Word Preparation

  1. right behind it:就在它后方
    Did you see the post office across the street? The bank is right behind it. 

    There is a shopping mall and the parking lot is right behind it.

  2. induction fee:入会费
    How much is the induction fee?

    The induction fee is one dollar. 

  3. fitness center:健身中心
    She works as a private trainer in a fitness center in Beijing.

    Do you want to go to the fitness center with me after work?

  4. I was wondering if you could show me around the place? 我想知道你可不可以带我到处转转呢?
    - I was wondering if you could show me around the place? 我想知道你可不可以带我到处转转呢?
    - Certainly. 当然可以。

    I'm new in the office. I was wondering if you could show me around the place?

  5. as good as it gets:尽善尽美
    The journal is as good as it gets in terms of high-quality journalism. 

    For most cases, this version is as good as it gets.

  6. Anything else around? 周围还有什么吗?
    Is this it? Anything else around?

    Is there anything else around your apartment?


Describe things in a neighborhood. 描述社区里的事物

除了as good as it gets,还可以说

  • It's the best ... I've ever ...
  • It's the best ... you could think of.
  • It couldn't be better.
  • There is no better ... than ...


  • It's the best gym I've ever been to.
  • It's the best neighborhood you could think of.
  • I really enjoy the food in that restaurant. It couldn't be better.
  • There's no better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than reading in that cafe.

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