
/// <summary>
/// 在指定的字符串列表CnStr中检索符合拼音索引字符串
/// </summary>
/// <param name="CnStr">汉字字符串</param>
/// <returns>相对应的汉语拼音首字母串</returns>
public static string GetSpellCode(string CnStr)
string strTemp = "";
int iLen = CnStr.Length;
int i = 0;

for (i = 0; i <= iLen - 1; i++)
strTemp += GetCharSpellCode(CnStr.Substring(i, 1));

return strTemp;
/// <summary>
/// 得到一个汉字的拼音第一个字母,如果是一个英文字母则直接返回大写字母
/// </summary>
/// <param name="CnChar">单个汉字</param>
/// <returns>单个大写字母</returns>
private static string GetCharSpellCode(string CnChar)
long iCnChar;

byte[] ZW = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(CnChar);

if (ZW.Length == 1)
return CnChar.ToUpper();
// get the array of byte from the single char
int i1 = (short)(ZW[0]);
int i2 = (short)(ZW[1]);
iCnChar = i1 * 256 + i2;

// iCnChar match the constant
if ((iCnChar >= 45217) && (iCnChar <= 45252))
return "A";
else if ((iCnChar >= 45253) && (iCnChar <= 45760))
return "B";
else if ((iCnChar >= 45761) && (iCnChar <= 46317))
return "C";
else if ((iCnChar >= 46318) && (iCnChar <= 46825))
return "D";
else if ((iCnChar >= 46826) && (iCnChar <= 47009))
return "E";
else if ((iCnChar >= 47010) && (iCnChar <= 47296))
return "F";
else if ((iCnChar >= 47297) && (iCnChar <= 47613))
return "G";
else if ((iCnChar >= 47614) && (iCnChar <= 48118))
return "H";
else if ((iCnChar >= 48119) && (iCnChar <= 49061))
return "J";
else if ((iCnChar >= 49062) && (iCnChar <= 49323))
return "K";
else if ((iCnChar >= 49324) && (iCnChar <= 49895))
return "L";
else if ((iCnChar >= 49896) && (iCnChar <= 50370))
return "M";

else if ((iCnChar >= 50371) && (iCnChar <= 50613))
return "N";
else if ((iCnChar >= 50614) && (iCnChar <= 50621))
return "O";
else if ((iCnChar >= 50622) && (iCnChar <= 50905))
return "P";
else if ((iCnChar >= 50906) && (iCnChar <= 51386))
return "Q";
else if ((iCnChar >= 51387) && (iCnChar <= 51445))
return "R";
else if ((iCnChar >= 51446) && (iCnChar <= 52217))
return "S";
else if ((iCnChar >= 52218) && (iCnChar <= 52697))
return "T";
else if ((iCnChar >= 52698) && (iCnChar <= 52979))
return "W";
else if ((iCnChar >= 52980) && (iCnChar <= 53640))
return "X";
else if ((iCnChar >= 53689) && (iCnChar <= 54480))
return "Y";
else if ((iCnChar >= 54481) && (iCnChar <= 55289))
return "Z";
else return ("");



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