
  • 概念
    • Pipeline
    • Stages
    • Jobs
      • job分组
    • variables
      • 自定义变量
      • 预定义变量
      • 使用变量
  • 关键词
    • 全局关键词
      • before_script
      • after_script
      • include
    • Stage关键词
    • Job关键词
      • script
      • image
      • artifacts
      • tags
      • cache
      • stage
      • when
      • only/except
      • dependencies
      • extends
      • trigger
      • rules
      • allow_failure
      • coverage
      • pages
      • release
      • resource_group
      • retry
      • timeout
  • 参考
    • gitlabci变量


从 Gitlab 8.0 开始,Gitlab CI 就已经集成在 Gitlab 中,我们只要在项目中添加一个.gitlab-ci.yml文件,然后添加一个Runner,即可进行持续集成。


一次 Pipeline 其实相当于一次构建任务,里面可以包含很多个流程,如安装依赖、运行测试、编译、部署测试服务器、部署生产服务器等流程。任何提交或者 Merge Request 的合并都可以触发 Pipeline 构建。


Stages 表示一个构建阶段,也就是上面提到的一个流程。我们可以在一次 Pipeline 中定义多个 Stages,这些 Stages 会有以下特点:

  • 所有 Stages 会按照顺序运行,即当一个 Stage 完成后,下一个 Stage 才会开始
  • 只有当所有 Stages 完成后,该构建任务 (Pipeline) 才会成功
  • 如果任何一个 Stage 失败,那么后面的 Stages 不会执行,该构建任务 (Pipeline) 失败


Jobs 表示构建工作,表示某个 Stage 里面执行的工作。我们可以在 Stages 里面定义多个 Jobs,这些 Jobs 会有以下特点:

  • 相同 Stage 中的 Jobs 会并行执行
  • 相同 Stage 中的 Jobs 都执行成功时,该 Stage 才会成功
  • 如果任何一个 Job 失败,那么该 Stage 失败,即该构建任务 (Pipeline) 失败


可以把job分组,通过 以下方式,job名称为build ruby,有3步。

build ruby 1/3:stage: buildscript:- echo "ruby1"build ruby 2/3:stage: buildscript:- echo "ruby2"build ruby 3/3:stage: buildscript:- echo "ruby3"





variables:TEST: "HELLO WORLD"


There are also Kubernetes-specific deployment variables.

Variable GitLab Runner Description
CHAT_CHANNEL 10.6 all The Source chat channel that triggered the ChatOps command.
CHAT_INPUT 10.6 all The additional arguments passed with the ChatOps command.
CI all 0.4 Available for all jobs executed in CI/CD. true when available.
CI_API_V4_URL 11.7 all The GitLab API v4 root URL.
CI_BUILDS_DIR all 11.10 The top-level directory where builds are executed.
CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA 11.2 all The previous latest commit present on a branch. Is always 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 in pipelines for merge requests.
CI_COMMIT_BRANCH 12.6 0.5 The commit branch name. Available in branch pipelines, including pipelines for the default branch. Not available in merge request pipelines or tag pipelines.
CI_COMMIT_DESCRIPTION 10.8 all The description of the commit. If the title is shorter than 100 characters, the message without the first line.
CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE 10.8 all 提交message。
CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME 9.0 all branch or tag名称
CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED 11.11 all true if the job is running for a protected reference.
CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG 9.0 all CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME in lowercase, shortened to 63 bytes, and with everything except 0-9 and a-z replaced with -. No leading / trailing -. Use in URLs, host names and domain names.
CI_COMMIT_SHA 9.0 all 提交version
CI_COMMIT_TAG 9.0 0.5 The commit tag name. Available only in pipelines for tags.
CI_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP 13.4 all The timestamp of the commit in the ISO 8601 format.
CI_COMMIT_TITLE 10.8 all The title of the commit. The full first line of the message.
CI_CONCURRENT_ID all 11.10 The unique ID of build execution in a single executor.
CI_CONCURRENT_PROJECT_ID all 11.10 The unique ID of build execution in a single executor and project.
CI_CONFIG_PATH 9.4 0.5 The path to the CI/CD configuration file. Defaults to .gitlab-ci.yml.
CI_DEBUG_TRACE all 1.7 true if debug logging (tracing) is enabled.
CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH 12.4 all The name of the project’s default branch.
CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_GROUP_IMAGE_PREFIX 13.7 all The image prefix for pulling images through the Dependency Proxy.
CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_PASSWORD 13.7 all The password to pull images through the Dependency Proxy.
CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_SERVER 13.7 all The server for logging in to the Dependency Proxy. This is equivalent to $CI_SERVER_HOST:$CI_SERVER_PORT.
CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_USER 13.7 all The username to pull images through the Dependency Proxy.
CI_DEPLOY_FREEZE 13.2 all Only available if the pipeline runs during a deploy freeze window. true when available.
CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD 10.8 all The authentication password of the GitLab Deploy Token, if the project has one.
CI_DEPLOY_USER 10.8 all The authentication username of the GitLab Deploy Token, if the project has one.
CI_DISPOSABLE_ENVIRONMENT all 10.1 Only available if the job is executed in a disposable environment (something that is created only for this job and disposed of/destroyed after the execution - all executors except shell and ssh). true when available.
CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME 8.15 all The name of the environment for this job. Available if environment:name is set.
CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG 8.15 all The simplified version of the environment name, suitable for inclusion in DNS, URLs, Kubernetes labels, and so on. Available if environment:name is set.
CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL 9.3 all The URL of the environment for this job. Available if environment:url is set.
CI_HAS_OPEN_REQUIREMENTS 13.1 all Only available if the pipeline’s project has an open requirement. true when available.
CI_JOB_ID 9.0 all job id
CI_JOB_IMAGE 12.9 12.9 运行job的容器的image
CI_JOB_JWT 12.10 all A RS256 JSON web token to authenticate with third party systems that support JWT authentication, for example HashiCorp’s Vault.
CI_JOB_MANUAL 8.12 all job是否是人工执行的
CI_JOB_NAME 8.12 all job名称
CI_JOB_STAGE 9.0 0.5 The name of the job’s stage.
CI_JOB_STATUS all 13.5 The status of the job as each runner stage is executed. Use with after_script. Can be success, failed, or canceled.
CI_JOB_TOKEN 9.0 1.2 A token to authenticate with certain API endpoints. The token is valid as long as the job is running.
CI_JOB_URL 11.1 0.5 The job details URL.
CI_JOB_STARTED_AT 13.10 all The UTC datetime when a job started, in ISO 8601 format.
CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE 13.0 all Only available if the pipeline has a Kubernetes cluster available for deployments. true when available.
CI_NODE_INDEX 11.5 all The index of the job in the job set. Only available if the job uses parallel.
CI_NODE_TOTAL 11.5 all The total number of instances of this job running in parallel. Set to 1 if the job does not use parallel.
CI_OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS 13.8 all A comma-separated list of up to four merge requests that use the current branch and project as the merge request source. Only available in branch and merge request pipelines if the branch has an associated merge request. For example, gitlab-org/gitlab!333,gitlab-org/gitlab-foss!11.
CI_PAGES_DOMAIN 11.8 all The configured domain that hosts GitLab Pages.
CI_PAGES_URL 11.8 all The URL for a GitLab Pages site. Always a subdomain of CI_PAGES_DOMAIN.
CI_PIPELINE_ID 8.10 all 流水线ID,gitlab实例内唯一
CI_PIPELINE_IID 11.0 all 流水线ID,项目内唯一
CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE 10.0 all How the pipeline was triggered. Can be push, web, schedule, api, external, chat, webide, merge_request_event, external_pull_request_event, parent_pipeline, trigger, or pipeline.
CI_PIPELINE_TRIGGERED all all true if the job was triggered.
CI_PIPELINE_URL 11.1 0.5 The URL for the pipeline details.
CI_PIPELINE_CREATED_AT 13.10 all The UTC datetime when the pipeline was created, in ISO 8601 format.
CI_PROJECT_CONFIG_PATH 13.8 all (Deprecated) The CI configuration path for the project. Deprecated in GitLab 13.10. Removal planned for GitLab 14.0.
CI_PROJECT_DIR all all The full path the repository is cloned to, and where the job runs from. If the GitLab Runner builds_dir parameter is set, this variable is set relative to the value of builds_dir. For more information, see the Advanced GitLab Runner configuration.
CI_PROJECT_ID all all The ID of the current project. This ID is unique across all projects on the GitLab instance.
CI_PROJECT_NAME 8.10 0.5 The name of the directory for the project. For example if the project URL is gitlab.example.com/group-name/project-1, CI_PROJECT_NAME is project-1.
CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE 8.10 0.5 The project namespace (username or group name) of the job.
CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG 9.3 all $CI_PROJECT_PATH in lowercase with characters that are not a-z or 0-9 replaced with -. Use in URLs and domain names.
CI_PROJECT_PATH 8.10 0.5 The project namespace with the project name included.
CI_PROJECT_REPOSITORY_LANGUAGES 12.3 all A comma-separated, lowercase list of the languages used in the repository. For example ruby,javascript,html,css.
CI_PROJECT_ROOT_NAMESPACE 13.2 0.5 The root project namespace (username or group name) of the job. For example, if CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE is root-group/child-group/grandchild-group, CI_PROJECT_ROOT_NAMESPACE is root-group.
CI_PROJECT_TITLE 12.4 all The human-readable project name as displayed in the GitLab web interface.
CI_PROJECT_URL 8.10 0.5 The HTTP(S) address of the project.
CI_PROJECT_VISIBILITY 10.3 all The project visibility. Can be internal, private, or public.
CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE 8.10 0.5 The address of the project’s Container Registry. Only available if the Container Registry is enabled for the project.
CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD 9.0 all The password to push containers to the project’s GitLab Container Registry. Only available if the Container Registry is enabled for the project.
CI_REGISTRY_USER 9.0 all The username to push containers to the project’s GitLab Container Registry. Only available if the Container Registry is enabled for the project.
CI_REGISTRY 8.10 0.5 The address of the GitLab Container Registry. Only available if the Container Registry is enabled for the project. This variable includes a :port value if one is specified in the registry configuration.
CI_REPOSITORY_URL 9.0 all The URL to clone the Git repository.
CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION 8.10 0.5 The description of the runner.
CI_RUNNER_EXECUTABLE_ARCH all 10.6 The OS/architecture of the GitLab Runner executable. Might not be the same as the environment of the executor.
CI_RUNNER_ID 8.10 0.5 The unique ID of the runner being used.
CI_RUNNER_REVISION all 10.6 The revision of the runner running the job.
CI_RUNNER_SHORT_TOKEN all 12.3 First eight characters of the runner’s token used to authenticate new job requests. Used as the runner’s unique ID.
CI_RUNNER_TAGS 8.10 0.5 A comma-separated list of the runner tags.
CI_RUNNER_VERSION all 10.6 The version of the GitLab Runner running the job.
CI_SERVER_HOST 12.1 all The host of the GitLab instance URL, without protocol or port. For example gitlab.example.com.
CI_SERVER_NAME all all The name of CI/CD server that coordinates jobs.
CI_SERVER_PORT 12.8 all The port of the GitLab instance URL, without host or protocol. For example 8080.
CI_SERVER_PROTOCOL 12.8 all The protocol of the GitLab instance URL, without host or port. For example https.
CI_SERVER_REVISION all all GitLab revision that schedules jobs.
CI_SERVER_URL 12.7 all The base URL of the GitLab instance, including protocol and port. For example https://gitlab.example.com:8080.
CI_SERVER_VERSION_MAJOR 11.4 all The major version of the GitLab instance. For example, if the GitLab version is 13.6.1, the CI_SERVER_VERSION_MAJOR is 13.
CI_SERVER_VERSION_MINOR 11.4 all The minor version of the GitLab instance. For example, if the GitLab version is 13.6.1, the CI_SERVER_VERSION_MINOR is 6.
CI_SERVER_VERSION_PATCH 11.4 all The patch version of the GitLab instance. For example, if the GitLab version is 13.6.1, the CI_SERVER_VERSION_PATCH is 1.
CI_SERVER_VERSION all all The full version of the GitLab instance.
CI_SERVER all all Available for all jobs executed in CI/CD. yes when available.
CI_SHARED_ENVIRONMENT all 10.1 Only available if the job is executed in a shared environment (something that is persisted across CI/CD invocations, like the shell or ssh executor). true when available.
GITLAB_CI all all Available for all jobs executed in CI/CD. true when available.
GITLAB_FEATURES 10.6 all The comma-separated list of licensed features available for the GitLab instance and license.
GITLAB_USER_EMAIL 8.12 all The email of the user who started the job.
GITLAB_USER_ID 8.12 all The ID of the user who started the job.
GITLAB_USER_LOGIN 10.0 all The username of the user who started the job.
GITLAB_USER_NAME 10.0 all The name of the user who started the job.
TRIGGER_PAYLOAD 13.9 all The webhook payload. Only available when a pipeline is triggered with a webhook.


Shell Usage
bash/sh $variable,${variable}
PowerShell $env:variable (primary) or $variable
Windows Batch %variable%, or !variable! for delayed expansion, which can be used for variables that contain white spaces or newlines.

变量可以通过依赖job 来继承。




before_script 关键词是用于在每个任务之前执行的脚本,但是会在artifacts恢复之后执行。你可以这样定义一个全局的before_script,

default:before_script:- echo "Execute this script in all jobs that don't already have a before_script section."


job:before_script:- echo "Execute this script instead of the global before_script."script:- echo "This script executes after the job's `before_script`"




default:after_script:- echo "Execute this script in all jobs that don't already have an after_script section."job1:script:- echo "This script executes first. When it completes, the global after_script executes."


也可以将几个流水线中相同的配置,提取出来,公用。引入的文件扩展名 必须是.yaml或者.yml两种,其他的不行。

include 关键词下,有四个可选性:

  • local, 引入一个当前项目的文件
  • file, 引入一个不同项目的文件
  • remote, 引入一个公网文件,
  • template, 引入一个由GitLab提供的模板
include:- local: '/templates/.gitlab-ci-template.yml'
include:- project: 'my-group/my-project'  #另外一个项目file: '/templates/.gitlab-ci-template.yml'ref: master   #master分支
include:- remote: 'https://gitlab.com/awesome-project/raw/master/.gitlab-ci-template.yml'




任务要执行的shell脚本内容,内容会被runner执行,在这里,你不需要使用git clone …克隆当前的项目,来进行操作,因为在流水线中,每一个的job的执行都会将项目下载,恢复缓存这些流程,不需要你再使用脚本恢复。你只需要在这里写你的项目安装,编译执行,如
npm install 另外值得一提的是,脚本的工作目录就是当前项目的根目录,所有可以就像在本地开发一样。此外script可以是单行或者多行


job:script: npm install


job:script:- npm config set sass_binary_site https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node-sass/- npm install --registry=http://registry.npm.taobao.org

***script***是一个job的必填内容,不可或缺。一个job最少有二个属性,一个是 job name, 任务名称, 一个就是script。


指定一个基础Docker镜像作为基础运行环境,经常用到的镜像有node, nginx ,docker

job:image: node:latestscript: npm install

image的作用就是给当前任务或者当前流水线设置一个基础环境,有可能是nodejs,也有可能是java, go, php,可以设置当前流水线的,也可以设置当前任务的。



 build:script:- npm run buildartifacts:paths:- dist/


paths 是用来指定将哪些文件,目录放入制品中, 也可以使用exclude关键词,将那些目录,文件排除,支持正则表达式。

  • paths :文件路径
  • exclude: 排除的文件
  • name :制品名称
  • expose_as: 在UI页面导出的名称
  • untracked :布尔类型,是否将git忽略的文件加到制品中
  • when :何时上传制品,可选值:on_success;on_failure;always
  • expire_in: 过期时间默认30天
  • reports: 收集测试报告
build:script:- npm run buildartifacts:paths:- dist/exclude:- binaries/**/*.oexpose_as: 'artifact 1'name: "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME"untracked: falseexpire_in: 2 hrs 20 minwhen: on_failure


tags 关键词是用于指定Runner。tags的取值范围是在该项目可见的runner tags中,可以在Setting =>CI/CD => Runner 中查看的到。不设置则默认使用公有Runner去执行流水线。每个任务可以指定一个Runner,可以指定多个标签,但runner却只能一个。以一个为准。tags是在注册Runner时配置的,后续也可以更改。

install:tags:- hello-vue- dockerscript:- npm config set sass_binary_site https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node-sass/- npm install --registry=http://registry.npm.taobao.org



  • paths:当前工作环境下的目录
  • key:存储的key,key不变不会重新生成缓存,
  • prefix:使用一些文件制作成文件hash值,当做key的一部分,
  • untracked :是否缓存git忽略的文件
  • when :定义何时存储缓存,值 on_success;on_failure;always
  • policy:缓存是否要在job完成后重新上传


cache:key: hello-vue-cachepaths:- node_modules#####
cache:key:files:- Gemfile.lock- package.jsonpaths:- vendor/ruby- node_modules


stage 是阶段的意思,用于归档一部分的job,按照定义的stage顺序来执行。默认的stage有build,test,deploy, 此外还有两个特殊的.pre 和 .post。以下执行顺序: job_1,job_0。

stages:- build- test- deployjob_0:stage: testscript: echo 'tets'job_1:stage: buildscript: echo 'build'



  • on_success 所有任务执行成功后
  • on_failure 当至少一个任务失败后
  • always 执行作业,而不考虑作业在早期阶段的状态。
  • manual 手动执行任务
  • delayed 延迟执行任务
  • never


only/except 是规定当前job的可见状态,一个项目有很多分支,tag,我们的流水线,为了对特定的分支,特定的tag执行不同的job,这里就要使用only和except


  only:- master


only: ['branches', 'tags'] 操作分支或者tags都会触发流水线。



build:osx:stage: buildscript: make build:osxartifacts:paths:- binaries/build:linux:stage: buildscript: make build:linuxartifacts:paths:- binaries/test:osx:stage: testscript: make test:osxdependencies:- build:osx  #依赖test:linux:stage: testscript: make test:linuxdependencies:- build:linux  #依赖deploy:stage: deployscript: make deploy

任务test:osx 依赖build:osx。任务test:linux 依赖 build:linux。这样配置以后 任务test:linux 就不用等任务build:osx 执行完成在执行了,只需要等待任务build:linux完成



.tests:script: rake teststage: testonly:refs:- branchesrspec:extends: .testsscript: rake rspeconly:variables:- $RSPEC

任务rspec 继承了.tests任务,在流水线中.tests是一个隐藏的任务,在流水线中,以点(.) 开头的任务名,都是隐藏的任务。不会被执行。 被rspec 继承后,相同的key会以rspec为准,rspec没有的,而.tests有的,则合并到rspec中。

rspec:script: rake rspecstage: testonly:refs:- branchesvariables:- $RSPEC



trigger 是应对那些更加复杂的CI/CD流程,如多流水线,父子流水线。使用它可以定义一个下游的流水线,配置了trigger的任务是不能跑脚本的,就是说不能定义script, before_script, 和 after_script.

rspec:stage: testscript: bundle exec rspecstaging:stage: deploytrigger: my/deployment
rspec:stage: testscript: bundle exec rspecstaging:stage: deploytrigger:project: my/deploymentbranch: stablez



docker build:script: docker build -t my-image:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG .rules:  #如果当前的分支是master分支则任务延迟3个小时执行,并且允许失败。- if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"'when: delayedstart_in: '3 hours'allow_failure: true


  • if:使用if表达式 添加或移除一个任务, 类似 only:variables.
  • changes:根据某些个文件是否改变来追加或移除一些任务。类似 only:changes.
  • exists :根据是否存在特定文件来追加或移除一些任务


allow_failure是一个布尔类型, true或false, 默认为false,表示当前任务是否允许失败。如果一个任务设置了allow_failure: true,并且这个任务报错了,那么它将会显示黄色警告。但有种情况任务失败了也会停止的, 那就是任务设置了when: manual,即手动操作的任务。手动启动的任务,报错了就会停止,不会继续执行后续任务,除非在rule设置报错的处理逻辑。


coverage 是用于获取项目的代码覆盖率,这个配置项的值只能是一个正则表达式,官方有提供一些,在CI/CD的General pipelines里



  • 任何静态内容都必须放在public/目录下。
  • 制品artifacts必须是目录public/,就是编译后的文件必须存放在public中

下面的示例将所有文件从项目的根目录移至public/目录。这里必须先创建一个.public 目录,防止根目录下已经存在public了,导致循环复制。

pages:stage: deployscript:- mkdir .public- cp -r * .public- mv .public publicartifacts:paths:- publiconly:- master



  • tag_name: tag 名称
  • description: 描述
  • name :名称
  • ref :提交的hash值
  • milestones: 要关联的里程碑
  • released_at: 创建时间



当一个任务设置了resource_group同一项目不同管道之间任务的运行是互斥的。如果属于同一资源组的多个任务同时进入队列,则运行程序仅选择其中一个作业。其他作业将等到 resource_group释放。

deploy-to-production:script: deployresource_group: production



resource_group值只能包含字母,数字,-, _, /, $, {, }, .,和空格。它不能以开头或结尾/。


retry可以设置一个任务的重试次数,值的类型是数字 最大是2,如果设置2,就表明该任务最多可以执行3次,其中包括2次重试。对于网络不稳定的部署,非常有用。

test:script: rspecretry: 2



build:script: build.shtimeout: 3 hours 30 minutestest:script: rspectimeout: 3h 30m



job keywords:https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#job-keywords






declare -x CI="true"
declare -x CI_BUILDS_DIR="/builds"
declare -x CI_BUILD_BEFORE_SHA="fc8c91ed7cb8f5eefe540786d48f9babd0b48155"
declare -x CI_BUILD_ID="49"
declare -x CI_BUILD_NAME="mvn_build_job"
declare -x CI_BUILD_REF="e880f7c22eca83ac59eb263af097758a7a7f4f4a"
declare -x CI_BUILD_REF_NAME="master"
declare -x CI_BUILD_REF_SLUG="master"
declare -x CI_BUILD_STAGE="package"
declare -x CI_BUILD_TOKEN="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
declare -x CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE="更新 .gitlab-ci.yml"
declare -x CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME="master"
declare -x CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG="master"
declare -x CI_COMMIT_SHA="e880f7c22eca83ac59eb263af097758a7a7f4f4a"
declare -x CI_COMMIT_TITLE="更新 .gitlab-ci.yml"
declare -x CI_CONCURRENT_ID="1"
declare -x CI_CONFIG_PATH=".gitlab-ci.yml"
declare -x CI_JOB_ID="49"
declare -x CI_JOB_IMAGE="XXXXX/maven:3.6.3-openjdk-8"
declare -x CI_JOB_NAME="mvn_build_job"
declare -x CI_JOB_STAGE="package"
declare -x CI_JOB_STATUS="running"
declare -x CI_JOB_TOKEN="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
declare -x CI_JOB_URL="http://xxxxx/base/demo-sample/-/jobs/49"
declare -x CI_PIPELINE_ID="22"
declare -x CI_PIPELINE_IID="11"
declare -x CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE="push"
declare -x CI_PIPELINE_URL="http://xxxxx/base/demo-sample/pipelines/22"
declare -x CI_PROJECT_DIR="/builds/base/demo-sample"
declare -x CI_PROJECT_ID="226"
declare -x CI_PROJECT_NAME="demo-sample"
declare -x CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE="base"
declare -x CI_PROJECT_PATH="base/demo-sample"
declare -x CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG="base-demo-sample"
declare -x CI_PROJECT_URL="http://xxxxx/base/demo-sample"
declare -x CI_PROJECT_VISIBILITY="private"
declare -x CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
declare -x CI_REGISTRY_USER="gitlab-ci-token"
declare -x CI_REPOSITORY_URL="http://gitlab-ci-token:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx/base/demo-sample.git"
declare -x CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION="gitlab-runner-gitlab-runner-79fdddc45c-tznlg"
declare -x CI_RUNNER_EXECUTABLE_ARCH="linux/amd64"
declare -x CI_RUNNER_ID="4"
declare -x CI_RUNNER_REVISION="54944146"
declare -x CI_RUNNER_SHORT_TOKEN="32d85b65"
declare -x CI_RUNNER_TAGS=""
declare -x CI_RUNNER_VERSION="13.10.0"
declare -x CI_SERVER="yes"
declare -x CI_SERVER_NAME="GitLab"
declare -x CI_SERVER_REVISION="63daf37"
declare -x CI_SERVER_VERSION="11.1.4"
declare -x DOCKER_TAG="1.0.0-RELEASE"
declare -x FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD="false"
declare -x FF_SKIP_NOOP_BUILD_STAGES="true"
declare -x FF_USE_DIRECT_DOWNLOAD="true"
declare -x FF_USE_FASTZIP="false"
declare -x GITLAB_CI="true"
declare -x GITLAB_FEATURES=""
declare -x GITLAB_USER_EMAIL="xxxx@jurxxxx.com.cn"
declare -x GITLAB_USER_ID="59"
declare -x GITLAB_USER_LOGIN="lixx.jurxxx"
declare -x GITLAB_USER_NAME="xxxx"
declare -x HOME="/root"
declare -x HOSTNAME="runner-32d85b65-project-226-concurrent-1f625l"
declare -x JAVA_HOME="/usr/local/openjdk-8"
declare -x JAVA_VERSION="8u275"
declare -x KUBERNETES_PORT="tcp://"
declare -x KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP="tcp://"
declare -x KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR=""
declare -x KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT="443"
declare -x KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO="tcp"
declare -x LANG="C.UTF-8"
declare -x MAVEN_CONFIG="/root/.m2"
declare -x MAVEN_HOME="/usr/share/maven"
declare -x MINIO_PORT="tcp://"
declare -x MINIO_PORT_9000_TCP="tcp://"
declare -x MINIO_PORT_9000_TCP_ADDR=""
declare -x MINIO_PORT_9000_TCP_PORT="9000"
declare -x MINIO_PORT_9000_TCP_PROTO="tcp"
declare -x MINIO_SERVICE_HOST=""
declare -x MINIO_SERVICE_PORT="9000"
declare -x MINIO_SERVICE_PORT_9000_TCP="9000"
declare -x OLDPWD="/"
declare -x PATH="/usr/local/openjdk-8/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
declare -x PWD="/builds/base/sample"
declare -x SHLVL="1"


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