1 Executing a Programing

  1. exec将加载新的进程,并替换掉现在的进程
  2. exev execvp execvpe
    1. exev
    2. execvp
    3. execvpe

1.1 Using execv and execvp

  1. execv,需要输入绝对路径
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>int main(int argc, char * argv[]){//argv array for: /bin/ls -lchar * ls_args[] = { "/bin/ls" , "-l", NULL};//                                  ^//       all argv arrays must be ___| //       NULL terminated       //execute the programexecv(   ls_args[0],     ls_args);//           ^              ^//           |              |// Name of program        argv array// is ls_args[0]          for ls_args//only get here on errorperror("execv");return 2;
  1. execvp,可以加载$path,所以不需要输入全路径
aviv@saddleback: demo $ cat execvp_ls-l.c
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>int main(int argc, char * argv[]){//argv array for: ls -lchar * ls_args[] = { "ls" , "-l", NULL};//                    ^ //  use the name ls//  rather than the//  path to /bin/lsexecvp(   ls_args[0],     ls_args);//only get here on errorperror("execv");return 2;

1.2 The argv[] argument to execv and execvp

char * ls_args[] = { "ls" , "-l", NULL};.-----.
ls_args ->  |  .--+--> "/bin/ls"|-----||  .--+--> "-l"|-----||  .--+--> NULL'-----'

2 Creating a new Process


2.1 fork()


#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>int main(){pid_t c_pid;c_pid = fork(); //duplicate                                                                                                                                                if( c_pid == 0 ){//child: The return of fork() is zero                                                                                                                                    printf("Child: I'm the child: %d\n", c_pid);}else if (c_pid > 0){//parent: The return of fork() is the process of id of the child                                                                                                         printf("Parent: I'm the parent: %d\n", c_pid);}else{//error: The return of fork() is negative                                                                                                                                perror("fork failed");_exit(2); //exit failure, hard                                                                                                                                           }return 0; //success

2.2 Process identifiers or pid

4.pstree 查看进程的继承关系

2.3 Retrieving Process Identifiers: getpid() and getppid()

  1. fork机制,父知道子pid,子不知道父pid,使用getppid
  2. 父不知道自己的id,使用getpid
  3. shell执行进程,就是fork
  4. shell是进程的父进程,使用echo $$来查看当前shell的进程
//retrieve the current process id
pid_t getpid(void);//retrieve the parent's process id
pid_t getppid(void);
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>int main(){pid_t pid, ppid;//get the process'es pidpid = getpid();//get the parrent of this process'es pidppid = getppid();printf("My pid is: %d\n",pid);printf("My parent's pid is %d\n", ppid);return 0;

3 Waiting on a child with wait()

  1. wait()父进程调用,返回子进程状态的变化
  2. 当父进程调用wait()将会阻塞,直到子进程状态发生变化
  3. wait返回子子进程的pid,如果没有子进程,则返回-1
  4. wait需要整型指针参数,记录子进程退出的状态
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>int main(){pid_t c_pid, pid;int status;c_pid = fork(); //duplicateif( c_pid == 0 ){//childpid = getpid();printf("Child: %d: I'm the child\n", pid, c_pid);printf("Child: sleeping for 2-seconds, then exiting with status 12\n");//sleep for 2 secondssleep(2);//exit with statys 12exit(12);}else if (c_pid > 0){//parent//waiting for child to terminatepid = wait(&status);if ( WIFEXITED(status) ){printf("Parent: Child exited with status: %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status));}}else{//error: The return of fork() is negativeperror("fork failed");_exit(2); //exit failure, hard}return 0; //success

4 Fork/Exec/Wait Cycle

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