%   is modified, the hatching line object will be updated accordingly to
%   maintain the specified style.
%   HATCHFILL2(A,STYL) applies STYL pattern with default paramters. STYL
%   options are:
%      'single'     single lines (the default)
%      'cross'      double-crossed hatch
%      'speckle'    speckling inside the patch boundary
%      'outspeckle' speckling outside the boundary
%      'fill'       no hatching
%   HATCHFILL2(A,STYL,Option1Name,Option1Value,...) to customize the
%   hatching pattern
%       Name       Description
%      --------------------------------------------------------------------
%      HatchStyle       Hatching pattern (same effect as STYL argument)
%      HatchAngle       Angle of hatch lines in degrees (45)
%      HatchDensity     Number of hatch lines between axis limits
%      HatchOffset      Offset hatch lines in pixels (0)
%      HatchColor       Color of the hatch lines, 'auto' sets it to the
%                       EdgeColor of A
%      HatchLineStyle   Hatch line style
%      HatchLineWidth   Hatch line width
%      SpeckleWidth         Width of speckling region in pixels (7)
%      SpeckleDensity       Density of speckle points (1)
%      SpeckleMarkerStyle   Speckle marker style
%      SpeckleFillColor     Speckle fill color
%      HatchVisible     [{'auto'}|'on'|'off'] sets visibility of the hatch
%                       lines. If 'auto', Visibile option is synced to
%                       underlying patch object
%      HatchSpacing     (Deprecated) Spacing of hatch lines (5)
%   In addition, name/value pairs of any properties of A can be specified
%   H = HATCHFILL2(...) returns handles to the line objects comprising the
%   hatch/speckle.
%   Examples:
%       Gray region with hatching:
%       hh = hatchfill2(a,'cross','HatchAngle',45,'HatchSpacing',5,'FaceColor',[0.5 0.5 0.5]);
%       Speckled region:
%       hatchfill2(a,'speckle','HatchAngle',7,'HatchSpacing',1);% Copyright 2015-2018 Takeshi Ikuma
% History:
% rev. 7 : (01-10-2018)
%   * Added support for 3D faces
%   * Removed HatchSpacing option
%   * Added HatchDensity option
%   * Hatching is no longer defined w.r.t. pixels. HatchDensity is defined
%     as the number of hatch lines across an axis limit. As a result,
%     HatchAngle no longer is the actual hatch angle though it should be
%     close.
%   * [known bug] Speckle hatching style is not working
% rev. 6 : (07-17-2016)
%   * Fixed contours object hatching behavior, introduced in rev.5
%   * Added ContourStyle option to enable fast drawing if contour is convex
% rev. 5 : (05-12-2016)
%   * Fixed Contour with NaN data point disappearnace issue
%   * Improved contours object support
% rev. 4 : (11-18-2015)
%   * Worked around the issue with HG2 contours with Fill='off'.
%   * Removed nagging warning "UseHG2 will be removed..." in R2015b
% rev. 3 : (10-29-2015)
%   * Added support for HG2 AREA
%   * Fixed for HatchColor 'auto' error when HG2 EdgeColor is 'flat'
%   * Fixed listener creation error
% rev. 2 : (10-24-2015)
%   * Added New option: HatchVisible, SpeckleDensity, SpeckleWidth
%     (SpeckleDensity and SpeckleWidtha are separated from HatchSpacing and
%     HatchAngle, respectively)
% rev. 1 : (10-20-2015)
%   * Fixed HG2 contour data extraction bug (was using wrong hidden data)
%   * Fixed HG2 contour color extraction bug
%   * A few cosmetic changes here and there
% rev. - : (10-19-2015) original release
%   * This work is based on Neil Tandon's hatchfill submission
%     (http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/30733)
%     and borrowed code therein from R. Pawlowicz, K. Pankratov, and
%     Iram Weinstein.narginchk(1,inf);
[A,opts,props] = parse_input(A,varargin);drawnow % make sure the base objects are already drawnif verLessThan('matlab','8.4')H = cell(1,numel(A));
elseH = repmat({matlab.graphics.GraphicsPlaceholder},1,numel(A));
for n = 1:numel(A)H{n} = newhatch(A(n),opts,props);% if legend of A(n) is shown, add hatching to it as well%    leg = handle(legend(ancestor(A,'axes')));%    hsrc = [leg.EntryContainer.Children.Object];%    hlc = leg.EntryContainer.Children(find(hsrc==A(n),1));%    if ~isempty(hlc)%       hlc = hlc.Children(1); % LegendIcon object%       get(hlc.Children(1))%    end
endif nargout==0clear H
elseH = [H{:}];if numel(H)==numel(A)H = reshape(H,size(A));elseH = H(:);end
endendfunction H = newhatch(A,opts,props)% 0. retrieve pixel-data conversion parameters
% 1. retrieve face & vertex matrices from A
% 2. convert vertex matrix from data to pixels units
% 3. get xdata & ydata of hatching lines for each face
% 4. concatenate lines sandwitching nan's in between
% 5. convert xdata & ydata back to data units
% 6. plot the hatching line% traverse if hggroup/hgtransform
if ishghandle(A,'hggroup')if verLessThan('matlab','8.4')H = cell(1,numel(A));elseH = repmat({matlab.graphics.GraphicsPlaceholder},1,numel(A));endfor n = 1:numel(A.Children)tryH{n} = newhatch(A.Children(n),opts,props);catchendendH = [H{:}];return;
end% Modify the base object property if given
if ~isempty(props)pvalold = sethgprops(A,props);
endtryvislisena = strcmp(opts.HatchVisible,'auto');if vislisenavis = A.Visible;elsevis = opts.HatchVisible;endredraw = strcmp(A.Visible,'off') && ~vislisena;if redrawA.Visible = 'on'; % momentarily make the patch visibledrawnow;end% get the base object's vertices & faces[V,F,FillFcns] = gethgdata(A); % object does not have its patch data readyif redrawA.Visible = 'off'; % momentarily make the patch visibleendif ~isempty(FillFcns)FillFcns{1}();drawnow;[V,F] = gethgdata(A); % object does not have its patch data readyFillFcns{2}();drawnow;end% recompute hatch line data[X,Y,Z] = computeHatchData(handle(ancestor(A,'axes')),V,F,opts);% 6. plot the hatching linecommonprops = {'Parent',A.Parent,'DisplayName',A.DisplayName,'Visible',vis};if ~strcmp(opts.HatchColor,'auto')commonprops = [commonprops {'Color',opts.HatchColor,'MarkerFaceColor',opts.HatchColor}];endif isempty(regexp(opts.HatchStyle,'speckle$','once'))H = line(X,Y,Z,commonprops{:},'LineStyle',opts.HatchLineStyle','LineWidth',opts.HatchLineWidth);elseH = line(X,Y,Z,commonprops{:},'LineStyle','none','Marker',opts.SpeckleMarkerStyle,...'MarkerSize',opts.SpeckleSize,'Parent',A.Parent,'DisplayName',A.DisplayName);endif strcmp(opts.HatchColor,'auto')syncColor(H,A);endif isempty(H)error('Unable to obtain hatching data from the specified object A.');end% 7. Move H so that it is place right above A in parent's uistackp = handle(A.Parent);Hcs = handle(p.Children);[~,idx] = ismember(A,Hcs); % always idx(1)>idx(2) as H was just createdp.Children = p.Children([2:idx-1 1 idx:end]);% if HG1, all done | no dynamic adjustment supportif verLessThan('matlab','8.4')return;end% save the config data & set up the object listenerssetappdata(A,'HatchFill2Opts',opts); % hatching optionssetappdata(A,'HatchFill2Obj',H); % hatching line objectsetappdata(A,'HatchFill2LastData',{V,F}); % last patch datasetappdata(A,'HatchFill2LastVisible',A.Visible); % last sensitive propertiessetappdata(A,'HatchFill2PostMarkedClean',{}); % run this function at the end of the MarkClean callback and set NoAction flagsetappdata(A,'HatchFill2NoAction',false); % no action during next MarkClean callback, callback only clears this flagsetappdata(H,'HatchFill2MatchVisible',vislisena);setappdata(H,'HatchFill2MatchColor',strcmp(opts.HatchColor,'auto'));setappdata(H,'HatchFill2Patch',A); % base object%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Create listeners for active formattingaddlistener(H,'ObjectBeingDestroyed',@hatchBeingDeleted);lis = [addlistener(A,'Reparent',@objReparent)addlistener(A,'ObjectBeingDestroyed',@objBeingDeleted);addlistener(A,'MarkedClean',@objMarkedClean)addlistener(A,'LegendEntryDirty',@(h,evt)[])]; % <- study this latersyncprops = {'Clipping','HitTest','Interruptible','BusyAction','UIContextMenu'};syncprops(~cellfun(@(p)isprop(A,p),syncprops)) = [];for n = 1:numel(syncprops)lis(n+2) = addlistener(A,syncprops{n},'PostSet',@syncProperty);endcatch ME% something went wrong, restore the base object propertiesif ~isempty(props)for pname = fieldnames(pvalold)'name = pname{1};val = pvalold.(name);if iscell(val)pvalold.(name){1}.(name) = pvalold.(name){2};elseA.(name) = pvalold.(name);endendendME.rethrow();
endend%%%%%%%%%% EVENT CALLBACK FUNCTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%
% Base Object's listeners
% objReparent - also move the hatch object
% ObjectingBeingDestroyed - also destroy the hatch object
% MarkedClean - match color if HatchColor = 'auto'
%             - check if vertex & face changed; if so redraw hatch
%             - check if hatch redraw triggered the event due to object's
%               face not shown; if so clear the flagfunction objMarkedClean(hp,~)
% CALLBACK for base object's MarkedClean event
% check: visibility change, hatching area change, & color changeif getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2NoAction')setappdata(A,'HatchFill2NoAction',false);return;
end% get the main patch object (loops if hggroup or HG2 objects)
H = getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Obj');rehatch = ~strcmp(hp.Visible,getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2LastVisible'));
if rehatch % if visibility changedsetappdata(hp,'HatchFill2LastVisible',hp.Visible);if strcmp(hp.Visible,'off') % if made hidden, hide hatching as wellif getappdata(H,'HatchFill2MatchVisible')H.Visible = 'off';return; % nothing else to doendend
end% get the patch data
[V,F,FillFcns] = gethgdata(hp);
if ~isempty(FillFcns) % patch does not exist, must momentarily generate itFillFcns{1}();setappdata(A,'HatchFill2PostMarkedClean',FillFcns{2});return;
if ~rehatch % if visible already 'on', check for the change in object dataVFlast = getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2LastData');rehatch = ~isequaln(F,VFlast{2}) || ~isequaln(V,VFlast{1});
end% rehatch if patch data/visibility changed
if rehatch % recompute hatch line data[X,Y,Z] = computeHatchData(ancestor(H,'axes'),V,F,getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Opts'));% update the hatching line dataset(H,'XData',X,'YData',Y,'ZData',Z);% save patch datasetappdata(hp,'HatchFill2LastData',{V,F});
end% sync the color
syncColor(H,hp);% run post callback if specified (expect it to trigger another MarkedClean
% event immediately)
fcn = getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2PostMarkedClean');
if ~isempty(fcn)setappdata(hp,'HatchFill2PostMarkedClean',function_handle.empty);setappdata(hp,'HatchFill2NoAction',true);fcn();return;
endendfunction syncProperty(~,evt)
% sync Visible property to the patch object
hp = handle(evt.AffectedObject); % patch object
hh = getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Obj');
hh.(evt.Source.Name) = hp.(evt.Source.Name);
endfunction objReparent(hp,evt)
%objReparent event listener callbackpnew = evt.NewValue;
if isempty(pnew)return; % no change?
end% move the hatch line object over as well
H = getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Obj');
H.Parent = pnew;% make sure to move the hatch line object right above the patch object
Hcs = handle(pnew.Children);
[~,idx] = ismember(hp,Hcs); % always idx(1)>idx(2) as H was just moved
pnew.Children = pnew.Children([2:idx-1 1 idx:end]);endfunction objBeingDeleted(hp,~)
%when base object is deletedif isappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Obj')H = getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Obj');try % in case H is already deleteddelete(H);catchend
endendfunction hatchBeingDeleted(hh,~)
%when hatch line object (hh) is deletedif isappdata(hh,'HatchFill2Patch')%   remove listeners listening to the patch objecthp = getappdata(hh,'HatchFill2Patch');if isappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Listeners')delete(getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Listeners'));rmappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Listeners');end
endend%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function varargout = computeHatchData(ax,V,F,opts)varargout = cell(1,nargout);if isempty(V) % if patch shownreturn;
endN = size(F,1);
XYZc = cell(2,N);
for n = 1:N % for each face% 2. get xdata & ydata of the vertices of the face in transformed basesf = F(n,:); % get indices to the vertices of the facef(isnan(f)) = [];[v,T,islog] = transform_data(ax,V(f,:),[]); % transform the faceif isempty(v) % face is not hatchablecontinue;end% 2. get xdata & ydata of hatching lines for each faceif any(strcmp(opts.HatchStyle,{'speckle','outsidespeckle'}))xy = hatch_xy(v.',opts.HatchStyle,opts.SpeckleWidth,opts.SpeckleDensity,opts.HatchOffset);elsexy = hatch_xy(v.',opts.HatchStyle,opts.HatchAngle,opts.HatchDensity,opts.HatchOffset);end% 3. revert the bases back to 3D Eucledian spaceXYZc{1,n} = revert_data(xy',T,islog).';
end% 4. concatenate hatch lines across faces sandwitching nan's in between
[XYZc{2,:}] = deal(nan(3,1));
XYZ = cat(2,XYZc{:});% 5. convert xdata & ydata back to data units
[varargout{1:3}] = deal(XYZ(1,:),XYZ(2,:),XYZ(3,:));endfunction tf = issupported(hbase)
% check if all of the given base objects are supportedsupported_objtypes = {'patch','hggroup','bar','contour','area','surface','histogram'};if isempty(hbase)tf = false;
elsetf = ishghandle(hbase,supported_objtypes{1});for n = 2:numel(supported_objtypes)tf(:) = tf | ishghandle(hbase,supported_objtypes{n});endtf = all(tf);
endend% synchronize hatching line color to the patch's edge color if HatchColor =
% 'auto'
function syncColor(H,A)if ~getappdata(H,'HatchFill2MatchColor')% do not syncreturn;
endif ishghandle(A,'patch') || ishghandle(A,'Bar') || ishghandle(A,'area') ...|| ishghandle(A,'surface') || ishghandle(A,'Histogram') %HG2pname = 'EdgeColor';
elseif ishghandle(A,'contour') % HG2pname = 'LineColor';
color = A.(pname);
if strcmp(color,'flat')trycolor = double(A.Edge(1).ColorData(1:3)')/255;catchwarning('Does not support CData based edge color.');color = 'k';end
H.Color = color;
H.MarkerFaceColor = color;endfunction [V,F,FillFcns] = gethgdata(A)
% Get vertices & face data from the object along with the critical
% properties to observe change in the hatching area% initialize the output variable
F = [];
V = [];
FillFcns = {};if ~isvalid(A) || strcmp(A.Visible,'off')return;
endif ishghandle(A,'patch')V = A.Vertices;F = A.Faces;
elseif ishghandle(A,'bar')[V,F] = getQuadrilateralData(A.Face);
elseif ishghandle(A,'area')[V,F] = getTriangleStripData(A.Face);set(A,'FaceColor','none');
elseif ishghandle(A,'surface') % HG2if strcmp(A.FaceColor,'none')FillFcns = {@()set(A,'FaceColor','w'),@()set(A,'FaceColor','none')};return;end[V,F] = getQuadrilateralData(A.Face);
elseif ishghandle(A,'contour') % HG2% Retrieve data from hidden FacePrims property (a TriangleStrip object)if strcmp(A.Fill,'off')FillFcns = {@()set(A,'Fill','on'),@()set(A,'Fill','off')};return;end[V,F] = getTriangleStripData(A.FacePrims);
elseif ishghandle(A,'histogram') %HG2: Quadrateral underlying data object[V,F] = getQuadrilateralData(A.NodeChildren(4));
endendfunction [V,F] = getQuadrilateralData(A) % surface, bar, histogram,if isempty(A)warning('Cannot hatch the face: Graphics object''s face is not defined.');V = [];F = [];return;
endV = A.VertexData';% If any of the axes is in log scale, V is normalized to wrt the axes
% limits,
V(:) = norm2data(V,A);if ~isempty(A.VertexIndices) % vertices likely reused on multiple quadrilateralsI = A.VertexIndices;Nf = numel(I)/4; % has to be divisible by 4
else %every 4 consecutive vertices defines a quadrilateralNv = size(V,1);Nf = Nv/4;I = 1:Nv;
F = reshape(I,4,Nf)';
if ~isempty(A.StripData) % hack workaroundF(:) = F(:,[1 2 4 3]);
tryif ~any(all(V==V(1,:))) % not on any Euclidian plane% convert quadrilateral to triangle stripsF = [F(:,1:3);F(:,[1 3 4])];end
catch % if implicit array expansion is not supported (<R2016b)if all(V(:,1)~=V(1,1)) || all(V(:,2)~=V(1,2)) || all(V(:,3)~=V(1,3)) % not on any Euclidian plane% convert quadrilateral to triangle stripsF = [F(:,1:3) F(:,[1 3 4])];end
endendfunction [V,F] = getTriangleStripData(A) % area & contourif isempty(A)warning('Cannot hatch the face: Graphics object''s face is not defined.');V = [];F = [];return;
endV = A.VertexData';
I = double(A.StripData);% If any of the axes is in log scale, V is normalized to wrt the axes
% limits,
V(:) = norm2data(V,A);N = numel(I)-1; % # of faces
m = diff(I);
M = max(m);
F = nan(N,M);
for n = 1:Nidx = I(n):(I(n+1)-1);if mod(numel(idx),2) % oddidx(:) = idx([1:2:end end-1:-2:2]);else % evenidx(:) = idx([1:2:end-1 end:-2:2]);endF(n,1:numel(idx)) = idx;
end% if graphical objects are given normalized to the axes
function V = norm2data(V,A)
ax = ancestor(A,'axes');
inlog = strcmp({ax.XScale ax.YScale ax.ZScale},'log');
if any(inlog)lims = [ax.XLim(:) ax.YLim(:) ax.ZLim(:)];dirs = strcmp({ax.XDir ax.YDir ax.ZDir},'normal');for n = 1:3 % for each axisif inlog(n)lims(:,n) = log10(lims(:,n));endV(:,n) = V(:,n)*diff(lims(:,n));if dirs(n)V(:,n) = V(:,n) + lims(1,n);elseV(:,n) = lims(2,n) - V(:,n);endif inlog(n)V(:,n) = 10.^V(:,n);endend
endfunction pvalold = sethgprops(A,props)
% grab the common property names of the base objectspnames = fieldnames(props);
if ishghandle(A,'hggroup')gpnames = fieldnames(set(A));[tf,idx] = ismember(gpnames,pnames);idx(~tf) = [];for i = idx'pvalold.(pnames{i}) = A.(pnames{i});A.(pnames{i}) = props.(pnames{i});endprops = rmfield(props,pnames(idx));h = handle(A.Children);for n = 1:numel(h)pvalold1 = sethgprops(h(n),props);ponames = fieldnames(pvalold1);for k = 1:numel(ponames)pvalold.(ponames{k}) = {h(n) pvalold1.(ponames{k})};endend
elsefor n = 1:numel(pnames)pvalold.(pnames{n}) = A.(pnames{n});A.(pnames{n}) = props.(pnames{n});end
endendfunction xydatai = hatch_xy(xydata,styl,angle,step,offset)
% M_HATCH Draws hatched or speckled interiors to a patch
%    M_HATCH(LON,LAT,STYL,ANGLE,STEP,...line parameters);
%     X,Y - vectors of points.
%     STYL - style of fill
%     ANGLE,STEP - parameters for style
%     E.g.
%      'single',45,5  - single cross-hatch, 45 degrees,  5 points apart
%      'cross',40,6   - double cross-hatch at 40 and 90+40, 6 points apart
%      'speckle',7,1  - speckled (inside) boundary of width 7 points, density 1
%                               (density >0, .1 dense 1 OK, 5 sparse)
%      'outspeckle',7,1 - speckled (outside) boundary of width 7 points, density 1
%                               (density >0, .1 dense 1 OK, 5 sparse)
%      H=M_HATCH(...) returns handles to hatches/speckles.
%      [XI,YI,X,Y]=MHATCH(...) does not draw lines - instead it returns
%      vectors XI,YI of the hatch/speckle info, and X,Y of the original
%      outline modified so the first point==last point (if necessary).
%     Note that inside and outside speckling are done quite differently
%     and 'outside' speckling on large coastlines can be very slow.%
% Hatch Algorithm originally by K. Pankratov, with a bit stolen from
% Iram Weinsteins 'fancification'. Speckle modifications by R. Pawlowicz.
% R Pawlowicz 15/Dec/2005I = zeros(1,size(xydata,2));% face vertices are not always closed
if any(xydata(:,1)~=xydata(:,end))xydata(:,end+1) = xydata(:,1);I(end+1) = I(1);
endif any(strcmp(styl,{'speckle','outspeckle'}))angle = angle*(1-I);
endswitch stylcase 'single'xydatai = drawhatch(xydata,angle,1/step,0,offset);case 'cross'xydatai = [...drawhatch(xydata,angle,1/step,0,offset) ...drawhatch(xydata,angle+90,1/step,0,offset)];case 'speckle'xydatai = [...drawhatch(xydata,45,   1/step,angle,offset) ...drawhatch(xydata,45+90,1/step,angle,offset)];case 'outspeckle'xydatai = [...drawhatch(xydata,45,   1/step,-angle,offset) ...drawhatch(xydata,45+90,1/step,-angle,offset)];inside = logical(inpolygon(xydatai(1,:),xydatai(2,:),x,y)); % logical needed for v6!xydatai(:,inside) = [];otherwisexydatai = zeros(2,0);
endend%%%function xydatai = drawhatch(xydata,angle,step,speckle,offset)
% xydata is given as 2xN matrix, x on the first row, y on the second% Idea here appears to be to rotate everthing so lines will be
% horizontal, and scaled so we go in integer steps in 'y' with
% 'points' being the units in x.
% Center it for "good behavior".% rotate first about (0,0)
ca = cosd(angle); sa = sind(angle);
u = [ca sa]*xydata;              % Rotation
v = [-sa ca]*xydata;% translate to the grid point nearest to the centroid
u0 = round(mean(u)/step)*step; v0 = round(mean(v)/step)*step;
x = (u-u0); y = (v-v0)/step+offset;    % plus scaling and offsetting% Compute the coordinates of the hatch line ...............
yi = ceil(y);
yd = [diff(yi) 0]; % when diff~=0 we are crossing an integer
fnd = find(yd);    % indices of crossings
dm = max(abs(yd)); % max possible #of integers between points% This is going to be pretty space-inefficient if the line segments
% going in have very different lengths. We have one column per line
% interval and one row per hatch line within that interval.
A = cumsum( repmat(sign(yd(fnd)),dm,1), 1);% Here we interpolate points along all the line segments at the
% correct intervals.
fnd1 = find(abs(A)<=abs( repmat(yd(fnd),dm,1) ));
A  = A+repmat(yi(fnd),dm,1)-(A>0);
xy = (x(fnd+1)-x(fnd))./(y(fnd+1)-y(fnd));
xi = repmat(x(fnd),dm,1)+(A-repmat(y(fnd),dm,1) ).*repmat(xy,dm,1);
yi = A(fnd1);
xi = xi(fnd1);% Sorting points of the hatch line ........................
%%yi0 = min(yi); yi1 = max(yi);
% Sort them in raster order (i.e. by x, then by y)
% Add '2' to make sure we don't have problems going from a max(xi)
% to a min(xi) on the next line (yi incremented by one)
xi0 = min(xi); xi1 = max(xi);
ci = 2*yi*(xi1-xi0)+xi;
[~,num] = sort(ci);
xi = xi(num); yi = yi(num);% if this happens an error has occurred somewhere (we have an odd
% # of points), and the "fix" is not correct, but for speckling anyway
% it really doesn't make a difference.
if rem(length(xi),2)==1xi = [xi; xi(end)];yi = [yi; yi(end)];
end% Organize to pairs and separate by  NaN's ................
li = length(xi);
xi = reshape(xi,2,li/2);
yi = reshape(yi,2,li/2);% The speckly part - instead of taking the line we make a point some
% random distance in.
if length(speckle)>1 || speckle(1)~=0if length(speckle)>1% Now we get the speckle parameter for each line.% First, carry over the speckle parameter for the segment%   yd=[0 speckle(1:end-1)];yd = speckle(1:end);A=repmat(yd(fnd),dm,1);speckle=A(fnd1);% Now give it the same preconditioning as for xi/yispeckle=speckle(num);if rem(length(speckle),2)==1speckle = [speckle; speckle(end)];endspeckle=reshape(speckle,2,li/2);elsespeckle=[speckle;speckle];end% Thin out the points in narrow parts.% This keeps everything when abs(dxi)>2*speckle, and then makes% it increasingly sparse for smaller intervals.dxi=diff(xi);nottoosmall=sum(speckle,1)~=0 & rand(1,li/2)<abs(dxi)./(max(sum(speckle,1),eps));xi=xi(:,nottoosmall);yi=yi(:,nottoosmall);dxi=dxi(nottoosmall);if size(speckle,2)>1, speckle=speckle(:,nottoosmall); end% Now randomly scatter points (if there any left)li=length(dxi);if any(li)xi(1,:)=xi(1,:)+sign(dxi).*(1-rand(1,li).^0.5).*min(speckle(1,:),abs(dxi) );xi(2,:)=xi(2,:)-sign(dxi).*(1-rand(1,li).^0.5).*min(speckle(2,:),abs(dxi) );% Remove the 'zero' specklesif size(speckle,2)>1xi=xi(speckle~=0);yi=yi(speckle~=0);endend
elsexi = [xi; ones(1,li/2)*nan];  % Separate the line segmentsyi = [yi; ones(1,li/2)*nan];
end% Transform back to the original coordinate system
xydatai = [ca -sa;sa ca]*[xi(:)'+u0;(yi(:)'-offset)*step+v0];end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function [h,opts,props] = parse_input(h,argin)
% parse & validate input argumentspatchtypes = {'single','cross','speckle','outspeckle','fill','none'};% get base object handle
if ~issupported(h)error('Unsupported graphics handle type.');
h = handle(h);% get common property names
pnames = getcommonprops(h);% if style argument is given, convert it to HatchStyle option pair
stylearg = {};
if ~isempty(argin) && ischar(argin{1})tryptypes = validatestring(argin{1},patchtypes);stylearg = {'HatchStyle' ptypes};argin(1) = [];catch% STYL not given, continue onend
end% create inputParser for options
p = inputParser;
p.addParameter('HatchVisible','auto');for n = 1:numel(pnames)p.addParameter(pnames{n},[]);
p.parse(stylearg{:},argin{:});rnames = fieldnames(p.Results);
isopt = ~cellfun(@isempty,regexp(rnames,'^(Hatch|Speckle)','once')) | strcmp(rnames,'ContourStyle');
props = struct([]);
for n = 1:numel(rnames)if isopt(n)opts.(rnames{n}) = p.Results.(rnames{n});elseif ~isempty(p.Results.(rnames{n}))props(1).(rnames{n}) = p.Results.(rnames{n});end
endopts.HatchStyle = validatestring(opts.HatchStyle,patchtypes);
if any(strcmp(opts.HatchStyle,{'speckle','outspeckle'}))warning('hatchfill2:PartialSupport','Speckle/outspeckle HatchStyle may not work in the current release of hatchfill2')
if strcmpi(opts.HatchStyle,'none') % For backwards compatability:opts.HatchStyle = 'fill';
opts.HatchLineStyle = validatestring(opts.HatchLineStyle,{'-','--',':','-.'},mfilename,'HatchLineStyle');if ~isempty(opts.HatchSpacing)warning('HatchSpacing option has been deprecated. Use ''HatchDensity'' option instead.');
opts = rmfield(opts,'HatchSpacing');opts.SpeckleMarkerStyle = validatestring(opts.SpeckleMarkerStyle,{'+','o','*','.','x','square','diamond','v','^','>','<','pentagram','hexagram'},'hatchfill2','SpeckleMarkerStyle');
opts.HatchVisible = validatestring(opts.HatchVisible,{'auto','on','off'},mfilename,'HatchVisible');endfunction pnames = getcommonprops(h)
% grab the common property names of the base objectsV = set(h(1));
pnames = fieldnames(V);
if ishghandle(h(1),'hggroup')pnames = union(pnames,getcommonprops(get(h(1),'Children')));
for n = 2:numel(h)V = set(h(n));pnames1 = fieldnames(V);if ishghandle(h(n),'hggroup')pnames1 = union(pnames1,getcommonprops(get(h(n),'Children')));endpnames = intersect(pnames,pnames1);
endendfunction validatecolor(val)tryvalidateattributes(val,{'double','single'},{'numel',3,'>=',0,'<=',1});
% axes unit conversion functionsfunction [V,T,islog] = transform_data(ax,V,ref)
% convert vertices data to hatch-ready form
% - if axis is log-scaled, data is converted to their log10 values
% - if 3D (non-zero z), spatially transform data onto the xy-plane. If
%   reference point is given, ref is mapped to the origin. Otherwise, ref
%   is chosen to be the axes midpoint projected onto the patch plane. Along
%   with the data, the axes corner coordinates are also projected onto the
%   patch plane to obtain the projected axes limits.
% - transformed xy-data are then normalized by the projected axes spans.noZ = size(V,2)==2;xl = ax.XLim;
yl = ax.YLim;
zl = ax.ZLim;% log to linear space
islog = strcmp({ax.XScale ax.YScale ax.ZScale},'log');
if islog(1)V(:,1) = log10(V(:,1));xl = log10(xl);if ~isempty(ref)ref(1) = log10(ref(1));end
if islog(2)V(:,2) = log10(V(:,2));yl = log10(yl);if ~isempty(ref)ref(2) = log10(ref(2));end
if islog(3) && ~noZV(:,3) = log10(V(:,3));zl = log10(zl);if ~isempty(ref)ref(3) = log10(ref(3));end
endif noZV(:,3) = 0;
end% if not given, pick the reference point to be the mid-point of the current
% axes
if isempty(ref)ref = [mean(xl) mean(yl) mean(zl)];
end% normalize the axes so that they span = 1;
Tscale = makehgtform('scale', [1/diff(xl) 1/diff(yl) 1/diff(zl)]);
V(:) = V*Tscale(1:3,1:3);
ref(:) = ref*Tscale(1:3,1:3);% obtain unique vertices
Vq = double(unique(V,'rows')); % find unique points (sorted order)
Nq = size(Vq,1);
if Nq<3 || any(isinf(Vq(:))) || any(isnan(Vq(:))) % not hatchableV = [];T = [];return;
endtry % erros if 2D objectzq = unique(Vq(:,3));
catchV(:,3) = 0;zq = 0;
T = eye(4);
if isscalar(zq) % patch is on a xy-planeif zq~=0 % not on the xy-planeT = makehgtform('translate',[0 0 -zq]);end
else% if patch is not on a same xy-plane% use 3 points likely well separatedidx = round((0:2)/2*(Nq-1))+1;% find unit normal vector of the patch planenorm = cross(Vq(idx(1),:)-Vq(idx(3),:),Vq(idx(2),:)-Vq(idx(3),:)); % normal vectornorm(:) = norm/sqrt(sum(norm.^2));% define the spatial rotationtheta = acos(norm(3));if theta>pi/2, theta = theta-pi; endu = [norm(2) -norm(1) 0];Trot = makehgtform('axisrotate',u,theta);% project the reference point onto the planeP = norm.'*norm;ref_proj = ref*(eye(3) - P) + Vq(1,:)*P;if norm(3)T = makehgtform('translate', -ref_proj); % user specified reference point or -d/norm(3) for z-crossingend% apply the rotation nowT(:) = Trot*T;% find the axes limits on the transformed space%    [Xlims,Ylims,Zlims] = ndgrid(xl,yl,zl);%    Vlims = [Xlims(:) Ylims(:) Zlims(:)];%    Vlims_proj = [Vlims ones(8,1)]*T';%    lims_proj = [min(Vlims_proj(:,[1 2]),[],1);max(Vlims_proj(:,[1 2]),[],1)];%    xl = lims_proj(:,1)';%    yl = lims_proj(:,2)';
end% perform the transformation
V(:,4) = 1;
V = V*T';
V(:,[3 4]) = [];T(:) = T*Tscale;endfunction V = revert_data(V,T,islog)N = size(V,1);
V = [V zeros(N,1) ones(N,1)]/T';
V(:,end) = [];% log to linear space
if islog(1)V(:,1) = 10.^(V(:,1));
if islog(2)V(:,2) = 10.^(V(:,2));
if islog(3)V(:,3) = 10.^(V(:,3));


function varargout = legendflex(varargin)
%LEGENDFLEX Creates a more flexible legend
% legendflex(M, param1, val1, ...)
% legendflex(h, M, param1, val1, ...)
% [legend_h,object_h,plot_h,text_str] = legendflex(...)
% This offers a more flexible version of the legend command.  It offers a
% different method of positioning the legend, as well as options to:
%   - organize legend text and symbols in a grid with a specified number of
%     rows and/or columns
%   - rescale the horizontal space used by each legend symbol
%   - create multiple legends for the same axis
%   - add a title to the legend within the legend box
% Unlike in the default legend command, where the legend is positioned
% relative to the labeled objects' parent axis according to one of 16
% location strings, this function positions the legend based on two anchor
% points (one on either the figure or a child object of a figure, and one
% on the legend itself) and a buffer (or offset) between these two anchor
% points. The anchor points refer to the corners and centers of each
% side of the box surrounding the reference object and the legend itself;
% they can be refered to either as numbers (1-8, clockwise from northwest
% corner) or strings ('nw', 'n', 'ne', 'e', 'se', 's', 'sw', 'w').  The
% position of the legend is determined by these two points and the distance
% between them, defined in the 'buffer' variable, which by default is
% measured in pixels.  So the combination of
%  (..., 'ref', gca, 'anchor', [3 3], 'buffer', [-10 -10])
% means that you want the northeast corner of the current axis to be
% aligned with the northeast corner of the legend, but with the legend
% shifted 10 pixels to the left and down.
% This method of positioning can be particularly useful when labeling a
% figure that includes many subplots that share a common color scheme,
% where the "best" location for a legend is not necessarily within the
% bounds of an axis.  Unlike the legend command, the axes in the figure are
% never resized (and it is up to the user to check that the legend fits on
% the figure in the specified location).  In addition to being easier than
% manually positioning a legend, this function updates the legend location
% when the figure is resized, preserving the desired alignment.  The
% following anchor/buffer combinations, when used with the default
% reference and a buffer unit of pixels, approximately replicate the
% typical legend locations:
% Specifier              Anchor    Buffer
% north                  [2 2]     [  0 -10]
% south                  [6 6]     [  0  10]
% east                   [4 4]     [-10   0]
% west                   [8 8]     [ 10   0]
% northeast              [3 3]     [-10 -10]
% northwest              [1 1]     [ 10 -10]
% southeast              [5 5]     [-10  10]
% southwest              [7 7]     [ 10  10]
% northoutside*          [2 6]     [  0  10]
% southoutside*          [6 2]     [  0 -10]
% eastoutside*           [3 8]     [ 10   0]
% westoutside*           [8 3]     [-10   0]
% northeastoutside*      [3 1]     [ 10   0]
% northwestoutside*      [1 3]     [-10   0]
% southeastoutside*      [5 7]     [ 10   0]
% southwestoutside*      [7 5]     [-10   0]  *placed outside axis rather
%                                              than resizing plot box
% This function should support all types of plot objects.
% Updates to labeled line and patch properties should be reflected in the
% legend.  In pre-R2014b versions of Matlab (those that use the old
% non-object graphics handles), properties of more complex legend labels,
% such as contours, quivers, bars, etc.) will also be synced to the legend;
% however, at this time, the code doesn't update properties for anything
% other than lines and patches in R2014b+ (haven't found a good way to
% listen for changes to the properties of the other graphics object types).
% A note on resizing: This function assigns a resize function to the parent
% figure to maintain the position of the legend (in terms of anchor
% location and buffer) as the figure size changes.  If you manually resize
% the legend, this function will respect changes to height, width, and
% units (though I don't recommend changing the units to 'normalized', as
% this can cause the text and symbols to overflow the legend box on
% resize).  It will not respect manual repositioning when resizing, since
% it assumes you want to maintain the anchor/buffer prescription used to
% create it.  Overall, I've tried to make this resize as unobtrusive as
% possible; if your figure already has a resize function at the time you
% apply it, that behavior is inherited, with the legend-resize called
% afterward.  If you plan to further modify the figure's resize function
% post-legendflex and want to maintain repositioning of the legends,
% retrieve the resize function via hfun = get(hfig, 'ResizeFcn'), pass it
% to the new resize function, and invoke it via feval(oldfun, h, ed), where
% h and ed are the default variables passed by a callback function.
% Input variables:
%   M:          cell array of strings, labels for legend
%   h:          handle of axis or handle(s) of object(s) to be labeled.  If
%               this is an axis handle, all children of the axis will be
%               included in the legend.  If not included, current axis is
%               used.
% Optional input variables (passed as parameter/value pairs): [default]
%   ncol:       number of columns, or 0 to indicate as many as necessary
%               given the # of labeled objects [1 if nrow is 0, 0
%               otherwise]
%   nrow:       number of rows, or 0 to indicate as many as necessary
%               given the # of labeled objects [0]
%   ref:        handle of object used to position the legend. This can be
%               either a figure or a child object of a figure (and does not
%               need to relate in any way to the objects being labeled).
%               If not included, the reference will be to the axis that a
%               normal legend would be associated with (usually the parent
%               axis of the labeled objects, unless objects from multiple
%               axes are passed, in which case it's the parent object of
%               the first labeled object).
%   anchor:     1 x 2 array specifying which points of the reference object
%               and new legend, respectively, to anchor to each other.
%               Anchor points can be described using either numbers (in a 1
%               x 2 double array) or directional strings (in a 1 x 2 cell
%               array) as follows:
%               1:  'nw'    upper left corner
%               2:  'n'     center of top edge
%               3:  'ne'    upper right corner
%               4:  'e'     center of right edge
%               5:  'se'    bottom right corner
%               6:  's'     center of bottom edge
%               7:  'sw'    bottom left corner
%               8:  'w'     center of left edge
%               [[3 3], i.e. {'ne' 'ne'}]
%   buffer:     1 x 2 array of horizontal and vertical distance,
%               respectively, from the reference anchor point to the legend
%               anchor point. Distance is measured in units specified by
%               bufferunit. [[-10 -10]]
%   bufferunit: unit for buffer distance.  Note that this property only
%               affects the units used to position the legend, not the
%               units for the legend itself (which is always a fixed size,
%               based on the space needed to encapsulate the specified
%               symbols and text).  The 'normalized' units are normalized
%               to size of the figure. ['pixels']
%   box:        'on' or 'off', specifies whether to enclose legend objects
%               in a box ['on']
%   xscale:     scalar value indicating scale factor to apply to the width
%               required by each symbol, relative to the size used by
%               legend. For example, 0.5 will shorten the lines/patches by
%               half. [1]
%   title:      A title string to be added inside the legend box, centered,
%               above all legend entries.  This can be either a string or a
%               cell array of strings; the latter will produce a multi-line
%               title. If empty, no title is added.  ['']
%   padding:    1 x 3 array, pixel spacing added to beginning of each
%               column (before symbol), between symbol and text, and after
%               text, respectively.  Usually, the default provides the
%               spacing typical of a regular legend, but occassionally the
%               extent properties wrap a little too close to text, making
%               things look crowded; in these cases you can try unsquishing
%               (or squishing, via use of negative values) things via this
%               parameter. [2 1 1]
%   nolisten:   logical scalar.  If true, don't add the event listeners.
%               The event listeners update the legend objects when you
%               change a property of the labeled objects (such as line
%               style, color, etc.).  However, the updating requires the
%               legend to be redrawn, which can really slow things down,
%               especially if you're labelling lots of objects that get
%               changed together (if you change the line width of 100
%               labeled lines, the legend gets redrawn 100 times).  In more
%               recent releases, this also occurs when printing to file, so
%               I recommend setting this to true if you plan to print a
%               legend with a large number of labeled objects.  The legend
%               will still be redrawn on figure resize regardless of the
%               value of this parameter. [false]
%   In addition to these legendflex-specific parameters, this function will
%   accept any parameter accepted by the original legend function (e.g.
%   font properties) except 'location', 'boxon', 'boxoff', or 'hide'.
% Output variables:
%   legend_h:   handle of the legend axis.  It is not linked to an axis or
%               graphics objects in the same way as a Matlab legend.
%               However, on figure resize, all properties of the legend
%               objects are checked for changes, so adjusting the figure
%               size can re-link the legend to the labeled objects after
%               you have made changes to those objects.
%   object_h:   handles of the line, patch, and text graphics objects
%               created in the legend
%   plot_h:     handles of the lines and other objects labeled in this
%               legend
%   text_str:   cell array of the text strings used in the legend
% Example:
% % Replicating an example from legend.m:
% figure;
% b = bar(rand(10,5),'stacked'); colormap(summer); hold on
% x = plot(1:10,5*rand(10,1),'marker','square','markersize',12,...
%          'markeredgecolor','y','markerfacecolor',[.6 0 .6],...
%          'linestyle','-','color','r','linewidth',2); hold off
% lbl = {'Carrots','Peas','Peppers','Green Beans','Cucumbers','Eggplant'};
% % Rather than covering up data or resizing the axis, let's squeeze the
% % legend into the margin at the top of the figure;
% legendflex([b,x], lbl, 'ref', gcf, ...
%                        'anchor', {'n','n'}, ...
%                        'buffer',[0 0], ...
%                        'nrow',2, ...
%                        'fontsize',8);% Copyright 2011-2014 Kelly Kearney% Detemine whether HG2 is in usehg2flag = ~verLessThan('matlab', '8.4.0');
r2016aflag = ~verLessThan('matlab', '9.0.0');
r2013bflag = ~verLessThan('matlab', '8.2.0');%-------------------
% Parse input
% allinput = varargin; % Save for callback later
% islegin = false(size(varargin));% First inputs must be either:
% (M, ...)
% (h, M, ...)narginchk(1,Inf);% Split input into the variables that will be passed to legend (handles and
% labels) and everything elsehandlepassed = all(ishandle(varargin{1})); % for HG1/HG2 iscellstr = @(x) cellfun(@(y) ischar(y), x); % For now...
% iscellstr = @(x) cellfun(...
%     @(y) ischar(y) || (iscell(y) && all(cellfun(@ischar,y))), x); % for multi-line?if handlepassedlegin = varargin(1:2);if ~iscell(legin{2}) || ~all(iscellstr(legin{2}))error('Legend labels must be a cell array of strings');endpv = varargin(3:end);
elselegin = varargin(1);if ~iscell(legin{1}) || ~all(iscellstr(legin{1}))if isnumeric(legin{1})error('Unable to parse input 1; check that handle(s) exist');elseerror('Legend labels must be a cell array of strings');endendpv = varargin(2:end);
end% Parse my optional propertiesif hg2flagdefref = gobjects(0);
elsedefref = NaN;
endif r2013bflagaddParamMethod = 'addParameter';
elseaddParamMethod = 'addParamValue';
endp = inputParser;
p.(addParamMethod)('xscale',     1,         @(x) validateattributes(x, {'numeric'}, {'nonnegative','scalar'}));
p.(addParamMethod)('ncol',       0,         @(x) validateattributes(x, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'integer'}));
p.(addParamMethod)('nrow',       0,         @(x) validateattributes(x, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'integer'}));
p.(addParamMethod)('ref',        defref,    @(x) validateattributes(x, {'numeric','handle'}, {'scalar'}));
p.(addParamMethod)('anchor',     [3 3],     @(x) validateattributes(x, {'numeric','cell'}, {'size', [1 2]}));
p.(addParamMethod)('buffer',     [-10 -10], @(x) validateattributes(x, {'numeric'}, {'size', [1 2]}));
p.(addParamMethod)('bufferunit', 'pixels',  @(x) validateattributes(x, {'char'}, {}));
p.(addParamMethod)('box',        'on',      @(x) validateattributes(x, {'char'}, {}));
p.(addParamMethod)('title',      '',        @(x) validateattributes(x, {'char','cell'}, {}));
p.(addParamMethod)('padding',    [2 1 1],   @(x) validateattributes(x, {'numeric'}, {'size', [1 3]})); % 'nonnegative'
p.(addParamMethod)('nolisten',   false,     @(x) validateattributes(x, {'logical'}, {'scalar'}));
p.KeepUnmatched = true;p.parse(pv{:});
Opt = p.Results;% Any parameters that don't match mine are assumed to be a legend property.
%  If not, legend will handle the error when I call it.Extra = p.Unmatched;
extra = [fieldnames(Extra) struct2cell(Extra)];
extra = extra';% Validate that units and box inputs are correctvalidatestring(Opt.bufferunit, {'pixels','normalized','inches','centimeters','points','characters'}, 'legendflex', 'bufferunit');
validatestring(Opt.box, {'on', 'off'}, 'legendflex', 'box');% Translate anchor strings to numbers, if necessaryif iscell(Opt.anchor)[blah, Opt.anchor] = ismember(Opt.anchor, {'nw','n','ne','e','se','s','sw','w'});if ~all(blah)error('Anchor must be 1 x 2 cell array of strings: n, e, s, w, ne, nw, se, sw');end
elsevalidateattributes(Opt.anchor, {'numeric'}, {'integer', '<=', 8}, 'legendflex', 'anchor');
end% Create a temporary legend to get all the objectsS = warning('off', 'MATLAB:legend:PlotEmpty');
if r2016aflag% The new legend objects are pretty opaque... even diving into the % undocumented properties, I haven't been able to find the handles of % the legend sub-components (lines, text, etc).  So I need to stick to % the legacy version, which creates an axis object rather than legend % object. Legacy version has bug in text properties parsing, though, so % need to work around that too: use the new-style legend object to get% proper text properties, then use those to alter the buggy old-style% legend.tmp = legend(legin{:}, extra{:}, 'location', 'northeast');textProps = {'FontAngle','FontName','FontSize','FontUnits','FontWeight','Interpreter'};tprop = get(tmp, textProps);delete(tmp);wtmp = warning('off', 'MATLAB:handle_graphics:exceptions:SceneNode'); % silence Latex interpreter thing[h.leg, h.obj, h.labeledobj, h.textstr] = legend(legin{:}, extra{:}, 'location', 'northeast');warning(wtmp);nobj = length(h.labeledobj);for it = 1:length(textProps)set(h.obj(1:nobj), textProps{it}, tprop{it});end
else[h.leg, h.obj, h.labeledobj, h.textstr] = legend(legin{:}, extra{:}, 'location', 'northeast');nobj = length(h.labeledobj);
warning(S);if nobj == 0warning('Plot empty; no legend created');return
end% There's a bug in R2014b-R2015a that causes rendering issues if a contour
% object is included in a legend and legend is called with more than one
% output. For some reason, the rendering issues disappear only if the
% contour object(s) is listed last in the legend.  So for now, my
% workaround for this is to change the order of the legend labels as
% necessary.  Issue appears to be fixed in 2015b.iscont = strcmp(get(h.labeledobj, 'type'), 'contour');
cbugflag = ~verLessThan('matlab', '8.4.0') && verLessThan('matlab', '8.6.0') && any(iscont);if cbugflagif length(legin) == 1legin = {h.labeledobj legin{1}};enddelete(h.leg);[srt, isrt] = sort(iscont);legin{1} = legin{1}(isrt);legin{2} = legin{2}(isrt);[h.leg, h.obj, h.labeledobj, h.textstr] = legend(legin{:}, extra{:}, 'location', 'northeast');end% # rows and columnsif (Opt.ncol == 0) && (Opt.nrow == 0)Opt.ncol = 1;Opt.nrow = nobj;
elseif (Opt.ncol == 0)Opt.ncol = ceil(nobj./Opt.nrow);
elseif (Opt.nrow == 0)Opt.nrow = ceil(nobj./Opt.ncol);
if Opt.ncol*Opt.nrow < nobjerror('Number of legend entries greater than specified grid allows; change ncol and/or nrow');
end% Reference objectif hg2flagif isempty(Opt.ref)if all(ishandle(legin{1}))tmp = ancestor(legin{1}, 'axes');if iscell(tmp)Opt.ref = tmp{1}; elseOpt.ref = tmp(1);endelseOpt.ref = gca;endend
elseif isnan(Opt.ref)tmp = get(h.leg, 'UserData');Opt.ref = tmp.PlotHandle; end
if ~ishandle(Opt.ref)error('Input ref must be a graphics handle');
end% BoxOpt.box = strcmpi('on', Opt.box);% Convert units to getpos abbreviationsunittable = {...'px'  'Pixels''nz'  'Normalized''in'  'Inches''cm'  'Centimeters''pt'  'Points''ch'  'Characters'};
Opt.bufunit = unittable{strcmpi(unittable(:,2),Opt.bufferunit),1};% Check for titleaddtitle = ~isempty(Opt.title);%-------------------
% New placement of
% everything in
% legend
%-------------------% Determine parent figurefigh = ancestor(Opt.ref, 'figure');
currax = get(figh, 'currentaxes'); % Calculate row heightlegpospx = getpos(h.leg, 'px');% rowHeight = legpospx(4)/nobj;
vmarginNm =  0.275/nobj;
vmarginPx = legpospx(4) * vmarginNm;rowHeightNm = (1 - vmarginNm)/nobj;
rowHeight = rowHeightNm .* legpospx(4);% Determine width needed for each text stringif nobj == 1textExtent = get(h.obj(1:nobj), 'Extent');
elsetextExtent = cell2mat(get(h.obj(1:nobj), 'Extent'));
textWidthPx  = textExtent(:,3) .* legpospx(3);
textHeightPx = textExtent(:,4) .* legpospx(4);
textWidthNm = textExtent(:,3);% Calculate horizontal space needed for symbolssymbolWidthPx = textExtent(1,1) .* legpospx(3) * Opt.xscale;
symbolWidthNm = textExtent(1,1);% Calculate column width needed for 2px-symbol-1px-text-1pxcolWidth = zeros(Opt.ncol*Opt.nrow,1);
colWidth(1:nobj) = textWidthPx + symbolWidthPx + sum(Opt.padding);
colWidth = reshape(colWidth, Opt.nrow, Opt.ncol);
colWidth = max(colWidth,[],1);% If title is added, figure out how much space it will needif addtitletextProps = {'FontAngle','FontName','FontSize','FontUnits','FontWeight','Interpreter'};textVals = get(h.obj(1), textProps);ttlprops = [textProps; textVals];fpos = getpos(figh, 'px');figtmp = figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 fpos(3:4)],'visible','off');axes('parent',figtmp,'position',[0 0 1 1],'xlim',[0 fpos(3)],'ylim',[0 fpos(4)]);tmp = text(0,0,Opt.title, ttlprops{:}, 'horiz', 'left', 'vert', 'bottom');ttlex = get(tmp, 'extent');ttlwidth = ceil(ttlex(3)) + 4; % Add a little paddingttlheight = ceil(ttlex(4));if ttlwidth > sum(colWidth)colWidth(end) = colWidth(end) + (ttlwidth-sum(colWidth));endclose(figtmp);
end% Locate bottom left corner of each legend symbol, text box, and titlexsymbnew = [0 cumsum(colWidth(1:end-1))]+Opt.padding(1);
ysymbnew = (rowHeight*Opt.nrow + vmarginPx)-(1:Opt.nrow)*rowHeight;
[xsymbnew, ysymbnew] = meshgrid(xsymbnew, ysymbnew);
xsymbnew = xsymbnew(1:nobj);
ysymbnew = ysymbnew(1:nobj);xtext = xsymbnew + Opt.padding(2) + symbolWidthPx;
ytext = ysymbnew;% + 1;xsymbold = zeros(nobj,1);
ysymbold = 1 - (1/nobj)*(1:nobj);wnewleg = sum(colWidth);
hnewleg = rowHeight*Opt.nrow + vmarginPx;if addtitlexttl = wnewleg/2;yttl = hnewleg;hnewleg = hnewleg + ttlheight;
end% Get legend position in bufferunit and translate to pixelslegpos = positionleg(Opt.ref, wnewleg, hnewleg, Opt.anchor, Opt.buffer, Opt.bufunit);
tmpax = axes('units', Opt.bufferunit, 'position', legpos,'visible','off');
legpos = getpos(tmpax, 'px');
% Create legend
%-------------------% Create the legend axishnew.leg = axes('units', 'pixels', ...'position', legpos, ...'xlim', [0 legpos(3)], ...'ylim', [0 legpos(4)], ...'xtick', [], ...'ytick', [], ...'box', 'on', ...'parent', figh);% Copy the text strings to the new legendtextProps = {'FontAngle','FontName','FontSize','FontUnits','FontWeight','Interpreter','HorizontalAlignment','VerticalAlignment'};
textVals = get(h.obj(1:nobj), textProps);if hg2flaghnew.obj = gobjects(size(h.obj));
elsehnew.obj = zeros(size(h.obj));
for it = 1:nobjprops = [textProps; textVals(it,:)];hnew.obj(it) = text(xtext(it), ytext(it), h.textstr{it}, props{:}, ...'horizontalalignment', 'left', ...'verticalalignment', 'bottom');
end% Copy the symbols to the new legendnsymbol = length(h.obj) - nobj;for ii = 1:nsymbolif strcmp(get(h.obj(nobj+ii), 'type'), 'hggroup')tag = get(h.obj(nobj+ii),'Tag');if ~isempty(tag)[blah, idx] = ismember(tag,h.textstr);endchld = findall(h.obj(nobj+ii), 'type', 'line', '-or', 'type', 'patch');       for ic = 1:length(chld)xy = get(chld(ic), {'xdata', 'ydata'});xnorm = xy{1}./symbolWidthNm;ynorm = (xy{2}- (1-idx*rowHeightNm))./rowHeightNm;xnew = xnorm * symbolWidthPx + xsymbnew(idx);ynew = ynorm * rowHeight     + ysymbnew(idx);set(chld(ic), 'xdata', xnew, 'ydata', ynew);endhnew.obj(nobj+ii) = copyobj(h.obj(nobj+ii), hnew.leg);else   hnew.obj(nobj+ii) = copyobj(h.obj(nobj+ii), hnew.leg);tag = get(h.obj(nobj+ii),'Tag');if ~isempty(tag) % assumes empty tags indicate repetition of previous tag (true pre-2014b)[blah, idx] = ismember(tag,h.textstr);endxy = get(h.obj(nobj+ii), {'xdata', 'ydata'});xnorm = xy{1}./symbolWidthNm;ynorm = (xy{2}- (1-idx*rowHeightNm))./rowHeightNm;xnew = xnorm * symbolWidthPx + xsymbnew(idx);ynew = ynorm * rowHeight     + ysymbnew(idx);set(hnew.obj(nobj+ii), 'xdata', xnew, 'ydata', ynew);endend% Add titleif addtitletext(xttl, yttl, Opt.title, ttlprops{:}, 'horiz', 'center', 'vert', 'bottom');
end% Add box or hide axisif Opt.boxset(hnew.leg, 'box', 'on');
elseif hg2flagset(hnew.leg, 'box', 'off', 'color', 'none', 'xcolor', 'none', 'ycolor', 'none');elseset(hnew.leg, 'visible', 'off');end
end% Delete the temporary legenddelete(h.leg);% Return focus to previously-current axisset(figh, 'currentaxes', currax);
drawnow; % Not sure why this is necessary for the currentaxes to take effect, but it is% Fix for vertical-alignment issue: This solution still isn't perfect, but
% it seems to help for most Interpreter-none and Interpreter-latex cases.
% The TeX interpreter still places sub- and superscripts too high/low... no
% robust fix found for that yet.
% TODO: need to add proper calcs for when title included
% Thanks to S�ren Enemark for this suggestion.if ~addtitletry % TODO: Crashing on some edge casestextobj = hnew.obj(1:nobj);yheight = get(hnew.leg, 'ylim');yheight = yheight(2);ylo = get(textobj(Opt.nrow), 'extent');ylo = ylo(2);yhi = get(textobj(1), 'extent');yhi = sum(yhi([2 4]));dy = yheight/2 - 0.5*(ylo + yhi);for ii = 1:length(textobj)pos = get(textobj(ii), 'position');set(textobj(ii), 'position', pos + [0 dy 0]);endend
% Callbacks and
% listeners
%-------------------% Save some relevant variables in the new legend axis's application dataLf.ref        = Opt.ref;
Lf.w          = wnewleg;
Lf.h          = hnewleg;
Lf.anchor     = Opt.anchor;
Lf.buffer     = Opt.buffer;
Lf.bufunit    = Opt.bufunit;
Lf.bufferunit = Opt.bufferunit;
Lf.plotobj    = h.labeledobj;
Lf.legobj     = hnew.obj;setappdata(hnew.leg, 'legflex', Lf);% Resize listenersaddlistener(hnew.leg, 'Position', 'PostSet', @(src,evt) updatelegappdata(src,evt,hnew.leg));
if hg2flag && strcmp(Lf.ref.Type, 'figure')addlistener(Lf.ref, 'SizeChanged', @(src,evt) updatelegpos(src,evt,hnew.leg));
elseaddlistener(Lf.ref, 'Position', 'PostSet', @(src,evt) updatelegpos(src,evt,hnew.leg));
rsz = get(figh, 'ResizeFcn');
if isempty(rsz) % No previous resize functionset(figh, 'ResizeFcn', @updatelegfigresize);
else if ~iscell(rsz)rsz = {rsz};endhasprev = cellfun(@(x) isequal(x, @updatelegfigresize), rsz);if ~hasprevrsz = {rsz{:} @updatelegfigresize};set(figh, 'ResizeFcn', {@wrapper, rsz});end
endif ~Opt.nolisten% Run the resync function if anything changes with the labeled objectsobjwatch = findall(h.labeledobj, 'type', 'line', '-or', 'type', 'patch');for ii = 1:length(objwatch)switch lower(get(objwatch(ii), 'type'))case 'line'triggerprops = {'Color','LineStyle','LineWidth','Marker','MarkerSize','MarkerEdgeColor','MarkerFaceColor'};addlistener(objwatch(ii), triggerprops, 'PostSet', @(h,ed) resyncprops(h,ed,hnew.leg));case 'patch'triggerprops = {'CData','CDataMapping','EdgeAlpha','EdgeColor','FaceAlpha','FaceColor','LineStyle','LineWidth','Marker','MarkerEdgeColor','MarkerFaceColor','MarkerSize'};addlistener(objwatch(ii), triggerprops, 'PostSet', @(h,ed) resyncprops(h,ed,hnew.leg));endendend%-------------------
% Output
%-------------------out = {hnew.leg, hnew.obj, h.labeledobj, h.textstr};
varargout = out(1:nargout);%***** Subfunctions *****%------------------------
% Position new legend
%------------------------function legpos = positionleg(href, w, h, anchor, buffer, bufunit)
% ap: position vector for reference object
% lp: position vector for legendif strcmp(get(href, 'type'), 'figure')tmp = axes('parent', href,'position', [0 0 1 1],'visible','off');pos = getpos(tmp, bufunit);delete(tmp);
elsepos = getpos(href, bufunit);
endhtmp = axes('units', 'pixels', 'position', [0 0 w h], 'visible','off');
lpos = getpos(htmp, bufunit);
w = lpos(3);
h = lpos(4);% Find anchor locations on reference objectrefxy = [...pos(1)          pos(2)+pos(4)pos(1)+pos(3)/2 pos(2)+pos(4)pos(1)+pos(3)   pos(2)+pos(4)pos(1)+pos(3)   pos(2)+pos(4)/2pos(1)+pos(3)   pos(2)pos(1)+pos(3)/2 pos(2)pos(1)          pos(2)pos(1)          pos(2)+pos(4)/2];% How bottom left relates to each anchor pointshift = [...0       -h-w/2    -h-w      -h-w      -h/2-w      0-w/2    00       00       -h/2];% Legend locationcorner = refxy(anchor(1),:) + buffer + shift(anchor(2),:);
legpos = [corner w h];%------------------------
% Listener functions
%------------------------% If user manually resizes the legend, update the app datafunction updatelegappdata(src, evt, legax)
if ishandle(legax)Lf = getappdata(legax, 'legflex');pos = getpos(legax, 'px');Lf.w = pos(3);Lf.h = pos(4);setappdata(legax, 'legflex', Lf);
% If reference object moves or resizes, reposition the legend appropriatelyfunction updatelegpos(src, evt, legax)
if ishandle(legax) Lf = getappdata(legax, 'legflex');legpos = positionleg(Lf.ref, Lf.w, Lf.h, Lf.anchor, Lf.buffer, Lf.bufunit);set(legax, 'Units', Lf.bufferunit, 'Position', legpos);
end% Since figure resize can change axis size without actually triggering a
% listener, force thisfunction updatelegfigresize(src, evt)allax = findall(src, 'type', 'axes');
for ii = 1:length(allax)isleg = ~isempty(getappdata(allax(ii), 'legflex'));if ~islegpos = get(allax(ii), 'Position');set(allax(ii), 'Position', pos); % No change, just trigger PostSetend
end% If plotted object changes, resync with legendfunction resyncprops(src, evt, legax)if ishandle(legax) % In case it's been deletedLf = getappdata(legax, 'legflex');str = cellstr(num2str((1:length(Lf.plotobj))'));[htmp.leg, htmp.obj, htmp.labeledobj, htmp.textstr] = legend(Lf.plotobj, str);objtype = get(Lf.legobj, 'type');isline = strcmp(objtype, 'line');ispatch = strcmp(objtype, 'patch');ishg = strcmp(objtype, 'hggroup');hgidx = find(ishg);lobj = [Lf.legobj(isline) htmp.obj(isline)];pobj = [Lf.legobj(ispatch) htmp.obj(ispatch)];if ~isempty(hgidx)for ih = hgidxchldln1 = findall(Lf.legobj(ih), 'type', 'line');chldln2 = findall(htmp.obj(ih), 'type', 'line'); lobj = [lobj; [chldln1 chldln2]];chldpa1 = findall(Lf.legobj(ih), 'type', 'patch');chldpa2 = findall(htmp.obj(ih), 'type', 'patch'); pobj = [pobj; [chldpa1 chldpa2]];endendlprops = {'color','linestyle','linewidth','marker','markersize','markeredgecolor','markerfacecolor'};for il = 1:size(lobj,1)lvals = get(lobj(il,2), lprops);pv = [lprops; lvals];set(lobj(il,1), pv{:});endpprops = {'cdata','cdatamapping','edgealpha','edgecolor','facealpha','facecolor','linestyle','linewidth','marker','markeredgecolor','markerfacecolor','markersize'};for ip = 1:size(pobj,1)pvals = get(pobj(ip,2), pprops);pv = [pprops; pvals];set(pobj(ip,1), pv{:});endcmap = colormap(htmp.leg);colormap(legax, cmap);delete(htmp.leg);
end% Wrapper to add multiple callback functions to resizefunction wrapper(ObjH, EventData, fcnList)
for ii = 1:length(fcnList)feval(fcnList{ii}, ObjH, EventData);


function [pos,unit]=getpos(h,fmt,href,opt)
% GETPOS Get graphics object position in a flexible way.
%   GETPOS(H,FMT) gets the position property of graphics object
%   with handle H, according to FMT that can be expressed using different
%   units. H must have a "Position" property.
%   FMT is a char array containing four "%2c" strings separated by colon or
%   space. The two characters specify the unit as :
%           px  for Pixels
%           nz  for Normalized
%           in  for Inches
%           cm  for Centimeters
%           pt  for Points
%           ch  for Characters
%   If FMT is only one format string from the above list, all returned values are
%   expressed using this unit.
%   Any string value of FMT can be replaced by a single '#' to not retrieve the
%   corresponding value. The returned value is NaN except if the optional last
%   argument OPT is set to "compact" in GETPOS(H,FMT,[HREF],OPT).
%   Note that GETPOS(H) works as get(H,'Position') and return the position
%   vector in the current unit of the graphics object H.
%   GETPOS(H,FMT,HREF,['compact']) gets the position of the graphics object H according
%   to FMT, but using the position of the graphics object HREF as reference instead
%   of the parent of H. HREF must be a valid handle and must have a "Position"
%   property (except for the Root object). Returned values may be negative or 0.
%   [POS,UNIT]=GETPOS(H,...) returns an additional output argument UNIT that
%   contained the unit list of the output vector position POS. It may be safer
%   when different units are used.
%   See also SETPOS, SET, GET.%   Author: J�r�me Briot, Matlab (R12.1)
%   Contact: dutmatlab@yahoo.fr
%   Revision: 1.0 (12-Feb-2007)
%             1.1 (14-Feb-2007) Third input argument HREF added.
%                               Minor corrections in the help section.
%             1.2 (21-Feb-2007) Bug fixed if HREF is the Root object
%                               Examples removed from the help section
%   Comments:
%% Check the number of input argumentsnarginchk(1,4);% Check if H is a graphics object handle
if ~ishandle(h)error('First argument must be a graphic object handle');
end% Store the current unit of the graphics object H
current_unit=get(h,'units');% Init variables
unit={current_unit current_unit current_unit current_unit};
pos=[nan nan nan nan];% If FMT input argument is not specified, works as GET(H,'Position')
if nargin==1pos=get(h,'position');return
end% Check if FMT is a char string
if ~ischar(fmt)error('Second argument must be a string in GETPOS(H,FMT)')
end  if nargin==2 % GETPOS(H,FMT)href=get(h,'parent');opt='full';elseif nargin==3if ishandle(href) % GETPOS(H,FMT,HREF)opt='full';elseif strcmpi(href,'compact') % GETPOS(H,FMT,"compact")href=get(h,'parent');opt='compact';else % GETPOS(H,FMT,???)error('Wrong third argument in GETPOS(H,FMT,???). Must be a valid handle or "compact"');endelseif nargin==4 % GETPOS(H,FMT,HREF,OPT)if ~ishandle(href) error('Third argument must be a valid handle in GETPOS(H,FMT,HREF,OPT)');endif ~strcmpi(opt,'compact') error('Last argument must be "compact" in GETPOS(H,FMT,HREF,OPT)'); endendflag_href=0;
% Don't use HREF position if it is the parent of H
if href~=get(h,'parent')href=h;flag_href=1;
end% Store the current unit of the reference object HREF
current_ref_unit=get(href,'units');% Extract 4 char strings from FMT
M=strread(fmt,'%s','delimiter',' ,');% Only one FMT requested for output
if numel(M)==1[M{2:4}]=deal(M{1});
end% List available units
available_units={'inches' 'centimeters' 'normalized' 'points' 'pixels' 'characters'};% Decode elements of FMT
for n=1:numel(M) % If FMT(n) is not a "#"if ~strcmp(M{n},'#')% Check if the units paramter is valididx=strcmpi(M{n},{'in' 'cm' 'nz' 'pt' 'px' 'ch'});if ~any(idx)error('Units must be one of "in", "cm", "nz", "pt", "px" or "ch"')endunit{n}=available_units{idx}; % Set the units to one from the list endend% Get position of H using decoded FMT
for n=1:numel(M)    % If FMT(n) is not a "#" => get the valueif ~strcmp(M{n},'#')% Modify the "Units" property of H set(h,'units',unit{n});% Modify the "Units" property of HREFset(href,'units',unit{n});% Get the current "Position" vector of Htemp=get(h,'position');% Get the current "Position" vector of HREFif strcmp(get(href, 'type'), 'root') % HREF is the Root object (no 'Position' property)temp_href=get(href,'screensize'); %%% Should be safe here !else temp_href=get(href,'position');end% Get and store the specified field from the "Position" vector% If HREF is specified and is not the parent of H, flag_href=1 else flag_href=0pos(n)=temp(n)-temp_href(n)*flag_href;endend% Check for compact output format
if strcmpi(opt,'compact')pos(isnan(pos))=[];
end% Restore the unit of the graphics object H
% Restore the unit of the reference object HREF


%If you want to adjust the pattern to 6 bar such as " applyhatch(gcf,'.-+/|x');",
%try to type this "applyhatch(gcf,'.-++/||xx');" instedly.
%So you can avoid the duplicated pattern at least, even order problem is still not solved.
data=[100, 200, 900, 1400, 788;111, 222, 333, 444, 555];%三列的柱状图,分为了两种,具体见图
X = [1,2];GO = bar(X,data,1,'EdgeColor','k','LineWidth',1);hatchfill2(GO(1),'cross','HatchAngle',45,'HatchDensity',40,'HatchColor','k');
hatchfill2(GO(5),'cross','HatchAngle',-60,'HatchDensity',30,'HatchColor','k');GO(1).FaceColor = [0.000, 0.447, 0.741];
GO(2).FaceColor = [0.850, 0.325, 0.098];
GO(3).FaceColor = [0.929, 0.694, 0.125];
GO(4).FaceColor = [0.494, 0.184, 0.556];
GO(5).FaceColor = [0.466, 0.674, 0.188];% Draw the legend
legendData = {'Legend 1','Legend 2','Legend 3', 'Legend 4', 'Legend 5'};
[legend_h, object_h, plot_h, text_str] = legendflex(GO, legendData, 'Padding', [2, 2, 10], 'FontSize', 11, 'Location', 'NorthEast');
% object_h(1) is the first bar's text
% object_h(2) is the second bar's text
% object_h(3) is the first bar's patch
% object_h(4) is the second bar's patch
% Set the two patches within the legend
hatchfill2(object_h(6), 'cross', 'HatchAngle', 45, 'HatchDensity', 40, 'HatchColor', 'k');
hatchfill2(object_h(7), 'single', 'HatchAngle', 45, 'HatchDensity', 40, 'HatchColor', 'k');
hatchfill2(object_h(8), 'single', 'HatchAngle', 0, 'HatchDensity', 40, 'HatchColor', 'k');
hatchfill2(object_h(9), 'single', 'HatchAngle', -45, 'HatchDensity', 40, 'HatchColor', 'k');
hatchfill2(object_h(10), 'cross', 'HatchAngle', -60, 'HatchDensity', 30, 'HatchColor', 'k');
% Some extra formatting to make it pretty :)
set(gca, 'FontSize', 11);
set(gca, 'XMinorTick','on', 'XMinorGrid','on', 'YMinorTick','on', 'YMinorGrid','on');
% xlim([0.5, 2.5]);
ylim([0, 1500]);% hTitle = title('Texture filled bar chart');
% hXLabel = xlabel('Samples');
hYLabel = ylabel('AAAA');




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  19. P-Link ARM Cortex-M脱机编程器开源前的一些准备工作----第四章 几个重要的结构体介绍
  20. 泛微OA发送内部邮件教程【E9版本】


  1. Linux C/C++编程之(十九)进程组守护进程
  2. I·See·Right 遇见kafka的ISR
  3. LDR6328支持不同电压输出,TYPE-C转DC/surface快充线方案
  4. c语言200例 016 水池注水问题
  5. 代码评审(Code Review)
  6. 过去的一年——考研和校招
  7. 盲盒的前身是什么,为什么越来越多的人愿意购买
  8. 6.2.1mnist _eval
  9. css 颜色渐变的方法
  10. C语言for循环使用方法