Describe a (nlgn)-time algorithm that, given a set S of integers and another integer x, determings whether or not there exist two elements in S whose sum is exactly x.
 for i<-1 to n  
      for j<-i+1 to n
             if a[i]+a[j]=x
              then return i,j
return 0,0
1. MergeSort(S,begin,end);
2.Create S' 
for i<-1 to n
4.purge S,S' seperately;
 4.1 TestEqual(x,y);//比较两个元素是否相等
5. if the merged output contains two consecutive equal value ,the answer is true.
控制此算法复杂度数量级的关键在于控制purge 部分的算法复杂度。


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