2007-10-21 04:38:38
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牡羊 Mar. 21 - April 19

Aries the Ram is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of November.

Taurus 金牛 April 20 - May 20

Taurus the Bull is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of December.

Gemini 双子 May 21 - June 21

Gemini the Twins is a Winter constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of January.

Cancer 巨蟹June 22 - July 22

Cancer the Crab is a Winter Constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of February.

Leo 狮子July 23 - Aug. 22

Leo the Lion is a Winter constellation, and can be best viewed in the night during the month of March.

Virgo 处女 Aug. 23 - Sept. 22

Virgo the Virgin is a Spring constellation, and can be best viewed during the month of April.

Libra 天秤 Sept. 23 - Oct. 23

Libra the Scales is a Spring constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of May.

Scorpio 天蝎 Oct. 24 - Nov. 21

Scorpio the Scorpion is a Spring constellation with an astronomical name of Scorpius, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of June.

Sagittarius 射手 Nov. 22 - Dec. 21

Sagittarius the Archer is a Summer constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month July.

Capricorn 摩羯 Dec. 22 - Jan. 19

Capricorn the Sea Goat is a Summer constellation with an astronomical name of Capricornus, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of August.

Aquarius 水瓶 Jan. 20 - Feb. 18

Aquarius the Water Bearer is an Summer constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of September.

Pisces 双鱼 Feb. 19 - Mar. 20

Pisces the Fishes in an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of October.


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