
Microsoft Access is used within many businesses to store and access information. You can also create a simple report easily using the Report Wizard.

Microsoft Access在许多企业中用于存储和访问信息。 您也可以使用“报告向导”轻松创建简单的报告。

Open your Access Database and click on Reports located under the Objects field on the left hand side.  On the top toolbar click on the New button to start a new report.

打开Access数据库,然后单击左侧“对象”字段下的“报告”。 在顶部工具栏上,单击“新建”按钮以启动新报告。

In the New Report window select Report Wizard and below that choose from the drop down list which query or table you want to gather data to create the report. In this instance I want to create a report about Tech_Company’s Customers.  After you have the correct data selected click OK.

在“新建报告”窗口中,选择“报告向导”,然后从下面的下拉列表中选择要收集数据以创建报告的查询或表。 在这种情况下,我想创建有关Tech_Company客户的报告。 选择正确的数据后,单击“确定”。

This next part of the wizard allows you to select the various fields from the table or query you selected.  This is great when you only want to create a report based on specific data within a table.  Highlight the information in the Available Fields and press the arrow button to move it into the Selected Fields.  Here I selected the customers First Name, Last Name, City, and Phone Number.  At this point you could select Finish, but let’s use a bit more functionality of the wizard, click on Next.

向导的下一部分允许您从表或查询中选择各个字段。 当您只想基于表中的特定数据创建报告时,这非常有用。 突出显示“可用字段”中的信息,然后按箭头按钮将其移到“选定字段”中。 在这里,我选择了客户的名字,姓氏,城市和电话号码。 此时,您可以选择“完成”,但是让我们使用向导的更多功能,单击“下一步”。

In this window you can select to add grouping to various parts of your data.  Because I am demonstrating a simple report (additional tutorials on custom report writing are coming soon), just click on Next.

在此窗口中,您可以选择将分组添加到数据的各个部分。 因为我正在演示一个简单的报告(有关自定义报告编写的其他教程即将推出),所以请单击“下一步”。

Here you choose what order the data will appear in the report.  This is a customization you will need to decide on based upon how you wish to present the data.  Here I choose to sort the Last Name of each customer in Ascending order.

在这里,您可以选择数据在报表中显示的顺序。 您需要根据您希望如何呈现数据来决定是否进行自定义。 在这里,我选择按升序对每个客户的姓氏进行排序。

This is where you will choose the layout of the report.  Once again depending upon how you wish to present the data will determine the layout.  For this report I choose Layout = Tabular, Orientation = Portrait, and I usually find it best to make sure to check the box “Adjust the field width so all fields fit on a page.  This ensures all the relevant data is on each page and not scattered on multiple pages.  Click on Next.

您将在这里选择报告的布局。 再次取决于您希望如何呈现数据将确定布局。 对于此报告,我选择“布局=表格格式,方向=纵向”,并且通常会发现最好确保选中“调整字段宽度以使所有字段都适合页面”框。 这样可以确保所有相关数据都在每一页上,而不是分散在多页上。 单击下一步。

Next you will choose the style or appearance of the report.  Once again use your best creative judgement.  For this report I am choosing Bold.  Click on Next.

接下来,您将选择报告的样式或外观。 再次使用您最好的创意判断。 对于此报告,我选择粗体。 单击下一步。

You are almost done!  Choose a name for your report.  If this is going to be a report you plan on saving and running from time to time, make sure and use a good naming convention so you and other database users can easily find the report and run it.  After you have named your report click Finish.

您快完成了! 为报告选择一个名称。 如果这将是您计划不定期保存和运行的报告,请确保并使用良好的命名约定,以便您和其他数据库用户可以轻松找到并运行该报告。 将报告命名后,单击“完成”。

You will now see the results of the report you created.  From here you can print the report, go back and make design changes, or maybe add additional tables or fields.  If you are happy with how the report looks then save it and you will then be able to pull it up when you need it.

现在,您将看到创建的报告的结果。 从这里您可以打印报告,返回并进行设计更改,或者添加其他表或字段。 如果您对报告的外观感到满意,请保存它,然后可以在需要时将其上载。

If you are not familiar with Access at all I would recommend going to the Roadmap to Access 2003 Training.

如果您对Access一点都不熟悉,我建议您访问Access 2003培训路线图。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/create-a-report-in-ms-access-2003-using-report-wizard/


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