
  • 简介
  • 创建text的DF
  • String 的方法
  • columns的String操作
  • 分割和替换String
  • String的连接
  • 使用 .str来index
  • extract
  • extractall
  • contains 和 match
  • String方法总结


在1.0之前,只有一种形式来存储text数据,那就是object。在1.0之后,添加了一个新的数据类型叫做StringDtype 。今天将会给大家讲解Pandas中text中的那些事。



In [1]: pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c'])
0    a
1    b
2    c
dtype: object


In [2]: pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype="string")
0    a
1    b
2    c
dtype: stringIn [3]: pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=pd.StringDtype())
0    a
1    b
2    c
dtype: string


In [4]: s = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c'])In [5]: s
0    a
1    b
2    c
dtype: objectIn [6]: s.astype("string")
0    a
1    b
2    c
dtype: string

String 的方法


In [24]: s = pd.Series(['A', 'B', 'C', 'Aaba', 'Baca', np.nan, 'CABA', 'dog', 'cat'],....:               dtype="string")....: In [25]: s.str.lower()
0       a
1       b
2       c
3    aaba
4    baca
5    <NA>
6    caba
7     dog
8     cat
dtype: stringIn [26]: s.str.upper()
0       A
1       B
2       C
3    AABA
4    BACA
5    <NA>
6    CABA
7     DOG
8     CAT
dtype: stringIn [27]: s.str.len()
0       1
1       1
2       1
3       4
4       4
5    <NA>
6       4
7       3
8       3
dtype: Int64


In [28]: idx = pd.Index([' jack', 'jill ', ' jesse ', 'frank'])In [29]: idx.str.strip()
Out[29]: Index(['jack', 'jill', 'jesse', 'frank'], dtype='object')In [30]: idx.str.lstrip()
Out[30]: Index(['jack', 'jill ', 'jesse ', 'frank'], dtype='object')In [31]: idx.str.rstrip()
Out[31]: Index([' jack', 'jill', ' jesse', 'frank'], dtype='object')



In [34]: df.columns.str.strip()
Out[34]: Index(['Column A', 'Column B'], dtype='object')In [35]: df.columns.str.lower()
Out[35]: Index([' column a ', ' column b '], dtype='object')
In [32]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(3, 2),....:                   columns=[' Column A ', ' Column B '], index=range(3))....: In [33]: df
Out[33]: Column A    Column B
0    0.469112   -0.282863
1   -1.509059   -1.135632
2    1.212112   -0.173215



In [38]: s2 = pd.Series(['a_b_c', 'c_d_e', np.nan, 'f_g_h'], dtype="string")In [39]: s2.str.split('_')
0    [a, b, c]
1    [c, d, e]
2         <NA>
3    [f, g, h]
dtype: object


In [40]: s2.str.split('_').str.get(1)
0       b
1       d
2    <NA>
3       g
dtype: objectIn [41]: s2.str.split('_').str[1]
0       b
1       d
2    <NA>
3       g
dtype: object

使用 expand=True 可以 将split过后的数组 扩展成为多列:

In [42]: s2.str.split('_', expand=True)
Out[42]: 0     1     2
0     a     b     c
1     c     d     e
2  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>
3     f     g     h


In [43]: s2.str.split('_', expand=True, n=1)
Out[43]: 0     1
0     a   b_c
1     c   d_e
2  <NA>  <NA>
3     f   g_h


s3.str.replace('^.a|dog', 'XX-XX ', case=False)


使用cat 可以连接 String:

In [64]: s = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], dtype="string")In [65]: s.str.cat(sep=',')
Out[65]: 'a,b,c,d'

使用 .str来index


In [99]: s = pd.Series(['A', 'B', 'C', 'Aaba', 'Baca', np.nan,....:                'CABA', 'dog', 'cat'],....:               dtype="string")....: In [100]: s.str[0]
0       A
1       B
2       C
3       A
4       B
5    <NA>
6       C
7       d
8       c
dtype: stringIn [101]: s.str[1]
0    <NA>
1    <NA>
2    <NA>
3       a
4       a
5    <NA>
6       A
7       o
8       a
dtype: string


Extract用来从String中解压数据,它接收一个 expand参数,在0.23版本之前, 这个参数默认是False。如果是false,extract会返回Series,index或者DF 。如果expand=true,那么会返回DF。0.23版本之后,默认是true。


In [102]: pd.Series(['a1', 'b2', 'c3'],.....:           dtype="string").str.extract(r'([ab])(\d)', expand=False).....:
Out[102]: 0     1
0     a     1
1     b     2
2  <NA>  <NA>


注意,只有正则表达式中group的数据才会被extract .


In [106]: pd.Series(['a1', 'b2', 'c3'],.....:           dtype="string").str.extract(r'[ab](\d)', expand=False).....:
0       1
1       2
2    <NA>
dtype: string


In [103]: pd.Series(['a1', 'b2', 'c3'],.....:           dtype="string").str.extract(r'(?P<letter>[ab])(?P<digit>\d)',.....:                                       expand=False).....:
Out[103]: letter digit
0      a     1
1      b     2
2   <NA>  <NA>



In [112]: s = pd.Series(["a1a2", "b1", "c1"], index=["A", "B", "C"],.....:               dtype="string").....: In [113]: s
A    a1a2
B      b1
C      c1
dtype: stringIn [114]: two_groups = '(?P<letter>[a-z])(?P<digit>[0-9])'In [115]: s.str.extract(two_groups, expand=True)
Out[115]: letter digit
A      a     1
B      b     1
C      c     1


In [116]: s.str.extractall(two_groups)
Out[116]: letter digitmatch
A 0          a     11          a     2
B 0          b     1
C 0          c     1


contains 和 match

contains 和 match用来测试DF中是否含有特定的数据:

In [127]: pd.Series(['1', '2', '3a', '3b', '03c', '4dx'],.....:           dtype="string").str.contains(pattern).....:
0    False
1    False
2     True
3     True
4     True
5     True
dtype: boolean
In [128]: pd.Series(['1', '2', '3a', '3b', '03c', '4dx'],.....:           dtype="string").str.match(pattern).....:
0    False
1    False
2     True
3     True
4    False
5     True
dtype: boolean
In [129]: pd.Series(['1', '2', '3a', '3b', '03c', '4dx'],.....:           dtype="string").str.fullmatch(pattern).....:
0    False
1    False
2     True
3     True
4    False
5    False
dtype: boolean



Method Description
cat() Concatenate strings
split() Split strings on delimiter
rsplit() Split strings on delimiter working from the end of the string
get() Index into each element (retrieve i-th element)
join() Join strings in each element of the Series with passed separator
get_dummies() Split strings on the delimiter returning DataFrame of dummy variables
contains() Return boolean array if each string contains pattern/regex
replace() Replace occurrences of pattern/regex/string with some other string or the return value of a callable given the occurrence
repeat() Duplicate values (s.str.repeat(3) equivalent to x * 3)
pad() Add whitespace to left, right, or both sides of strings
center() Equivalent to str.center
ljust() Equivalent to str.ljust
rjust() Equivalent to str.rjust
zfill() Equivalent to str.zfill
wrap() Split long strings into lines with length less than a given width
slice() Slice each string in the Series
slice_replace() Replace slice in each string with passed value
count() Count occurrences of pattern
startswith() Equivalent to str.startswith(pat) for each element
endswith() Equivalent to str.endswith(pat) for each element
findall() Compute list of all occurrences of pattern/regex for each string
match() Call re.match on each element, returning matched groups as list
extract() Call re.search on each element, returning DataFrame with one row for each element and one column for each regex capture group
extractall() Call re.findall on each element, returning DataFrame with one row for each match and one column for each regex capture group
len() Compute string lengths
strip() Equivalent to str.strip
rstrip() Equivalent to str.rstrip
lstrip() Equivalent to str.lstrip
partition() Equivalent to str.partition
rpartition() Equivalent to str.rpartition
lower() Equivalent to str.lower
casefold() Equivalent to str.casefold
upper() Equivalent to str.upper
find() Equivalent to str.find
rfind() Equivalent to str.rfind
index() Equivalent to str.index
rindex() Equivalent to str.rindex
capitalize() Equivalent to str.capitalize
swapcase() Equivalent to str.swapcase
normalize() Return Unicode normal form. Equivalent to unicodedata.normalize
translate() Equivalent to str.translate
isalnum() Equivalent to str.isalnum
isalpha() Equivalent to str.isalpha
isdigit() Equivalent to str.isdigit
isspace() Equivalent to str.isspace
islower() Equivalent to str.islower
isupper() Equivalent to str.isupper
istitle() Equivalent to str.istitle
isnumeric() Equivalent to str.isnumeric
isdecimal() Equivalent to str.isdecimal

本文已收录于 http://www.flydean.com/06-python-pandas-text/




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