
Minecraft is a fantastic game to play on your local network with friends, but it’s no fun when you have to spend half your time troubleshooting connection problems. Let’s take a look at how to identify and iron out issues with Minecraft LAN play.

Minecraft是一款与好友一起在本地网络上玩的出色游戏,但是当您不得不花费一半的时间来解决连接问题时,这并不是一件有趣的事情。 让我们看一下如何识别和解决Minecraft LAN游戏中的问题。

识别一般问题 (Identifying the General Problem)

Thanks to its popularity and the number of parents wrestling with it for their kids, we get more emails about Minecraft than any other game. With that in mind, we’ve written this guide with an emphasis on helping the layman quickly identify what they need to do to alleviate their specific problem. When your child (or friend) comes to you with one of these questions, you should be able to find the answers right here.

由于它的受欢迎程度以及为孩子们努力挣扎的父母数量,我们收到的有关Minecraft的电子邮件比其他任何游戏都要多。 考虑到这一点,我们编写本指南的重点是帮助外行快速识别出他们需要采取哪些措施来缓解他们的特定问题。 当您的孩子(或朋友)向您提出以下问题之一时,您应该可以在此处找到答案。

That said, there is a good chance you may run into one or more of these issues over the course of your Minecraft-playing days, so it certainly wouldn’t hurt to read from top to bottom and even bookmark this article for future troubleshooting.


Also, if you’re relatively new to Minecraft, check out our guide to setting up a LAN game here. It may be that you don’t need the advanced troubleshooting help, but just a quick overview of how to get things up and running.

另外,如果您是Minecraft的新手,请在此处查看我们的设置LAN游戏的指南 。 可能您不需要高级故障排除帮助,而只是快速了解如何启动和运行设备。

“我在局域网上看不到Minecraft游戏” (“I Can’t See the Minecraft Game on the LAN”)

This is, far and away, the biggest problem people run into when setting up Minecraft on their local area network (LAN): everyone has Minecraft installed and fired up, but one or more players cannot even see the the hosting player to connect in the first place.


Let’s break down the most common reasons for this issue and order them by prevalence with appropriate solutions.


您的防火墙阻止了Java (Your Firewall Is Blocking Java)

This problem arises because of confusion over exactly what is going on behind the scenes with the Windows Firewall. If Windows is going to ask your permission to run it, you’d expect it to ask permission for Minecraft, right? Except Minecraft is actually a Java file executed by the Java program, so when it comes time for Minecraft to connect to the network, the Firewall prompt isn’t for “Minecraft”– it’s for Java.

出现此问题的原因是,对于Windows防火墙在后台发生的确切变化感到困惑。 如果Windows要询问您的运行许可,您希望它向Minecraft询问许可,对吗? 除了Minecraft实际上是由Java程序执行的Java文件之外,因此,当Minecraft需要连接到网络时,防火墙提示不是“ Minecraft”,而是Java。

In the screenshot above you can see the specific wording of the Firewall popup. Most people will, by default, see the security alert, see Java (and either not know what it is or just know enough about Java to recall hearing about what a security problem Java has been over the years) and click cancel. The problem is further compounded if you have your guest computer or the computer your child is using set up for non-administrative access (which you should) can that person tried to “Allow access” but couldn’t and just hit cancel. We can’t tell you how many times we’ve done trouble shooting for Minecraft only to have the person say “Oh hey, some Firewall box popped up but I just hit cancel”.

在上面的屏幕截图中,您可以看到防火墙弹出窗口的特定措辞。 默认情况下,大多数人会看到安全警报,看到Java(或者不知道它是什么,或者只是对Java足够了解,以回想起Java多年来存在的安全问题),然后单击“取消”。 如果您有宾客计算机,或者您的孩子正在使用设置用于非管理访问的计算机( 您应该这样做 ) ,那么该人是否可以尝试“允许访问”,但不能,只是单击“取消”,问题就更加复杂了。 我们无法告诉您我们为Minecraft完成了几次故障排除工作,只是让人们说“哦,嘿,弹出了一些防火墙框,但我只是点击了取消”。

Fortunately, the solution for this problem is simple, as long as you have administrative access to the PC (meaning that the default account is the administrator or you have the password of the administrator account).


Simply navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall (or just type in “Firewall” in the Start Menu search box).

只需导航至“控制面板”>“系统和安全性”>“ Windows防火墙”(或仅在“开始”菜单搜索框中键入“防火墙”)。

In the Firewall control panel, select “Allow an app or feature through the Windows Firewall”; the link is seen in light blue in the screenshot above.

在防火墙控制面板中,选择“允许Windows防火墙中的应用或功能”; 在上面的屏幕截图中,链接显示为浅蓝色。

Click the “Change settings” icon in the upper right corner to tell Windows you want to make administrative changes and then scroll down to look for “javaw.exe” in the Firewall entries list. The version of Java that your copy of Minecraft uses must have the “Private” column checked. While most people will only have one entry it’s possible that you may have two entries. (If you have more than one version of  javaw.exe listed and want to investigate, you can always right click on each entry and select “Details” for more information.)

单击右上角的“更改设置”图标,告诉Windows您要进行管理更改,然后向下滚动以在防火墙条目列表中查找“ javaw.exe”。 您的Minecraft副本使用的Java版本必须选中“私人”列。 尽管大多数人只有一个条目,但您可能有两个条目。 (如果列出了多个版本的javaw.exe,并且想要进行调查,则始终可以右键单击每个条目,然后选择“详细信息”以获取更多信息。)

In the vast, vast, majority of cases this simple tweak is all it takes to banish your connectivity woes.

在辽阔, 苍茫 ,大多数情况下,这个简单的调整是所有需要驱除您的连接困境。

您的计算机位于不同的网络上 (Your Computers Are on Different Networks)

Second only to the Java problem is the different-network problem. This problem can take several forms, and if you’ve resolved the Java issue (or it wasn’t an issue in the first place), you should carefully work your way through these potential scenarios.

仅次于Java问题的是不同网络问题。 该问题可以采取多种形式,并且,如果您已经解决了Java问题(或者首先不是问题),则应仔细研究这些潜在方案。

Enure that all computers are on the same network. With Wi-Fi devices, especially laptops, it’s always possible that the device is connected to a nearby open Wi-Fi network or a neighbor’s Wi-Fi you’ve used before. Double check that all computers are on the same local network with the same name (e.g. player 1 isn’t on “Wireless” and player 3 is on “Wireless_Guest”).

确保所有计算机都在同一网络上。 使用Wi-Fi设备(尤其是笔记本电脑),总是有可能将设备连接到附近的开放式Wi-Fi网络或您以前使用过的邻居的Wi-Fi。 仔细检查所有计算机是否在相同名称的同一个本地网络上(例如,播放器1不在“无线”上,播放器3在“ Wireless_Guest”上)。

If any computers are connected to the router via ethernet, make sure they’re connected to the same router that the others are connected to over Wi-Fi.


检查AP隔离 (Check for AP Isolation)

If everyone is connected to the same network, but you still can’t connect, it could be due to a feature on your router called AP isolation. You can check to see if each player’s computer can reach the computer hosting the game with a simple ping test.

如果每个人都连接到同一个网络,但仍然无法连接,则可能是由于路由器上的一项功能,即AP隔离。 您可以通过简单的ping测试来检查每个玩家的计算机是否可以访问托管游戏的计算机。

Start by opening up the command prompt on each computer and typing “ipconfig” for Windows users and “ifconfig” for Linux and Mac users. This command will output a variety of data about the IP address and state of the computer’s network card. Make note of the “IPv4 Address” for each computer. For the vast majority of home users this address will look something like 192.168.1.* or 10.0.0.* as these are the default address blocks on most routers and reserved specifically for internal use.

首先在每台计算机上打开命令提示符,然后为Windows用户键入“ ipconfig”,为Linux和Mac用户键入“ ifconfig”。 此命令将输出有关计算机网卡的IP地址和状态的各种数据。 记下每台计算机的“ IPv4地址”。 对于绝大多数家庭用户来说,该地址看起来像192.168.1。*或10.0.0。*,因为它们是大多数路由器上的默认地址块,专门保留供内部使用。

Once you have the addresses of the different computers, check to see if they can reach each other over the network with the ping command. While still at the command prompt, enter the command ping [IP address of the host player's computer]. So, for example, if you have two compueters–one with the address and one with the address–log onto the first computer (88) and run:

获得不同计算机的地址后,请使用ping命令检查它们是否可以通过网络相互访问。 仍然在命令提示符下,输入命令ping [IP address of the host player's computer] 。 因此,例如,如果您有两个竞争者-一个地址为10.0.0.88,一个地址为10.0.0.87,请登录第一台计算机(88)并运行:


Then repeat the process on the second computer (87):



The ping command will give you an output that tells you how fast it was able to connect to the other computer as well as how many of the individual packets were returned successfully. On a home network the success rate should be 100%.

ping命令将为您提供输出,告诉您它能够以多快的速度连接到另一台计算机,以及成功返回了多少个单个数据包。 在家庭网络上,成功率应为100%。

If both computers are able to access the Internet but they fail the ping test, then there is a final thing to look at: user isolation. Some routers have a security feature (which is typically only applied to Wi-Fi users and not hardwired Ethernet users) that isolates users from each other so that everyone can connect to the Internet but individual users cannot connect to each other. This setting is usually labeled as “AP isolation” but you might see it as “Access Point Isolation”, “User Isolation”, “Client Isolation” or some variation there of. Some routers also automatically apply AP isolation to all guest networks without specifying that setting to the user so, again, double check that none of the players are logged into your router’s guest network.

如果两台计算机都可以访问Internet, 它们均无法通过ping测试,那么最后要看的是:用户隔离。 某些路由器具有安全功能(通常仅适用于Wi-Fi用户,而不适用于硬连线的以太网用户),该功能将用户彼此隔离,以便每个人都可以连接到Internet,但单个用户不能彼此连接。 此设置通常被标记为“ AP隔离”,但您可能会看到它是“访问点隔离”,“用户隔离”,“客户端隔离”或其中的某些变体。 某些路由器还会自动将AP隔离应用到所有来宾网络,而无需向用户指定该设置,因此,再次检查是否有玩家没有登录到路由器的来宾网络。

If one or more computers fails the ping test and you suspect AP isolation might be the cause, you’ll need to consult with the documentation for your specific router to see where the setting is and how to turn it off. If you find the documentation for your router lacking and you’re left to dig through the menus yourself, check out our guide to AP isolation here for some pointers on finding and enabling/disabling it.

如果一台或多台计算机未通过ping测试,并且您怀疑是AP隔离的原因,则需要查阅特定路由器的文档,以了解设置的位置以及如何将其关闭。 如果您找不到路由器的文档,而您自己需要浏览菜单, 请在此处查看我们的AP隔离指南,以查找和启用/禁用路由器。

尝试手动连接 (Try Manually Connecting)

If the above sections don’t fix you’re problem, then it’s likely the only issue you’re really having is that Minecraft, for some reason, is not properly polling the network and updating the available LAN game list.


This doesn’t mean you can’t play the game on the LAN, but it does mean that you need to manually enter the address of the host player to do so. If you see a screen like the one above, where it continually scans for LAN games but does not find them then click on the “Direct Connect” button and enter the following “[Host Player’s IP Address]:[Host Game Port]”. For example, “”.

这并不意味着您不能在LAN上玩游戏,而是意味着您需要手动输入主机玩家的地址。 如果您看到上面的屏幕,它会不断扫描LAN游戏,但没有找到它们,请单击“直接连接”按钮,然后输入以下“ [主机玩家的IP地址]:[主机游戏端口]”。 例如,“”。

The game port is for Minecraft LAN games is randomly assigned each time the host player’s map is opened for LAN play.

每次打开主机玩家的地图进行LAN玩游戏时,都会随机分配用于Minecraft LAN游戏的游戏端口。

As such, you need to either check the port when you open the game on the host machine (it is displayed on screen immediately after you open the game, as seen below) or you need to look at the listing for the game on multiplayer screen of another client on your network that can successfully connect (where it will list both the IP address and port number under the name of the open game).


“我可以连接,但会被踢出去” (“I Can Connect, But I Get Kicked Out”)

If you can see the other game on the local network, but get kicked out before you can play, the culprit is usually one of three things: different game versions, identical user IDs, or incompatible game mods (in that order of probability).


过时的服务器/客户端错误 (The Outdated Server/Client Error)

Out-of-sync Minecraft version numbers is the biggest source of the join-but-get-kicked phenomenon and occurs when the client player and the host player are running releases of the game. If the host is running Minecraft 1.7.10, for example, but you’re running 1.8.8, you’ll see a message like this one:

不同步的Minecraft版本号是导致加入但被踢的现象的最大来源,发生在客户端播放器和主机播放器正在运行游戏发行版时。 例如,如果主机运行的是Minecraft 1.7.10,但您运行的是1.8.8,则会看到类似以下消息:

The simplest solution is to adjust the version number of the client player’s Minecraft to match (we won’t suggest changing the host player’s version if the host player’s world is already explored and built up with creations because major differences in Minecraft versions can wreak havoc on maps).

最简单的解决方案是调整客户端播放器的Minecraft的版本号,使其与之匹配(如果主机播放器的世界已经被探索并建立起来,我们不建议更改主机播放器的版本, 因为Minecraft版本之间的重大差异可能会造成严重破坏地图)。

To do so, run the Minecraft launcher on the client machines and click the “Edit Profile” button. In the “Use version” dropdown menu, select the appropriate Minecraft version.  We provide a more detailed walkthrough here.

为此,请在客户端计算机上运行Minecraft启动器,然后单击“编辑配置文件”按钮。 在“使用版本”下拉菜单中,选择适当的Minecraft版本。 我们在这里提供更详细的演练 。

相同的ID错误 (The Identical ID Error)

If the secondary players log in into your hosted game and get the error “That name is already taken”, then it’s likely you only have one premium copy of Minecraft. A single player can’t log into the same world twice.

如果辅助玩家登录到您的托管游戏中并出现错误“该名称已被使用”,则可能您只有一份Minecraft的高级副本。 一个玩家无法两次登录同一个世界。

You can deal with the issue one of two ways. First, you can buy a copy of Minecraft for each player (which, as Minecraft fans who support the game, we encourage you to do). Or, if you’re just trying to throw together a LAN party or let a kid brother play too, you can edit a file to allow for a single Minecraft license to be used for a local game. We detail the ins, outs, and pitfalls of this technique in our detailed tutorial on the matter.

您可以采用以下两种方法之一来处理该问题。 首先,您可以为每个玩家购买一份Minecraft副本(作为支持游戏的Minecraft粉丝,我们鼓励您这样做)。 或者,如果您只是想组织一个LAN派对或也让一个小弟弟玩,则可以编辑一个文件,以允许将一个Minecraft许可证用于本地游戏。 我们将在此问题的详细教程中详细介绍此技术的来龙去脉。

丢失的Mod错误 (The Missing Mods Error)

When you add mods to your Minecraft game, like those for cool biomes or additional creatures, every player that connects to your game has to have the same mods (and same versions of those mods) installed. You can read more about mods and the ins-and-outs of using them here.

当您向Minecraft游戏中添加mod时,例如酷生物群系或其他生物的mod,每个连接到游戏的玩家都必须安装相同的mod(以及这些mod的相同版本)。 您可以在此处阅读有关mod的更多信息以及使用它们的来龙去脉。

The exact text of this error can vary from not even getting an error message (the game is stuck perpetually at “logging in…”) to very specific error readouts listing what mods and what versions are missing.


If you run into this problem, there are two ways to fix it. If the host is running the mods, then you need to add the same mods to the clients trying to connect (e.g. if the host has the popular Mo’ Creatures mod, then all the players who wish to share the world will also need it installed too). If the client is the modded one, and the host is running vanilla Minecraft, then the client needs to switch back to the stock Minecraft game. In such instances it is extremely handy to use an instance manager like MultiMC; you can make a specific instance for each combination of vanilla and modified Minecraft you need.

如果遇到此问题,有两种解决方法。 如果主机正在运行mod,则需要向尝试连接的客户端添加相同的mod(例如,如果主机具有流行的Mo'Creatures mod,那么所有希望分享世界的玩家也都需要安装该mod)太)。 如果客户端是经过修改的客户端,并且主机正在运行Vanilla Minecraft,则客户端需要切换回常规Minecraft游戏。 在这种情况下,使用像MultiMC这样的实例管理器非常方便; 您可以为所需的香草和经过修改的Minecraft的每种组合制作特定的实例。

“我可以连接,但是游戏性能很差” (“I Can Connect, But Game Performance Is Poor”)

Unlike the previous sections of this guide, this section is a bit more ambiguous. Many times players can host a game and connect to other games on the network but, while they don’t get outright kicked from the game, performance is really cruddy. Putting aside some unseen but severe network issue that is actually causing connectivity issues, there are a few things you can do to make Minecraft a smooth experience for everyone.

与本指南的前面各节不同,本节有些含糊。 很多时候,玩家可以托管一个游戏并连接到网络上的其他游戏,但是,尽管他们没有被游戏彻底淘汰,但性能确实很差。 撇开实际上导致连接问题的一些看不见但严重的网络问题,您可以采取一些措施使Minecraft为所有人带来顺畅的体验。

First, have the player with the most powerful computer host the game. Minecraft is a very resource hungry game (even if the graphics look very retro and simple). If you’re experiencing poor playback across the board (not just on the weaker machines) it could be that the hosting computer isn’t up to snuff.

首先,让玩家使用功能最强大的计算机托管游戏。 Minecraft是一款非常资源匮乏的游戏(即使图形看起来非常复古又简单)。 如果您遇到的播放效果很差(不仅是在性能较弱的机器上),可能是主机计算机无法正常工作。

Second, we can’t say enough good things about the Minecraft mod Optifine. Even if you have no intention of doing anything but playing vanilla Minecraft. you should absolutely and without a doubt install Optifine. It is a collection of code optimizations that, frankly, should be in the default Minecraft code. Whether your computer is wimpy or beefy, Optifine will make Minecraft run so much smoother.

其次,我们不能说Minecraft mod Optifine的好东西。 即使您除了玩香草Minecraft外也无意做任何事。 您绝对应该毫无疑问地安装Optifine。 坦率地说,它是代码优化的集合,应该包含在默认的Minecraft代码中。 无论您的计算机是薄弱还是强大,Optifine都能使Minecraft运行起来更加流畅。

Finally, if the hosting computer is well suited for the task but you’re still getting low frame rates and other signs of a struggling game, you can offload some of the world to a separate server application. Mojang offers a stand alone server application for download and it takes next to no time to set up a simple vanilla Minecraft server. In our experience, it really helps smooth out performance issues if the host’s copy of Minecraft isn’t simultaneously trying to handle game play for the host player as well as serve up the game for all the other players. Splitting things up so that the host player’s PC is still hosting the game (via the dedicated server app) but the host’s Minecraft app isn’t churning away at both tasks, can really improve performance for everyone.

最后,如果托管计算机非常适合该任务,但是您仍然遇到帧速率低和游戏运行困难的其他征兆,则可以将世界的一部分转移到单独的服务器应用程序上。 Mojang提供了一个独立的服务器应用程序供下载,几乎不需要时间就可以安装简单的Vanilla Minecraft服务器 。 根据我们的经验,如果主机的Minecraft副本没有同时尝试为主机玩家处理游戏并为所有其他玩家提供游戏,那么它确实有助于消除性能问题。 进行拆分,以便主机玩家的PC仍通过专用服务器应用程序托管游戏,但主机的Minecraft应用程序不会同时承担这两项任务,可以真正改善每个人的性能。

Even better: if you’re still having performance issues you can install the Minecraft server on a totally separate machine on your network and let that machine handle the heavy lifting, so the players PCs don’t have to.


When you, your friends, and your kids really want to play Minecraft, it can be very frustrating when setting up a local game isn’t easy peasy. With a little bit of troubleshooting, however, not only can you get up and running with no problem but you might even find, thanks to mods like Optifine and running a distinct server app, you’re better than when you started.

当您,您的朋友和您的孩子真的想玩《我的世界》时,在设置本地游戏并不容易时会感到非常沮丧。 但是,通过一些故障排除,不仅可以毫无问题地启动并运行,而且甚至还可以发现,由于Optifine之类的Mod并运行了独特的服务器应用程序,因此与开始时相比,它会更好。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/242375/how-to-troubleshoot-minecraft-lan-game-problems/


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    关于带权随机数 为了帮助理解,先来看三类随机问题的对比: 1.已有n条记录,从中选取m条记录,选取出来的记录前后顺序不管. 实现思路:按行遍历所有记录,约隔n/m条取一个数据即可 2.在1类情况下,还 ...

  3. 白鹭引擎解决微信小游戏切换背景音乐无法播放的问题。

    白鹭引擎 版本:5.2.8 描述:白鹭引擎解决微信小游戏切换背景音乐无法播放的问题. main.ts文件中找到如下函数,增加上您的音频对象. egret.lifecycle.onResume = () ...

  4. 解决QQ小游戏、微信小游戏 getLaunchOptionsSync()获取的数据为旧数据

    解决QQ小游戏.微信小游戏 getLaunchOptionsSync()获取旧数据的问题 维尼与你同在 @13805064305 原因 一般这个问题不是首次登录出现的,而是第二次从别的游戏跳过来,后台 ...

  5. 解决 Minecraft 官方启动器 报错找不到 launcher.dll / LoadErrorNotPresent 的解决方法

    解决 Minecraft 官方启动器找不到 launch.dll 的解决方法 如果你用的是Windows 10操作系统基本上不用看这个文章了,应该帮不到你,Windows 10的更新中应该是自带这个补 ...

  6. android assets大小限制200m,使用 AssetsManager 解决微信小游戏包体积尺寸限制问题

    原标题:使用 AssetsManager 解决微信小游戏包体积尺寸限制问题 自微信小游戏发布以来,已有许多开发者将早前使用白鹭引擎开发的游戏迁移至微信小游戏.但是在开发过程中,开发者普遍会遇到微信小游 ...

  7. 三屏合一技术 html5,HTML5的跨屏台技术解决了HTML5游戏那些问题!

    原标题: HTML5的跨屏台技术解决了HTML5游戏那些问题! HTML5的跨屏台三屏互动技术解决了HTML5的那些问题!如今,手机页游已经成为了人们娱乐生活的一部分,不管是在大街上还是地铁上我们总能 ...

  8. android游戏出现闪退问题怎么解决方法,游戏出现频繁闪退解决方法参考 游戏频繁闪退怎么办...

    我们发现者在体验游戏的过程中,少部分玩家可能出现频繁闪退的情况,以下有两种方式可以解决该问题: 1.删除游戏的Puffer文件目录 [安卓]找到手机文件夹,找到天涯明月刀的Puffer目录 /stor ...

  9. 游戏更新一直卡在计算机,游戏卡卡卡?教你解决电脑玩游戏一直跳ping的问题...

    原标题:游戏卡卡卡?教你解决电脑玩游戏一直跳ping的问题 玩游戏最怕什么?玩游戏最怕的无疑是"猪队友"+电脑fps不稳定+电脑疯狂跳ping.遇到猪队友是无法避免的,但是如果是跳 ...


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