

A synchronization aid that allows one or more threads to wait until a set of operations being performed in other threads completes.









 1 import java.util.Random;
 2 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;  3 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;  4  5 public class Student implements Runnable {  6  7 private int num;  8 private CountDownLatch cdlatch;  9 10 Student(int num,CountDownLatch latch){ 11 this.num = num; 12 this.cdlatch = latch; 13  } 14 15  @Override 16 public void run() { 17  doExam(); 18 try { 19 TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(new Random().nextInt(10)); 20 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 21 // TODO Auto-generated catch block 22  e.printStackTrace(); 23  } 24 System.out.println("Student "+num+" finished!"); 25  cdlatch.countDown(); 26  } 27 28 private void doExam(){ 29 System.out.println("Student "+num+" is doing the exam!"); 30  } 31 32 }


 1 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
 3 public class Teacher implements Runnable{  4  5 private CountDownLatch cdlatch;  6  7  Teacher(CountDownLatch latch){  8 this.cdlatch = latch;  9  } 10 11  @Override 12 public void run() { 13 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 14 try { 15 System.out.println("teacher is waiting..."); 16  cdlatch.await(); 17 System.out.println("teacher is collecting......"); 18 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 19 // TODO Auto-generated catch block 20  e.printStackTrace(); 21  } 22  } 23 24 }

 1 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
 2 import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;  3 import java.util.concurrent.Executors;  4  5 public class TestCountDownLatch {  6  7 public static void main(String[] args) {  8  9 ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); 10 11 CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(3); 12 13 Student s1 = new Student(101, latch); 14 Student s2 = new Student(102, latch); 15 Student s3 = new Student(103, latch); 16 Teacher t = new Teacher(latch); 17 18  executor.execute(t); 19  executor.execute(s1); 20  executor.execute(s2); 21  executor.execute(s3); 22 23  executor.shutdown(); 24 25  } 26 27 }


teacher is waiting...
Student 101 is doing the exam!
Student 102 is doing the exam!
Student 103 is doing the exam!
Student 102 finished!
Student 101 finished!
Student 103 finished!
teacher is collecting......


 1 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
 2 import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;  3 import java.util.concurrent.Executors;  4  5  6 public class CountDownLatchDemo {  7  8 private static int PLAYER_NUM = 10;  9 10 public static void main(String[] args) { 11 12 final CountDownLatch beginSignal = new CountDownLatch(1); 13 final CountDownLatch endSignal = new CountDownLatch(PLAYER_NUM); 14 15 ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(PLAYER_NUM); 16 17 for(int i=0;i<PLAYER_NUM;i++){ 18 final int num = i+1; 19 Runnable runner = new Runnable(){ 20 21  @Override 22 public void run() { 23 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 24 System.out.println("No. "+num+" is waiting..."); 25 try { 26  beginSignal.await(); 27 System.out.println("No. "+num+" begin running"); 28 Thread.sleep((long) (Math.random() * 10000)); 29 System.out.println("No." + num + " arrived"); 30 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 31 // TODO Auto-generated catch block 32  e.printStackTrace(); 33 }finally{ 34  endSignal.countDown(); 35  } 36  } 37 38  }; 39  executorService.execute(runner); 40  } 41 42 System.out.println("before Game Start"); 43  beginSignal.countDown(); 44 System.out.println("Game Start"); 45 System.out.println("---In the middle of the game---"); 46 try { 47  endSignal.await(); 48 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 49 // TODO Auto-generated catch block 50  e.printStackTrace(); 51 }finally{ 52 System.out.println("Game Over!"); 53  executorService.shutdown(); 54  } 55 56  } 57 58 }



可以看到,因为有beginSignal,所以可以保证所有runner都waiting以后,才begin running。同理,因为有endSignal,可以保证所有runner arrived后才Game Over!


1 System.out.println("before Game Start");
2 beginSignal.countDown();
3 System.out.println("Game Start"); 4 System.out.println("---In the middle of the game---");

1.尽管before Game Start在countDown()之前,但不能保证is waiting全部输出完后,才输出before Game Start。

2.“Game Start”和"In the middlel of the game"虽然都在countDown()之后,但在多线程的环境下(主线程也是线程之一),无法预计两个字段输出的位置。从上面的case看,有可能在running的前面,中间和后面,无法预计。这里要十分注意。





 1 public class TestCyclicBarrier {
 3 private static final int THREAD_NUM = 5;  4  5 public static class WorkerThread implements Runnable{  6  7  CyclicBarrier barrier;  8  9 public WorkerThread(CyclicBarrier b){ 10 this.barrier = b; 11  } 12 13  @Override 14 public void run() { 15 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 16 try{ 17 System.out.println("Worker's waiting"); 18 //线程在这里等待,直到所有线程都到达barrier。 19  barrier.await(); 20 System.out.println("ID:"+Thread.currentThread().getId()+" Working"); 21 }catch(Exception e){ 22  e.printStackTrace(); 23  } 24  } 25 26  } 27 28 /** 29  * @param args 30 */ 31 public static void main(String[] args) { 32 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 33 CyclicBarrier cb = new CyclicBarrier(THREAD_NUM, new Runnable() { 34 //当所有线程到达barrier时执行 35  @Override 36 public void run() { 37 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 38 System.out.println("Inside Barrier"); 39 40  } 41  }); 42 43 for(int i=0;i<THREAD_NUM;i++){ 44 new Thread(new WorkerThread(cb)).start(); 45  } 46  } 47 48 } 49 /* 50 以下是输出: 51 Worker's waiting 52 Worker's waiting 53 Worker's waiting 54 Worker's waiting 55 Worker's waiting 56 Inside Barrier 57 ID:12 Working 58 ID:8 Working 59 ID:11 Working 60 ID:9 Working 61 ID:10 Working 62 */

  1. CyclicBarrier初始化时规定一个数目,然后计算调用了CyclicBarrier.await()进入等待的线程数。当线程数达到了这个数目时,所有进入等待状态的线程被唤醒并继续。
  2. CyclicBarrier就象它名字的意思一样,可看成是个障碍, 所有的线程必须到齐后才能一起通过这个障碍。
  3. CyclicBarrier初始时还可带一个Runnable的参数, 此Runnable任务在CyclicBarrier的数目达到后,所有其它线程被唤醒前被执行。



  1. CyclicBarrier和CountDownLatch区别

    这两天写多线程时,用到了CyclicBarrier,下意识的认为CyclicBarrier和CountDownLatch作用很像,就翻阅资料查了一下,说一下他们的区别吧 CyclicBarrier和C ...

  2. 请简要说明一下CyclicBarrier和CountDownLatch的区别?

    请简要说明一下CyclicBarrier和CountDownLatch的区别? CountDownLatch和CyclicBarrier都能够实现线程之间的等待,只不过它们的侧重点不同: ①Count ...

  3. CyclicBarrier 和CountDownLatch使用详解 ...

  4. Java多线程学习三十五: CyclicBarrier 和 CountDownLatch 有什么不同

    CyclicBarrier 和 CountDownLatch 有什么不同? CyclicBarrier作用 CyclicBarrier 和 CountDownLatch 确实有一定的相似性,它们都能阻 ...

  5. Java并发编程之CyclicBarrier和CountDownLatch

    1.CyclicBarrier简介 CyclicBarrier(栅栏):拦截一组线程并使其阻塞,直到其内部的计数器归零,再唤醒所有的阻塞线程继续执行任务. 基础属性 public class Cycl ...

  6. mysql乐观锁 秒杀_使用数据库乐观锁解决高并发秒杀问题,以及如何模拟高并发的场景,CyclicBarrier和CountDownLatch类的用法...

    数据库:mysql 数据库的乐观锁:一般通过数据表加version来实现,相对于悲观锁的话,更能省数据库性能,废话不多说,直接看代码 第一步: 建立数据库表: CREATE TABLE `skill_ ...

  7. 16_张孝祥_多线程_同步工具CyclicBarrier与CountDownLatch

    转载: CyclicBarrier的用法 CountDownLatch(倒计时计数器)使用说明 参考: CyclicBarrier和CountDownLatch区别 CyclicBarrier Cyc ...

  8. CyclicBarrier和CountDownLatch使用上的区别

    2018.12.12更新 在学习了CyclicBarrier之后发现,CyclicBarrier也可以实现跟CountDownLatch类似的功能,只需要在它的parties中多设置一个数,将主线程加 ...

  9. CyclicBarrier和CountDownLatch的用法与区别

    前言 CyclicBarrier和CountDownLatch这两个工具都是在java.util.concurrent包下,并且平时很多场景都会使用到. 本文将会对两者进行分析,记录他们的用法和区别. ...


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