
BEng (Hons) in Computer Engineering電子計算機工程學榮譽工學士 Department of Electronic Engineering City University of Hong Kong Programme Management Team Programme Leader Dr. Andrew C S Leung Associate Programme Leaders (Student Matters) Dr. H C So Associate Programme Leaders (Admissions and Credit Transfer) Dr. Kelvin S Y Yuen Programme Advisors Dr. L Dai (Scholarship) Dr. Stanley C F Chan (Student Exchange) Dr. Ricky W H Lau (Basic Training) Programme Assistant Mrs Shirley Wan What is computer engineering at CityU? Computer Engineering Encompasses broad areas of both electronics and computer Science. Computer engineers are electronic engineers who have additional training in the areas of software design and hardware-software integration. Digital System, Computer and Embedded System, Security System, and Multimedia. Digital Systems, Computer and Embedded System Examples: Digital Camera MP3 Player Smart Card Controller of Chemical Plant MTR traffic control Build Control Digital Systems, Computer and Embedded System Learn What? Hardware and Software Modern digital hardware Use modern ways to design hardware circuits Programs to control digital circuits Security System Security System Principles of methods for protection computer data communications card technologies data hiding Security System Examples: Card Security System Examples: Data Hiding Embeds data into digital media for the purpose of identification and copyright. Security System Examples: Data Hiding white space encode some secure text Multimedia Learn What? Methods to handle speech, image, video, and graphics data Compression Generation Detection Etc….. Multimedia Example: Generate Realistic Images Multimedia Example: Generate Image for Fun Multimedia Example: face Recognition Our Graduates Students will be able to: Demonstrate a strong fundamental knowledge in math, engineering science and computer technology Analyze and design digital circuits & systems, and embedded systems


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