



// pages/services/servicesdetail/serdetails.tsPage({/*** 页面的初始数据*/data: {titleData: "",services_tags: "服务介绍",diseaseList: [{ diseaseCode: "0", diseaseName: "08:00~10:00", checked: false },{ diseaseCode: "1", diseaseName: "10:00~12:00", checked: false },{ diseaseCode: "2", diseaseName: "14:00~15:30", checked: false },{ diseaseCode: "3", diseaseName: "15:30~17:00", checked: false },],thisDate: 2, //日期选中nowDate: '',temp: '',oneData: "#06c6ad",//日期隐藏显示标记twoData: "#f0f0f0",threeData: "#f0f0f0",fourData: "#f0f0f0",fiveData: "#f0f0f0",sixData: "#f0f0f0",sevenData: "#f0f0f0",firstValue: "",//月份twoValue: "",//月份},/*** 时间选择切换 */diseaseSwitch: function (options) {let that = this;// 按钮索引var index = options.currentTarget.dataset.index;// 索引对应内容var item = that.data.diseaseList[index];for (var y in that.data.diseaseList) {that.data.diseaseList[y].checked = false;}// 数据处理let timeDate = new Date();let d = timeDate.getDate();let h = timeDate.getHours();// let h=15;let m = timeDate.getMinutes();let timestampTwo = new Date(''+that.data.nowDate).getTime();//选中日期字符串转时间戳let timeStamp = Date.parse(new Date()+"");//当前时间if (timestampTwo-timeStamp> 0) {// 选中,未选中状态切换item.checked = !item.checked;} else {if (h < 10) {// 选中,未选中状态切换item.checked = !item.checked;} else if (h >= 10 && h < 12) {// 选中,未选中状态切换if (index == 0) {wx.showToast({title: '无效时间段',icon: 'error',duration: 2000})return 0;} else {item.checked = !item.checked;}} else if (h < 15 || (16 > h && h >= 15 && m < 30)) {if (index == 0 || index == 1) {wx.showToast({title: '无效时间段',icon: 'error',duration: 2000})return 0;} else {item.checked = !item.checked;}} else if (h < 17) {if (index == 0 || index == 1 || index == 2) {wx.showToast({title: '无效时间段',icon: 'error',duration: 2000})return 0;} else {item.checked = !item.checked;}} else {wx.showToast({title: '无效时间段',icon: 'error',duration: 2000})return 0;}}that.setData({diseaseList: that.data.diseaseList})},/*** 生命周期函数--监听页面加载*/onLoad: function (options) {let that = this;// s时间段数据处理let timeDate = new Date();let h = timeDate.getHours();let m = timeDate.getMinutes();if (h < 10) {that.data.diseaseList[0].checked = true;} else if (h >= 10 && h < 12) {that.data.diseaseList[1].checked = true;} else if (h >= 12 && h < 15 || (16 > h && h >= 15 && m < 30)) {that.data.diseaseList[2].checked = true;} else if ((17 > h && h >= 15 && m >= 30) && h < 17) {that.data.diseaseList[3].checked = true;}that.setData({diseaseList: that.data.diseaseList})// 时间段处理this.getWeekDay();const tmp = this.data.temp;this.setData({nowDate: tmp});},/** 日期选择监听 */dateClick: function (options) {let _this = this;let dateId = options.currentTarget.dataset.id;let times = options.currentTarget.dataset.time;let date = new Date();if (dateId > date.getDate()) {for (var y in _this.data.diseaseList) {_this.data.diseaseList[y].checked = false;}// s时间段数据处理_this.data.diseaseList[0].checked = true;_this.setData({thisDate: dateId,nowDate: times,diseaseList: _this.data.diseaseList});} else {// s时间段数据处理let timeDate = new Date();let h = timeDate.getHours();let m = timeDate.getMinutes();for (var y in _this.data.diseaseList) {_this.data.diseaseList[y].checked = false;}if (h < 10) {_this.data.diseaseList[0].checked = true;} else if (h >= 10 && h < 12) {_this.data.diseaseList[1].checked = true;} else if (h >= 12 && h < 15 || (16 > h && h >= 15 && m < 30)) {_this.data.diseaseList[2].checked = true;} else if ((17 > h && h >= 15 && m >= 30) && h < 17) {_this.data.diseaseList[3].checked = true;}_this.setData({thisDate: dateId,nowDate: times,diseaseList: _this.data.diseaseList});// 时间段处理}var timestamp = new Date(''+times).getTime();//日期字符串转时间戳console.log("=====okkookojjo===" + times+"==时间戳=="+timestamp);},// 月份处理paddingZero: function (n) {if (n < 10) {return '0' + n;} else {return n;}},/*** 获取明日开始一周日期*/getWeekDay: function () {let that = this;let myDate = new Date();let year = myDate.getFullYear();let month = myDate.getMonth() + 1;let dates = myDate.getDate();let week = ['周日', '周一', '周二', '周三', '周四', '周五', '周六'];myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate()-5);//调试时间也可使用例如+1天或者+10几天let dateTemp;let timeArr = [];let times;var currentNum = 0;//数字Number标记月份切换var lastNum = 0;//数字Number标记月份切换for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {//月份标记处理times = year + '-' + that.paddingZero((myDate.getMonth() + 1)) + "-" + that.paddingZero(myDate.getDate());dateTemp = myDate.getDate();currentNum = parseInt(times.substring(times.indexOf("-") + 1, times.lastIndexOf("-")));if (i == 0) {that.firstValue = times.substring(times.indexOf("-") + 1, times.lastIndexOf("-"));that.setData({firstValue: that.firstValue})}if (i >= 1) {//月份显示标记var s = currentNum - lastNum;var result = currentNum + "";if (s == 1 && i == 1) {that.setData({twoData: "#06c6ad",twoValue: result})} else if (s == 1 && i == 2) {that.setData({threeData: "#06c6ad",twoValue: result})} else if (s == 1 && i == 3) {that.setData({fourData: "#06c6ad",twoValue: result})} else if (s == 1 && i == 4) {that.setData({fiveData: "#06c6ad",twoValue: result})} else if (s == 1 && i == 5) {that.setData({sixData: "#06c6ad",twoValue: result})} else if (s == 1 && i == 6) {that.setData({sevenData: "#06c6ad",twoValue: result})}}lastNum = parseInt(times.substring(times.indexOf("-") + 1, times.lastIndexOf("-")));//数字if (i == 0) {that.data.temp = times;timeArr.push({ 'week': '今天', 'day': dateTemp, 'time': times });} else if (i == 1) {timeArr.push({ 'week': '明天', 'day': dateTemp, 'time': times });} else {timeArr.push({ 'week': week[myDate.getDay()], 'day': dateTemp, 'time': times });}myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate() + 1);}//更新数据that.setData({dateArray: timeArr,thisDate: timeArr[0].day,nowDate: times});},/*** 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成*/onReady() {},/*** 生命周期函数--监听页面显示*/onShow() {},/*** 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏*/onHide() {},/*** 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载*/onUnload() {},/*** 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作*/onPullDownRefresh() {},/*** 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数*/onReachBottom() {},/*** 用户点击右上角分享*/onShareAppMessage() {},//转换为时间格式formatDate(time) {let show_day = new Array('周日', '周一', '周二', '周三', '周四', '周五', '周六');var date = new Date(time);date.setDate(date.getDate());let weekDay = date.getDay();var weekDate = show_day[weekDay]var YY = date.getFullYear() + '-';var MM = (date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1) + '-';var DD = (date.getDate() < 10 ? '0' + (date.getDate()) : date.getDate()) + " ";var hh = (date.getHours() < 10 ? '0' + date.getHours() : date.getHours());var mm = ':' + (date.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes());var ss = ':' + (date.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' + date.getSeconds() : date.getSeconds());return YY + MM + DD + hh + mm + ss;},})


/* pages/load/rili/clener.wxss *//* 月份标记 */.month_tag {width: 100%;height: 40rpx;display: flex;margin-top: 20rpx;flex-direction: row;align-items: flex-end;}.one {width: 70rpx;text-align: center;font-size: 26rpx;margin-left: 17rpx;}.two {width: 70rpx;text-align: center;font-size: 26rpx;margin-left: 18rpx;}/* 服务时间 */.services_time {background-color: #eeeeee;margin-top: 30rpx;border-radius: 20rpx;margin-left: 60rpx;margin-right: 60rpx;display: flex;flex-direction: column;}/* 时间段选择 */.time_select {margin-top: 20rpx;margin-left: 10rpx;font-size: 28rpx;color: #434343;font-weight: bold;}.timeselect {display: flex;justify-content: space-between;align-items: center;padding-top: 70rpx;margin-left: 10rpx;margin-right: 10rpx;flex-wrap:wrap;}/* 时间段属性 */#button_time {width: 48%;height: 60rpx;border-radius: 10rpx;text-align: left;font-size: 24rpx;background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);border: 2rpx solid #caccce;color: #666666;padding: 0rpx 10rpx;margin: 0rpx 5rpx 10rpx 0rpx;display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;}#button_time::after {border: none}#button_time.active {height: 60rpx;background-color: #06c7ae;color: #fff}/* 周日期 */.week_select {background-color: #f0f0f0;}.choose-time-middle {width: 100%;height: 120rpx;padding: 0rpx 0 0rpx 0;background-color: #f0f0f0;}.date view {float: left;width: 14%;padding-top: 10rpx;text-align: center;}/* 日期属性 */.date view button {padding: 0;width: 70rpx;height: 60rpx;line-height: 60rpx;font-size: 28rpx;background-color: #ffff;border-radius: 10rpx;}/* 周属性 */.week_data_num {color: #d1c1c1;font-size: 28rpx;}.date view button.active {background-color: #06c7ae;color: #fff;}.date view button::after {border: none;}.show-date {width: 100%;text-align: center;padding: 50rpx 0rpx;}


<!--pages/load/rili/clener.wxml--><!-- 预约时间选择 --><view class="services_time"><view class="time_select">时间选择</view><!-- 月份标记 --><view class="month_tag"><view class="one" style="color: {{oneData}}">{{firstValue}}月</view><view class="one" style="color: {{twoData}}">{{twoValue}}月</view><view class="one" style="color: {{threeData}}">{{twoValue}}月</view><view class="one" style="color: {{fourData}}">{{twoValue}}月</view><view class="two" style="color: {{fiveData}}">{{twoValue}}月</view><view class="two" style="color: {{sixData}}">{{twoValue}}月</view><view class="two" style="color: {{sevenData}}">{{twoValue}}月</view></view><view class="week_select"><view class="choose-time-middle"><view class="date"><!-- 日期 --><view wx:for="{{dateArray}}" wx:key="index"><button class="{{item.day == thisDate ? 'active' : ''}}" data-id="{{item. day}}" bindtap="dateClick" data-time="{{item.time}}">{{item.day}}</button></view><text class="clearfix"></text></view><view class="date"><!-- 周日期 --><view class="week_data_num" wx:for="{{dateArray}}" wx:key="index">{{item.week}}</view><text class="clearfix"></text></view></view></view><!-- 时间段 --><view class="timeselect"><button style="height: 70rpx;" id="button_time" wx:for="{{diseaseList}}" wx:key="*this" data-index="{{index}}" class="{{item.checked ? 'active' : ''}}" bindtap="diseaseSwitch">{{item.diseaseName}}</button></view><!-- 展示选中时间 --><view class="show-date" hidden="true"><text>当前时间:{{nowDate}}</text></view></view>


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