

Something that came up in the field, a ESXi host for some reason magically lost connection to our vCenter cluster. I checked the networking side and nothing came up (just connection down for the ports connecting to the host). I then KVMed into the server and the NICs looked like they were up as well! What? I couldnt ping or RDP to any vm on the host — what gives??
The decision from mgmt was to reboot the box. After rebooting the host, I was able to ping/RDP to the device and it came back into the vCenter. OK so what happened?

Generally I keep the SSH on the ESXi Firewall turned off for obvious security reasons. I went into ESXi to turn it on and I SSHed into the host.

login as: root
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
The time and date of this login have been sent to the system logs.
VMware offers supported, powerful system administration tools. Please see www.vmware.com/go/sysadmintools for details.
The ESXi Shell can be disabled by an administrative user. See the vSphere Security documentation for more information.

OK so now that I’m in, lets run a few commands….

~ # esxcfg-nics -l

Name PCI Driver Link Speed Duplex MAC Address MTU Description

vmnic0 0000:0b:00.00 bnx2 Up 1000Mbps Full 34:40:b5:d4:4e:c4 1500 Broadcom Corporation Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5709 1000Base-T

vmnic1 0000:0b:00.01 bnx2 Down 0Mbps Half 34:40:b5:d4:4e:c6 1500 Broadcom Corporation Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5709 1000Base-T

vmnic2 0000:10:00.00 bnx2 Down 0Mbps Half 5c:f3:fc:9e:c7:d8 1500 Broadcom Corporation Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5709 1000Base-T

vmnic3 0000:10:00.01 bnx2 Down 0Mbps Half 5c:f3:fc:9e:c7:da 1500 Broadcom Corporation Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5709 1000Base-T

vmnic4 0000:1a:00.00 be2net Up 10000Mbps Full 00:00:c9:da:3a:62 1500 Emulex Corporation OneConnect 10Gb NIC

vmnic5 0000:1a:00.01 be2net Up 10000Mbps Full 00:00:c9:da:3a:66 1500 Emulex Corporation OneConnect 10Gb NIC

vusb0 Pseudo cdc_ether Up 10Mbps Half 36:40:b5:f9:3d:8f 1500 Unknown Unknown

This command list out the NICs I got on this host. It also tells me the name VMware gives it. In this case, we got I’m interested in 2 NICs on this host named vmnic4 and vmnic5. So to get more details on them run the following…

~ # ethtool -i vmnic4
driver: be2net
firmware-version: 4.2.433.3
bus-info: 0000:1a:00.0

~ # ethtool -i vmnic0
driver: bnx2
version: 2.0.15g.v50.11-7vmw
firmware-version: bc 7.4.0 NCSI 2.0.11
bus-info: 0000:0b:00.0

OK this gives me the driver version and the firmware version. Why is this information important for this post? After the VMware Admin went through the logs and found nothing showing why the host lost networking connectivity, and after I looked on my end and nothing looked out of the ordinary, we called up VMware Support and sure — a BUG with this version. The fix was to upgrade this code to a newer code and as of one week (when we did it), so far so good!



Identifying the firmware of a Qlogic or Emulex FC HBA (1002413)


This article provides information to determine the firmware that an HBA is running.


The steps below require shell access to the ESXi/ESX host. For instructions, see:

  • Using ESXi Shell in ESXi 5.x (2004746)

  • Using Tech Support Mode in ESXi 4.1 and ESXi 5.x (1017910)

  • Enabling root SSH login on an ESX host (8375637)

Once you have shell access to the host, proceed to step 1 in the relevant section for your HBA.


To determine the firmware for a QLogic fibre adapter, run these commands on the ESXi/ESX host:

  1. Go to /proc/scsi/qla####.

    Where #### is the model of the Qlogic HBA

  2. Run the ls command to see all of the adapters in the directory.

    The output appears similar to:

    1 2 HbaApiNode

  3. Run the command:

    head -2 #

    Where # is the HBA number.

    You see output similar to:

    QLogic PCI to Fibre Channel Host Adapter for QLA2340 :
    Firmware version: 3.03.19, Driver version

To determine the firmware for a QLogic iSCSI hardware initiator on an ESXi/ESX host:

  1. Go to /proc/scsi/qla####.

    Where #### is the model of the Qlogic HBA

  2. Run the ls command to see all of the adapters in the directory.

    You see output similar to:

    1 2 HbaApiNode

  3. Run the command:

    head -4 #

    Where # is the HBA number.

    You see output similar to:

    QLogic iSCSI Adapter for ISP 4022:
    Driver version 3.24
    Code starts at address = 0x82a314
    Firmware version


To determine the firmware for a Emulex HBA on an ESXi/ESX host:

  1. Go to /proc/scsi/lpfc.

    Note: the lpfc may be appended with model number appended. For example, /proc/scsi/lpfc820

  2. Run the ls command to see all of the adapters in the directory.

    You see output similar to:

    1 2

  3. Run the command:

    head -5 #

    where # is the HBA number.

    You see output similar to:

    Emulex LightPulse FC SCSI 7.3.2_vmw2
    Emulex LP10000DC 2Gb 2-port PCI-X Fibre Channel Adapter on PCI bus 42 device 08 irq 42
    SerialNum: BG51909398
    Firmware Version: 1.91A5 (T2D1.91A5)


  • You can determine the firmware of HBAs only using Direct Console access or SSH and not via RCLI or vMA.

  • In ESXi 5.5, you do not see native drivers in the /proc nodes. To view native driver details, run the command:

    /usr/lib/vmware/vmkmgmt_keyval/vmkmgmt_keyval -a

    For more information, see Identifying correct driver for ESXi/ESX host PCI devices (HBA) using VMware Hardware Compatibility Guide (HCL) (1031534).

  • You can find these information in the vm-support bundle. For more information, see Collecting diagnostic information using vm-support command in VMware ESX/ESXi (1010705).


How to check firmware and drivers of a VMware ESXi host相关推荐

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