The freeCodeCamp curriculum currently offers six certifications. And in 2020, four new Python certifications will be added.

freeCodeCamp课程目前提供六个认证。 到2020年,将增加四个新的Python认证。

You can tackle these certifications in any order you want, but we've laid them out the way we recommend going through them.


总览 (Overview)

有六个freeCodeCamp证书: (There are six freeCodeCamp certificates:)

  • Responsive Web Design (HTML, CSS, Flexbox, CSS Grid)响应式网页设计(HTML,CSS,Flexbox,CSS网格)
  • Algorithms and Data Structures (A ton of JavaScript.)算法和数据结构(大量JavaScript)。
  • Front End Libraries (React, Redux, Sass, Bootstrap, jQuery)前端库(React,Redux,Sass,Bootstrap,jQuery)
  • Data Visualization (D3.js)数据可视化(D3.js)
  • APIs and Microservices (Node.js, Express.js, databases)API和微服务(Node.js,Express.js,数据库)
  • Information Security and Quality Assurance (Chai, Helmet.js, BCrypt, Passport.js)信息安全和质量保证(Chai,Helmet.js,BCrypt,Passport.js)

Each certificate curriculum should take approximately 300 hours to complete and includes 5 required projects, while the other challenges are optional.


全栈开发证书 (The Full Stack Development Certificate)

Upon completion of all six certificates, the freeCodeCamp Full Stack Development Program Certificate will be issued. This final distinction signifies completion of approximately 1,800 hours of coding with exposure to a wide range of web development tools.

完成所有六个证书后,将颁发freeCodeCamp 全栈开发程序证书 。 最终的殊荣意味着可以使用各种Web开发工具完成大约1800小时的编码。

For more information about freeCodeCamp, visit

有关freeCodeCamp的更多信息,请访问 。

For more information about the new certification program, see the forum post here.


关联Android开发人员认证 (Associate Android Developer Certification)

This is a great way to test your Android skills and get certified by none other than Google. The link to the certification and its details are here.

这是测试您的Android技能并获得Google认证的好方法。 认证链接及其详细信息在这里 。

想更多地了解课程? 查看以下资源: (Want to learn more about the curriculum? Check out these resources:)

Overview of recent curriculum updates


How one dev finished the curriculum in 9 months while working full time


How to use freeCodeCamp on a mobile phone




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