从flink的官方文档,我们知道flink的编程模型分为四层,sql层是最高层的api,Table api是中间层,DataStream/DataSet Api 是核心,stateful Streaming process层是底层实现。


flink dataset api使用及原理 介绍了DataSet Api

flink DataStream API使用及原理介绍了DataStream Api

flink中的时间戳如何使用?---Watermark使用及原理 介绍了底层实现的基础Watermark

flink window实例分析 介绍了window的概念及使用原理

Flink中的状态与容错 介绍了State的概念及checkpoint,savepoint的容错机制

上篇<使用flink Table &Sql api来构建批量和流式应用(1)Table的基本概念>介绍了Table的基本概念及使用方法

本篇主要看看Table Api有哪些功能?

org.apache.flink.table.api.Table抽象了Table Api的功能

/*** A Table is the core component of the Table API.* Similar to how the batch and streaming APIs have DataSet and DataStream,* the Table API is built around {@link Table}.** <p>Use the methods of {@link Table} to transform data. Use {@code TableEnvironment} to convert a* {@link Table} back to a {@code DataSet} or {@code DataStream}.** <p>When using Scala a {@link Table} can also be converted using implicit conversions.** <p>Java Example:** <pre>* {@code*   ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();*   BatchTableEnvironment tEnv = BatchTableEnvironment.create(env);**   DataSet<Tuple2<String, Integer>> set = ...*   tEnv.registerTable("MyTable", set, "a, b");**   Table table = tEnv.scan("MyTable").select(...);*   ...*   Table table2 = ...*   DataSet<MyType> set2 = tEnv.toDataSet(table2, MyType.class);* }* </pre>** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   val env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment*   val tEnv = BatchTableEnvironment.create(env)**   val set: DataSet[(String, Int)] = ...*   val table = set.toTable(tEnv, 'a, 'b)*   ...*   val table2 = ...*   val set2: DataSet[MyType] = table2.toDataSet[MyType]* }* </pre>** <p>Operations such as {@code join}, {@code select}, {@code where} and {@code groupBy} either* take arguments in a Scala DSL or as an expression String. Please refer to the documentation for* the expression syntax.*/

(1) 查询select

/*** Performs a selection operation. Similar to a SQL SELECT statement. The field expressions* can contain complex expressions and aggregations.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.select("key, value.avg + ' The average' as average")* }* </pre>*/Table select(String fields);/*** Performs a selection operation. Similar to a SQL SELECT statement. The field expressions* can contain complex expressions and aggregations.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.select('key, 'value.avg + " The average" as 'average)* }* </pre>*/Table select(Expression... fields);

(2) 条件where

/*** Filters out elements that don't pass the filter predicate. Similar to a SQL WHERE* clause.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.where("name = 'Fred'")* }* </pre>*/Table where(String predicate);/*** Filters out elements that don't pass the filter predicate. Similar to a SQL WHERE* clause.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.where('name === "Fred")* }* </pre>*/Table where(Expression predicate);


    /*** Filters out elements that don't pass the filter predicate. Similar to a SQL WHERE* clause.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.filter("name = 'Fred'")* }* </pre>*/Table filter(String predicate);/*** Filters out elements that don't pass the filter predicate. Similar to a SQL WHERE* clause.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.filter('name === "Fred")* }* </pre>*/Table filter(Expression predicate);

(4) distinct

    /*** Removes duplicate values and returns only distinct (different) values.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.select("key, value").distinct()* }* </pre>*/Table distinct();

(5) group by

    /*** Groups the elements on some grouping keys. Use this before a selection with aggregations* to perform the aggregation on a per-group basis. Similar to a SQL GROUP BY statement.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.groupBy("key").select("key, value.avg")* }* </pre>*/GroupedTable groupBy(String fields);/*** Groups the elements on some grouping keys. Use this before a selection with aggregations* to perform the aggregation on a per-group basis. Similar to a SQL GROUP BY statement.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.groupBy('key).select('key, 'value.avg)* }* </pre>*/GroupedTable groupBy(Expression... fields);

(6) order by

    /*** Sorts the given {@link Table}. Similar to SQL ORDER BY.* The resulting Table is sorted globally sorted across all parallel partitions.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.orderBy("name.desc")* }* </pre>*/Table orderBy(String fields);/*** Sorts the given {@link Table}. Similar to SQL ORDER BY.* The resulting Table is globally sorted across all parallel partitions.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.orderBy('name.desc)* }* </pre>*/Table orderBy(Expression... fields);

(7) map

    /*** Performs a map operation with an user-defined scalar function or a built-in scalar function.* The output will be flattened if the output type is a composite type.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   ScalarFunction func = new MyMapFunction();*   tableEnv.registerFunction("func", func);*   tab.map("func(c)");* }* </pre>*/Table map(String mapFunction);/*** Performs a map operation with an user-defined scalar function or built-in scalar function.* The output will be flattened if the output type is a composite type.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   val func = new MyMapFunction()*   tab.map(func('c))* }* </pre>*/Table map(Expression mapFunction);/*** Performs a flatMap operation with an user-defined table function or built-in table function.* The output will be flattened if the output type is a composite type.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   TableFunction func = new MyFlatMapFunction();*   tableEnv.registerFunction("func", func);*   table.flatMap("func(c)");* }* </pre>*/Table flatMap(String tableFunction);/*** Performs a flatMap operation with an user-defined table function or built-in table function.* The output will be flattened if the output type is a composite type.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   val func = new MyFlatMapFunction*   table.flatMap(func('c))* }* </pre>*/Table flatMap(Expression tableFunction);

(8) aggregate

/*** Performs a global aggregate operation with an aggregate function. You have to close the* {@link #aggregate(String)} with a select statement. The output will be flattened if the* output type is a composite type.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   AggregateFunction aggFunc = new MyAggregateFunction()*   tableEnv.registerFunction("aggFunc", aggFunc);*   table.aggregate("aggFunc(a, b) as (f0, f1, f2)")*     .select("f0, f1")* }* </pre>*/AggregatedTable aggregate(String aggregateFunction);/*** Performs a global aggregate operation with an aggregate function. You have to close the* {@link #aggregate(Expression)} with a select statement. The output will be flattened if the* output type is a composite type.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   val aggFunc = new MyAggregateFunction*   table.aggregate(aggFunc('a, 'b) as ('f0, 'f1, 'f2))*     .select('f0, 'f1)* }* </pre>*/AggregatedTable aggregate(Expression aggregateFunction);/*** Perform a global flatAggregate without groupBy. FlatAggregate takes a TableAggregateFunction* which returns multiple rows. Use a selection after the flatAggregate.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   TableAggregateFunction tableAggFunc = new MyTableAggregateFunction();*   tableEnv.registerFunction("tableAggFunc", tableAggFunc);*   tab.flatAggregate("tableAggFunc(a, b) as (x, y, z)")*     .select("x, y, z")* }* </pre>*/FlatAggregateTable flatAggregate(String tableAggregateFunction);/*** Perform a global flatAggregate without groupBy. FlatAggregate takes a TableAggregateFunction* which returns multiple rows. Use a selection after the flatAggregate.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   val tableAggFunc = new MyTableAggregateFunction*   tab.flatAggregate(tableAggFunc('a, 'b) as ('x, 'y, 'z))*     .select('x, 'y, 'z)* }* </pre>*/FlatAggregateTable flatAggregate(Expression tableAggregateFunction);


    /*** Adds additional columns. Similar to a SQL SELECT statement. The field expressions* can contain complex expressions, but can not contain aggregations. It will throw an exception* if the added fields already exist.** <p>Example:* <pre>* {@code*   tab.addColumns("a + 1 as a1, concat(b, 'sunny') as b1")* }* </pre>*/Table addColumns(String fields);/*** Adds additional columns. Similar to a SQL SELECT statement. The field expressions* can contain complex expressions, but can not contain aggregations. It will throw an exception* if the added fields already exist.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.addColumns('a + 1 as 'a1, concat('b, "sunny") as 'b1)* }* </pre>*/Table addColumns(Expression... fields);/*** Adds additional columns. Similar to a SQL SELECT statement. The field expressions* can contain complex expressions, but can not contain aggregations. Existing fields will be* replaced if add columns name is the same as the existing column name. Moreover, if the added* fields have duplicate field name, then the last one is used.** <p>Example:* <pre>* {@code*   tab.addOrReplaceColumns("a + 1 as a1, concat(b, 'sunny') as b1")* }* </pre>*/Table addOrReplaceColumns(String fields);/*** Adds additional columns. Similar to a SQL SELECT statement. The field expressions* can contain complex expressions, but can not contain aggregations. Existing fields will be* replaced. If the added fields have duplicate field name, then the last one is used.** <p>Scala Example:* <pre>* {@code*   tab.addOrReplaceColumns('a + 1 as 'a1, concat('b, "sunny") as 'b1)* }* </pre>*/Table addOrReplaceColumns(Expression... fields);/*** Renames existing columns. Similar to a field alias statement. The field expressions* should be alias expressions, and only the existing fields can be renamed.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.renameColumns("a as a1, b as b1")* }* </pre>*/Table renameColumns(String fields);/*** Renames existing columns. Similar to a field alias statement. The field expressions* should be alias expressions, and only the existing fields can be renamed.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.renameColumns('a as 'a1, 'b as 'b1)* }* </pre>*/Table renameColumns(Expression... fields);/*** Drops existing columns. The field expressions should be field reference expressions.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.dropColumns("a, b")* }* </pre>*/Table dropColumns(String fields);/*** Drops existing columns. The field expressions should be field reference expressions.** <p>Scala Example:* <pre>* {@code*   tab.dropColumns('a, 'b)* }* </pre>*/Table dropColumns(Expression... fields);

(10) window操作

    /*** Groups the records of a table by assigning them to windows defined by a time or row interval.** <p>For streaming tables of infinite size, grouping into windows is required to define finite* groups on which group-based aggregates can be computed.** <p>For batch tables of finite size, windowing essentially provides shortcuts for time-based* groupBy.** <p><b>Note</b>: Computing windowed aggregates on a streaming table is only a parallel operation* if additional grouping attributes are added to the {@code groupBy(...)} clause.* If the {@code groupBy(...)} only references a GroupWindow alias, the streamed table will be* processed by a single task, i.e., with parallelism 1.** @param groupWindow groupWindow that specifies how elements are grouped.* @return A windowed table.*/GroupWindowedTable window(GroupWindow groupWindow);/*** Defines over-windows on the records of a table.** <p>An over-window defines for each record an interval of records over which aggregation* functions can be computed.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   table*     .window(Over partitionBy 'c orderBy 'rowTime preceding 10.seconds as 'ow)*     .select('c, 'b.count over 'ow, 'e.sum over 'ow)* }* </pre>** <p><b>Note</b>: Computing over window aggregates on a streaming table is only a parallel* operation if the window is partitioned. Otherwise, the whole stream will be processed by a* single task, i.e., with parallelism 1.** <p><b>Note</b>: Over-windows for batch tables are currently not supported.** @param overWindows windows that specify the record interval over which aggregations are*                    computed.* @return An OverWindowedTable to specify the aggregations.*/OverWindowedTable window(OverWindow... overWindows);

(11) 表关联

包括Inner join和OuterJoin

    /*** Joins two {@link Table}s. Similar to a SQL join. The fields of the two joined* operations must not overlap, use {@code as} to rename fields if necessary. You can use* where and select clauses after a join to further specify the behaviour of the join.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment} .** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.join(right).where("a = b && c > 3").select("a, b, d")* }* </pre>*/Table join(Table right);/*** Joins two {@link Table}s. Similar to a SQL join. The fields of the two joined* operations must not overlap, use {@code as} to rename fields if necessary.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment} .** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.join(right, "a = b")* }* </pre>*/Table join(Table right, String joinPredicate);/*** Joins two {@link Table}s. Similar to a SQL join. The fields of the two joined* operations must not overlap, use {@code as} to rename fields if necessary.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment} .** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.join(right, 'a === 'b).select('a, 'b, 'd)* }* </pre>*/Table join(Table right, Expression joinPredicate);/*** Joins two {@link Table}s. Similar to a SQL left outer join. The fields of the two joined* operations must not overlap, use {@code as} to rename fields if necessary.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment} and its* {@code TableConfig} must have null check enabled (default).** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.leftOuterJoin(right).select("a, b, d")* }* </pre>*/Table leftOuterJoin(Table right);/*** Joins two {@link Table}s. Similar to a SQL left outer join. The fields of the two joined* operations must not overlap, use {@code as} to rename fields if necessary.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment} and its* {@code TableConfig} must have null check enabled (default).** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.leftOuterJoin(right, "a = b").select("a, b, d")* }* </pre>*/Table leftOuterJoin(Table right, String joinPredicate);/*** Joins two {@link Table}s. Similar to a SQL left outer join. The fields of the two joined* operations must not overlap, use {@code as} to rename fields if necessary.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment} and its* {@code TableConfig} must have null check enabled (default).** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.leftOuterJoin(right, 'a === 'b).select('a, 'b, 'd)* }* </pre>*/Table leftOuterJoin(Table right, Expression joinPredicate);/*** Joins two {@link Table}s. Similar to a SQL right outer join. The fields of the two joined* operations must not overlap, use {@code as} to rename fields if necessary.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment} and its* {@code TableConfig} must have null check enabled (default).** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.rightOuterJoin(right, "a = b").select("a, b, d")* }* </pre>*/Table rightOuterJoin(Table right, String joinPredicate);/*** Joins two {@link Table}s. Similar to a SQL right outer join. The fields of the two joined* operations must not overlap, use {@code as} to rename fields if necessary.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment} and its* {@code TableConfig} must have null check enabled (default).** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.rightOuterJoin(right, 'a === 'b).select('a, 'b, 'd)* }* </pre>*/Table rightOuterJoin(Table right, Expression joinPredicate);/*** Joins two {@link Table}s. Similar to a SQL full outer join. The fields of the two joined* operations must not overlap, use {@code as} to rename fields if necessary.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment} and its* {@code TableConfig} must have null check enabled (default).** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.fullOuterJoin(right, "a = b").select("a, b, d")* }* </pre>*/Table fullOuterJoin(Table right, String joinPredicate);/*** Joins two {@link Table}s. Similar to a SQL full outer join. The fields of the two joined* operations must not overlap, use {@code as} to rename fields if necessary.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment} and its* {@code TableConfig} must have null check enabled (default).** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.fullOuterJoin(right, 'a === 'b).select('a, 'b, 'd)* }* </pre>*/Table fullOuterJoin(Table right, Expression joinPredicate);/*** Joins this {@link Table} with an user-defined {@link TableFunction}. This join is similar to* a SQL inner join with ON TRUE predicate but works with a table function. Each row of the* table is joined with all rows produced by the table function.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   class MySplitUDTF extends TableFunction<String> {*     public void eval(String str) {*       str.split("#").forEach(this::collect);*     }*   }**   TableFunction<String> split = new MySplitUDTF();*   tableEnv.registerFunction("split", split);*   table.joinLateral("split(c) as (s)").select("a, b, c, s");* }* </pre>*/Table joinLateral(String tableFunctionCall);/*** Joins this {@link Table} with an user-defined {@link TableFunction}. This join is similar to* a SQL inner join with ON TRUE predicate but works with a table function. Each row of the* table is joined with all rows produced by the table function.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   class MySplitUDTF extends TableFunction[String] {*     def eval(str: String): Unit = {*       str.split("#").foreach(collect)*     }*   }**   val split = new MySplitUDTF()*   table.joinLateral(split('c) as ('s)).select('a, 'b, 'c, 's)* }* </pre>*/Table joinLateral(Expression tableFunctionCall);/*** Joins this {@link Table} with an user-defined {@link TableFunction}. This join is similar to* a SQL inner join with ON TRUE predicate but works with a table function. Each row of the* table is joined with all rows produced by the table function.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   class MySplitUDTF extends TableFunction<String> {*     public void eval(String str) {*       str.split("#").forEach(this::collect);*     }*   }**   TableFunction<String> split = new MySplitUDTF();*   tableEnv.registerFunction("split", split);*   table.joinLateral("split(c) as (s)", "a = s").select("a, b, c, s");* }* </pre>*/Table joinLateral(String tableFunctionCall, String joinPredicate);/*** Joins this {@link Table} with an user-defined {@link TableFunction}. This join is similar to* a SQL inner join with ON TRUE predicate but works with a table function. Each row of the* table is joined with all rows produced by the table function.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   class MySplitUDTF extends TableFunction[String] {*     def eval(str: String): Unit = {*       str.split("#").foreach(collect)*     }*   }**   val split = new MySplitUDTF()*   table.joinLateral(split('c) as ('s), 'a === 's).select('a, 'b, 'c, 's)* }* </pre>*/Table joinLateral(Expression tableFunctionCall, Expression joinPredicate);/*** Joins this {@link Table} with an user-defined {@link TableFunction}. This join is similar to* a SQL left outer join with ON TRUE predicate but works with a table function. Each row of* the table is joined with all rows produced by the table function. If the table function does* not produce any row, the outer row is padded with nulls.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   class MySplitUDTF extends TableFunction<String> {*     public void eval(String str) {*       str.split("#").forEach(this::collect);*     }*   }**   TableFunction<String> split = new MySplitUDTF();*   tableEnv.registerFunction("split", split);*   table.leftOuterJoinLateral("split(c) as (s)").select("a, b, c, s");* }* </pre>*/Table leftOuterJoinLateral(String tableFunctionCall);/*** Joins this {@link Table} with an user-defined {@link TableFunction}. This join is similar to* a SQL left outer join with ON TRUE predicate but works with a table function. Each row of* the table is joined with all rows produced by the table function. If the table function does* not produce any row, the outer row is padded with nulls.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   class MySplitUDTF extends TableFunction[String] {*     def eval(str: String): Unit = {*       str.split("#").foreach(collect)*     }*   }**   val split = new MySplitUDTF()*   table.leftOuterJoinLateral(split('c) as ('s)).select('a, 'b, 'c, 's)* }* </pre>*/Table leftOuterJoinLateral(Expression tableFunctionCall);/*** Joins this {@link Table} with an user-defined {@link TableFunction}. This join is similar to* a SQL left outer join with ON TRUE predicate but works with a table function. Each row of* the table is joined with all rows produced by the table function. If the table function does* not produce any row, the outer row is padded with nulls.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   class MySplitUDTF extends TableFunction<String> {*     public void eval(String str) {*       str.split("#").forEach(this::collect);*     }*   }**   TableFunction<String> split = new MySplitUDTF();*   tableEnv.registerFunction("split", split);*   table.leftOuterJoinLateral("split(c) as (s)", "a = s").select("a, b, c, s");* }* </pre>*/Table leftOuterJoinLateral(String tableFunctionCall, String joinPredicate);/*** Joins this {@link Table} with an user-defined {@link TableFunction}. This join is similar to* a SQL left outer join with ON TRUE predicate but works with a table function. Each row of* the table is joined with all rows produced by the table function. If the table function does* not produce any row, the outer row is padded with nulls.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   class MySplitUDTF extends TableFunction[String] {*     def eval(str: String): Unit = {*       str.split("#").foreach(collect)*     }*   }**   val split = new MySplitUDTF()*   table.leftOuterJoinLateral(split('c) as ('s), 'a === 's).select('a, 'b, 'c, 's)* }* </pre>*/Table leftOuterJoinLateral(Expression tableFunctionCall, Expression joinPredicate);

(12) 集合操作

    /*** Minus of two {@link Table}s with duplicate records removed.* Similar to a SQL EXCEPT clause. Minus returns records from the left table that do not* exist in the right table. Duplicate records in the left table are returned* exactly once, i.e., duplicates are removed. Both tables must have identical field types.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment}.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.minus(right)* }* </pre>*/Table minus(Table right);/*** Minus of two {@link Table}s. Similar to a SQL EXCEPT ALL.* Similar to a SQL EXCEPT ALL clause. MinusAll returns the records that do not exist in* the right table. A record that is present n times in the left table and m times* in the right table is returned (n - m) times, i.e., as many duplicates as are present* in the right table are removed. Both tables must have identical field types.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment}.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.minusAll(right)* }* </pre>*/Table minusAll(Table right);/*** Unions two {@link Table}s with duplicate records removed.* Similar to a SQL UNION. The fields of the two union operations must fully overlap.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment}.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.union(right)* }* </pre>*/Table union(Table right);/*** Unions two {@link Table}s. Similar to a SQL UNION ALL. The fields of the two union* operations must fully overlap.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment}.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.unionAll(right)* }* </pre>*/Table unionAll(Table right);/*** Intersects two {@link Table}s with duplicate records removed. Intersect returns records that* exist in both tables. If a record is present in one or both tables more than once, it is* returned just once, i.e., the resulting table has no duplicate records. Similar to a* SQL INTERSECT. The fields of the two intersect operations must fully overlap.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment}.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.intersect(right)* }* </pre>*/Table intersect(Table right);/*** Intersects two {@link Table}s. IntersectAll returns records that exist in both tables.* If a record is present in both tables more than once, it is returned as many times as it* is present in both tables, i.e., the resulting table might have duplicate records. Similar* to an SQL INTERSECT ALL. The fields of the two intersect operations must fully overlap.** <p>Note: Both tables must be bound to the same {@code TableEnvironment}.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   left.intersectAll(right)* }* </pre>*/Table intersectAll(Table right);

(13) 创建临时表

/*** Creates {@link TemporalTableFunction} backed up by this table as a history table.* Temporal Tables represent a concept of a table that changes over time and for which* Flink keeps track of those changes. {@link TemporalTableFunction} provides a way how to* access those data.** <p>For more information please check Flink's documentation on Temporal Tables.** <p>Currently {@link TemporalTableFunction}s are only supported in streaming.** @param timeAttribute Must points to a time attribute. Provides a way to compare which*                      records are a newer or older version.* @param primaryKey    Defines the primary key. With primary key it is possible to update*                      a row or to delete it.* @return {@link TemporalTableFunction} which is an instance of {@link TableFunction}.*        It takes one single argument, the {@code timeAttribute}, for which it returns*        matching version of the {@link Table}, from which {@link TemporalTableFunction}*        was created.*/TemporalTableFunction createTemporalTableFunction(String timeAttribute, String primaryKey);/*** Creates {@link TemporalTableFunction} backed up by this table as a history table.* Temporal Tables represent a concept of a table that changes over time and for which* Flink keeps track of those changes. {@link TemporalTableFunction} provides a way how to* access those data.** <p>For more information please check Flink's documentation on Temporal Tables.** <p>Currently {@link TemporalTableFunction}s are only supported in streaming.** @param timeAttribute Must points to a time indicator. Provides a way to compare which*                      records are a newer or older version.* @param primaryKey    Defines the primary key. With primary key it is possible to update*                      a row or to delete it.* @return {@link TemporalTableFunction} which is an instance of {@link TableFunction}.*        It takes one single argument, the {@code timeAttribute}, for which it returns*        matching version of the {@link Table}, from which {@link TemporalTableFunction}*        was created.*/TemporalTableFunction createTemporalTableFunction(Expression timeAttribute, Expression primaryKey);

(14) 重命名

/*** Renames the fields of the expression result. Use this to disambiguate fields before* joining to operations.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.as("a, b")* }* </pre>*/Table as(String fields);/*** Renames the fields of the expression result. Use this to disambiguate fields before* joining to operations.** <p>Scala Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.as('a, 'b)* }* </pre>*/Table as(Expression... fields);/*** Filters out elements that don't pass the filter predicate. Similar to a SQL WHERE* clause.** <p>Example:** <pre>* {@code*   tab.filter("name = 'Fred'")* }* </pre>*/


    /*** Writes the {@link Table} to a {@link TableSink} that was registered under the specified path.* For the path resolution algorithm see {@link TableEnvironment#useDatabase(String)}.** <p>A batch {@link Table} can only be written to a* {@code org.apache.flink.table.sinks.BatchTableSink}, a streaming {@link Table} requires a* {@code org.apache.flink.table.sinks.AppendStreamTableSink}, a* {@code org.apache.flink.table.sinks.RetractStreamTableSink}, or an* {@code org.apache.flink.table.sinks.UpsertStreamTableSink}.** @param tablePath The first part of the path of the registered {@link TableSink} to which the {@link Table} is*        written. This is to ensure at least the name of the {@link TableSink} is provided.* @param tablePathContinued The remaining part of the path of the registered {@link TableSink} to which the*        {@link Table} is written.*/void insertInto(String tablePath, String... tablePathContinued);/*** Writes the {@link Table} to a {@link TableSink} that was registered under the specified name* in the initial default catalog.** <p>A batch {@link Table} can only be written to a* {@code org.apache.flink.table.sinks.BatchTableSink}, a streaming {@link Table} requires a* {@code org.apache.flink.table.sinks.AppendStreamTableSink}, a* {@code org.apache.flink.table.sinks.RetractStreamTableSink}, or an* {@code org.apache.flink.table.sinks.UpsertStreamTableSink}.** @param tableName The name of the {@link TableSink} to which the {@link Table} is written.* @param conf The {@link QueryConfig} to use.* @deprecated use {@link #insertInto(QueryConfig, String, String...)}*/@Deprecatedvoid insertInto(String tableName, QueryConfig conf);/*** Writes the {@link Table} to a {@link TableSink} that was registered under the specified path.* For the path resolution algorithm see {@link TableEnvironment#useDatabase(String)}.** <p>A batch {@link Table} can only be written to a* {@code org.apache.flink.table.sinks.BatchTableSink}, a streaming {@link Table} requires a* {@code org.apache.flink.table.sinks.AppendStreamTableSink}, a* {@code org.apache.flink.table.sinks.RetractStreamTableSink}, or an* {@code org.apache.flink.table.sinks.UpsertStreamTableSink}.** @param conf The {@link QueryConfig} to use.* @param tablePath The first part of the path of the registered {@link TableSink} to which the {@link Table} is*        written. This is to ensure at least the name of the {@link TableSink} is provided.* @param tablePathContinued The remaining part of the path of the registered {@link TableSink} to which the*        {@link Table} is written.*/void insertInto(QueryConfig conf, String tablePath, String... tablePathContinued);


本篇抓住Table api的核心类Table来发现其拥有的功能,并提供了使用用例。Flink Table Api 主要包括了查询select,条件where,过滤filter,排序order by,分组group by,去重distinct,表关联join,重命名as等常规sql操作,也提供了flink自身特性的操作:



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  2. 使用flink Table Sql api来构建批量和流式应用(3)Flink Sql 使用

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