1 前言


2 代码学习

2.1 Hyperparameters and utilities


GAMMA = 0.999
EPS_END = 0.05
TARGET_UPDATE = 10# Get screen size so that we can initialize layers correctly based on shape
# returned from AI gym. Typical dimensions at this point are close to 3x40x90
# which is the result of a clamped and down-scaled render buffer in get_screen()
init_screen = get_screen()
_, _, screen_height, screen_width = init_screen.shape# Get number of actions from gym action space
n_actions = env.action_space.npolicy_net = DQN(screen_height, screen_width, n_actions).to(device)
target_net = DQN(screen_height, screen_width, n_actions).to(device)
target_net.eval()optimizer = optim.RMSprop(policy_net.parameters())
# 设置回放的容量为10000
memory = ReplayMemory(10000)steps_done = 0def select_action(state):global steps_donesample = random.random()eps_threshold = EPS_END + (EPS_START - EPS_END) * \math.exp(-1. * steps_done / EPS_DECAY)steps_done += 1if sample > eps_threshold:with torch.no_grad():# t.max(1) will return largest column value of each row.# second column on max result is index of where max element was# found, so we pick action with the larger expected reward.return policy_net(state).max(1)[1].view(1, 1)else:return torch.tensor([[random.randrange(n_actions)]], device=device, dtype=torch.long)episode_durations = []def plot_durations():plt.figure(2)plt.clf()durations_t = torch.tensor(episode_durations, dtype=torch.float)plt.title('Training...')plt.xlabel('Episode')plt.ylabel('Duration')plt.plot(durations_t.numpy())# Take 100 episode averages and plot them tooif len(durations_t) >= 100:means = durations_t.unfold(0, 100, 1).mean(1).view(-1)means = torch.cat((torch.zeros(99), means))plt.plot(means.numpy())plt.pause(0.001)  # pause a bit so that plots are updatedif is_ipython:display.clear_output(wait=True)display.display(plt.gcf())

2.2 optimize_model()——模型优化过程

def optimize_model():if len(memory) < BATCH_SIZE:returntransitions = memory.sample(BATCH_SIZE)# Transpose the batch (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/19343/3343043 for# detailed explanation). This converts batch-array of Transitions# to Transition of batch-arrays.batch = Transition(*zip(*transitions))# Compute a mask of non-final states and concatenate the batch elements# (a final state would've been the one after which simulation ended)non_final_mask = torch.tensor(tuple(map(lambda s: s is not None,batch.next_state)), device=device, dtype=torch.bool)non_final_next_states = torch.cat([s for s in batch.next_stateif s is not None])state_batch = torch.cat(batch.state)action_batch = torch.cat(batch.action)reward_batch = torch.cat(batch.reward)# Compute Q(s_t, a) - the model computes Q(s_t), then we select the# columns of actions taken. These are the actions which would've been taken# for each batch state according to policy_netstate_action_values = policy_net(state_batch).gather(1, action_batch)# Compute V(s_{t+1}) for all next states.# Expected values of actions for non_final_next_states are computed based# on the "older" target_net; selecting their best reward with max(1)[0].# This is merged based on the mask, such that we'll have either the expected# state value or 0 in case the state was final.next_state_values = torch.zeros(BATCH_SIZE, device=device)next_state_values[non_final_mask] = target_net(non_final_next_states).max(1)[0].detach()# Compute the expected Q valuesexpected_state_action_values = (next_state_values * GAMMA) + reward_batch# Compute Huber lossloss = F.smooth_l1_loss(state_action_values, expected_state_action_values.unsqueeze(1))# Optimize the modeloptimizer.zero_grad()loss.backward()for param in policy_net.parameters():param.grad.data.clamp_(-1, 1)optimizer.step()


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