
Platforms 安装平台

Client Platform 客户端

Application Server 应用服务器

AutoVue for Agile PLM Integration Components

从Oracle 网站查到Autovue 的安装要求(Version 21.0.2 Technical Requirements ),现分享给大家,留意,主要针对的是服务器版(Server),非单纯的桌面版 (Desktop ) 。

Platforms 安装平台

The following platforms are certified for AutoVue installation and/or hosting:

 Platform AutoVue for Agile PLM #1 AutoVue
Deployment #1
AutoVue Desktop
Windows Server 2016—64-bit ( #2) X X
Windows Server 2012 R2, 2012—64-bit ( #2) X X
Windows Server 2008R2—64-bit ( #2) X X
Windows  10, 8.1, 7, —64-bit ( #2) X
Oracle Linux  6.X (x86), and 7.X (x86) ( #2) 64-bit X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.X.  and 7.X (x86) ,6.X(x86) ,and7.X(x86) 264-bit ( #2) X X

#1) The installation requires about 400 MB of free space. Additional space will be required by AutoVue for storing other data such as streaming files and markups.

#2) AutoVue is supported on a 64-bit Linux operating systems (OS), but will run in 32-bit mode. All prerequisites libraries should be in 32 bit, with the exception of the X Windows base package (xorg-x11-server-Xorg) along with the Xvf bpackage xorg-x11-server-Xvfb. These should be the same architecture (64-bit) as the OS.

Client Platform 客户端

The following platforms are certified for the AutoVue client.

Platform AutoVue for
Agile PLM
Client/Server Deployment
Windows OSes:

Windows 7—64-bit
Windows 8.1—64-bit

  • IInternet Explorer 11
  • Firefox 60.x and up
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Chrome 46 and up

Note: To open the applet version of AutoVue, IE 11
or Safari 11 is required.


MAC OS X 10.11

  • Safari 10.0 #1, #2
  • Safari 9.0 #1, #2
  • Safari 8.0 #1, #2
  • Firefox 60.x and up


Java Virtual Machine
  • Java SE 8 update 172 and higher
-32-bit and 64-bit
  • Java 10



#1)  When launching AutoVue from a Mac client, certain configurations may be required. For more information, refer to Oracle Support Document 1662405.1 (Getting Message" Select a temporary directory" When Printing With AutoVue) which can be found at: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?id=1662405.1

#2) When launching AutoVue from a Mac client, certain configurations may be required. For more information, refer to Oracle Support Document 1662405.1 (Getting Message "Select a temporary directory" When Printing With AutoVue) which can be found at: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?id=1662405.1

Application Server 应用服务器

The VueServlet has been certified on the following application servers:

Platform                       AutoVue for Agile PLM AutoVue Client/Server Deployment
WebLogic 12cR2                                X
WebSphere7.1 and up                                X
Tomcat 8.5 and up                            X                                X
Jetty 9.0 and up                                X

AutoVue for Agile PLM Integration Components

AutoVue for Agile PLM integration components can be installed on the following OSes:

  • Oracle Solaris (SPARC and x64)
  • Linux (Oracle, Red Ha tEnterprise, SUSE)
  • Microsoft Windows
  • HP-UX Itanium

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