本题分别采用两种方法:暴力法(set+vector) 以及 dfs(vector)

vector<string> generateParenthesis(int n) {set<string> resSet;//利用set的去重 将所有的可能放入set中 然后转换成vectorvector<string> res;//boundary conditionif (n == 0)return res;resSet.insert("()");if (n == 1){res.push_back("()");return res;}// !recursionfor (int i = 2; i <= n; i++){set<string> resTemp = resSet;resSet.clear();for (auto s : resTemp){//brackets is between the s  挨个插括号 每个位置都插一遍for (int j = 0; j < s.size(); j++){string left = s.substr(0, j);string right = s.substr(j);resSet.insert(left + "()" + right);}//brackets is out of the sresSet.insert("(" + s + ")");}}//take the string in the vectorfor (auto s : resSet){res.push_back(s);}return res;}


void DFS(vector<string> &vs, string curstr, int left, int right) //remain left '(' and right ')'
{//boundary conditionif (left > right)//左括号剩余数量不能多余右括号return;if (left < 0 || right < 0)return;if (left == 0 && right == 0){vs.push_back(curstr);return;}if (left > 0) //if the left is remained ,continue traverse DFS(vs, curstr + '(', left - 1, right);if (right > 0)//if the right is remained ,continue traverseDFS(vs, curstr + ')', left, right - 1);
}vector<string> generateParenthesis(int n)
{vector<string> res;//boundary conditionif (n == 0)return res;if (n == 1){res.push_back("()");return res;}// DFSDFS(res, "", n, n);//the number of '(' and ')' are both nreturn res;


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