

    • LittleVGL学习笔记(1)---获取源码实现仿真并移植到STM32
  • 一、获取源码
  • 二、在visual Studio 上实现仿真
  • 三、移植littleVGL 到STM32上
  • 总结
  • 附录
    • lv_conf.h 源码


注意,以下选用的littleVGL 版本为:v7.7.0

提前安装好 Visual Studio 2019

安装好 keil MDK

  1. 在github 上获取源码:

  2. 获取demo源码:

  3. 获取littleVGL 驱动源码:

  4. 获取Visual Studio 仿真工程源码:


二、在visual Studio 上实现仿真

  1. 将 lv_demos-7.7.0 文件夹下的所有文件拷贝到 lv_sim_visual_studio-7.7.0\visual_studio_2017_sdl\lv_examples中
  2. 将lv_drivers-7.7.0文件夹下的所有文件拷贝到lv_sim_visual_studio-7.7.0\visual_studio_2017_sdl\lv_drivers中
  3. 将lvgl-7.7.0文件夹下的所有文件拷贝到lv_sim_visual_studio-7.7.0\visual_studio_2017_sdl\lvgl中
  4. 双击打开 lv_sim_visual_studio-7.7.0文件夹下的lv_sim_visual_studio_sdl.sln


5. 运行示例代码



三、移植littleVGL 到STM32上


  1. 在整个工程文件目录下新建GUI、GUI_APP文件夹
  2. 在GUI 文件夹下新建三个文件夹:lv_drivers、lv_examples、lvg(个人习惯)
  3. 将lvgl-7.7.0\lvgl-7.7.0\examples\porting中的所有文件拷贝到上一步的lv_drivers中,并将后面的 _template 删除(个人习惯)
  4. 将 E:\01.MCU\05.GUI\sim\lvgl-7.7.0\lvgl-7.7.0\src中所有文件拷贝到第二步中的 lvg文件夹中。
  5. 将 lv_demos-7.7.0 文件夹中的文件全部拷贝第二步中的lv_examples文件夹中。
  6. 在keil 工程目录中新建三个文件分支(如图1),并把 GUI\lvg\src下的文件的C文件全部添加到GUI分组下(如图2)。
  7. 把 lv_examples下的 lv_ex_conf_template.h拷贝到 GUI目录下(图1),



图 3:

8. 在GUI_Drives 分组下添加 lv_drives文件夹中的 lv_port_disp.c(图1),并打开lv_port_disp.c文件,使能文件(图2),往下滑,在 ==lv_port_disp_init(void)==函数下选择一个缓存方案(如图3),我选择方案1,继续往下滑,找到 ==static void disp_flush(lv_disp_drv_t * disp_drv, const lv_area_t * area, lv_color_t * color_p)==函数添加液晶的打点函数(如图4)




  1. 接下来就是添加路劲了

  2. 经过以上几步就算移植完成了(比较啰嗦),接下来是配置littleVGL,打开工程中GUI目录下的lv_conf.h文件(只要能打开啥软件都可以),选择使能或不使能相关功能(如图2),我的配置源码在后面的附录。


  3. 添加littleVGL节拍,这里通过定时器实现,时间1ms

  4. 接下来打开 GUI\lv_examples\src\lv_ex_widgets\lv_ex_keyboard文件下的 lv_ex_keyboard_1.c文件(如图1),拷贝里面的代码(如图2),将拷贝的代码粘贴到main 函数下(如图3),并初始化液晶定时器等。

注意: 我这里为了方便演示,不是很规范,规范一点就把.c文件拷贝到GUI_APP文件夹下,并在keil工程中添加到GUI_APP分组下。




  1. 编译下载到STM32板子,效果如图,OK


之前我把littleVGL移植到STM32 HAL库的工程,一个很简单的Demo都爆空间不足,后来我改用标准库后就完美结局空间不足的尴尬局面,不难发现,如果使能了全部控件后,对MCU FLash 是个不小的考验。


lv_conf.h 源码

/*** @file lv_conf.h* Configuration file for v7.7.0-dev*//** COPY THIS FILE AS `lv_conf.h` NEXT TO the `lvgl` FOLDER*/#if 1/*Set it to "1" to enable content*/#ifndef LV_CONF_H
#define LV_CONF_H
/* clang-format off */#include <stdint.h>/*====================Graphical settings*====================*//* Maximal horizontal and vertical resolution to support by the library.*/
#define LV_HOR_RES_MAX          (480)
#define LV_VER_RES_MAX          (320)/* Color depth:* - 1:  1 byte per pixel* - 8:  RGB332* - 16: RGB565* - 32: ARGB8888*/
#define LV_COLOR_DEPTH     16/* Swap the 2 bytes of RGB565 color.* Useful if the display has a 8 bit interface (e.g. SPI)*/
#define LV_COLOR_16_SWAP   0/* 1: Enable screen transparency.* Useful for OSD or other overlapping GUIs.* Requires `LV_COLOR_DEPTH = 32` colors and the screen's style should be modified: `style.body.opa = ...`*/
#define LV_COLOR_SCREEN_TRANSP    0/*Images pixels with this color will not be drawn (with chroma keying)*/
#define LV_COLOR_TRANSP    LV_COLOR_LIME         /*LV_COLOR_LIME: pure green*//* Enable anti-aliasing (lines, and radiuses will be smoothed) */
#define LV_ANTIALIAS        1/* Default display refresh period.* Can be changed in the display driver (`lv_disp_drv_t`).*/
#define LV_DISP_DEF_REFR_PERIOD      30      /*[ms]*//* Dot Per Inch: used to initialize default sizes.* E.g. a button with width = LV_DPI / 2 -> half inch wide* (Not so important, you can adjust it to modify default sizes and spaces)*/
#define LV_DPI              130     /*[px]*//* The the real width of the display changes some default values:* default object sizes, layout of examples, etc.* According to the width of the display (hor. res. / dpi)* the displays fall in 4 categories.* The 4th is extra large which has no upper limit so not listed here* The upper limit of the categories are set below in 0.1 inch unit.*/
#define LV_DISP_LARGE_LIMIT  70/* Type of coordinates. Should be `int16_t` (or `int32_t` for extreme cases) */
typedef int16_t lv_coord_t;/*=========================Memory manager settings*=========================*//* LittelvGL's internal memory manager's settings.* The graphical objects and other related data are stored here. *//* 1: use custom malloc/free, 0: use the built-in `lv_mem_alloc` and `lv_mem_free` */
#define LV_MEM_CUSTOM      0
#if LV_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
/* Size of the memory used by `lv_mem_alloc` in bytes (>= 2kB)*/
#  define LV_MEM_SIZE    (16U * 1024U)/* Complier prefix for a big array declaration */
#  define LV_MEM_ATTR/* Set an address for the memory pool instead of allocating it as an array.* Can be in external SRAM too. */
#  define LV_MEM_ADR          0/* Automatically defrag. on free. Defrag. means joining the adjacent free cells. */
#  define LV_MEM_AUTO_DEFRAG  1
#else       /*LV_MEM_CUSTOM*/
#  define LV_MEM_CUSTOM_INCLUDE <stdlib.h>   /*Header for the dynamic memory function*/
#  define LV_MEM_CUSTOM_ALLOC   malloc       /*Wrapper to malloc*/
#  define LV_MEM_CUSTOM_FREE    free         /*Wrapper to free*/
#endif     /*LV_MEM_CUSTOM*//* Use the standard memcpy and memset instead of LVGL's own functions.* The standard functions might or might not be faster depending on their implementation. */
#define LV_MEMCPY_MEMSET_STD    0/* Garbage Collector settings* Used if lvgl is binded to higher level language and the memory is managed by that language */
#define LV_ENABLE_GC 0
#if LV_ENABLE_GC != 0
#  define LV_GC_INCLUDE "gc.h"                           /*Include Garbage Collector related things*/
#  define LV_MEM_CUSTOM_REALLOC   your_realloc           /*Wrapper to realloc*/
#  define LV_MEM_CUSTOM_GET_SIZE  your_mem_get_size      /*Wrapper to lv_mem_get_size*/
#endif /* LV_ENABLE_GC *//*=======================Input device settings*=======================*//* Input device default settings.* Can be changed in the Input device driver (`lv_indev_drv_t`)*//* Input device read period in milliseconds */
#define LV_INDEV_DEF_READ_PERIOD          30/* Drag threshold in pixels */
#define LV_INDEV_DEF_DRAG_LIMIT           10/* Drag throw slow-down in [%]. Greater value -> faster slow-down */
#define LV_INDEV_DEF_DRAG_THROW           10/* Long press time in milliseconds.* Time to send `LV_EVENT_LONG_PRESSSED`) */
#define LV_INDEV_DEF_LONG_PRESS_TIME      400/* Repeated trigger period in long press [ms]* Time between `LV_EVENT_LONG_PRESSED_REPEAT */
#define LV_INDEV_DEF_LONG_PRESS_REP_TIME  100/* Gesture threshold in pixels */
#define LV_INDEV_DEF_GESTURE_LIMIT        50/* Gesture min velocity at release before swipe (pixels)*/
#define LV_INDEV_DEF_GESTURE_MIN_VELOCITY 3/*==================* Feature usage*==================*//*1: Enable the Animations */
#define LV_USE_ANIMATION        1
#if LV_USE_ANIMATION/*Declare the type of the user data of animations (can be e.g. `void *`, `int`, `struct`)*/
typedef void * lv_anim_user_data_t;#endif/* 1: Enable shadow drawing on rectangles*/
#define LV_USE_SHADOW           1
/* Allow buffering some shadow calculation* LV_SHADOW_CACHE_SIZE is the max. shadow size to buffer,* where shadow size is `shadow_width + radius`* Caching has LV_SHADOW_CACHE_SIZE^2 RAM cost*/
#endif/*1: enable outline drawing on rectangles*/
#define LV_USE_OUTLINE  1/*1: enable pattern drawing on rectangles*/
#define LV_USE_PATTERN  1/*1: enable value string drawing on rectangles*/
#define LV_USE_VALUE_STR    1/* 1: Use other blend modes than normal (`LV_BLEND_MODE_...`)*/
#define LV_USE_BLEND_MODES      1/* 1: Use the `opa_scale` style property to set the opacity of an object and its children at once*/
#define LV_USE_OPA_SCALE        1/* 1: Use image zoom and rotation*/
#define LV_USE_IMG_TRANSFORM    1/* 1: Enable object groups (for keyboard/encoder navigation) */
#define LV_USE_GROUP            1
typedef void * lv_group_user_data_t;
#endif  /*LV_USE_GROUP*//* 1: Enable GPU interface*/
#define LV_USE_GPU              0   /*Only enables `gpu_fill_cb` and `gpu_blend_cb` in the disp. drv- */
#define LV_USE_GPU_STM32_DMA2D  0
/*If enabling LV_USE_GPU_STM32_DMA2D, LV_GPU_DMA2D_CMSIS_INCLUDE must be defined to include path of CMSIS header of target processor
e.g. "stm32f769xx.h" or "stm32f429xx.h" */
#define LV_GPU_DMA2D_CMSIS_INCLUDE/*1: Use PXP for CPU off-load on NXP RTxxx platforms */
#define LV_USE_GPU_NXP_PXP      0/*1: Add default bare metal and FreeRTOS interrupt handling routines for PXP (lv_gpu_nxp_pxp_osa.c)*   and call lv_gpu_nxp_pxp_init() automatically during lv_init(). Note that symbol FSL_RTOS_FREE_RTOS*   has to be defined in order to use FreeRTOS OSA, otherwise bare-metal implementation is selected.*0: lv_gpu_nxp_pxp_init() has to be called manually before lv_init()* */
#define LV_USE_GPU_NXP_PXP_AUTO_INIT 0/*1: Use VG-Lite for CPU offload on NXP RTxxx platforms */
#define LV_USE_GPU_NXP_VG_LITE   0/* 1: Enable file system (might be required for images */
#define LV_USE_FILESYSTEM       0
/*Declare the type of the user data of file system drivers (can be e.g. `void *`, `int`, `struct`)*/
typedef void * lv_fs_drv_user_data_t;
#endif/*1: Add a `user_data` to drivers and objects*/
#define LV_USE_USER_DATA        0/*1: Show CPU usage and FPS count in the right bottom corner*/
#define LV_USE_PERF_MONITOR     0/*1: Use the functions and types from the older API if possible */
#define LV_USE_API_EXTENSION_V7  1/*========================* Image decoder and cache*========================*//* 1: Enable indexed (palette) images */
#define LV_IMG_CF_INDEXED       1/* 1: Enable alpha indexed images */
#define LV_IMG_CF_ALPHA         1/* Default image cache size. Image caching keeps the images opened.* If only the built-in image formats are used there is no real advantage of caching.* (I.e. no new image decoder is added)* With complex image decoders (e.g. PNG or JPG) caching can save the continuous open/decode of images.* However the opened images might consume additional RAM.* LV_IMG_CACHE_DEF_SIZE must be >= 1 */
#define LV_IMG_CACHE_DEF_SIZE       1/*Declare the type of the user data of image decoder (can be e.g. `void *`, `int`, `struct`)*/
typedef void * lv_img_decoder_user_data_t;/*=====================*  Compiler settings*====================*//* For big endian systems set to 1 */
#define LV_BIG_ENDIAN_SYSTEM    0/* Define a custom attribute to `lv_tick_inc` function */
#define LV_ATTRIBUTE_TICK_INC/* Define a custom attribute to `lv_task_handler` function */
#define LV_ATTRIBUTE_TASK_HANDLER/* Define a custom attribute to `lv_disp_flush_ready` function */
#define LV_ATTRIBUTE_FLUSH_READY/* Required alignment size for buffers */
#define LV_ATTRIBUTE_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE/* With size optimization (-Os) the compiler might not align data to* 4 or 8 byte boundary. Some HW may need even 32 or 64 bytes.* This alignment will be explicitly applied where needed.* LV_ATTRIBUTE_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE should be used to specify required align size.* E.g. __attribute__((aligned(LV_ATTRIBUTE_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE))) */
#define LV_ATTRIBUTE_MEM_ALIGN/* Attribute to mark large constant arrays for example* font's bitmaps */
#define LV_ATTRIBUTE_LARGE_CONST/* Prefix performance critical functions to place them into a faster memory (e.g RAM)* Uses 15-20 kB extra memory */
#define LV_ATTRIBUTE_FAST_MEM/* Export integer constant to binding.* This macro is used with constants in the form of LV_<CONST> that* should also appear on lvgl binding API such as Micropython** The default value just prevents a GCC warning.*/
#define LV_EXPORT_CONST_INT(int_value) struct _silence_gcc_warning/* Prefix variables that are used in GPU accelerated operations, often these need to be* placed in RAM sections that are DMA accessible */
#define LV_ATTRIBUTE_DMA/*===================*  HAL settings*==================*//* 1: use a custom tick source.* It removes the need to manually update the tick with `lv_tick_inc`) */
#define LV_TICK_CUSTOM     0
#define LV_TICK_CUSTOM_INCLUDE  "Arduino.h"         /*Header for the system time function*/
#define LV_TICK_CUSTOM_SYS_TIME_EXPR (millis())     /*Expression evaluating to current system time in ms*/
#endif   /*LV_TICK_CUSTOM*/typedef void * lv_disp_drv_user_data_t;             /*Type of user data in the display driver*/
typedef void * lv_indev_drv_user_data_t;            /*Type of user data in the input device driver*//*================* Log settings*===============*//*1: Enable the log module*/
#define LV_USE_LOG      0
/* How important log should be added:* LV_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE       A lot of logs to give detailed information* LV_LOG_LEVEL_INFO        Log important events* LV_LOG_LEVEL_WARN        Log if something unwanted happened but didn't cause a problem* LV_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR       Only critical issue, when the system may fail* LV_LOG_LEVEL_NONE        Do not log anything*/
#  define LV_LOG_LEVEL    LV_LOG_LEVEL_WARN/* 1: Print the log with 'printf';* 0: user need to register a callback with `lv_log_register_print_cb`*/
#  define LV_LOG_PRINTF   0
#endif  /*LV_USE_LOG*//*=================* Debug settings*================*//* If Debug is enabled LittelvGL validates the parameters of the functions.* If an invalid parameter is found an error log message is printed and* the MCU halts at the error. (`LV_USE_LOG` should be enabled)* If you are debugging the MCU you can pause* the debugger to see exactly where  the issue is.** The behavior of asserts can be overwritten by redefining them here.* E.g. #define LV_ASSERT_MEM(p)  <my_assert_code>*/
#define LV_USE_DEBUG        1
#if LV_USE_DEBUG/*Check if the parameter is NULL. (Quite fast) */
#define LV_USE_ASSERT_NULL      1/*Checks is the memory is successfully allocated or no. (Quite fast)*/
#define LV_USE_ASSERT_MEM       1/*Check the integrity of `lv_mem` after critical operations. (Slow)*/
#define LV_USE_ASSERT_MEM_INTEGRITY       0/* Check the strings.* Search for NULL, very long strings, invalid characters, and unnatural repetitions. (Slow)* If disabled `LV_USE_ASSERT_NULL` will be performed instead (if it's enabled) */
#define LV_USE_ASSERT_STR       0/* Check NULL, the object's type and existence (e.g. not deleted). (Quite slow)* If disabled `LV_USE_ASSERT_NULL` will be performed instead (if it's enabled) */
#define LV_USE_ASSERT_OBJ       0/*Check if the styles are properly initialized. (Fast)*/
#define LV_USE_ASSERT_STYLE     0#endif /*LV_USE_DEBUG*//*==================*    FONT USAGE*===================*//* The built-in fonts contains the ASCII range and some Symbols with  4 bit-per-pixel.* The symbols are available via `LV_SYMBOL_...` defines* More info about fonts:* To create a new font go to:*//* Montserrat fonts with bpp = 4*  */
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_8     0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_10    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_12    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_14    1
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_16    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_18    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_20    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_22    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_24    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_26    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_28    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_30    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_32    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_34    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_36    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_38    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_40    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_42    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_44    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_46    0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_48    0/* Demonstrate special features */
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_12_SUBPX      0
#define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_28_COMPRESSED 0  /*bpp = 3*/
#define LV_FONT_DEJAVU_16_PERSIAN_HEBREW 0  /*Hebrew, Arabic, PErisan letters and all their forms*/
#define LV_FONT_SIMSUN_16_CJK            0  /*1000 most common CJK radicals*//*Pixel perfect monospace font* */
#define LV_FONT_UNSCII_8     0/* Optionally declare your custom fonts here.* You can use these fonts as default font too* and they will be available globally. E.g.* #define LV_FONT_CUSTOM_DECLARE LV_FONT_DECLARE(my_font_1) \*                                LV_FONT_DECLARE(my_font_2)*/
#define LV_FONT_CUSTOM_DECLARE/* Enable it if you have fonts with a lot of characters.* The limit depends on the font size, font face and bpp* but with > 10,000 characters if you see issues probably you need to enable it.*/
#define LV_FONT_FMT_TXT_LARGE   0/* Enables/disables support for compressed fonts. If it's disabled, compressed* glyphs cannot be processed by the library and won't be rendered.*/
#define LV_USE_FONT_COMPRESSED 1/* Enable subpixel rendering */
/* Set the pixel order of the display.* Important only if "subpx fonts" are used.* With "normal" font it doesn't matter.*/
#define LV_FONT_SUBPX_BGR    0
#endif/*Declare the type of the user data of fonts (can be e.g. `void *`, `int`, `struct`)*/
typedef void * lv_font_user_data_t;/*================*  THEME USAGE*================*//*Always enable at least on theme*//* No theme, you can apply your styles as you need* No flags. Set LV_THEME_DEFAULT_FLAG 0 */
#define LV_USE_THEME_EMPTY       1/*Simple to the create your theme based on it* No flags. Set LV_THEME_DEFAULT_FLAG 0 */
#define LV_USE_THEME_TEMPLATE    1/* A fast and impressive theme.* Flags:* LV_THEME_MATERIAL_FLAG_LIGHT: light theme* LV_THEME_MATERIAL_FLAG_DARK: dark theme* LV_THEME_MATERIAL_FLAG_NO_TRANSITION: disable transitions (state change animations)* LV_THEME_MATERIAL_FLAG_NO_FOCUS: disable indication of focused state)* */
#define LV_USE_THEME_MATERIAL    1/* Mono-color theme for monochrome displays.* If LV_THEME_DEFAULT_COLOR_PRIMARY is LV_COLOR_BLACK the* texts and borders will be black and the background will be* white. Else the colors are inverted.* No flags. Set LV_THEME_DEFAULT_FLAG 0 */
#define LV_USE_THEME_MONO        1#define LV_THEME_DEFAULT_INCLUDE            <stdint.h>      /*Include a header for the init. function*/
#define LV_THEME_DEFAULT_INIT               lv_theme_material_init
#define LV_THEME_DEFAULT_COLOR_PRIMARY      lv_color_hex(0x01a2b1)
#define LV_THEME_DEFAULT_COLOR_SECONDARY    lv_color_hex(0x44d1b6)
#define LV_THEME_DEFAULT_FONT_SMALL         &lv_font_montserrat_14
#define LV_THEME_DEFAULT_FONT_NORMAL        &lv_font_montserrat_14
#define LV_THEME_DEFAULT_FONT_SUBTITLE      &lv_font_montserrat_14
#define LV_THEME_DEFAULT_FONT_TITLE         &lv_font_montserrat_14/*=================*  Text settings*=================*//* Select a character encoding for strings.* Your IDE or editor should have the same character encoding* - LV_TXT_ENC_UTF8* - LV_TXT_ENC_ASCII* */
#define LV_TXT_ENC LV_TXT_ENC_UTF8/*Can break (wrap) texts on these chars*/
#define LV_TXT_BREAK_CHARS                  " ,.;:-_"/* If a word is at least this long, will break wherever "prettiest"* To disable, set to a value <= 0 */
#define LV_TXT_LINE_BREAK_LONG_LEN          0/* Minimum number of characters in a long word to put on a line before a break.* Depends on LV_TXT_LINE_BREAK_LONG_LEN. */
#define LV_TXT_LINE_BREAK_LONG_PRE_MIN_LEN  3/* Minimum number of characters in a long word to put on a line after a break.* Depends on LV_TXT_LINE_BREAK_LONG_LEN. */
#define LV_TXT_LINE_BREAK_LONG_POST_MIN_LEN 3/* The control character to use for signalling text recoloring. */
#define LV_TXT_COLOR_CMD "#"/* Support bidirectional texts.* Allows mixing Left-to-Right and Right-to-Left texts.* The direction will be processed according to the Unicode Bidirectioanl Algorithm:**/
#define LV_USE_BIDI     0
/* Set the default direction. Supported values:* `LV_BIDI_DIR_LTR` Left-to-Right* `LV_BIDI_DIR_RTL` Right-to-Left* `LV_BIDI_DIR_AUTO` detect texts base direction */
#endif/* Enable Arabic/Persian processing* In these languages characters should be replaced with* an other form based on their position in the text */
#define LV_USE_ARABIC_PERSIAN_CHARS 0/*Change the built in (v)snprintf functions*/
#  define LV_SPRINTF_INCLUDE <stdio.h>
#  define lv_snprintf     snprintf
#  define lv_vsnprintf    vsnprintf
#else   /*!LV_SPRINTF_CUSTOM*/
#endif  /*LV_SPRINTF_CUSTOM*//*===================*  LV_OBJ SETTINGS*==================*/#if LV_USE_USER_DATA
/*Declare the type of the user data of object (can be e.g. `void *`, `int`, `struct`)*/
typedef void * lv_obj_user_data_t;
/*Provide a function to free user data*/
#  define LV_USER_DATA_FREE_INCLUDE  "something.h"  /*Header for user data free function*/
/* Function prototype : void user_data_free(lv_obj_t * obj); */
#  define LV_USER_DATA_FREE  (user_data_free)       /*Invoking for user data free function*/
#endif/*1: enable `lv_obj_realign()` based on `lv_obj_align()` parameters*/
#define LV_USE_OBJ_REALIGN          1/* Enable to make the object clickable on a larger area.* LV_EXT_CLICK_AREA_OFF or 0: Disable this feature* LV_EXT_CLICK_AREA_TINY: The extra area can be adjusted horizontally and vertically (0..255 px)* LV_EXT_CLICK_AREA_FULL: The extra area can be adjusted in all 4 directions (-32k..+32k px)*/
#define LV_USE_EXT_CLICK_AREA  LV_EXT_CLICK_AREA_TINY/*==================*  LV OBJ X USAGE*================*/
/** Documentation of the object types:*//*Arc (dependencies: -)*/
#define LV_USE_ARC      1/*Bar (dependencies: -)*/
#define LV_USE_BAR      1/*Button (dependencies: lv_cont*/
#define LV_USE_BTN      1/*Button matrix (dependencies: -)*/
#define LV_USE_BTNMATRIX     1/*Calendar (dependencies: -)*/
#endif/*Canvas (dependencies: lv_img)*/
#define LV_USE_CANVAS   1/*Check box (dependencies: lv_btn, lv_label)*/
#define LV_USE_CHECKBOX       1/*Chart (dependencies: -)*/
#define LV_USE_CHART    1
#endif/*Container (dependencies: -*/
#define LV_USE_CONT     1/*Color picker (dependencies: -*/
#define LV_USE_CPICKER   1/*Drop down list (dependencies: lv_page, lv_label, lv_symbol_def.h)*/
#define LV_USE_DROPDOWN    1
/*Open and close default animation time [ms] (0: no animation)*/
#  define LV_DROPDOWN_DEF_ANIM_TIME     200
#endif/*Gauge (dependencies:lv_bar, lv_linemeter)*/
#define LV_USE_GAUGE    1/*Image (dependencies: lv_label*/
#define LV_USE_IMG      1/*Image Button (dependencies: lv_btn*/
#define LV_USE_IMGBTN   1
/*1: The imgbtn requires left, mid and right parts and the width can be set freely*/
#  define LV_IMGBTN_TILED 0
#endif/*Keyboard (dependencies: lv_btnm)*/
#define LV_USE_KEYBOARD       1/*Label (dependencies: -*/
#define LV_USE_LABEL    1
#if LV_USE_LABEL != 0
/*Hor, or ver. scroll speed [px/sec] in 'LV_LABEL_LONG_ROLL/ROLL_CIRC' mode*/
#  define LV_LABEL_DEF_SCROLL_SPEED       25/* Waiting period at beginning/end of animation cycle */
#  define LV_LABEL_WAIT_CHAR_COUNT        3/*Enable selecting text of the label */
#  define LV_LABEL_TEXT_SEL               0/*Store extra some info in labels (12 bytes) to speed up drawing of very long texts*/
#  define LV_LABEL_LONG_TXT_HINT          0
#endif/*LED (dependencies: -)*/
#define LV_USE_LED      1
#  define LV_LED_BRIGHT_MIN  120      /*Minimal brightness*/
#  define LV_LED_BRIGHT_MAX  255     /*Maximal brightness*/
#endif/*Line (dependencies: -*/
#define LV_USE_LINE     1/*List (dependencies: lv_page, lv_btn, lv_label, (lv_img optionally for icons ))*/
#define LV_USE_LIST     1
#if LV_USE_LIST != 0
/*Default animation time of focusing to a list element [ms] (0: no animation)  */
#  define LV_LIST_DEF_ANIM_TIME  100
#endif/*Line meter (dependencies: *;)*/
#define LV_USE_LINEMETER   1
/* Draw line more precisely at cost of performance.* Useful if there are lot of lines any minor are visible* 0: No extra precision* 1: Some extra precision* 2: Best precision*/
#endif/*Mask (dependencies: -)*/
#define LV_USE_OBJMASK  1/*Message box (dependencies: lv_rect, lv_btnm, lv_label)*/
#define LV_USE_MSGBOX     1/*Page (dependencies: lv_cont)*/
#define LV_USE_PAGE     1
#if LV_USE_PAGE != 0
/*Focus default animation time [ms] (0: no animation)*/
#  define LV_PAGE_DEF_ANIM_TIME     400
#endif/*Preload (dependencies: lv_arc, lv_anim)*/
#define LV_USE_SPINNER      1
#  define LV_SPINNER_DEF_ARC_LENGTH   60      /*[deg]*/
#  define LV_SPINNER_DEF_SPIN_TIME    1000    /*[ms]*/
#endif/*Roller (dependencies: lv_ddlist)*/
#define LV_USE_ROLLER    1
#if LV_USE_ROLLER != 0
/*Focus animation time [ms] (0: no animation)*/
#  define LV_ROLLER_DEF_ANIM_TIME     200/*Number of extra "pages" when the roller is infinite*/
#  define LV_ROLLER_INF_PAGES         7
#endif/*Slider (dependencies: lv_bar)*/
#define LV_USE_SLIDER    1/*Spinbox (dependencies: lv_ta)*/
#define LV_USE_SPINBOX       1/*Switch (dependencies: lv_slider)*/
#define LV_USE_SWITCH       1/*Text area (dependencies: lv_label, lv_page)*/
#define LV_USE_TEXTAREA       1
#  define LV_TEXTAREA_DEF_CURSOR_BLINK_TIME 400     /*ms*/
#  define LV_TEXTAREA_DEF_PWD_SHOW_TIME     1500    /*ms*/
#endif/*Table (dependencies: lv_label)*/
#define LV_USE_TABLE    1
#  define LV_TABLE_COL_MAX    12
#endif/*Tab (dependencies: lv_page, lv_btnm)*/
#define LV_USE_TABVIEW      1
#  if LV_USE_TABVIEW != 0
/*Time of slide animation [ms] (0: no animation)*/
#  define LV_TABVIEW_DEF_ANIM_TIME    300
#endif/*Tileview (dependencies: lv_page) */
#define LV_USE_TILEVIEW     1
/*Time of slide animation [ms] (0: no animation)*/
#endif/*Window (dependencies: lv_cont, lv_btn, lv_label, lv_img, lv_page)*/
#define LV_USE_WIN      1/*==================* Non-user section*==================*/#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)    /* Disable warnings for Visual Studio*/
#endif/*--END OF LV_CONF_H--*/#endif /*LV_CONF_H*/#endif /*End of "Content enable"*/


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