
Applications of Deep Learning to Ocean Data Inference and Sub-Grid Parameterisation



1 作图,3行3列,大小12:9,也就是4:3的大小

##### Plotting #####
fig, axArr = plt.subplots( 3, 3, figsize=(12,9) )
plt.subplots_adjust( bottom=0.05, top=0.95 )


# Psi snapshot with training regions
im0 = axArr[0,0].imshow( psiFilt*1e-5, cmap='seismic', vmin=-cLim, vmax=cLim, origin='lower' )axArr[0,0].set_title('a. Filtered-Streamfunction $\overline{\psi}$', fontsize=9, fontweight='bold' )
axArr[0,0].set_ylim( (0,512) )
axArr[0,0].set_xlim( (0,512) )


# Training region 1
myRect1 = Rectangle( xy=(1,200), width=160, height=160, fill=False, color='white', lw=2, ls='--' )
axArr[0,0].add_patch( myRect1 )
axArr[0,0].text( 7, 320, '1', color='white', fontweight='bold', fontsize=12 )# Training region 2
myRect2 = Rectangle( xy=(352,200), width=160, height=160, fill=False, color='black', lw=2 )
axArr[0,0].add_patch( myRect2 )
axArr[0,0].text( 480, 320, '2', color='black', fontweight='bold', fontsize=12 )# Training region 3
myRect3 = Rectangle( xy=(177,31), width=160, height=160, fill=False, color='gray', lw=2, ls='-.' )
axArr[0,0].add_patch( myRect3 )
axArr[0,0].text( 305, 151, '3', color='gray', fontweight='bold', fontsize=12 )


# (add lines connecting regions)
con1 = ConnectionPatch( xyA=(1,1), xyB=(160,200),coordsA="data", coordsB="data",axesA=axArr[0,1], axesB=axArr[0,0],color="black", arrowstyle='<|-', linewidth=2 )
con2 = ConnectionPatch( xyA=(1,159), xyB=(160,360),coordsA="data", coordsB="data",axesA=axArr[0,1], axesB=axArr[0,0],color="black", arrowstyle='<|-', linewidth=2 )
con3 = ConnectionPatch( xyA=(1,80), xyB=(159,80),coordsA="data", coordsB="data",axesA=axArr[0,2], axesB=axArr[0,1],color="black", arrowstyle='<|-', linewidth=3 )








Introductory figure to:
- Illustrate the QG model.
- Each of the three training regions.
- The input and output variables of the neural network.
- The convolutional neural network architecture.
"""import scipy.io as sio
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle, ConnectionPatch
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatableplt.rcdefaults()
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollectionplt.rc('text', usetex=True )
plt.rc('font', family='serif' )##### Streamfunction and Training Regions ######t0 = 200# truth
truth = np.load('../data/Predictions/SxSy_True_str2.npz')
SxTrue, SyTrue = truth['SxT'], truth['SyT']# predictions
preds = np.load('../data/Predictions/Sx_Pred_R1_str2.npz')
SxPred = preds['SP']# filtered-streamfunction
psiFilt = np.moveaxis( sio.loadmat('../data/Validation/psiPred_30km.mat')['psiPred_30km'], 2, 0 )
psiFilt = np.squeeze( psiFilt[t0,:,:] )
psiFiltSub = np.squeeze( psiFilt[200:360,0:160] )##### Plotting #####
fig, axArr = plt.subplots( 3, 3, figsize=(12,9) )
plt.subplots_adjust( bottom=0.05, top=0.95 )cLim = 1# Psi snapshot with training regions
im0 = axArr[0,0].imshow( psiFilt*1e-5, cmap='seismic', vmin=-cLim, vmax=cLim, origin='lower' )axArr[0,0].set_title('a. Filtered-Streamfunction $\overline{\psi}$', fontsize=9, fontweight='bold' )
axArr[0,0].set_ylim( (0,512) )
axArr[0,0].set_xlim( (0,512) )
axArr[0,0].set_yticklabels(['0km','1920km','3840km'])# Training region 1
myRect1 = Rectangle( xy=(1,200), width=160, height=160, fill=False, color='white', lw=2, ls='--' )
axArr[0,0].add_patch( myRect1 )
axArr[0,0].text( 7, 320, '1', color='white', fontweight='bold', fontsize=12 )# Training region 2
myRect2 = Rectangle( xy=(352,200), width=160, height=160, fill=False, color='black', lw=2 )
axArr[0,0].add_patch( myRect2 )
axArr[0,0].text( 480, 320, '2', color='black', fontweight='bold', fontsize=12 )# Training region 3
myRect3 = Rectangle( xy=(177,31), width=160, height=160, fill=False, color='gray', lw=2, ls='-.' )
axArr[0,0].add_patch( myRect3 )
axArr[0,0].text( 305, 151, '3', color='gray', fontweight='bold', fontsize=12 )#############################################
# Sub-Region Psi
im1 = axArr[0,1].imshow( psiFiltSub*1e-5, cmap='seismic', vmin=-cLim, vmax=cLim, origin='lower' )
axArr[0,1].set_title('b. Training Region 1', fontsize=9, fontweight='bold' )# Sub-Region Psi (with grid)
im2 = axArr[0,2].imshow( psiFiltSub*1e-5, cmap='seismic', vmin=-cLim, vmax=cLim, origin='lower' )
axArr[0,2].set_title('c. 40x40 Grid Point Sub-Regions', fontsize=9, fontweight='bold' )axArr[0,2].axis('off')
for i in range(4) :for j in range(4) :Rect = Rectangle(xy=(i * 40, j * 40), width=40, height=40, fill=False, color='white', lw=1 )axArr[0, 2].add_patch(Rect)Rect = Rectangle(xy=(0,0), width=40, height=40, fill=False, color='black', lw=2 )
axArr[0, 2].add_patch(Rect)# (add lines connecting regions)
con1 = ConnectionPatch( xyA=(1,1), xyB=(160,200),coordsA="data", coordsB="data",axesA=axArr[0,1], axesB=axArr[0,0],color="black", arrowstyle='<|-', linewidth=2 )
con2 = ConnectionPatch( xyA=(1,159), xyB=(160,360),coordsA="data", coordsB="data",axesA=axArr[0,1], axesB=axArr[0,0],color="black", arrowstyle='<|-', linewidth=2 )
con3 = ConnectionPatch( xyA=(1,80), xyB=(159,80),coordsA="data", coordsB="data",axesA=axArr[0,2], axesB=axArr[0,1],color="black", arrowstyle='<|-', linewidth=3 )axArr[0,1].add_artist( con1 )
axArr[0,1].add_artist( con2 )
axArr[0,2].add_artist( con3 )##### ARCHITECTURE #####NumConvMax = 8
NumFcMax = 20
White = 1.
Light = 0.7
Medium = 0.5
Dark = 0.3
Black = 0.def add_layer(patches, colors, size=24, num=5,top_left=[0, 0],loc_diff=[3, -3],):# add a rectangletop_left = np.array(top_left)loc_diff = np.array(loc_diff)loc_start = top_left - np.array([0, size])for ind in range(num):patches.append(Rectangle(loc_start + ind * loc_diff, size, size, ec='black', lw=10))if ind % 2:colors.append(Medium)else:colors.append(Light)def add_mapping(patches, colors, start_ratio, patch_size, ind_bgn,top_left_list, loc_diff_list, num_show_list, size_list):start_loc = top_left_list[ind_bgn] \+ (num_show_list[ind_bgn] - 1) * np.array(loc_diff_list[ind_bgn]) \+ np.array([start_ratio[0] * size_list[ind_bgn],-start_ratio[1] * size_list[ind_bgn]])end_loc = top_left_list[ind_bgn + 1] \+ (num_show_list[ind_bgn + 1] - 1) \* np.array(loc_diff_list[ind_bgn + 1]) \+ np.array([(start_ratio[0] + .5 * patch_size / size_list[ind_bgn]) *size_list[ind_bgn + 1],-(start_ratio[1] - .5 * patch_size / size_list[ind_bgn]) *size_list[ind_bgn + 1]])patches.append(Rectangle(start_loc, patch_size, patch_size))colors.append(Dark)patches.append(Line2D([start_loc[0], end_loc[0]],[start_loc[1], end_loc[1]]))colors.append(Black)patches.append(Line2D([start_loc[0] + patch_size, end_loc[0]],[start_loc[1], end_loc[1]]))colors.append(Black)patches.append(Line2D([start_loc[0], end_loc[0]],[start_loc[1] + patch_size, end_loc[1]]))colors.append(Black)patches.append(Line2D([start_loc[0] + patch_size, end_loc[0]],[start_loc[1] + patch_size, end_loc[1]]))colors.append(Black)def labelTop(xy, text, xy_off=[0, 4]):axArr[2,0].text(xy[0] + xy_off[0], xy[1] + xy_off[1], text,family='sans-serif', size=9)def labelBot(xy, text, xy_off=[0, 4]):axArr[2,0].text(xy[0] + xy_off[0], xy[1] + xy_off[1], text,family='sans-serif', size=9, fontweight='bold', ha='center' )fc_unit_size = 2
layer_width = 50patches = []
colors = []pos = axArr[2,0].get_position()
pos = [ pos.x0*1.35, pos.y0*2.5, pos.width*3, pos.height ]
axArr[2,0].set_position( pos )############################
# conv layers
size_list = [40, 17, 14, 11, 5, 40]
num_list = [1, 16, 8, 8, 8, 1 ]
x_diff_list = [0, layer_width, layer_width, layer_width, layer_width, layer_width]
text_list = ['Input'] + ['Feature maps'] * (len(size_list) - 2) + ['Output']
loc_diff_list = [[4, -2]] * len(size_list)num_show_list = list(map(min, num_list, [NumConvMax] * len(num_list)))
top_left_list = np.c_[np.cumsum(x_diff_list), np.zeros(len(x_diff_list))]for ind in range(len(size_list)):if (ind > 0) & (ind < 5) :add_layer(patches, colors, size=size_list[ind],num=num_show_list[ind],top_left=top_left_list[ind], loc_diff=loc_diff_list[ind])#labelTop(top_left_list[ind], text_list[ind] + '\n{}x{} (x{})'.format(#    size_list[ind], size_list[ind], num_list[ind] ) )############################
# in between layers
start_ratio_list = [ [0.1,0.5], [0.4, 0.8], [0.4, 0.5], [0.4, 0.8], [0.4,0.6] ]
patch_size_list = [8, 4, 4, 2, 1]
ind_bgn_list = range(len(patch_size_list))
text_list = [ 'Convolution\nLayer 1', 'Convolution\nLayer 2', 'Convolution\nLayer 3', 'Max-pooling\nLayer', 'Fully Connected\nLayer' ]
n_param_list = [ 1040, 2056, 1032, 0, 321600 ]for ind in range(len(patch_size_list)):add_mapping(patches, colors, start_ratio_list[ind],patch_size_list[ind], ind,top_left_list, loc_diff_list, num_show_list, size_list)labelBot(top_left_list[ind], text_list[ind], xy_off=[50, -50] )############################
colors += [0, 1]
collection = PatchCollection(patches, cmap=plt.cm.gray, edgecolors='black' )
axArr[2,2].axis('off')############################SxTrue = np.squeeze( SxTrue[t0,200:360,0:160] )
SxPred = np.squeeze( SxPred[t0,200:360,0:160] )# input
axArr[1,0].imshow( psiFiltSub[:40,:40]*1e-5, cmap='seismic', vmin=-cLim, vmax=cLim, origin='lower' )s = 0.45
dy = 1.3pos = axArr[1,0].get_position()
pos = [ pos.x0 + 0.05, pos.y0*dy, pos.width*s, pos.height*s ]
axArr[1,0].set_position( pos )
axArr[1,0].text( -10, 20, r'$\overline{\psi}$', fontsize=15, va='center', ha='center' )
axArr[1,0].set_xticks( [] )
axArr[1,0].set_yticks( [] )
axArr[1,0].set_title( r'Input' )# output
axArr[1,2].imshow( np.squeeze( SxPred[:40,:40] )*1e6, vmin=-3, vmax=3, origin='lower', cmap='seismic' )
axArr[1,2].text( 40+10, 20, r'$\tilde{S}_x$', fontsize=15, va='center', ha='center' )
axArr[1,2].set_xticks( [] )
axArr[1,2].set_yticks( [] )
axArr[1,2].set_title( r'Output' )axArr[1,1].axis('off')pos = axArr[1,2].get_position()
pos = [ pos.x0 + 0.08, pos.y0*dy, pos.width*s, pos.height*s ]
axArr[1,2].set_position( pos )# move CNN to middle
pos2 = axArr[1,0].get_position()
pos0 = axArr[2,0].get_position()
axArr[2,0].set_position( [ pos0.x0, pos2.y0-0.068, pos0.width, pos0.height ] )# annotate sub-grid to input
pos1 = axArr[0,2].get_position()
pos2 = axArr[1,0].get_position()axArr[0,2].annotate( '', xy=( 0.268, 0.596 ), xytext=( 0.69, 0.69 ), xycoords='figure fraction',arrowprops=dict( arrowstyle='-|>' ) )# add DIY underbrace
dx, dy = 0.01, 0.01
L = 0.22x = np.array( [ 0.3-dx, 0.3, 0.3+L, 0.3+L+dx ] )
y = np.array( [ 0.4+dy, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4-dy ] )x = np.concatenate( (x,x+L+2*dx) )
y = np.concatenate( (y,y[::-1] ) )plt.plot( x, y, clip_on=False, transform=fig.transFigure, lw=2, color='black', solid_capstyle='round', solid_joinstyle='round' )# add text
fig = plt.gcf()
plt.text( 0.35, 0.35, r'Neural network $\tilde{S}_x = f_x(\overline{\psi},\mathbf{w}_1)$, trained to minimize loss $L \propto (S_x-\tilde{S}_x)^2$.',transform=fig.transFigure, fontsize=10 )plt.savefig('intro.png',format='png',dpi=300)plt.show()



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