
  • 一、安装
    • 1. Vue2
    • 2. Vue3
  • 二、基本使用
    • 1. 直接打印页面HTML
    • 2. 个性化设置
    • 3. 打印URL
  • 三、API


1. Vue2

npm install vue-print-nb --save
import Print from 'vue-print-nb'
// Global instruction
Vue.use(Print);//or// Local instruction
import print from 'vue-print-nb'directives: {print

2. Vue3

npm install vue3-print-nb --save
// Global instruction
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import print from 'vue3-print-nb'
const app = createApp(App)
app.mount('#app')//or// Local instruction
import print from 'vue3-print-nb'directives: {print


1. 直接打印页面HTML

① 给要打印的部分设置一个 id
② 在打印按钮中添加 v-print="'#id名'"


<template><div><a-button v-print="'#printMe'">打印</a-button><a-table :columns="columns" :data-source="data" bordered id="printMe"></a-table></div>
const columns = [{title: 'Name',dataIndex: 'name',},{title: 'Cash Assets',className: 'column-money',dataIndex: 'money',},{title: 'Address',dataIndex: 'address',},
];const data = [{key: '1',name: 'John Brown',money: '¥300,000.00',address: 'New York No. 1 Lake Park',},{key: '2',name: 'Jim Green',money: '¥1,256,000.00',address: 'London No. 1 Lake Park',},{key: '3',name: 'Joe Black',money: '¥120,000.00',address: 'Sidney No. 1 Lake Park',},
];export default {data() {return {data,columns,};},

2. 个性化设置

打印按钮的 v-print 绑定一个对象

<template><div class="box"><a-table :columns="columns" :data-source="data" bordered id="printMe"></a-table><a-button v-print="printContent" class="btn no-print">打印</a-button></div>
const columns = [{title: 'Name',dataIndex: 'name',},{title: 'Cash Assets',className: 'column-money',dataIndex: 'money',},{title: 'Address',dataIndex: 'address',},
];const data = [{key: '1',name: 'John Brown',money: '¥300,000.00',address: 'New York No. 1 Lake Park',},{key: '2',name: 'Jim Green',money: '¥1,256,000.00',address: 'London No. 1 Lake Park',},{key: '3',name: 'Joe Black',money: '¥120,000.00',address: 'Sidney No. 1 Lake Park',},
];export default {data() {return {data,columns,tableHead: '测试表格',printContent: {id: "printMe", // 打印的区域preview: false, // 预览工具是否启用previewTitle: '这是预览标题', // 预览页面的标题popTitle: '', // 打印页面的页眉extraCss: "https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/animate.css/4.1.1/animate.compat.css, https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/hover.css/2.3.1/css/hover-min.css",extraHead: '<meta http-equiv="Content-Language"content="zh-cn"/>',previewBeforeOpenCallback() {console.log('正在加载预览窗口')},previewOpenCallback() {console.log('已经加载完预览窗口')},beforeOpenCallback(vue) {vue.printLoading = trueconsole.log('打开之前')},openCallback(vue) {vue.printLoading = falseconsole.log('执行了打印')},closeCallback() {console.log('关闭了打印工具')},clickMounted(vue){console.log('点击了打印按钮');vue.printContent.popTitle = vue.tableHead // 动态设置页眉}}}}

① 预览工具

3. 打印URL

① 给 打印按钮的 v-print 绑定一个对象
② 对象添加 url 属性


<template><div class="box"><a-table :columns="columns" :data-source="data" bordered></a-table><a-button v-print="printContent" class="btn no-print" >打印</a-button></div>
const columns = [{title: 'Name',dataIndex: 'name',},{title: 'Cash Assets',className: 'column-money',dataIndex: 'money',},{title: 'Address',dataIndex: 'address',},
];const data = [{key: '1',name: 'John Brown',money: '¥300,000.00',address: 'New York No. 1 Lake Park',},{key: '2',name: 'Jim Green',money: '¥1,256,000.00',address: 'London No. 1 Lake Park',},{key: '3',name: 'Joe Black',money: '¥120,000.00',address: 'Sidney No. 1 Lake Park',},
];export default {data() {return {data,columns,tableHead: '测试表格',printContent: {url: 'http://localhost:8081/', // 打印的urlpreview: false, // 预览工具是否启用previewTitle: '这是预览标题',popTitle: '', // 打印页面的页眉extraCss: "https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/animate.css/4.1.1/animate.compat.css, https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/hover.css/2.3.1/css/hover-min.css",extraHead: '<meta http-equiv="Content-Language"content="zh-cn"/>',}}},


Parame Explain Type OptionalValue DefaultValue
id Range print ID, required value String
standard Document type (Print local range only) String html5/loose/strict html5
extraHead Add DOM nodes in the node, and separate multiple nodes with , (Print local range only) String
extraCss New CSS style sheet , and separate multiple nodes with ,(Print local range only) String
popTitle Content of label (Print local range only) String
openCallback Call the successful callback function of the printing tool Function Returns the instance of Vue called at that time
closeCallback Close the callback function of printing tool success Function Returns the instance of Vue called at that time
beforeOpenCallback Callback function before calling printing tool Function Returns the instance of Vue called at that time
url Print the specified URL. (It is not allowed to set the ID at the same time) String
asyncUrl Return URL through ‘resolve()’ and Vue Function
preview Preview tool Boolean false
previewTitle Preview tool Title String ‘打印预览’
previewPrintBtnLabel The name of the preview tool button String ‘打印’
zIndex CSS of preview tool: z-index String,Number 20002
previewBeforeOpenCallback Callback function before starting preview tool Function Returns the instance of Vue
previewOpenCallback Callback function after fully opening preview tool Function Returns the instance of Vue
clickMounted Click the callback function of the print button Function Returns the instance of Vue

vue-print 实现打印功能相关推荐

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  2. vue中实现打印功能的方法与注意事项

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  3. Vue页面实现打印功能

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  4. vue 实现 发票打印功能

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