在Gartner 2016年安全与风险峰会上,Gartner研究副总裁Earl Parkins指出了在未来2到4年内安全领域的10大战略性规划假设Strategic Planning Assumptions (SPAs)。


2)到2020年,企业遭受的成功***中有三分之一是针对他们的影子IT(Shadow IT)资源的。建议措施:业务部门会想方设法去应对企业面临的现实问题,会使用各种工具来完成自己的工作。企业应该找到跟踪影子IT的方法,并创建一个接纳和保护的文化,而不是付诸于检测和惩罚。【注:影子IT泛指那些不在公司统一管理之下的,不受公司官方管辖的IT硬件、软件和应用,譬如某些部门自建的网站、自己搭建的应用(未向公司申报)等】

3)到2018年,阻止公有云信息泄露的诉求将驱动20%的组织去开发数据安全治理程序。建议措施:开发一套企业级的数据安全治理(Data Security Governance,DSG)程序,找出数据安全策略的差距,制定出解决问题的路线图,并在适当的时候寻求网络保险(Cyberinsurance)。









  1. Through 2020, 99% of vulnerabilities exploited will continue to be ones known by security and IT professionals for at least one year.
    Recommended Action: Companies should focus on fixing the vulnerabilities they know exist. While these vulnerabilities are easy to ignore, they’re also easier and more inexpensive to fix than to mitigate.

  2. By 2020, a third of successful attacks experienced by enterprises will be on their shadow IT resources.
    Recommended Action: Business units deal with the reality of the enterprise and will engage with any tool that helps them do the job. Companies should find a way to track shadow IT, and create a culture of acceptance and protection versus detection and punishment.

  3. By 2018, the need to prevent data breaches from public clouds will drive 20% of organizations to develop data security governance programs.
    Recommended Action: Develop an enterprise-wide data security governance (DSG) program. Identify data security policy gaps, develop a roadmap to address the issues and seek cyberinsurance when appropriate.

  4. By 2020, 40% of enterprises engaged in DevOps will secure developed applications by adopting application security self-testing, self-diagnosing and self-protection technologies.
    Recommended Action: Adopt Runtime application self protection (RASP) for DevOps. Evaluate less mature vendors and providers for potential security options.

  5. By 2020, 80% of new deals for cloud-based CASB will be packaged with network firewall, secure web gateway (SWG) and web application firewall (WAF) platforms.
    Recommended Action: While concerns exist about customer migration to the cloud and bundling purchases, companies should assess the application deployment roadmap and decide whether investment is justified.

  6. By 2018, enterprises that leverage native mobile containment rather than third-party options will rise from 20% to 60%.
    Recommended Action: Experiment and become familiar with native containment solutions. Keep in mind that enterprises with average security requirements should plan to move gradually to
    native containment.

  7. By 2019, 40% of IDaaS implementations will replace on-premises IAM implementations, up from 10% today.
    Recommended Action: Enough limitations have disappeared on Identity as a Service (IDaaS) that companies should start experimenting on small-scale projects. While a clash of regulations could derail the increased implementation, companies should work to recognize the current limitations and benefits.

  8. By 2019, use of passwords and tokens in medium-risk use cases will drop 55%, due to the introduction of recognition technologies.
    Recommended Action: Passwords are too entrenched in business practices to disappear completely, but companies should look for products that focus on development of an environment of continuous trust with good user experience. Begin by identifying use cases, and press vendors for biometric and analytic capabilities.

  9. Through 2018, over 50% of IoT device manufacturers will not be able to address threats from weak authentication practices.
    Recommended Action: By changing the enterprise architecture, IoT introduces new threats. Early IoT security failures might force the industry towards authentication standards, but companies should identify authentication risks, establish identity assurance requirements, and employ metrics.

  10. By 2020, more than 25% of identified enterprise attacks will involve IoT, though IoT will account for only 10% of IT security budgets.
    Recommended Action: As IoT continues to grow, vendors will favor usability over security and IT security practitioners remain unsure of the correct amount of acceptable risk. Companies should assign business ownership of IoT security, focus on vulnerable or unpatchable IoT devices, and increase IoT-focused budget.



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