import random
import pygame
pygame.init()  # 1.游戏初始化screen = pygame.display.set_mode((700,600)) # 2.创建一个窗口,设置大小
ball_x,ball_y = 400,0
ban_x, ban_y ,ban_width, ban_height = 400,550,220,100
font = pygame.font.Font('ziti.ttf',24)
ball_true1 = pygame.image.load("ball.bmp")
ball_true2 = pygame.image.load("ball1.png")
ball_true3 = pygame.image.load("ball2.png")
ball_true4 = pygame.image.load("ball3.png")# pygame.mixer.init() # 2.加载音效
# hit = pygame.mixer.Sound("hit_wall.wav") # 加载音乐
# hit.set_volume(0.4) # 设置音量"bg.mp3")
hp = 3
game_over = True
a_left = 0
a_right = 0
while True:key = pygame.key.get_pressed()for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:pygame.quit()elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:if game_over:game_over = Falsescore = 0hp = 4elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:ban_x,_ = event.poselif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:a_right = 0a_left =a_left+10ban_x = ban_x-(10+a_left)elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:a_left = 0a_right = a_right+10ban_x= ban_x+10+a_rightscreen.fill((255,255,255))if game_over:imgtext = font.render('请点击屏幕开始游戏' , True, (0, 0, 0))  # 设置文字参数,内容,锯齿话,颜色screen.blit(imgtext, (350, 300))  # 将文字放在屏幕上else:ball_y = ball_y + 1# 没接到小球的判定if ball_y>600:ball_x = random.randint(0,600)ball_y = 0hp = hp-1if hp ==0:game_over=True# 接到小球的判定结果if ban_x <=ball_x<=ban_x+220 and ban_y <=ball_y<=ban_y+100:score = score+1# = random.randint(0, 600)ball_y = 0imgtext = font.render('分数:%d'%score,True,(0,0,0)) # 设置文字参数,内容,锯齿话,颜色screen.blit(imgtext,(0,0)) # 将文字放在屏幕上imgtext2 = font.render("生命值:%d"%hp,True,(150,162,22))screen.blit(imgtext2,(580,0))#,(100,255,0),(ball_x,ball_y),30,0)if 0< score <=5:screen.blit(ball_true1,(ball_x,ball_y))elif 10> score>=5:screen.blit(ball_true2,(ball_x,ball_y))elif 15>score>=10:screen.blit(ball_true3, (ball_x, ball_y))elif 20>score>=15:screen.blit(ball_true4, (ball_x, ball_y))pygame.draw.rect(screen,(100,255,0),(ban_x, ban_y ,ban_width, ban_height),0)pygame.display.update() #3.不断循环pygame.display.update()  # 3.不断循环


import random
import pygame
import sysdef figure(screen, photo, x, y):content = pygame.image.load(photo)screen.blit(content, (x, y))def button(screen, x,y,w,h,color):pygame.draw.rect(screen,color,(x,y,w,h))ziti(screen,'排行榜',(x+10),(y+10))def ziti(screen, text, x, y, size = 24,color=(232, 206, 144)):font = pygame.font.Font("ziti.ttf", size)img_text = font.render(text, True, color)  # 设置文字参数,内容,锯齿话,颜色screen.blit(img_text, (x, y))  # 将文字放在屏幕上def run():screen_w, screen_h = 1080, 652score = 0result = {}play_num = 1hp = 3speed = 5ball_x, ball_y = 400, 0ban_x, ban_y, ban_width, ban_height = 400, screen_h - 40, 360, 53# bg_volume = 0.9# sound_volume = 0.4start = "请点击开始游戏"result = ""title = "接亚瑟"# sound_score = "hit_wall.wav"ball_figure = "yase.png"bj_figure = "bg.jpg"# bg_music = "bj.mp3"ban ="ban5.png"game_over = True# 检测按键是不是按着不放moving_left = Falsemoving_right = Falsemoving_up = Falsemoving_down = Falsescreen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_w, screen_h))  # 2.创建一个窗口,设置大小pygame.display.set_caption(title)# hit = pygame.mixer.Sound(sound_score)  # 加载音乐# hit.set_volume(sound_volume)  # 设置音量# True:for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:pygame.quit()sys.exit()elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:# 判断鼠标的坐标是不是在排行榜那个长方形的中间if # 把分数显示到屏幕上if game_over:game_over = Falsescore = 0hp = 4elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:ban_x, _ = event.poselif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:if event.key == pygame.K_a or event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:moving_left = Trueelif event.key == pygame.K_d or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:moving_right = Trueelif event.key == pygame.K_w or event.key == pygame.K_UP:moving_up = Trueelif event.key == pygame.K_s or event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:moving_down = Trueelif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:if event.key == pygame.K_a or event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:moving_left = Falseelif event.key == pygame.K_d or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:moving_right = Falseelif event.key == pygame.K_w or event.key == pygame.K_UP:moving_up = Falseelif event.key == pygame.K_s or event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:moving_down = Falsefigure(screen, bj_figure, 0, 0)if game_over:ziti(screen, start, 100,screen_h / 2,50)ziti(screen, result, 100, screen_h / 2 + 50,50)button(screen, screen_w/2-50, 20,100,50,(0,0,0))else:ball_y = ball_y + speedif moving_right:ban_x += 30elif moving_left:ban_x -= 30elif moving_down:ban_y += 30elif moving_up:ban_y -= 30# 没接到小球的判定if ball_y > screen_h:ball_x = random.randint(0, screen_w)ball_y = 0hp = hp - 1speed = 1if hp == 0:start = "重新开始请点击屏幕"result = "你击杀了%d个小球" % scoregame_over = True# 接到小球的判定结果if ban_x <= ball_x <= ban_x + ban_width and ban_y <= ball_y <= ban_y + ban_height:score = score + 1speed = speed + 1# = random.randint(0, 600)ball_y = 0ziti(screen, '分数:%d' % score, 0, 0)ziti(screen, "生命值:%d" % hp, screen_w - 120, 0)figure(screen, ball_figure, ball_x, ball_y)figure(screen,ban,ban_x, ban_y)#pygame.draw.rect(screen, (100, 255, 0), (ban_x, ban_y, ban_width, ban_height), 0)pygame.display.update()  # 3.不断循环def main():pygame.init()  # 1.游戏初始化# pygame.mixer.init()  # 2.音乐初始化run()if __name__ == '__main__':main()


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