



Desktop Music Player for Windows and Mac using JavaFX/Java 8


MusicPlayer is an open source music player for Mac and Windows.



Add songs to a playlist by:

Clicking the "Add Song to Playlist" button when a song is selected.

Dragging a song, artist, or album and dropping on the desired playlist to add the dragged contents to the playlist.

Selecting multiple songs using CTRL or SHIFT keys, then dragging & dropping on a playlist.

Automatic Music Library Updates

The app's music library updates on startup if a song has been added or deleted from the user's music directory.

Compatible with Media Keys on Keyboard

The Play/Pause, Next, and Previous media keys can be used to play, pause, or skip songs.

Please note that this feature is only available on Windows.


Easily search for any artist, album, or song.

Installation Instructions

Download the MusicPlayer.jar file from the releases directory in the repository.

Create a directory in your computer to store the JAR file. When the app runs for the first time, it will create an img directory and a library.xml file to store song data in the directory where the JAR is located.

NOTE: THIS STEP IS ONLY NEEDED ON WINDOWS. Download the JIntellitype.dll file from the releases directory and place it in the directory created in Step 2. This file is required by the jintellitype library to enable media key functionality on keyboards. The app will not start properly if the JIntellitype.dll file is not in the same directory as the MusicPlayer.jar file.

Run the app by double-clicking the MusicPlayer.jar file.


Create a desktop shortcut for MusicPlayer.jar.

Download MusicPlayer_Icon.ico from the releases directory and set it as the icon for the desktop shortcut.

Supported File Types

MusicPlayer supports the following file types:

// MP3

case "mp3":

// MP4

case "mp4":

case "m4a":

case "m4v":

// WAV

case "wav":


The project was built in eclipse with the following directory structure.

lib: Contains jaudiotagger library used for audio metatagging and jintellitype library used to enable media key functionality on keyboards.

releases: Contains the JAR file for the latest release

src: Contains project source code


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