
  • Word Preparation
    • outfit: 服装
    • preferred: 更喜欢的,更好的
    • a good buy: 很划算的东西
    • mark something down: 降价
    • stress-reliever: 减压方式
    • have a weakness for something: 喜爱,偏好
  • Grammar
    • cloth, clothing, clothes and outfit

Word Preparation

outfit: 服装

a set of clothes worn for a particular occasion or activity

Is that the outfit you are going to wear to the party?

Rachel is choosing her outfit for attending her best friend’s wedding ceremony.
Rachel 正在为出席她好朋友的婚礼而挑选服装。

preferred: 更喜欢的,更好的

liked or wanted more than anything else

I don’t mind eating pizza, but it’s not on my preferred list of food.

Eating sooner rather than later would be preferred.

a good buy: 很划算的东西

something good that you buy for a reasonable price

I bought this phone at a discounted price. It was such a good buy!

This store has a lot of high quality products and other good buys.

mark something down: 降价

to lower the price of something

You should wait till they mark the price down before you buy this bag.

I heard that they often marked prices down during holidays to promote the sales.

stress-reliever: 减压方式

an activity or thing that helps lower or relieve stress

Watching TV after a working day is the best stress-reliever for me.

Exercising and listening to music are most people’s stress-relievers.

have a weakness for something: 喜爱,偏好

to like, enjoy, be unable to say no to something

I have a weakness for dessert and I can never say no to chocolate.

If I have a weakness for anything, it is for a good rest on Sunday.


cloth, clothing, clothes and outfit

  1. cloth:布料,布匹(概念,不可数);布块,桌布(具体实物,可数)

  2. clothes / clothing,均可表示 “衣服”,用作 “衣服” 的统称,但是用法上有区别。
    (1) clothes 永远是一个复数名词,没有单数形势,前面不可加不定冠词 a,也不可加数词 one, two等;但可用 some, these, those, many, few 等词修饰。

    (2) clothing 是不可数名词。

  3. outfit 特指用于某种场合,带有某种风格的衣服。

  • She bough some cloth to make her a dress.
  • Clean the tables with a soft cloth.
  • He changed his clothes for tomorrow’s event.
  • Some poor areas still lack food and clothing.
  • He bought his daughter a hacking outfit.

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