
创建 scrapy 具体细节不解释了,准备mongodb,代码架构

  1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2 import requests
  3 import scrapy
  4 from pyquery import PyQuery
  5 from ..items import FoodItem
  6 from ..utils.parse import parse, Home_cooking, othe_cooking, Dishes, Dishes_Details
  7 from scrapy.http import Request
  8 from traceback import format_exc
 10 from pymongo import MongoClient
 13 class FoodTestSpider(scrapy.Spider):
 14     name = 'Food_test'
 15     allowed_domains = ['meishij.net']
 16     start_urls = ['https://www.meishij.net/chufang/diy/']
 18     client = MongoClient()
 19     db = client.test  # 连接test数据库,没有则自动创建
 20     my_set = db.meishi  # 使用set集合,没有则自动创建
 21     result = {"": {"": []}}
 23     def parse(self, response):
 24         url_list = parse(response)
 25         for url in url_list:
 26             item = Request(url_list[url],
 27                            callback=self.jiachagncai,
 28                            meta={"url": url},
 29                            errback=self.error_back, )
 31             yield item
 33             # with open('meishi.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
 34             #     f.write(self.result)
 36     def jiachagncai(self, response):
 37         # requests.post().url
 39         if response.url == 'https://www.meishij.net/chufang/diy/':
 40             home = Home_cooking(response)
 41             # print(home)
 42         else:
 43             home = othe_cooking(response)
 44         for url in home:
 45             # print(url)
 46             name = response.meta["url"]
 47             # name_= self.result.get(name,{})
 48             # print(name_)
 49             # name__ = name_.get(name,{}).get(url,[])
 50             # name__.append(url)
 51             # name_[url] = name__
 52             # _name = {name:name_}
 53             # self.result.update(_name)
 54             # print(name_)
 55             # print(type(self.result.get(name)))
 56             yield Request(home[url],
 57                           callback=self.shangping_list,
 58                           meta={"temp": {"first": name, "se": url}},
 59                           errback=self.error_back, )
 61     def shangping_list(self, response):
 62         date = Dishes(response)
 63         for url in date:
 64             yield Request(url,
 65                           callback=self.xiangqingye,
 66                           meta=response.meta['temp'],
 67                           errback=self.error_back, )
 68         url = PyQuery(response.text)('#listtyle1_w > div.listtyle1_page > div > a.next').attr('href')
 69         if url:
 70             yield Request(url,
 71                           callback=self.shangping_list,
 72                           meta={"temp": response.meta['temp']},
 73                           errback=self.error_back, )
 75     def xiangqingye(self, response):
 76         first = response.meta['first']
 77         se = response.meta['se']
 79         print('---------------------------', first,se)
 80         temp = Dishes_Details(response)
 81         self.my_set.insert({first:{se: temp}})
 83         # if first == '家常菜谱':
 84         #     print('---------------------------', first)
 85         #     print('===========================', se)
 86         #     self.my_set.insert({'jiachang': {se: temp}})
 87         # elif first == '中华菜系':
 88         #     print('---------------------------', first)
 89         #     print('===========================', se)
 90         #     self.my_set.insert({'zhonghua': {se: temp}})
 91         # elif first == '各地小吃':
 92         #     print('---------------------------', first)
 93         #     print('===========================', se)
 94         #     self.my_set.insert({'gedi': {se: temp}})
 95         # elif first == '外国菜谱':
 96         #     print('---------------------------', first)
 97         #     print('===========================', se)
 98         #     self.my_set.insert({'waiguo': {se: temp}})
 99         # elif first == '烘焙':
100         #     print('---------------------------', first)
101         #     print('===========================', se)
102         #     self.my_set.insert({'hongbei': {se: temp}})
103         # else:
104         #     pass
106     def error_back(self, e):
107         _ = e
108         self.logger.error(format_exc())


  1 __author__ = 'chenjianguo'
  2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
  4 from pyquery import PyQuery
  5 import re
  8 def parse(response):
  9     """
 10     抓取美食tab 列表: https://www.meishij.net/chufang/diy/
 11     返回列 大 tab 信息
 12     :param:response
 13     :return
 14     """
 15     jpy = PyQuery(response.text)
 17     tr_list = jpy('#listnav_ul > li').items()
 19     result = dict()  #result为set集合(不允许重复元素)
 20     for tr in tr_list:
 22         url = tr('a').attr('href')  #爬取美食tab的url
 23         text = tr('a').text()
 24         if url and 'https://www.meishij.net' not in url:
 25             url = 'https://www.meishij.net' + url
 26         if url and 'shicai' not in url and 'pengren' not in url:
 27             result[text]=url
 28     return result
 30 def Home_cooking(response):
 31     '''
 32     家常菜的小tab列表 家常菜的页面元素与其他大tab 不一样需要特殊处理 https://www.meishij.net/chufang/diy/
 33     返回小tab 列表信息
 34     :param response:
 35     :return:
 36     '''
 37     jpy = PyQuery(response.text)
 38     tr_list = jpy('#listnav_con_c > dl.listnav_dl_style1.w990.bb1.clearfix > dd').items()
 39     result = dict()  # result为set集合(不允许重复元素)
 40     for tr in tr_list:
 41         url = tr('a').attr('href')  #爬取家常菜小 tab的url
 42         text = tr('a').text()
 43         result[text] = url
 44     return result
 46 def othe_cooking(response):
 47     '''
 48     其他菜的小tab列表  https://www.meishij.net/china-food/caixi/
 49     返回小tab 列表信息
 50     :param response:
 51     :return:
 52     '''
 53     jpy = PyQuery(response.text)
 54     tr_list = jpy('#listnav > div > dl > dd').items()
 55     result = dict()  # result为set集合(不允许重复元素)
 56     for tr in tr_list:
 57         url = tr('a').attr('href')  # 爬取家常菜小 tab的url
 58         text = tr('a').text()
 59         result[text] = url
 60     return result
 63 def Dishes(response):
 64     '''
 65     菜品列表  https://www.meishij.net/chufang/diy/jiangchangcaipu/
 66     返回菜品信息
 67     :param response:
 68     :return:
 69     '''
 70     jpy = PyQuery(response.text)
 71     tr_list = jpy('#listtyle1_list > div').items()
 72     result = set()  # result为set集合(不允许重复元素)
 73     for tr in tr_list:
 74         url = tr('a').attr('href')  #爬取菜品的url
 75         result.add(url)
 76     # print(result,len(result))
 77     return result
 79 def Dishes_Details(response):
 80     '''
 81     菜品的详细信息 https://www.meishij.net/zuofa/nanguaputaoganfagao_2.html
 82     返回 主要就是菜名、图片、用料、做法
 83     :param response:
 84     :return:
 85     '''
 87     jpy = PyQuery(response.text)
 88     result = {'用料':{},'统计':{},'做法':{}}
 90     result['主图'] =jpy('body > div.main_w.clearfix > div.main.clearfix > div.cp_header.clearfix > div.cp_headerimg_w > img').attr('src')
 91     result['菜名']=jpy('#tongji_title').text()
 93     tongji = jpy('body > div.main_w.clearfix > div.main.clearfix > div.cp_header.clearfix > div.cp_main_info_w > div.info2 > ul > li').items()
 94     for i in tongji:
 95         result['统计'][i('strong').text()]=i('a').text()
 97     Material = jpy('body > div.main_w.clearfix > div.main.clearfix > div.cp_body.clearfix > div.cp_body_left > div.materials > div > div.yl.zl.clearfix > ul').items()
 98     temp,tag = '',''
 99     for i in Material:
100         temp =(i('li > div > h4 > a').text()).replace(' ','#').split('#')
101         tag = (i('li > div > h4 > span').text()).replace(' ','#').split('#')
102     for k,v in enumerate(temp):
103         result['用料'][v]=tag[k]
104     k = jpy('body > div.main_w.clearfix > div.main.clearfix > div.cp_body.clearfix > div.cp_body_left > div.materials > div > div.yl.fuliao.clearfix > ul > li > h4 > a').text()
105     v = jpy('body > div.main_w.clearfix > div.main.clearfix > div.cp_body.clearfix > div.cp_body_left > div.materials > div > div.yl.fuliao.clearfix > ul > li > span').text()
106     result['用料'][k]=[v]
108     #Practice = jpy('div.measure > div > p').items() or jpy('div.measure > div > div > em').items()
110     Practice = jpy("em.step").items()
111     text =[]
112     count =1
113     for i in Practice:
114         if i.parent().is_("div"):
115             text = i.text() + i.parent()("p").text()
116             img = (i.parent()('img').attr('src'))
117             # result['做法'][text] = img
118             result['做法']['step_'+str(count)] = [text,img]
119             count +=1
121         elif i.parent().is_("p"):
122             text =i.parent()("p").text()
123             img =(i.parent().parent()('p')('img').attr('src'))
124             # result['做法'][text] = img
125             result['做法']['step_' + str(count)] = [text, img]
126             count += 1
127         else:
128             pass
129     # print(result, len(result))
130     return result
133 def fanye(response):
134     jqy = PyQuery(response.text)
136     tag = jqy('#listtyle1_w > div.listtyle1_page > div > a.next').attr('href')
138     return tag
141 if __name__ == '__main__':
142     import requests
143     # r = requests.get('https://www.meishij.net/zuofa/youmenchunsun_15.html')
144     # r = requests.get('https://www.meishij.net/zuofa/nanguaputaoganfagao_2.html')
145     r = requests.get('https://www.meishij.net/chufang/diy/?&page=56')
146     # Dishes_Details(r)
147     tag =fanye(r)
148     print(tag)

parse 代码

我这里没有用到中间件和管道,数据存储到 mongodb 中,数据做分类



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